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Video, Keep your eye on that building

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posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by REMISNE

Also how do the hard hot workers know that the buidling is going to blow?

Ah Because everyone has been saying all afternoon that WTC 7 was going
to collapse.....

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by thedman
Ah Because everyone has been saying all afternoon that WTC 7 was going
to collapse.....

But they did not say collapse, they said BLOW UP.

Thanks for showing that you either ignore or being dishonest about facts and evidence shown.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:46 AM
All that I can say about the WTC 7 issue comes from my best friend who is a rescue worker (he's in Haiti at this very moment doing ongoing relief work), who worked the pile at Ground Zero for five straight days starting on 9/11. He got to the site maybe 20 minutes after the second of the Twin Towers collapsed. I've asked him about these theories and he's told me the side of WTC 7 facing Ground Zero was severely damaged and all day there were fears it could come down at anytime. They all felt they were risking their lives just being near the thing. He was one of those pulled from the area before it did come down and was something like six or eight blocks away when it actually fell. He told me he heard no demolition explosions or anything when it came down/before it came down, whatever. It just collapsed.

Now, he's not a demolitions expert, so maybe he doesn't necessarily know what to listen for, but based on his own experiences of being right there, knowing people where were in and out of Building 7 before it came down, he thinks there is nothing being hidden here. It was a very damaged building, much like many other buildings in the area (the old Deutche Bank Building had to be taken down piece-by-piece, which I believe might still be ongoing), only it received a "killing blow" from the fall of the North Tower.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by LifeInDeath
It was a very damaged building, much like many other buildings in the area (the old Deutche Bank Building had to be taken down piece-by-piece, which I believe might still be ongoing), only it received a "killing blow" from the fall of the North Tower.

Funny though how building 7 was the only damaged building that supposidly collapsed even though other buildings had more damage. All the other building were taken down.

Other buildings at the WTC that were damaged but DID NOT collapse.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:18 AM
Your video shows nothing at all. Just some people saying they think the building is coming down, reports of which filtered to the media, who in the confusion reported it as already having fallen. You have no idea of the time of the video, where the collapse zone or safety zone are, or if they have been established.

And why do the secret government agents in hard hats go in to blow up the building then come out AND TELL EVERYBODY what they've done? If I was Bush-Cheney-NWO super government I'd want a new team of super agents.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
Your video shows nothing at all. Just some people saying they think the building is coming down.

Why are you and others not paying attention to the video, or are you intentionally not wanting to state what the workers actually say?

Several times you hear the workers state that the building is about to blow up.

Why do you guys have to be so dishonest?

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by REMISNE

Please note in that video where you actually see someone wearing a hardhat say "blow up".

If it really is there it should be easy to point out.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by hooper
Please note in that video where you actually see someone wearing a hardhat say "blow up".

If it really is there it should be easy to point out.

Its so fun and easy to post the facts, you should try it sometime.

Please pay attention to 06 to 10 on the tape count. You see men wearing hard hats and you hear them saying the building is going to blow up.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by REMISNE

Originally posted by hooper
Please note in that video where you actually see someone wearing a hardhat say "blow up".

If it really is there it should be easy to point out.

Its so fun and easy to post the facts, you should try it sometime.

Please pay attention to 06 to 10 on the tape count. You see men wearing hard hats and you hear them saying the building is going to blow up.

Just as I thought. Nothing.

I see no one saying anything. There is a voice in the background saying something about the building which you are deceptively attributing to the men wearing the hardhats and particle masks.

Your assumptions are not my facts, they are your opinions.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by hooper
Just as I thought. Nothing.

Thanks for showing yet agina that you cannot accept or admit to facts and evidence shown.

Why are you so afraid of facts and evidence that do not agree with what you think happened?

[edit on 6-4-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by REMISNE

Originally posted by jthomas There is not the slightest indication that they were illegally in any zone, particularly the collapse zone, at the time they all were being videoed. There isn't even any timestamp on the video.

Sorry but the yellow tape and police officer in the video state different.

We see you have not been able to demonstrate that.

Also how do the hard hot workers know that the buidling is going to blow?


posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by REMISNE

Originally posted by LifeInDeath
It was a very damaged building, much like many other buildings in the area (the old Deutche Bank Building had to be taken down piece-by-piece, which I believe might still be ongoing), only it received a "killing blow" from the fall of the North Tower.

Funny though how building 7 was the only damaged building that supposidly collapsed even though other buildings had more damage.

What is odd about that?

Wouldn't it be funnier to wait 7 hours to "demolish" the building while you announce to the world that the building is going to be "blown up" and the media is in place to broadcast this "secret demolition" live on national TV?

What could be funnier than that?

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by hooper

When the words "blow up" are spoken there's nobody on the screen. You're imagining it because you want it to be a certain way.

And "blow up" could either be

-- a figure of speech

-- a shocking slip by a NWO employee that he has just secretly wired the building to explode, therefore blowing his own cover

Which do you reckon it is?

Edit to add - There is someone on the screen, some way away. There's an obvious cut before the "blow up" footage. But there's no evidence at all that the "blow up" words are being said by this guy, indeed it seems highly unlikely given his distance from the camera and sound recording equipment.

