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How Dare You Mr. President and Congress...

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:30 PM
PLEASE....this changes nothing...bitch and moan all you buncha cry babies want to do some thing about it. Stop voting for Democrats and Republicans..

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:32 PM
I love running into people that were in seventh heaven over Obama and thought he was the greatest thing, The same people that when asked why they support Obama said " He's for change" but couldn't tell me what "change" meant. Now their acting like they never voted for him.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by tsloan

Democrats and republicans are the same thing, and that thing only responds to the special interests and plans that lead to obtaining more power. Its all very simple. why cant people grasp these so very simple concepts? Its like playing chess, but I guess thats just not as fun as watching espn

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by 12.13.2012

yes it is hero..

has worked since rome..

only way to be heard is with one voice of all the people..

I cannot hear one voice from the people when they are fighting with one another..
And that my friend will never ever ever be heard. Due to the lack of education and intelligence. All we have is the future and the present. And look at the time..

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
How? Here's how!

and to add...

* We the People of the United States - are pissed
* a more perfect Union - Ha, yeah right
* establish Justice - more like injustice
* domestic Tranquility - plenty are pissed
* provide for the common defence - hard to do when one continues to bow
* promote the general Welfare - or rather, welfare state
* the Blessings of Liberty - What Liberty when you have a gun to your head to purchase health insurance
* establish this Constitution for the United States of America - nothing about healthcare in the Constitution.

Riiiiiiiiight - except for the fact that REPUBLICANS are the biggest recipients of lobbyist cash by MILES !


posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

I strongly disagree with you I work in a part of the healthcare industry. Granted it is on the software side of things. But I have not found a single person that is happy about this bill passing. Like it has been said there needs to be reform but this was not it. And it is not just the fringe. Have you even tired to read the bill. Just the parts I read I didn't like how the wording is it gives the government way to much power in this.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by tsloan

Stop voting for Democrats and Republicans.

Really hard to do when they are mainly the only two running.

Sometimes it is three if you count that used to be republican/democrat that is now running as independent.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:38 PM
HOLY CRAP, this discussion went DOWNHILL awfully quickly.

Thanks to a couple of you, I got a belly laugh here and there.

If no one understands, let me enlighten you. In the US, we get taxed on what we earn, we get taxed on what we buy, we get taxed on driving, we get taxed on breathing, we get taxed on the rain, we get taxed on where we live, we get taxed for being born, we get taxed for dying, we get taxed for drinking.

WE GET TAXED for existing.

Now, we get taxed for surviving.


The last time I broke my taxes down, I paid 55% of what I earned, not including the inflation tax, which is the highest of all. Now, I receive NOTHING for that tax except for a guarantee that 30 years from now, I MAY get a check for $1k/mo.

What does that sound like to YOU? To me it sounds like SLAVERY!

[edit on 3/23/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by tac109
I love running into people that were in seventh heaven over Obama and thought he was the greatest thing, The same people that when asked why they support Obama said " He's for change" but couldn't tell me what "change" meant. Now their acting like they never voted for him.

HA! I know, and I remember way back when he got elected and I would ask his supporters (either blacks who didnt even know anything about his past, or the people who have shaped his career & thought this was a sure-fire "40 acres and a mule" or guilty whites who didnt even know anything about his past, or the people who have shaped his career and thought it was the "politically correct" thing to do...) "what are his primary platforms for election?" or "but whats his stance on a new investigation into 9/11?" and they looked at me like I was speaking in a lost dialect, or thought I was a racist for not immediately bowing down. Not to mention, if you bring up something about the long form birth certificate, that was just outside the realm of reality for his supporters. Now, I see his supporters about as often as an Ike Turner: "how to be a caring husband" book.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Spartan brother, you continue to take up the fight for America’s freedom, as you live on the streets.

You have my deepest respect.

Just like endisnighe's offer, if you’re headed out to San Diego Californa let me know via U2U.

You can camp out at my surf shack anyday.

P.S. Check out these videos brother, this guy's got some answers.

“The Solution” by Schaeffer Cox

part 1. ( )
part 2. ( )
part 3. ( )
part 4. ( )
part 5. ( )
part 6. ( )
part 7. ( )
part 8. ( )
part 9. ( )
part 10. ( )

[edit on 23-3-2010 by seasoul]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Bicent76
reply to post by 12.13.2012

yes it is hero..

has worked since rome..

only way to be heard is with one voice of all the people..

I cannot hear one voice from the people when they are fighting with one another..
And that my friend will never ever ever be heard. Due to the lack of education and intelligence. All we have is the future and the present. And look at the time..

GOD you are so right about ALL of that, it hurts.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by 12.13.2012

You know what, we are going to be forced to have healthcare in 2014 or whatever, and you know what? We do not even know how much its going to cost each month
Yet by law we are going to be forced to have it.

So a law passed forcing American citizen to have health care by law, and we do not even know how much it will cost, and we should be greatful for it.

Does anyone else see anything wrong with that? This is going to be a mess. Wonder what their going to do next to make America, a better place to live. Holy $h$%.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:47 PM
The day of this historic "big #ing deal" also marks the 77th anniversary of Hitler's Enabling Act:

Just sayin'.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Bahb3
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Yes, you prove my point. Evolution happens with Countries ,Societies and Living organisms.

Something we agree with. But you think we have reached perfection with out current system? Why?

