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The Skull & Bones 322 and why America Celebrated the Passage of the Healthcare Bill on 3/22

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posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

You got three kinds of pirates, well actually four.

1. Privateers
2. Buccaneers
3. Pirates
4. Me!

Privateers sailed as private endeavors but for monarchs whom they would split their wealth with. Sir Francis Drake was a Privateer for the Queen of England, do well and you got yourself a Knighthood and respectability.

Buccaneers were similar to privateers except they would go any which way the wind blew. If you robbed an English ship well give some to the Spanish, if you robbed a Spanish ship give some to the English.

The Monarchs of Europe all looked to overseas territories to steal and exploit wealth from and taking it from a European Rival on the high seas was just as acceptable to them as mining for it, or killing Indians or Islanders for it.

Pirates were strictly out for themselves and enjoyed everyone’s curse and no one’s protection.

Then of course there is me, aye tis a Pirates life for me!

Ahoy mate!

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Georgia Guidestones info for bigfatfurrytexan:

Here is a decent thread with links to a "Wired" magazine article. There is a lot of information on ATS. The Guidestones are tremendous and artistic, but people sometimes get caught up on the Population restriction and argue about that. In all likelihood they are meant to serve as guidelines in a post-apocalyptic scenario, but others look at them as instructions to prepare the world for the elite and then kill off the masses.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:56 PM
The government is spending so much money it's insane, it's like they have a stolen credit card with no max, OUR CREDIT CARD. It makes sense, doesn't it? Wouldn't you max out a credit card you stole before ditching it? Same thing we're seeing here, sad if true :/.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:58 PM
This is regarding the JFK Bush Connection. It is clear that some organized segments of government takes part in nefarious operations. As much as possible they may stick to specific dates associated with other attempted coups.

There are however good guys.
And there are those who violently oppose the good guys.

This is sometimes the only way you can positively identify the bad guys. The ones who attack and malign the good guys. Sometimes this is how you can identify the good guys.

Obama is an enemy of this segment. You can see that in the backlash against him.
Do you really think Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi are spawn of the Devil or is it more likely to be some nuclear holocaust promoter... like Sarah Palin?
Or maybe it is someone like Glen Beck? A man who inspires people to riot while safe inside a studio, far from any front line protests?

Good guys rarely attack character they attack ideas put forth by characters. They will not attack another person even if it is their enemy. This is the difference between the good and the bad. The evil will try to assign a deep mistrust and hatred for the other party rather than actually bring forth the advantages of their ideas. This is because there are usually NO ADVANTAGES at all to the bad guys ideas.

Good guys never incite violence.
You can tell them apart pretty easily if you are paying attention to what is really going down.

Google Video Link

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:58 PM
well i just googled 3/22 an the first thing that came up was

Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.
Colossians 3:22

i didnt really believe what you were saying but now im not to sure, im not christian or anything just thought that was odd.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by therewillberevolt
well i just googled 3/22 an the first thing that came up was

Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.
Colossians 3:22

i didnt really believe what you were saying but now im not to sure, im not christian or anything just thought that was odd.

Star from me and bravo!

Exactly the Big Brother Show I see as human history.
It is all about conditioning into being "proudly": "good", "efficient", "dutiful", "patriotic", "religious"... etc. slaves.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by therewillberevolt

that is a good find. I bet there are other interesting links to "322", in its various forms.

Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, died in 322bc, for example.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I found your thread here illuminating in the sense that the undertones of what was going sure sounded like a pre-planned scheme of The Order, those salaciously evil and vile bastards in power, who hide behind the scenes of power.

They scheme, scam, and school our country about control, because they have much more than we do, and they do almost anything to retain and gain it, assuring we as a nation will remain forever divided against ourselves, but what else can we expect from an organization who wants war, in order cause confusion and money to flow.

War, chaos, fear confusion is pretty much what these people love.

After all the Nobel Peace Prize went to a President prosecuting two wars, while carrying out drone attacks on a 3rd, while talking about having to possibly use violence as punishment on a 4th.

Blessed are the peace makers, just not in this world.

