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The Skull & Bones 322 and why America Celebrated the Passage of the Healthcare Bill on 3/22

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posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by ucalien

I agree with everything you say except the racism part. I don't fight against Obama because he is black I fight because I love my country and I want it back. We also have to fight against congress and they are not all black. I fought against bush and clinton.
The idea this country is racist in 2010 is promoted and sustained by the puppeteers.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Full_Vision

I understood your point completely and saw no racism in it.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Adonsa

Greetings, Someone336,
kindly post the link showing ordinary Americans celebrating their demise under the obamacare socialized medicine law.

I'm sorry, but I think you're mistaken. The OP here is Protoplasmic Traveler, not me.

While we're at it, I'd like to point out that this bill actually isn't socialized medicine. It's forced consumerism; a bail-out for the insurance companies brought you by The Revolving Door of Crony Capitalism.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 07:38 AM
Why oh why didn't they picked another day ?! WHY?!
It had to be 3/22!!! 322 S&B

It's like they didn't care or they did on purpose.

Crap-a-lame politicians, only giving us more conspiracies.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by mojo pin
To play devil's advocate, maybe these people who have shaped and formed the world through these many centuries actually know what they are doing. Does anyone really believe that an effort this grand, on this scale, was undertaken solely for the purpose of amassing wealth? If that were the case, more money could be made by perpetuating international conflict, rather than establishing a one-world government, it seems to me.
I've seen much talk on this and other forums regarding the lost wisdom of the ancients. Perhaps, and I'm just spit-balling here, but perhaps an attempt has been made to preserve that wisdom until such time as it can be understood again. Too much is lost in history and time to have any kind of accurate view of such things, it seems.
Been lurking for some time. Seemed like it was worth jumping in at this point.

Everyone should have an advocate and I appreciate that you feel there are two sides to every story and both should be told.

Of course there are two sides to every story and the reality is that the truth usually lays somewhere in the middle.

There is an ongoing thread here on ATS where a lot of what you have pointed out is being discussed.

Here is a link to it as you might find this ongoing discussion to be relevant and of note to you.

First I think you might need to better consider that wealth alone does not equal power.

Power is simply the ability to affect outcomes of events and influence people that for some is an intoxicant, to others an aphrodisiac and to others a responsibility and to some a burden.

People with wealth don’t always have power, as they sometimes lack the ability to influence events or people with mere wealth alone. For instance we know many people would turn down making a deal with the devil. So wealth doesn’t always help.

People who have power though, that unique ability to manifest their will over others will never go hungry or homeless in this world and will breed and amass wealth through their ability to act resolutely and powerfully if and when they are interested in wealth and amassing it.

Yet currency is not wealth, the real wealth of this planet are it’s people and other resources, and the drive to a one world government is really all about exploiting people to discover and secure resources for the wealthy and powerful who in turn horde them and place them in fewer and fewer hands, in the process creating an artificial scarcity, which leads to chaos, which leads to them controlling chaos by first creating the problem of scarcity and then offering solutions like the Healthcare Bill as a means to address that scarcity.

30 millions have no health insurance not for a lack of doctors or facilities or resources but simply because of the way those resources are rationed out in a system that promotes scarcity.

So as a non-solution, form of solution millions of Americans now believe that trading away parts of their constitution and their own sovereignty to the State is a better alternative than not having what they consider to be a vital resource that has been purposefully made to be artificially scarce.

What ever benefits this has, is now offset in the long run by making the State more powerful and more intrusive.

If using the artificial scarcity paradigm to create chaos to create order out of chaos using the thesis then anti-thesis Hegelian philosophy is the only way that the teachers of so called esoteric knowledge can get the class’s attention it speaks far less of the value of their lessons than it does of their absolute sheer will to teach it.

Yet at the end of the day a one world government can not be anything but a dictatorship because there is no second choice or alternative.

Which is why both God and the Devil typically need advocates because they really do want to dictate every last aspect of our existence and negate our own freewill in the process, not for their wealth but for their power and that my friend is almost always about one’s own vanity and ego.

[edit on 24/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:13 AM
The bill was voted on 3/21 and it was signed 3/23. So, ah.... what's the big deal?

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:31 AM
Good job. Don't know if anyone noticed, but Obama used 22 pens to sign the bill.

22 path in the Tree of Life (Kabbalah), 22 letters in Hebrew Alphabet, 22 Chapters in Revelation, 22 Major Arcana (Tarot) etc.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Can someone please clarify this statement:

Many argue that Obama is really a scapegoat [puppet, tool, etc.] and that his actions are being dictated by an outside group of individuals [Skull & Bones, Illuminati, NWO, etc.] forcing their will on us through Obama.


If true, what exactly does Obama get out of this? What is the "thing" they are holding over his head in order to have him bend to their will? What connections are there that would make him the "ideal" scapegoat? He is certainly not the only black politician, so why him?

