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The Tea Party Is Over - The conspiracy to kill a grass roots political movement

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posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Well put!

My only choice is No Choice.

The No Party.

That's the party I'll put my feeble support behind.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
Neither socialism or fascism is to the RIGHT.

They are both to the LEFT.

When people speak about left and right, do you even know what you are saying?

Dems-Socialist control.
Repubs-Fascist control.

Here is an easy thing for you people to remember-


You are talking about the FALSE left/right paradigm.

There is people that want freedom and there are those that want CONTROL.

The Dems and the Repubs both want CONTROL.

The Dems want social control and the Repubs want economic control and they both want CONTROL of the world. Do you not understand this?

Libertarian social and Libertarian economic ideals are the only way we are going to get out from under the boots of both parties.

Wake up my fellow Americans, before your freedoms are taken completely by both parties.

Actually most Anarchism leans to the left in ideology. Your scale there is not quite accurate. I'm not sure if you've seen this yet, but it's called the Political Compass... and it turns a linear left/right scale into a more encompassing/intuitive scale of left-wing vs. right wing laterally and authoritarian versus libertarian vertically. You should be able to take a quiz to see where you stand...

I'm an Anarchist so my spot on the grid would be in the bottom left box, thus a left-wing libertarian.

I think the political compass is a much more accurate/useful diagram of political leanings. Here's a cool graphic demonstrating different historical peoples' leanings within it...


posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by 23refugee
The No Party.

Not to be confused with "The Party of No".

Little political humor there to lighten the mood.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
This is not a Republican or Democrat slight, I see both parties as fools.

The heads of them and the people who follow them.

It isn't? Are you talking about the Republic of the United States, or are you talking about some other country?

A lot of people are very ignorant as to what this country really is, or at least what it is supposed to be, and how the forefathers of this great Republic intended it to be.

The Republic of the United States is neither a Democracy, nor a Liberal state sorry to say, and I know there are many who have tried to twist around the meaning of what the Republic is, or what it should be just to fulfill their own visions of what this country should become according to their beliefs and ideas. As an example, Democrats in power when confronted with what the Constitution states in Article 4 Section 4, respond that "no one knows what the forefathers meant as a Republican government"....

Am I one of the few people who sees clearly, and understand what Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States means?

U.S. Constitution - Article 4 Section 4

Article 4 - The States
Section 4 - Republican Government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,....

I have read the responses, and claims from a lot of people, and members who talk about "defending the Constitution of the United States", but sometimes I wonder if what those people, and members want to defend are only some parts of Constitution of the United States and then they want to ignore other parts of it.

Meanwhile it is true that the Republican party has been infiltrated by RINOs, and most of the rest have been bought off, none of it changes the fact that this is a Republic, and it doesn't change the real meaning of what being a Republican is, which is to be an advocate of the Republic and against all forms of tyranny.

There are lots of talk about "change", which ironically was the same claim, and excuse made by the current administration to get power over the Republic of the U.S., and which is systematically "changing" it to a point that it will soon not be recognised by most Americans.

But my question is, what sort of changes are people talking about? Do they want to change or fire all those politicians who go against everything the Republic of the united States is supposed to be? Do they want to have a government that will really represent the people, and work for the people? I am all for that.

But if what such people want to do is to change the Republic of the United States into something different from what the forefathers of the Republic intended it to be, if what these people want is 'to write a new Constitution, and a new Bills of rights", well, neither millions of other Americans nor I will back this sort of "change".

A lot of people obviously haven't learned yet that the word "change" in and of itself doesn't mean, or guarantees "good changes for the people, and by the people".

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
The people who blindly follow the dictum of partisan politics, instead of thinking, are solely to blame, because they are following those people who have an agenda, to keep up the partisan bickering, the partisan squabbling, and the partisan sham, as a means to a sideshow, nothing more.

Bread and Circuses my friend, bread and circuses.

I am sure that I think very well for myself, and even though I don't think that the Republican party in power is representing, or following what real Republicanism is all about, it doesn't change the fact that I am a Republican, and I will be a Republican until the day I die.

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
It is a shame, really, I had hoped the Tea Party might make a change.

And again tell us what sort of changes are those that you want. Do you want among the changes that you think should exist to erase those parts of the Constitution that you don't agree with? such as the fact that the Constitution of the united States clearly states what sort of government should be guarateed to every state? What sort of changes are you talking about?

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
Alas, the Agent Provocateurs were salivating at the chance to rip that virgin asunder.

I have noticed lately that when some people don't like the fact that others disagree with their point of view such people are labeled as "agent provocateurs" and given other names simply because some people don't want to understand, or accet that others don't agree with them.

