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The Skull & Bones 322 and why America Celebrated the Passage of the Healthcare Bill on 3/22

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posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

None of whom majored or even minored in medicine, chemistry or psychology but all of them majored in philosophy. Hegel’s philosophy of worship to and absolute allegiance to the State, a State that had absolute power of life and death over the citizens in all things and in all ways, including the health of the citizens itself a power that the United States of America now virtually has and demands over its citizens.

First of all Proto, your thread made me want to scream and jump out of a window! Very well laid out and very logical. We find ourselves being ever more closed into the confines of a master builder's detention camp of sorts. All being done right before our very eyes in the name of liberty and freedom.

When one considers as fact that this quite possibly could have been planned as far back as you have alluded to, one must realize that we are dealing with some master craftsmen! They laid the foundation long ago as you have mentioned. We know the foundation is the most important as it will sustain and support the future structure.

Can we see what foundation all this rests on? Oh yes, I for one can and it is indeed a very good foundation. Over time the various building materials were staged and one by one the structure was being erected with the help of the builder's tradesmen. Quietly though Proto. Very quietly so as to not upset the harmonics and natural progression of its future inhabitants.

1 Kings 6:7 And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building.

Over time we were given ideals and half truths and with those being accepted as fact we were rewarded. We were given a grander illusion of being free and being in control. This led to us trusting those who so silently built in our midst. We felt as though they were actually working for us and that we were in fact the very reason for their existence. So we let them keep working and building and were rewarded for our complacency and reliance on them.

The structure is now nearly in place and there is no longer any way out for us who let the building continue unimpeded. The last stone will be set in place soon and with it the realization of our situation will come crashing in on us as we are engulfed in darkness. At that point we will be absolutely reliant on the master builder for our very survival.

For he alone will be the only one that can direct us to the vital resources that will sustain us inside of his structure. We will blindly wait for his instruction as to where to get our sustenance and our water and we will be thankful that he considers us when he does. Oh yes my friend, we will get exactly what we wanted all along.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:21 AM
I've been pondering about the interlacing spirals, crossed bones, etc. Double helix as a symbol is basically two sinusoid (sinusoid is circular motion translated into linear fashion). It fits into a linear perception we are accustomed to. But, that is only a superficial way of looking at things which is propagated through Euclidean geometry into the minds of common people.

The more significant is the idea of those sinusoid being actually of fractal nature (like the very curved line is also consisted of other sinusoid - like coating on a single thread wire). My point is, to really understand what is going on in the universe, one has to apply FRACTAL vision instead of linear or circular, even the wave theories (like Kondratief's or as is now popular - TimeWaveZero view).

Double helix is a symbol of medicine, often represented by two interweaving snakes. It turns out that the DNA has the similar appearance. Thus, the symbol can be analyzed in depth, and we shall notice that what is being revealed is the symbol itself.

The symbol itself pops out unexpectedly whenever we try to represent things in some other way than linear sequence. This totally destroys the concept of time as we have familiarized ourselves with.

The mentioned Kondratief wave theory, which comprehends economical and political changes and repeatability in history, has a very complex - fractal-like structure.

Double-helix is, obviously a pattern which we can follow, and human society is following it. I'm not saying that this is the ultimate way of perceiving the world around us, but it is yielding far more information than the primitive, linear vision which has been imposed on us by the very system in which we live.

The system tries to simplify things and to, practically, degenerate people's ability to process information. It really is not so difficult to process such an amount of information, but one has to get disciplined and accustomed to it. And all efforts of society is turned against it.

This is practically the question of intelligence. The standards of measuring intelligence are constructed in such a way that very low intelligence is considered "average", that is - acceptable!

The great effort of the ruling Idea (society) is to make sure nobody ever understands what is really going on.

I can compare our situation with the one from Matrix film. The idea of this film is very much on the target. The Matrix uses humans as - fuel, source of energy. In return - humans get their Projection (Big Brother Show).

Thus, the idea of "exchange" is the ruling idea of society, and it is there to prevent from all the power, which is "individualized", to come together and fry this unholy idea which can only survive if the energy is rationalized in such (existing) a way. The opposite, and highly denounced idea is, of course, the idea of - sharing.