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
Can someone please clarify this statement:

Many argue that Obama is really a scapegoat [puppet, tool, etc.] and that his actions are being dictated by an outside group of individuals [Skull & Bones, Illuminati, NWO, etc.] forcing their will on us through Obama.


If true, what exactly does Obama get out of this? What is the "thing" they are holding over his head in order to have him bend to their will? What connections are there that would make him the "ideal" scapegoat? He is certainly not the only black politician, so why him?

Promises of kingdoms, wealth, power. What else. What did Satan tempt Jesus with? The only difference being Jesus wasn't tempted. Obama is all in.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Great thread PT, this has sure shined the light on "Big Pharma" for me. Regarding the Georgia Guidestones; Didn't a man by the name of RC Christian originally commission the building of the monument?

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Just a kinda funny story about me and my friends in everett, wa (the nitty gritty city that shows no pity), or as some of us local thugs used to call it, The EVT. Well for me and my group of bandits, our number one favorite rapper was and is tupac. He had a song about "fake -ass bitches", and this became the term we would use against eachother when we didnt agree on something. Yes, I know it wasn`t the most sophisticated system, but it worked, sometimes. For short we would just use F.A.B... ANYway... back when pagers were more common than cellphones, we would use numerical codes. So if we paged someone and they didnt call back or if we were upset they wouldnt come out and put some money on the weed so we could roll a blunt, etc, we would type in 322 to stand for F.A.B. = fake ass bitch. It evolved to where we could just vocalize the numbers. "You`re nothin but a 322" "Your the 322 KING!" It was an insult but between friends who give eachother a hard time in good spirit... although come to think of it, 10 years later we arent even a "group" anymore. I rarely talk to my old crew, but I still have the memories... Enough to write at least 10 books. I`m just kinda waiting for my style to mature a bit more and have a more worldly perception of my good bad and ugly memories.

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posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:47 AM
Ive learned that they play the world like a multi level chess match, the trick is to see where they move next. Problem is there on all fronts... They designed the game, betting on us not understanding. So now what?

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Magnificent post as usual Proto and after one researches the names, it will give you a chill up you spine.

Edited to say, deeply rooted in the occult.

[edit on 083131p://bWednesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by 911stinks
Promises of kingdoms, wealth, power. What else. What did Satan tempt Jesus with? The only difference being Jesus wasn't tempted. Obama is all in.

OK....but you didn't answer one of my main questions: Why him?

Also, everything you listed above is rather vague.

What "kingdom" does Bush reside over? Bush had wealth to begin with -- and so does Obama just on a lower scale than his predecessor -- so I doubt that the promise of "more money" would be enough unless it was a certain *kind* of money that would make it more appealing. That's what I am trying to figure out. What is their immediate benefit to following the orders of this "group"? Nobody does anything for nothing....

And in referring to Adam and Eve, and the temptation of the forbidden fruit, they ended up with the apple. Tangible.

What I want to know is this:

If this secret society controls everything, and dictates who gets into office and then what they will do, what is their payment for services rendered?

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:01 AM
Haha too funny... me and my old group of high school friends used to give eachother a hard time and call eachother a "fake ass bitch" (from the tupac song from the "r u still down-remember me" album). Or F.A.B. for short. This was back when we had pagers so if someone didnt answer a page or we were ticked off they wouldnt come out and put some money in with us on some weed and roll a blunt, we would punch in the numerical representation of FAB which is 322! We sometimes would even call eachother 322 verbally but not often.

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posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:03 AM
While I find your posting worthy of note you attribute correctly that the date 03/22/10 has taken its place in Illuminate symbolism and with the passage of the health care bill, one could correctly feel as if the Illuminate are in someway in charge of events and used the day of 322 to have POTUS sign a bill that in affect begins to change society and America in ways that are yet unseen and completely not understood.

You have correctly attributed yesterday to something of importance, but you have failed to include the one thing that the illuminate also do on certain dates. The fact that they use special dates equates to numerological principles that will remain unmentioned but that are part of their social changing agenda. It is how they go about doing things and I know you see this already.

The date 03/22/1765 needs to be looked much more closely. To begin that process, begin with reading about a historical event called the Stamp Act that was signed on the same date in history, once again by those that were disloyal to America, but who were instead loyal to the King George of England. The Stamp act was more than just standing up to the King's illegal taxes, it was much more than that.

Do your own research, but you are 80% on your way already to figuring it out. Perhaps you weren't trying to figure anything out, but since you have uncovered 80% of a very special secret, you might as well continue your research the rest of the secret and determine just how the Illuminate in 1765 has anything to do with the signing of the health care bill which was not wanted by the American public, but thrown by force on all Americans and in doing so the health care bill signing date itself became an important date in history as well.

In fact is almost "MIRRORS" history. If you keep this point in mind, you will find that the Stamp Act was a precursor to events in America and if you keep history and "today" in mind as a mirror you will be very very warm to where you need to look find the remaining parts of the secret.

