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Wikileaks Video Released!!

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posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by Blood Eagle

What was in that video was not war, to call it war is a god damn slap in the god dam face of any American who has been dropped in the middle of no where and asked to survive if he can.

Don't do that man, don't act like you know whats up because you look like a double-damned fool trying.

Look at that video, LOOK AT IT!

If you can call what you saw in that video a WAR, you need to get off your video game and read a book.

But don't disrespect the many who have died in a real god damn war with your petty holier than thou soap box lecture.


posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by Blood Eagle

I agree to an extent. But it is a person’s choice to sign up to the armed forces and shoot, maime and generally blow up like minded people. The problem is, those victims in the video didnt make that choice. They are just innocent civilians.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by Elvis_Is_Dead]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by Elvis_Is_Dead

I agree to an extent. But it is a person’s choice to sign up to the armed forces and shoot, maime and generally blow up like minded people. Which is fine.

...I'm not so sure that it "Is Fine" at all ya know!

EDIT: Surprise you edited your post now.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by Rising Against]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by Blood Eagle
Well for 90% of the people posting on this thread, you will never have to be put in this situation because I am sure you would ride a unicorn into battle shotting gum drops and hersheys kisses at everyone. How can you know war when to you it is just a word and a quick emotion. Hind sight is 20/20 and that is the world 'peaceful minded people' see.

My family has been in the direct line of war, lost family, uncle has no legs, cousin packed raped in a ethnic cleansing camp for 6 months, 2 other cousins in a mental health facility still because they were pumped full of heroin to be able to fight on the front line, and still shell shocked 10 years later...know what I did? Raised support and gave shelter for women and children on BOTH sides of the conflict, i see us all as people not "nationalities" i don't care about the brainwashing for religions etc that tell me which collective i feel i should belong to in order to be in power...Im part of the human collective, and you my friend can keep your gum drops and unicorns, they are not needed. I certainly hope you never know war, I wouldn't wish it on my worst "enemy"

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:46 AM

Maybe we actively choose NOT to consider our career choice as a gun-toting murderer?
Just a thought?

Wise words from a man who eats grasshoppers. But know this, if a man cannot come to respect and understand the way of war; war will find him and he will not be prepared to defend his right to live.

I respect your decision to remain a pacifist, but your commentary carries as much weight and understanding as a dog barking at a vacuum cleaner.

Do not think I enjoy war, who the hell does? It's disgusting and wrong, but to simply denounce actions that could not have been prevented is selfish.
These soldiers did not wish to harm the innocent, but to crucify them for their actions is no less unforgiveable.

whatever, war sucks yay flower children.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by Blood Eagle]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by jeddun
that said...i feel that this portion of the world should be nuked to glass..make it one big parking lot..these nations contribute ZERO to the world in a positive sense..all those beating the drum of ignorance should watch something other than the liberal media...[edit on 5-4-2010 by jeddun]

So I heard you want to turn my home into glass parking lot, why dont you give me your name and address so I can send you the air-ticket for Iraq and perhaps I may come to your home and visit you and your family personally. I assure you there will be a glass parking lot provided.

Originally posted by jeddun
reply to post by Unlimitedpossibilities
I totally hear ya man..hey look i have 3 kids of my own..

Waste on society like yourself.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by Elvis_Is_Dead
reply to post by Blood Eagle

I agree to an extent. But it is a person’s choice to sign up to the armed forces and shoot, maime and generally blow up like minded people. Which is fine. The problem is, those victims in the video didnt make that choice. They are just innocent civilians.

You agree to an extent? what the hell does that mean?

You people just blab your flap as if your opinion counts and you don't even know what your saying, for if you did you would know that what you just said means nothing.

How in the seventh sphynkter of hell does sitting safely and comfortably in the world most advanced and state of the art copper picking of a bunch of third world flip flop wearing, starving civilians constitute as combat?

they are in a destroyed country whit no infrastucher, no military and one that has problems getting clean water and you guys are rambling on as if this was a war.....

The training the soldiers in these choppers received was more dangerous than what they encountered in this video. Shooting fish in a bucket is not war, never will be.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:49 AM

Wise words from a man who eats grasshoppers. But know this, if a man cannot come to respect and understand the way of war; war will find him and he will not be prepared to defend his right to live.

I respect your decision to remain a pacifist, but your commentary carries as much weight as understanding as a dog barking at a vacuum cleaner.

So you are asking be to RESPECT the idiots in that helicopter who attacked unarmed and innocent men?

Is that what you are asking me?

In fact my commentary carries MUCH more weight than yours, as i have contacted dozens and dozens of media and editorials aswell as doing my best to make this public.

It seems to me you are clutching at straws and your childish insults and vague metaphors do very little to back up your obnoxious attitude.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by mr-lizard]

[edit on 6-4-2010 by mr-lizard]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by jeddun
reply to post by Tifozi

Hey i was also a sniper. marine Recon.

Rank and serial number? Prove it or you are lying and nothing more than a 12 yr old sitting in ur mom's basement herp derp trolling. Let this board moderators of ATS verify your claim by tracing your ip and your documents. upto it?

[edit on 6-4-2010 by anonmoux]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Some of the soldiers serving in Iraq have lost the real objective of the war. And clearly so have some of the public who only observe the war from the media.

Just ask them why we have troops stationed in Iraq. Their answers won't collaborate with the actions of these pilots or the troops runing over the dead body on the ground that's for sure.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:08 AM
To be honest,i dont see the bad thing in this video. I am also a former Elitesoldier and been in war. You normal and everyday living people dont know how it is down there. Its all about survival,you cant trust no one. If you are uncertain of your life,shoot. Because if you dont,i promise you that they will. They WILL kill you.