This is a very big subject and I'm just trying to give some rough outlines for further meditation.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:38 AM
Yes people be very careful when you are giving a prescription of narcotic pain killers! Your brain is wired to become physically Dependant on them and it can happen faster than you think!

Most dangerous drug in America is about explode!

I can only Imagine how clogged our nations ER's are going to be when every addict and street thug looking to make a buck realizes that someone else will pay for their drugs!

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by jackflap

First of all Proto, your thread made me want to scream and jump out of a window! Very well laid out and very logical. We find ourselves being ever more closed into the confines of a master builder's detention camp of sorts. All being done right before our very eyes in the name of liberty and freedom.

Some excellent metaphorical illustrations there from scripture JackFlap that display the esoteric wisdom far too many people of faith tend to overlook in favor of matters concerning simple Heaven and Hell concepts.

The people of the United States have been lulled into a false sense of security as well as destiny as well as freedom quite easily by people in government and in media by telling them how great we are and how free we are and how great we are.

Meanwhile Americans have literally fell asleep at the wheel and more or less stopped caring where we as a nation are traveling to instead just enjoying the quality of the car’s ride inside that cocoon of blind trust we have been wrapped in.

Even now as everything is falling apart most Americans are still happy to be deceived even though its come from them telling us how great we are, and how free we are, and how secure we are to them literally yelling it at us and screaming it at us when those of us who fail to believe these things fail to believe these things.

One little chip at a time, secret societies, foreign powers and oligarchs have chipped away at the American dream and constitution to create a global agenda and a new world order.

Even now that it is practically upon us and staring us in the face practically everywhere we look there are those who still want to keep screaming how free we are, how great we are, how destined we are.

Funny though as they scream it they are telling us to shut up and sit down! Actually its more like lie down and roll over!

Great post JackFlap!

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:41 AM
I don't know if someone said this already but, March 21, 2010 3+2+1+2+1=9
and of course March 22, 2010= 3+2+2+2+1=10.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by mojo pin
To play devil's advocate, maybe these people who have shaped and formed the world through these many centuries actually know what they are doing. Does anyone really believe that an effort this grand, on this scale, was undertaken solely for the purpose of amassing wealth? If that were the case, more money could be made by perpetuating international conflict, rather than establishing a one-world government, it seems to me.
I've seen much talk on this and other forums regarding the lost wisdom of the ancients. Perhaps, and I'm just spit-balling here, but perhaps an attempt has been made to preserve that wisdom until such time as it can be understood again. Too much is lost in history and time to have any kind of accurate view of such things, it seems.
Been lurking for some time. Seemed like it was worth jumping in at this point.

Wealth, or capital, is nothing but initiative (political initiative in truth).
And this initiative is accumulated by means of - monopoly - which is: the authority. And it is imposed by force (or delusion). But, if delusion stops affecting people, then again by - force!

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:46 AM
Thanks for the thread, S&F, lots of good information.

There are a lot of things that seem to match up to 322, and it seems that it must be more than coincidence, to say the least.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we had a member from Skulls & Bones 322 that divulged some secrets? You said no one ever has, correct? Even if someone did, it would be hard to believe them since we'd never know if it was real information, or disinformation... but nonetheless it would be pretty cool. Although I'm kind of thinking that some of the information about what goes on during the meetings, and what they do overall, are things we might not want to know... some people have more power than we can even fathom, but power isn't everything - at least not in an evil sense. If you take your power and do good, many more will follow in the long run.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:47 AM
Im lost everything I read said it wasnt signed on 3-22-10 but on 3-23-10... great thread otherwise I guess. Someone else brought this up on pg 2 I think but it appeared to get ignored.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:48 AM
First and foremost, thank you for addressing my actual questions. I am not trying to be difficult, as I don't believe in mere coincidence as a recurring happenstance, however, I have always been left with a "hole" in the theory of a controlling body over the world and its affairs and that lies in the Who? Why? Now? specific answers.

Yes I grant you it sucks and having to come to these conclusions and accept them as reality is unpleasant and disconcerting but it is what it is in my humble opinion.

Reality is disconcerting. Isn't that why so many people do drugs? I've never been one to put my head in the sand, nor do I intend to start now.

A question if you would be so kind as to address:

I should think that a group powerful and wealthy enough to control the direction in which the world progresses would be the ones choosing the next person in power, not merely accepting a person willing to fulfill their agenda.