Thanks for posting my friend.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by MaxBlack

On 3/22/1775 Patrick Henry gave his famous speech of "Give me Liberty or Give me Death".

That was at the Second Virginia Convention at the St. John's church in Richmond.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Waiting for the end of the world: Georgia's 30-year stone mystery By Matt Smith, CNN March 22, 2010 10:59 a.m. EDT

The blue-gray vein of granite that courses through northeastern Georgia spawned jobs in the quarries and finishing sheds of Elberton, where generations of stonecutters have turned slabs of rock the size of refrigerators into statues, tombstones and tile. And one day, it brought a visitor who gifted the town with a landmark that leaves visitors scratching their heads decades later. The nearly 20-foot high series of granite slabs known as the Georgia Guidestones are inscribed with a series of admonitions for a future "Age of Reason." Billed as "America's Stonehenge," it's an astronomically complex, 120-ton relic of Cold War fears, built to instruct survivors of an Armageddon that the mystery man feared was all too near.

Yet a more recent article for bigfatfurrytexan! I came across this and this is the first place I thought of to put it.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
I posted this on another 322 thread:

Obama used 22 pens to sign the HCR into law today. More fuel for the fire?

And immediately gave away all but three...

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I was wondering, if anyone has any thoughts on this:

Doesn't it seem a little arrogant, careless and risky to have 322 in the name of your organisation...and then go out and carry out your plans on dates pertaining to that number?

Also where did this info all come from, where are the leaks? Disgruntled Yale alumni who didn't get the invite? I agree with this thread (and the OP) and have been reading intently, however it strikes me that they aren't THAT secret if threads like this can be made.

Is it just arrogance (they don't care and know they can get away with it), or is it the fact that they know %99.999999999 of the populace will never find out so they allow "us" to have our crackpot theories (in their eyes).

Is the knowledge, rumour and conjecture about the S+B 322 actually disinfo, the truth being far worse?

Just some thoughts, again great thread Proto!!

[edit on 24-3-2010 by kiwifoot]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by kiwifoot

The best criminals will tell you the best place to hide is in plain sight.

It is often the sheer audacity of some things done so brazenly that make the meeker and more timid and moral amongst us dismiss any notion that someone could be so reckless so therefore it must not be what it appears to be.

We have seen a few people post to this thread who in fact are in such denial that any person or organization could be so cavalier, that being there only reason to dismiss a strong body of circumstantial evidence that yes in fact some people and some organizations are that cavalier.

For some people their often baseless and poorly qualified beliefs in some people and some things are all they need.

Yet the truth is who on this thread knows President Obama personally to the point that they have spent time with him 24/7 in the Oval Office day in and day out to where they can truly say they know the man behind the public mask and the carefully groomed and managed persona.

While no one does have that kind of personal qualified intimate knowledge many would take those selected and choreographed moments that are purposefully chosen for them to see to form a concrete perspective on the man’s character to the point that they would immediately dismiss any notion of impropriety without a second thought.

This is amazingly odd and somewhat troubling considering the fact that Americans are being methodically trained and extolled through the media to be constantly fearful and suspicious of one another but to still have absolute belief and faith in their political elite and media personalities as being of irreproachable character.

We guard the chickens in the henhouse from the roosters and the farm dog but lay out a warm welcome for the fox!

The truth is many people want to be lied too. They want their significant other they know has really been unfaithful to say that they haven’t been. They want the child who burned down the house playing with matches to blame it on a neighbor’s child. They want to hear that they are really going to get better when the disease is in fact terminal, and they often will smile and thank the very people who are the cause of their torment and fears if they but simply tell them no, it was not I, I did not do that, you may cling to the comforting illusion.

[edit on 24/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

S & F!!!

Great thread!

I just posted the following on these folks usage of occult symbolism to manipulate the masses:

I am starting to get the feeling that this rabbit-hole runs ever deep, and that we are being bamboozled and literally "hypnotized" by these occultists!

Time to start unraveling the puzzle and de-coding what they are up to IMHO. Knowledge = power.

Thanks for your work Proto!!

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Yep, you're right... people will believe the "rosy" version on the basis of far less evidence than we(you) provide for our version of the world and how it works.