I hope you do know by now that there are certain people, and groups that are using all these hopes of "change" to change the Republic of the United States into what it was never meant to be.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by NoHierarchy

Actually most Anarchism leans to the left in ideology. Your scale there is not quite accurate. I'm not sure if you've seen this yet, but it's called the Political Compass... and it turns a linear left/right scale into a more encompassing/intuitive scale of left-wing vs. right wing laterally and authoritarian versus libertarian vertically. You should be able to take a quiz to see where you stand...

The part about anarchism being leftist is something I just found out recently, and I found out some other things athat least some "anarchists" want which other people should learn about, and understand what it means. I am going to write a post showing some information, which ironically anarchists seem to want to among other things destroy, or disrupt the "tea party".

As for the "political compass" I don't think that thing is right... it actually put me on the left side, as a libertarian left...

I often wondered how can people, or why they put labels on other people by just making a few questions, or knowing just a few things.

There is a lot more to it than 40 questions or so, and for all of them all your only choices are to agree, or disagree...

[edit on 4-4-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

If I don't laugh, I'll cry.

No confusion here. They're the Party of No Thanks when it comes to people like me.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by NoHierarchy

I've brought this same subject to endisnighe, he chooses to believe that the 'compass' is a straight line versus a wide array. I like to reference this same website because it really breaks down the different factions.

reply to ElectricUniverse

As for the "political compass" I don't think that thing is right... it actually put me on the left side, as a libertarian left...

Straight from the FAQ of the site:

17. You can't be libertarian and left wing.

This is almost exclusively an American response, overlooking the undoubtedly libertarian tradition of European anarcho-syndicalism.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by NoHierarchy

Actually most Anarchism leans to the left in ideology. Your scale there is not quite accurate. I'm not sure if you've seen this yet, but it's called the Political Compass... and it turns a linear left/right scale into a more encompassing/intuitive scale of left-wing vs. right wing laterally and authoritarian versus libertarian vertically. You should be able to take a quiz to see where you stand...

The part about anarchism being leftist is something I just found out recently, and I found out some other things athat least some "anarchists" want which other people should learn about, and understand what it means. I am going to write a post showing some information, which ironically anarchists seem to want to among other things destroy, or disrupt the "tea party".

As for the "political compass" I don't think that thing is right... it actually put me on the left side, as a libertarian left...

I often wondered how can people, or why they put labels on other people by just making a few questions, or knowing just a few things.

There is a lot more to it than 40 questions or so, and for all of them all your only choices are to agree, or disagree...

[edit on 4-4-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

Yeah... most people are very very mislead about what Anarchism and Anarchists actually is/are. I highly suggest you take some time to research Anarchism, it's basic definitions, history, important historical figures, important modern figures, the different leanings within Anarchism, and the actual belief systems/proposed solutions. I think Anarchism would be agreeable to most people, in fact I know it is because 90% of our daily interactions are Anarchic and for 90% of human history we lived in more/less Anarchy with nowhere NEAR the level of oppression, greed, warfare, and environmental destruction as we see in the past 10,000 years. But I digress...

Why wouldn't we want to destroy/disrupt the tea party?? They're, in too many ways, a disgusting perversion of revolt, resistance, and activism; and at the very least an overly cock-sure greenhorn movement that is acting without thinking. They were started, not by grassroots efforts, but by corporatist/neo-con elites trying to manipulate populist rage and turn it to corrupt ends and against the best interests of the very "tea-baggers" that it uses. Not to mention the whole tea-party thing is rife with falsehoods, inaccuracies, ignorance, and infiltration/propagandizing by corrupt powers. I can agree with a good deal of the grievances of some of the tea-baggers, but I think they've been sorely mislead and whipped up into a paranoid fearful fervor that many radicals on the left fear will be used to bring ABOUT fascism rather than prevent it. This is in part because most of the tea-baggers are right-wing newbies to activism, resistance, protest, and politics and this makes them very susceptible to lies/propaganda, whereas the activist left is MUCH MORE seasoned, knowledgeable, and experienced with resisting the system, both government and economic aspects of it. At the end of the day, the left and right of the POPULACE should be able to get together and agree on most problems/solutions... or at least be able to restructure our government/society so that we can more easily experiment (micro-cosmically) with different/conflicting socio-economic ideas/ideals.

I'd only want the tea-party infiltrated to counteract the negative influences and instead seek to unite left and right-wing activist groups that are composed of THE PEOPLE rather than started and directed (behind the scenes) by the very elites we're all fighting against. And with the tea-party, I see FAR too much poison in that tea-kettle...

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 10:41 AM
People believe in passive resistance, Voting, and a revolt of words.

I do not.

The idea that the Tea Party would be successful was laughable from the start, and I said as much (I'm the only one laughing now). I am angry, furious to be honest. But what is there to do?