For this to evolve over time, they can not simply select a person from their current pool of contenders, rather they would have to have control over the pool itself.

So, in regards to the argument "some people want to become Rock Stars and some people want to become Athletes", I still don't see how that fits the explanation of why these particular people are chosen.

Rather, is the general consensus that Obama, just as an example, was chosen while he was a community organizer? He certainly wasn't in the Senate long enough to have been groomed then. Also, given he was the only black, democratic senator at the time, it would not have served them well had he suffered an accident -- like a heart attack or plane crash -- for there would not have been a replacement that fulfilled the same criteria. Or do you feel as if there was a "back-up" plan?

Also, I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on what each President's main contribution to this group's agenda is/was. Nothing lengthy or sourced -- just notes off the top of your head.

For example, Bush can perhaps be summed up as: war, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, breakdown of the Republican party

From Eisenhower forward, I would be interested in what your opinion is if you feel so inclined or have the time. Many thanks.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Some excellent metaphorical illustrations there from scripture JackFlap that display the esoteric wisdom far too many people of faith tend to overlook in favor of matters concerning simple Heaven and Hell concepts.

You must remember also that Solomon is a key figure to most of those secret societies as well. The scripture that was quoted is a reference to Solomon building the temple. There is great significance given to this act by those societies and I wondered why. Like the two columns in front of the temple itself.

When you look at the whole thing from their perspective, you can begin to get the idea. It becomes a blue print of some kind and I do not mean just architecturally. Expand your mind, expand your knowledge. In a way the people of that time became slaves to the temple. It was the center of their commerce and economy and they blindly supported this through religion which was also attached to it. Sound familiar?

Ma ha bone my friend!

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
Can someone please clarify this statement:

Many argue that Obama is really a scapegoat [puppet, tool, etc.] and that his actions are being dictated by an outside group of individuals [Skull & Bones, Illuminati, NWO, etc.] forcing their will on us through Obama.


If true, what exactly does Obama get out of this? What is the "thing" they are holding over his head in order to have him bend to their will? What connections are there that would make him the "ideal" scapegoat? He is certainly not the only black politician, so why him?

He gets used, utilized - what else? Isn't that the ideal for a slave?

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by 911stinks

Promises of kingdoms, wealth, power. What else. What did Satan tempt Jesus with? The only difference being Jesus wasn't tempted. Obama is all in.

Promise is exactly what ideas give us!
A "carrot" is all people get from their present "form" of existence.

I know people who work for years without being paid by any other means but promises. And I know people who get paid little will soon quit. Promise is a much better means of payment than little money.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:02 AM
OK . Great Post that one.

What about this link that seems to be coming around. For the past 5 years I have often wondered why opium production in Afghanistan has actually increased , after all its the golden triangle where this stuff can be produced in industrual scales due to its climate and high altitude farming.

So, USA owns the opium production, Health Care reforms mena that the government can purchase and sell on its own opiates (Health care although free will mean you have to pay for your prescribed drugs), and hey presto as if by magic you have the link.

Is there a link here or am I clutching at straws. Opium production increases, now that is owned by the USA, and they can now sell on opium based drugs and pain killers to the you guys in the US and spin a HUGE HUGE HUGE Profit.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:11 AM
Some truth from

Rep. Dingell: It's Taken a Long Time to 'Control the People'

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by tnt3kgt
Im lost everything I read said it wasnt signed on 3-22-10 but on 3-23-10... great thread otherwise I guess. Someone else brought this up on pg 2 I think but it appeared to get ignored.

SHHHHH!!! Come on man! You're not supposed to bring that up!

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

This really belongs on Not that it would get many votes.

As if Obama has anything at all to do with George HW Bush and the whole Bush wu-tang clan of Illuminati worshipers including the apple cheeked little Jeb.

You really think they would have let Obama play in their little reindeer games?


posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by MaxBlack

In fact is almost "MIRRORS" history. If you keep this point in mind, you will find that the Stamp Act was a precursor to events in America and if you keep history and "today" in mind as a mirror you will be very very warm to where you need to look find the remaining parts of the secret.

All I see is mirrors
to be broken...