I guess humans are suckers for a lie, maybe the ability to see through all the BS is an evolutionary leap.

What bothers me is the source for all our information, there has to be a leak, or is it rumour built on rumour.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I agree with you, I just wonder where the leaks came from. it's interesting that's all!

All the best mate, kiwi

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:10 PM
This stuff is the reason I come here, thanks Proto, Proty, PT, or whatever nickname you prefer, if any.
The disadvantage that anyone trying to spread truth has against the ungodly elites is simply this, IMO,
The vast majority of people are "simple".
Elites laugh at guys like us. They probably perform skits making fun of guys like us, because we TRY.
Most people, even intelligent, schooled individuals will refuse to believe this stuff. The reason is they cannot fathom that people can actually be SMARTER than them. Their own egos, coupled with the fact that the elites have no moral constraints (which of course opens doors that moral people cannot even PEEK into) render them incapable of subject comprehension.
loved it.
Please post any reference material that I can study to further my own your convenience.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

S & F!!!

Great thread!

I just posted the following on these folks usage of occult symbolism to manipulate the masses:

I am starting to get the feeling that this rabbit-hole runs ever deep, and that we are being bamboozled and literally "hypnotized" by these occultists!

Time to start unraveling the puzzle and de-coding what they are up to IMHO. Knowledge = power.

Thanks for your work Proto!!

Your certainly welcome my friend, and thanks for the additional resources.

A lot of people have a hard time understanding that the truth is that even before America became the United States that three factions have been constantly vying for control of the nation's destiny.

Freemasons and members of the Rosicrucian Order looking to create a New Atlantis based on Sir Francis Bacon’s philosophies that utilize and follow esoteric arcane occult principles.

Christians who would like to live by Biblical Law and principles.

Then finally everyone else who is just looking for relative freedom and security based on the promises and notions of the Constitution.

Of course the third category which many of us belong to are not terribly organized or have an agenda or are compelled by a sense of destiny.

Those in the first two categories in many ways have set up shadow governments where it is their orders and societies agenda that compels, propels and motivates them to carryout behind the scenes machinations to rob the rest of us of our freewill choices and to defeat the constitutional promises of self sovereignty than many of us would prefer to live by but have found nearly impossible to do because of the endless conspiracies by those groups to shape the nation and indeed the entire world to conform to their plans and views for it.

These factions are powerful and secretive and constantly at work behind the scenes to affect the outcome of events in ways most Americans never stop and ponder to consider.

It’s why we do need to speak of it, write about it, and help others discover the very real elements and agendas that are at play behind the scene that they never talk about on the 24/7 network news.

Thanks for the great work and efforts you put into that and for posting the link my friend.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:18 PM
two classic vids but related anyway.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by kiwifoot

I guess humans are suckers for a lie, maybe the ability to see through all the BS is an evolutionary leap.

What bothers me is the source for all our information, there has to be a leak, or is it rumour built on rumour.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I agree with you, I just wonder where the leaks came from. it's interesting that's all!

Joseph Stalin once famously said “People are like chickens you can pluck all their feathers and leave them naked and defenseless and incapable of taking flight, and they will then happily scamper about your feet for a few morsels of grain”.

It wasn’t as if the people of the Soviet Union didn’t know that Stalin was a murderer who had exterminated and forced the migrations of millions of their fellow countrymen.

It wasn’t as if Germans during World War II didn’t know that peoples considered to be inferior or defective were being exterminated either.

The lesson is that great danger is that most people don’t care as long as they can have those few kernels of grain and they aren’t the ones being led to the carnal house, at least not at the present.

In fact many will in fact jump at the chance to be the executioner and tormentor of others under such systems for a few extra kernels of grain and that added bit of security they feel from being on the ‘winning’ team.

The true right and wrong of most things literally escape people.

Humans have survived for tens of thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands of years without such things as health insurance yet there are many amongst us who feel that somehow all of society is in jeopardy or burdened and themselves too if everyone doesn’t have it.