It is a serious clue to the rest of the Illuminates intent and because they like to post the truth right out in front for everyone to see and because they know most are not truly awake and when someone like yourself begins to open your eyes, it is best to help where possible before you go back to sleep.

Thanks for the posting and good luck but remember, 03/22 in history "IS" as significant to the health care bill posting as to what might come afterwords and if you look at history, you will see what is coming but in a new and improved manner. Take a walk into the past and you will see how the future will manifest itself and in that process, please remember that everything is very "FLUID" and is subject to much change along the process.

Take or look or not, but thanks for the posting and it was good work indeed. You have earned what you have earned and in that regard, I thank you for your posting.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by lpowell0627

OK....but you didn't answer one of my main questions: Why him?

In the game of divide and conquer warfare Obama is an ideal and unique position to create the following divisions.

1. Democrat (Left) vs. the Republican (Right)
2. Young vs. the Old
3. Black vs. White

If you are trying to create utter chaos in America to the point of a violent civil divide that then allows the government to impose draconian and authoritarian measures to restore and maintain order this would be your guy to polarize those groups and exploit their differences.

If this secret society controls everything, and dictates who gets into office and then what they will do, what is their payment for services rendered?

Why do some people long to be Hollywood Movie Stars and some people Athletes and some people Rock Stars?

Power, prestige, vanity and the perks that go along with being a celebrity personality are all heady and provocative temptations for people who are prone to jealousy and a need to place themselves above others by over achieving and grabbing the spotlight, vanity and the desire for self validation and relevance not to mention a certain ability and propensity towards vengeance in that endeavor of being in a position of power and glory to avenge and revenge perceived slights and wrongs by others.

For some it is as simple as it is better to serve the Devil than to stand in his path.

Even the most ardent pre-election Obama supporters would have to concede that his main promise of added transparency in government has been reneged on by him.

I think few objective and discerning people would claim he is anything like the person and President he himself and the media billed him to be.

That simply is what it is, but let us asks ourselves this.

We have established that 322 is an important number to the Skull and Bones simply because of the fact it appears in their name.

We have established the fact that 3/22 has been a favored date for many major events being unveiled and celebrated to the public.

So exactly how is it and why is it that a Healthcare Bill over a year in the making actually required the U.S. Congress who hates to work weekends all having to show up for a pivotal deciding vote on a Sunday when in reality they have to at least the midterm elections if not all of Obama’s administration to pass it.

That it literally was time to coincide so it could be widely celebrated as a victory and something new on 3/22 is well frankly the kind of coincidence that is really not a coincidence when you look at the major players in Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare and realize just how interwoven the Skull and Bones 322 is with that.

Yes I grant you it sucks and having to come to these conclusions and accept them as reality is unpleasant and disconcerting but it is what it is in my humble opinion.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by lpowell0627

Originally posted by 911stinks
Promises of kingdoms, wealth, power. What else. What did Satan tempt Jesus with? The only difference being Jesus wasn't tempted. Obama is all in.

OK....but you didn't answer one of my main questions: Why him?

Also, everything you listed above is rather vague.

Obama is just a pawn. The Skull & Bones / Freemasons would never actually let a black man rule.

It's Congress and the Senate where the power truly lies. Those that go along with the plan get richer, re-elected. You don't think the elections are held fairly, do you? It's all manipulated to getting those who will sell their soul, into power.

But, they all have connected bloodlines. Very important to them. It's like how some people are extremely concerned about the pure bloodline of their dog, horse, animals. I've always had better luck with mutts.

I actually believe it is Bill Clinton that is set up to be Global Leader through the UN. The UN is postering to take over the Dome of the Rock. By that time, Clinton will be head of the UN.

[edit on 24-3-2010 by 911stinks]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

It is about Hegel’s philosophy of the State becoming all powerful and citizens worshiping it and serving it as their primary duty.

Ideas rule and survive and men are only fuel for them. Idea of life, then society, and then its other derivatives, like: state, institution, hierarchy, religion (God), family, genetic lineage projection... - those form the "pyramid" which peaks into an all-embracing "Eye" - the Big Brother Projection (show) which marks the whole human history.

That is truly the "Mark of the Beast" - the Idea (in all its aspects and phenomena).

Everyone who belongs to society is paralyzed by its effect, is owned and used in all possible ways - from purely physical matter to purely metaphysical, mental processor.

Thus, the idea of "free health-care" will result in a massive immigration/migration within the present US of A. The result will be cheap labor (that's all that matters really). Lots of free energy for the Grand Idea!

The concept of Big Brother will survive, the people won't.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by timewalker
You read my mind Proto. I was just thinking a few minutes ago about 3/22 being the lull between passage and signing. A certain skeletal image came to mind. You know the one.

Beware the Ides of March.
And also, beware the Danaios when they bring presents...

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