If i was in the same position as those in the video, i would also shoot them. Just look at their body langauge,if you dont know anything about war or psychology you dont understand.

I do not respect troops who shoot down people for fun,but in this case i dont think its the issue.

If you have seen what they do down there, iraqi and many others,they rape,shoot,torture eachother like animals. Normal rules and regulations are usually taken away. And the persons are typical persons who dont understand peace or reason,you cant talk with them,its impossible because they wont understand.

This is a video of a well done job. Not anything else. If bombs aint raining from the sky were you are sitting right now. Your opinion doesnt even count,cause you are in heaven and they are in hell.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:09 AM
90% of the people on this thread will cry bloody murder. Unfortunately there wille be the other 10% who will atempt to justify what happened as an 'error of judgement' or 'just war'!

I'm personally no longer interested in changing opinions, not that I was good at it anyway.

[sarcasm] Apparently only people who have been and seen war will know that the military is not at fault here. Those people should have known their equipment would look threatening to an Apache pilot and they should not have been Iraqi's either because we are here to protect them even if it means scattering their bits across the dirt.[/sarcasm]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by anonmoux

Please use common sense when replying sir. If you dont even belive that soldiers exist,then you are on a very wrong forum.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by Izarith

Originally posted by Elvis_Is_Dead
reply to post by Blood Eagle

I agree to an extent. But it is a person’s choice to sign up to the armed forces and shoot, maime and generally blow up like minded people. Which is fine. The problem is, those victims in the video didnt make that choice. They are just innocent civilians.

You agree to an extent? what the hell does that mean?

You people just blab your flap as if your opinion counts and you don't even know what your saying, for if you did you would know that what you just said means nothing.

How in the seventh sphynkter of hell does sitting safely and comfortably in the world most advanced and state of the art copper picking of a bunch of third world flip flop wearing, starving civilians constitute as combat?

they are in a destroyed country whit no infrastucher, no military and one that has problems getting clean water and you guys are rambling on as if this was a war.....

The training the soldiers in these choppers received was more dangerous than what they encountered in this video. Shooting fish in a bucket is not war, never will be.

Relax, you have misunderstood my post. We are arguing the same point. You will notice that I have edited my post to remove the sentence 'Which is fine' as this was meant as sarcasm. I realise that this didn’t come across well through the medium of internet and for the sake of Americans everywhere I later removed it.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by Archirvion
To be honest,i dont see the bad thing in this video. I am also a former Elitesoldier and been in war. You normal and everyday living people dont know how it is down there. Its all about survival,you cant trust no one.

If you fail to see what is bad then you obviously have been 'conditioned' to thinking murder is fine.

It's NOT about survival. Those men were NOT going to harm anyone.

They didn't even have weapons. Maybe you should get your head checked?

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:15 AM
i understand what they were going through but they should have backed off after the van came.
they were still in the sights.

tragic for sure.

easy for me, i wasn't there.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:18 AM
# makes me sick

America this is how your military represents you on the field in war in other countries , your soldiers are murderers in cold blood!

So you are all guilty of their crimes too !

" He's getting up , Maybe he has a weapon down in his hand? "

" No i havent seen one yet "

" I see you got that guy whos crawling right now on that curb"

" Yeh I got him , i put two rounds near him , and you guys were shooting over there too so uh we'll see "

" Cmon buddy , all you gotta do is pick up a weapon "

Its not enough they just wasted 8 guys they are goading him to pick up a gun to finish the job !

US military are animals
I've emailed BBC , Chinese news media , Russian news media , French news media , German news media , and papers in scotland .

Bill Blum got this sent to him as well

These apache soldiers need to be named and shamed then dishonourably discharged , extradited to Iraq and publicly executed in front of the familes they have ruined !

[edit on 6-4-2010 by sapien82]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:18 AM
So the soldiers carrying the children away from the van were obviously blood thirsty jackals. That's what many of you want to hear and would feel content going to bed knowing your such a better person than those 'murderer's.

More children die every day in our nation from neglect, abuse and murder than iraq and afghanistan combined. But of course we should not correct that issue and instead focus on soldiers because if we don't who would we blame for our problems?
If we can't meet in the middle on this then we are doomed to have a ying yang relationship with war and peace of which there is no end.

But for those who would wish to change my 'jackboots into sandals' I thank you for your input and respect it fully. That is the first step in achieving reason.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Archirvion
To be honest,i dont see the bad thing in this video. I am also a former Elitesoldier and been in war. You normal and everyday living people dont know how it is down there. Its all about survival,you cant trust no one. If you are uncertain of your life,shoot. Because if you dont,i promise you that they will. They WILL kill you.

I understand being on the battlefield the point of view may be different, BUT remember, you volunteered yourself to be placed in that situation knowing damn well what your getting yourself into.

these guys fired at people trying to help the wounded get out of there. that's MURDER, and a violation of the Geneva convention.

[edit on 4/6/2010 by ugie1028]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by Archirvion
reply to post by anonmoux

Please use common sense when replying sir. If you dont even belive that soldiers exist,then you are on a very wrong forum.

If he is soldier as he is claiming what is the problem in verifying the claim? There is none..I want to meet that guy and tell him a thing or two about how parking glass lot are made who is threatening and suggesting to make my home and family into glass parking lot. I will deliver on my promise to give him a glass parking lot in his home itself if he is too afraid to come to Iraq.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by anonmoux]

[edit on 6-4-2010 by anonmoux]

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