MATRIX - How idea survives. Source of energy - people (given a simulacrum - a LIFE). Matrix goes on, people die and resurrect as

AVATAR(S) - another mighty propaganda tool of film industry.
Coincidentally, the main character in Cameron's movie, who is crippled, gets promised a new, functional body (his legs repaired) as payment for his traitorous role in destroying people (Na'vi) who don't comply to the interests of the totally exhausted planet Earth's corporate system. The Health-care promise, actually...

Lets remember the focus of Hindu religion - Bhagavad Gita, where Krishna's AVATAR persuades Arjuna to comply and go to war, murdering his friends and relatives.

The whole "philosophy" of perpetuating the Grand Idea is exposed there.

Before Hegel, there was Plato and his Highest Good (Republic or State), then Augustin and his mimesis of Plato's work (De Civitate Dei - God's Republic). Then comes Hegel with his Spirit understood as Historical Evolution and its final form - State. (State is not avatar, kings and presidents are its avatars.)

AVATAR is also the Pope (the God's representative on Earth).

Bet, there are many more examples, and open sources on how the whole machinery works (like Machiavelli's Prince, for instance).

Or Kafka's Process (Trial).

[edit on 24-3-2010 by DangerDeath]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by lpowell0627

For this to evolve over time, they can not simply select a person from their current pool of contenders, rather they would have to have control over the pool itself.

Wow if you really don't see how Obama has been groomed through all the right schools, and greased through one stepping stone platform after another from his twenties you might really be missing something.

This is a man who dropped out of Occydental College in LA after probably being recruited by the CIA to go to Pakistan to probably play a part in the war on the Soviets.

Came back got into Columbia, into Harvard, editor of the Law Review without one article in it that anyone has ever seen, on to Chicago and Rezzo and the Democratic Machine, into a controversial church to start building a political power base and from the State Senate to the U.S. Senate to being the Key Note Speaker at the 2004 Democratic Convention into running the most expensive and media intensive campaign for President (and the longest too) without ever authoring one law that passed on a State and Federal level and you think this all happened by accident.


Like really, really wow.

I think that what ever argument you are trying to make would make a lot more sense if you just simply came out and revealed your own position and agenda in making it.


[edit on 24/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by polit

SHHHHH!!! Come on man! You're not supposed to bring that up!

U.S. Stocks Rise as Drug Shares Gain on House Health Bill March 22, 2010, 4:45 PM EDT

March 22 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks rose, erasing an early drop, as drugmakers gained after the House of Representatives passed an overhaul of the health-care industry and analyst upgrades lifted companies from Citigroup Inc. to Boeing Co. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and Pfizer Inc. climbed at least 1.4 percent to help lead health-care companies higher after the House approved legislation that will ensure tens of millions of uninsured Americans will get medical coverage. Boeing Co. advanced 1.7 percent to help lead gains in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Citigroup Inc. jumped 3.6 percent as Richard X. Bove at Rochdale Securities LLC advised buying the shares. “The health-care legislation approval removes the uncertainty,” said Richard Sichel, chief investment officer at the Philadelphia Trust Co., which manages $1.4 billion. “On top of that, the shares had been beaten down, so you can find reasonably valued companies.”

It is pretty evident that March 22 was the day that everyone celebrated and achieved their goals.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

This really belongs on Not that it would get many votes.

As if Obama has anything at all to do with George HW Bush and the whole Bush wu-tang clan of Illuminati worshipers including the apple cheeked little Jeb.

You really think they would have let Obama play in their little reindeer games?


Why yes I do. The fact that no one would suspect it readily is precisely why they would.

Think inside the box, suffer inside the box.

The powers that be don't think inside the box, they teach others how they are SUPPOSED to think inside the box.

Fact: Obama did not author the Bill but Big Insurance and Big Pharma and Big Medicine did through Congressional and Senate Committees.

Fact: Obama wanted a Bill any Bill to pass on Health Care reform which is why he didn't bother to author one himself or even play a real hand in it.

Fact: It was imperative to Obama that the Bill be passed the day before 3/22 on a Sunday.

The fact some people are limited in their imaginations doesn't mean that the innovators who rule the world are.

The CIA does not allow any person to exist inside the office of the President unless he is down with the program, just ask the Kennedy Family about that!

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