Edit again - "blow up" is said twice, once with a guy in a mask some way away (as aluded to above) and once a few seconds later - this time with no people there - after the camera turns to show a policeman (I think) beckoning people away. It seems likely - although not definite - that the person speaking is the police officer.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by TrickoftheShade]

[edit on 6-4-2010 by TrickoftheShade]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by LifeInDeath
All that I can say about the WTC 7 issue comes from my best friend who is a rescue worker (he's in Haiti at this very moment doing ongoing relief work), who worked the pile at Ground Zero for five straight days starting on 9/11. He got to the site maybe 20 minutes after the second of the Twin Towers collapsed. I've asked him about these theories and he's told me the side of WTC 7 facing Ground Zero was severely damaged and all day there were fears it could come down at anytime. They all felt they were risking their lives just being near the thing. He was one of those pulled from the area before it did come down and was something like six or eight blocks away when it actually fell. He told me he heard no demolition explosions or anything when it came down/before it came down, whatever. It just collapsed.

Now, he's not a demolitions expert, so maybe he doesn't necessarily know what to listen for, but based on his own experiences of being right there, knowing people where were in and out of Building 7 before it came down, he thinks there is nothing being hidden here. It was a very damaged building, much like many other buildings in the area (the old Deutche Bank Building had to be taken down piece-by-piece, which I believe might still be ongoing), only it received a "killing blow" from the fall of the North Tower.

You are likely to be slagged off here for bringing hearsay evidence to the table, as though truther sources are so impeccable, but it is like a breath of fresh air to me to see some common sense observations cutting through so much conspiracy dross. Your friend was not alone in his observations of course, the firefighters anticipated WTC 7 collapse by hours.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by REMISNE

This is a good video... makes you really think.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:31 PM
Interesting that whoever makes the "blow up" comment seems to mention "flames" and "debris coming down" immediately afterwards.

Beckons two questions.

Is falling debris normal in a controlled demolition?

If the fires are so small why can this man see them from hundreds of feet away? Why does he mention them as significant?

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Just to be straight about this. I do not for two seconds think that WTC7 collapsed for any other reason than the massive fire that engulfed the building and the damage caused by the falling towers.

In so far as someone commenting that day about WTC 7 blowing up - I think that may have been a genuine fear. And not because super secret NWO ninjas had placed high tech explosives but because the men from the NYFD realized the whole building was on fire and new there were a number of large fuel tanks in the building.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by REMISNE
Funny though how building 7 was the only damaged building that supposidly collapsed even though other buildings had more damage. All the other building were taken down.

That proves nothing. Different buildings are built differently, are different sizes, and so respond in different ways to the forces and stresses they suffered. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe those photos you showed were of the other WTC buildings, the ones that took much of the collapsing debris right on top of them? One significant difference between those buildings and WTC 7 is their height.

Here's a good photo of the WTC site after the attacks, with the floorplans of the buildings overlaid.

WTC 3 was quite tall, at 22 stories, and hard-by the twin towers, and by this picture at least seems to have lost all but its bottom 4 or so levels. So, a 22 story building collapses/is crushed and is mostly destroyed (18 floors gone).

WTC 4 - at 9 stories, less than maybe 1/3 of this building seems to have remained standing, but you can see that much of the south tower facade is lying where the building used to be, it seems it largely fell directly on this building. The part that remains standing has few facade pieces from #2. It did take damage, but not enough - and because it's only 9 stories tall, you don't have the kind of weight needed to bring the rest down.

WTC 5 - 9 stories, farthest from the towers, similar distance as #7. Again, it does not have the weight of 47 stories weighing down upon it, but where it got hit hard there are collapses. But the building is more of a sprawl, and not a tower, so the collapses are localized.

WTC 6 - 9 stories, between #1 and #7 (to the right in that photo). Again, local collapses, but same story as before, you don't have the weight of 47 stories weighing down upon it, so the whole thing doesn't come down.

A 9 story building is not built the same as 47 story building. It uses different kinds of structures to hold it up. A 47 story skyscraper is built around a solid core that everything else largely depends upon, along with, to a lesser extent, the support columns around the sides of the core. Kick out enough of the key supports and it's all gonna come down. A 9 story, sprawling building relies more on it's outer columns as support, so if you kick out a part of it, only that part is likely to fall and not take the whole rest of the structure with it.

Originally posted by Alfie1
You are likely to be slagged off here for bringing hearsay evidence to the table, as though truther sources are so impeccable, but it is like a breath of fresh air to me to see some common sense observations cutting through so much conspiracy dross. Your friend was not alone in his observations of course, the firefighters anticipated WTC 7 collapse by hours.

I know, but all I can do is relate what he told me as best as I understand it. If I can relate it with enough clarity, maybe it will get through to some people. My friend could tell his story to these peoples' faces, and they'll believe him or they won't, because for all they know he could have been lying about even having been there (and people do do that, sadly). I know he was there and believe him because he's been an honest and trusted friend to me for 20 years (as of this year), I know I didn't hear from him for 2 days after the attack and thought he might be dead, and I know about the PTS disorder he's suffered since. But that's just me. That won't hold weight unless people got to know him or me.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by jthomas
What is odd about that?

What are the odds that only 1 buidling that is damaged is going to collapse?

Wouldn't it be funnier to wait 7 hours to "demolish" the building while you announce to the world that the building is going to be "blown up" and the media is in place to broadcast this "secret demolition" live on national TV?

Well as Chief Hayden stated they were afriad of fire jumping to other buildings, and they were running out of water.

Also some media outlets anouced the "collapse" about 30 minutes before the building actually came down.

[edit on 7-4-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by REMISNE
Also some media outlets anouced the "collapse" about 30 minutes before the building actually came down.

Once again, what is more likely?

1 Experts on the scene - as shown in your video - looked at the building and surmised it was about to collapse. This information filtered out and led to the early reporting

2 The evil ones wired the building, blew it up, and then told the media they'd brought it down before they'd actually done so, thus blowing their cover.

And perhaps you could have a crack at some of my other observations above regarding who is doing the speaking in the video.

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