In days past the sort of "We need massive change but we shouldn't lift a finger in violence" mentality could work, and has worked.

These days it can not. The political/media subterfuge is too dense to parse without serious forms of attention. Words lack this attention as even powerful words are drowned in an ocean of dissent from those on TV, radio, and the internet.

We have no concrete endgame, so there can be no path chosen to get there.

We live in a nation that has forgotten our own history and WHY our culture and system was established (and how) to begin with. This is an uphill battle because people do not WANT to know.

Would violence work? Maybe, but it would be met with severe and harsh response by those who the desire calm seas of the status quo.

Do not delude yourselves. Aside from the watered down socialists, communists, and financial liberals of all sorts, you have literally millions of people in this country who avoid confrontation, do not seek information or understanding, do not wish to pick sides, and are the spineless cowards who make the large portion of any society.

THAT is who we fight, and chances are it's beyond an uphill battle.

We talk and preen about waking people up, but they don't want it and don't even know they are asleep.

Bold and serious anti-social moves are needed, not more stupid, pointless, and ridiculous protests are needed. Period.

Vandalism and real disobedience is the place to start. They want you cowed and to keep playing the "non-violent" card. It makes you weak because your enemies don't play nice and they don't play fair.

They never will, so why would you?

[edit on 5-4-2010 by KrazyJethro]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 04:52 PM
The Tea Party concept was flawed from the beginning. Some of my ancestors pulled off the first American "tea party". Let me be clear: they knew the stakes were human flesh and blood. They were subject to summary execution and they would no doubt have killed without hesitation had they been discovered.

We are not there yet, although it may come to it soon.

In the mean time, we need to understand the idea of a mass revolt by the US population is almost impossible. The biomass is well pacified and "diverse" meaning it has no natural cohesion other than a love (lust?) for the Almighty US Buck. Since the buck is approaching worthlessness, even that adhering commonality is failing.

What is needed is to derive an effective and robust strategy that is several moves ahead of the little game they are playing without our knowledge. Our reaction is their entertainment. We need to think strategically.

There is another vector worth pursuing, that of the dangerous idea. For all the Beck bashing, he is teaching people about the Constitution, the Declaration, and that itself leads to its own line of inquiry that has a natural, predictable outcome -- thus the reason why it has been abandoned as a matter of civic conditioning by our educrats.

Teach, teach, and teach more. Read the primary documents as many are still available. Many of you would be surprised at what you read, even those who think themselves well-versed.

Descendant of Patriots, Huguenots, and a few Loyalists to be fair.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Yeah man! I wonder how many of today's "anarchists" even know the name "Red Emma" Goldman and her imported, ghetto brand of "anarchy" that resulted in the cold-blooded assassination of President McKinley by fellow imported "Huddled Mass of Wretched Refuse" Leon Czolgosz.

(Not to mention all the other mayhem that surrounded her bad attitude toward her adopted homeland. Makes one wonder why she came here... not that I'm a conspiracy theorist...)

Anyway, not many know, I wager. Of those that do... there is a special place in hell for them.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

The part about anarchism being leftist is something I just found out recently, and I found out some other things athat least some "anarchists" want which other people should learn about, and understand what it means. [edit on 4-4-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:06 PM
The blood of William McKinley is on your hands. Your own words here validate your guilt-by-association with the proto-bolshevism that was known as "anarchy" when it first washed upon our shores more than a century ago.

Be gone, you huddled masses and wretched refuse! Take your old world hatred and bigotry against "all things bright and beautiful" with you!

reply to post by NoHierarchy

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by joeofthemountain
The blood of William McKinley is on your hands. Your own words here validate your guilt-by-association with the proto-bolshevism that was known as "anarchy" when it first washed upon our shores more than a century ago.

Be gone, you huddled masses and wretched refuse! Take your old world hatred and bigotry against "all things bright and beautiful" with you!

Sorry to be so blunt... but you're a babbling idiot.

Do your homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd have a completely different post. If you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know of the October Revolution and the BETRAYAL of Anarchists by the Bolsheviks. You'd know about the 1918 Cheka massacre of Anarchists. You'd know that Emma Goldman came to America for the FREEDOM it offered over Soviet authoritarianism and Communism.

Quote by Goldman:

The state, anti-capitalist though it was, also posed a threat. "I could never in my life work within the confines of the State," she wrote to her niece, "Bolshevist or otherwise."

You'd know that claiming Anarchists and Emma Goldman have blood on their hands (because one random guy who liked Goldman's speech decided to assassinate McKinley) is false, hysterical, and a mindless denunciation of FREE SPEECH. We have the FREEDOM in this country to speak freely and Goldman never told Czolgosz to assassinate McKinley, he did it of his own volition, Emma was arrested because he followed her works and approached her before she got onto a bus a few days before.