Yet somehow the rest of nature continues to survive and in many cases thrive with out these self imposed fears and worries all aimed at taking a whole lot of feathers away to get just a free grains of feed in return.

Why do some people leak this information? Because deep down we all know the universal truths and rights and wrongs and when our fears and our egos aren’t governing us, when our desperate need for security at all costs isn’t governing us, when our own vanity and jealousies aren’t governing us sometimes some people run smack into their conscience and decide a life of fear and lies is no life at all and risk all to try to make the world a better place.

Yes sometimes leaks of truth are just partial truths designed to create a synthesis through the friction of people reacting to a partial truth to dupe people who are inclined to act out of conscience to carry out an agenda unknown to them that does not serve them or their fellow man because they have just been given the partial truth.

The truth is we see that in the world all around us. The wars in the Middle East are all based on half truths, this healthcare bill is based on half truths.

But the truth is the more people consider through investigation and open minded introspection and retrospection rejecting the conveniently provided half truths and feel good excuses and justifications the more likely it is that eventually they are going to stumble into the real truth and the whole truth and well…wouldn’t that be something indeed.

Thanks for posting my friend.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Pax et Intellectus
OK . Great Post that one.

What about this link that seems to be coming around. For the past 5 years I have often wondered why opium production in Afghanistan has actually increased , after all its the golden triangle where this stuff can be produced in industrual scales due to its climate and high altitude farming.

So, USA owns the opium production, Health Care reforms mena that the government can purchase and sell on its own opiates (Health care although free will mean you have to pay for your prescribed drugs), and hey presto as if by magic you have the link.

Is there a link here or am I clutching at straws. Opium production increases, now that is owned by the USA, and they can now sell on opium based drugs and pain killers to the you guys in the US and spin a HUGE HUGE HUGE Profit.

There really is no denying that the War in Afghanistan is largely about Opium and more importantly trying to cut the Hong Kong Triads out of the market by having a better and more reliable source in Afghanistan.

There is so much evidence that the CIA funds its off the books projects and carries out its own agendas often with money it earns from dominating the illegal narcotics trades.

The Skull and Bones for all intents and purposes is the CIA.

Part of the whole rise of Bi-Polar disease and Adult and Child Attention Deficit disorder is really to use behavioral problems that could be controlled simply through intstilled discipline to instead turn whole swaths of people into zombified drug addicts.

The truth is that drugs are the governments best friend because its the number one form of escape from the often harsh and unfair inequities of life.

If there weren't drugs for people to find recreational escape in and drugs to basically regiment people there would be a lot more people willing to challenge the government and status quo with a back up against the wall reared up on their hind legs feelings.

Instead they just escape the reality in drugs and alcohol to avoid having to deal with changing the status quo.

One of my favorite collaboraters and research partners totally fell apart yesterday he was so distraught over the health care bill, he grabbed a bottle and started drinking the minute he heard the news and still hasn't stopped.

He can't be consoled or reasoned with presently but the truth is he couldn't find his way out of his front door either to take part in the revolution he and so many others would like to have.

The Powers that Be would like us all on drugs and drug use provides a slave labor prison population that the Prison Industrial Complex makes a fortune off of selling overpriced goods that they make to the Government.

Who pays those high prices for the goods the taxpayer.

Who benefits, the oligarchs who own the preferred stock in the prison industry corporations, in the meantime its been the number one thing prior to the war on terror that allowed for the build up of the police state and police state people had already become accustomed to through the war on drugs that typically most frightened Americans are willing to turn on their fellow citizens for a wide variety of notions and thoughts and speech that are now being categorized as domestic terrorism.

This is all thanks in many ways to drugs.

Opitates are the most addictive and the hardest to kick.

Kicking the Habit literally comes from involuntary leg spasms that cause a person to kick their legs lying in bed hour after hour for days at a time when going through opiate withdrawals.

A stoned population is an easily managed population and the more intrusive and abusive a state and society becomes and the worst the quality of life becomes the more people are inclined to escape it through drugs and alcohol rather than confront it.

The government very much wants us all hooked on some mind numbing substance and wants to make sure we can pay for it one way or another.

Thanks for posting.

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