Do you have any idea the witch-hunt that went on against Anarchists of that day? Ever hear of Sacco and Vanzetti? Many Anarchists distanced themselves from Goldman after she openly supported Czolgosz's motivations. And even so... maybe she was right, I can't say and I won't either way till I know fully what kind of man McKinley was. Don't you dare speak about all anarchists when you obviously know nothing about the issues though.

Also... what the hell do you care if McKinley was assassinated...??

Here's some reading material:

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 08:09 PM
I agree with you SkepticOverlord that the TPM is comming to an end. It is similar to the way the French Revolution was. although I'm not talking about the violence, I'm talking about the way people felt about the people in power. Although to get us to that state of mind is simple. Starve us and then we'll have a revolution.

I knew the TPM was going down the drain when they had Sarah Palin promote governor Perry of Texas. He's hated so much by the Tea party I know of.

Also I notice some contraditions in the local TPM here in San Antoino. The TPM is for less government and a champion of the private sector. But The TPM movement here in SA are against the proposed Private Toll Roads here in town.

Another thing is that Convention in Nashville. They pretty much made everyone charge $500 a ticket to attend and even then the people were not unified at all. It was all angered at this and that and those who couldn't attend the event were left out.

The one thing I notice overall and universal was that this time, unlike the Pro War protest of the Protest Warrior movement, The TPM started to act like the Anti War protesters they were against and the pro healthcare protesters simply smiled and snickered.

But what really did it was this video. The protest took place in Ohio and see how the pro healthcare protesters acted just like the protest warriors of years pass while the anti healthcare people act like Children with a tantrum.


The guy with parkison disease has doctorate in physics.

It's not just about healthcare but also about science, technology and such. When I see this video, I don't see outrage people, I see an attack on the parts that made our country once great and the keys to keeping this country competitive in future markets.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 10:46 PM
The Tea Party for me, was a roll of the dice by Rupert Murdock to try and form a third party that embraced his ideals for corporate breaks whilst wrapped up in the flag of American Patriotism
Formed from disgruntled republicans & right wing fringe elements and sponsored by cash for gold.

It failed when it was realized that the Tea-Baggers were the Ralph Nader version of the GOP!!

did I get something wrong there?

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 10:49 PM
Maybe I'm not invited to the rally

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 07:13 AM
The Tea party group may be done as a political party, but as a group
that draws attention to the problems and corruption of the other two
parties they will remain.

They may not be the steamroller they were, but they will continue
to have some effect.

As a group that will continue to point out how the looting of this
country is being done on purpose they will remain.

Democrats have lost seats, and now some Republican shoe-ins
have dropped out of elections.

The Tea party as a political party may be gone, but its collateral
damage is not done yet.

Ppl are starting to see that the Democrats and Republicans will lie
when it suits their agendas, and a large portion of both are paid
off puppets.

They will still keep an eye on those running amok, and put out
alerts on who are part of the continued attack on the US from within.

Another aspect is some ppl are doing their imitation of "Atlas Shrugs".

They are simply shutting down, and withdrawing their tax revenue
from this corrupt game.

It does play into the Agenda 21's plans, but I now believe that what we
have will take a Galt's Gulch approach to "Starve the Beast"
as some have called it.

The game is rigged, and some ppl are leaving the game.

Tracking of moving truck companies like U-haul show the places that
are suffering the most are seeing ppl not move to other cities but to
mostly rural states and out of the rat race.

Ppl moving to more rural states and florida

Rural areas are seeing an upswing due to this migration.

Agenda 21 did not want that, they wanted them packed in the cities.

So its not working exactly as they planned for by the Agenda 21 folks.

Ppl have started to read more because they are upset and feel
betrayed, and I think that is going to continue.

Any kind of organized free thinking group will be attacked by TPTB.

The only thing that will work is non-violent guerilla warfare,
much like was used against the hadley climate unit.

That put a MAJOR chink in the global warming falsifiers.

That kind of attacks exposing their lies, and globally embarrassing
the hell out them is VERY effective.

In a matter of days most of North America thought Global Warming
was a total sham and backed by lies, which is the truth we now know.

We just need a few hidden spy cameras and mics in the right places
at the right time and these corrupt gov and corp folks will
put on a wonderful show that we can show to the whole world.

If you form into large organized groups you will be targeted.

If you put out a mission to the good ppl of the world, but
become an invisible force with no obvious ties it will
drive them insane.

Th concept of flash mobs is similar to this, but as we now know
phone and internet communications are monitored so that method
is not safe anymore unless you use some VERY good encryption
and a lot of that has been compromised as of late.

Good Luck to you all !

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