Science and Societal structures are to different to compare in the way you are attempting. Scientific Laws apply everywhere(AFAWK)...but what works here, may not work in France as far as political systems.vIt can be argued what we have isn't working very well.

There is no reason to be afraid. Change is good...and inevitable. I learned this when I was like 15...

The Bill of Rights are every bit as universal as is gravity. They apply to all people everywhere and anyone saying different is mistaken.

As to your assertion that "you (I) think we have reached perfection", I am not clear what you mean by that. The Bill of Rights can work in France just as well as they can work here, and not because they are words on a piece of paper but because they are words that recognize the very real discovery that all people everywhere have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As to fearing change, change is not always good and I have gone from a 29 waist to a 36 waist with a gut to prove that. I have lost too much hair! How is that good? It is not change I fear it is tyranny I abhor.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:50 PM
...and thats another way the race card worked out in the elites' favor. they realized: "oh shet, people are so mad at GWB for rigging the elections and they realized it almost immediately after it happened, and they are also quickly realizing that 9/11 was an offensive strategy that was only designed to get into Iraqs' oil and opium poppy reserves, they are mad about patriot act, and they never liked the fact that he sold the borders- if we dont throw them a bone by tossing an african-american in there for a minute, then all the white people in this nation that are pissed are gonna get up with all the black people that are pissed (and have probably had enough of white leaders, anyway) and they are gonna figure out what a little card game we are playing on their dime and their lives, and they will probably drag us out in the streets. if we can just play them along for a little while longer to implement these last few steps, it'll be ok."
But I liked Cynthia McKinney. But that dosent matter now.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Hazystars
The day of this historic "big #ing deal" also marks the 77th anniversary of Hitler's Enabling Act:

Just sayin'.

God, I didnt even know that. Good eye for detail man. I knew there had to be something fishy about today, they always like their little dates to match up (google: wiki september 11th)

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Hmmm, I don't know what to think anymore.

Thing is, If you want to be on the Internet, Aren't you forced to pay a Carrier for it?

If you're sick and need to see a doctor, Aren't you forced to pay for it?

I don't get it. Everybody is complaining that they'll have to pay for the Healthcare Rights that, they, themselves will have the benefit of..

People are talking as though the Government is going to take thousands of dollars from your pockets.

If you let the Healtcare run it's course, I could almost say people will have more money to spend because they won't have to pay ridiculous Health Fees.

A few years back, Our Premier of Queensland drafted a law that Every Queenslander has to Pay a Fee on their Electricity Bill to cover the Ambulance services, here in Queensland. A lot of people were against it but it turned out to be just what we needed. We have more and better Ambulances. Better Stations.
My wife had chest pains 2 years ago. I took her to the Hospital at 2:00am.
She was flown 300kms to Brisbane Hospital to get looked at. You know what it cost me? NOTHING. Not One Cent.

So, although there were a lot of people against this new "Tax" (for a better word/?), it has now proven to be invaluable.

The way I see it is this. American people are angry because they had this forced upon them. Ok, So? In a few years time, the Americans might be saying it's the best thing that ever happened.

If No-one wants to give it a chance. How can it succeed?

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by 12.13.2012

I think all should get a good education, education is key to unity for all, when people have a understanding of where they are as in a time, and place, and coherently wish to strive for a BETTER concious way of life, such things will not exist. I think this will take many years still but is possible yet, as long as the delusion and lack of understanding to what is being done to one individual and the others around them from a structure of power to lead them in from their pedelstalistic idea for their own direction of where we are suppose to be, leads to the lack of thinking for ones self and the sacrifice of knowledge for the idea of oh say victumnism reproaches on ones mental mentalities due to the lack of helping ones self with the ideaology of knowledge.

Can we do better hell yes..

Are we at a state to do better.. Not yet. maybe this generation or the other yet the teachings from the elders are still very primative for many tribes.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by Bicent76]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:05 PM
I live way out west in Oregon.

I'm confused on some facts here. I work for a great company, and they provide health insurance. I don't think there will be much incentive for employers to try and get good rates if the employees are required to have it anyway.

Also unlike car insurance, and home owners insurance your not insuring a product your insuring your health. as i see it you should not be required to be healthy if you chose not to be. As an American citizen I should have the right to chose if i'm worth insuring. Car insurance is designed to insure not you but the other driver encase of an accident. You have the choice to have full coverage if you would like to protect yourself. And again with Home Owners you are insuring a product and the products that dwell within ie... the home and your belongings, Not yourself.

This is a free country, or so i'm told. As long as i'm not hurting anyone else or harming society i should be able to do whatever i dam well please! Remember the pursuit of happiness and the right to religious freedom? Some believe that God will protect them. Do you think they will be exempt from the law?

This should never be forced down the citizens throat. This violates everything that we stand for. If they want to help offer government backed loans for medical. That way the hospital gets there money and you better believe the IRS will get theirs one way or another. This simple idea would help people with bad credit that need medical help and keep the hospitals functioning. The IRS would simply keep your tax returns until the debt is paid so this would cost virtually nothing. It seems that this cycle that i'm personally suffering from is getting out of control. Perpetual debt is killing this country not health care. If we could afford to eat right we would but we can only afford a dbl cheese burger that is making us sick. When we get hurt we go to emergency and we get raped with massive charges. We need to control theses charges. What does it really cost to save a life? How much money does it really cost to fix a dislocated shoulder? Lets be real here it's mostly labor on the doctors part because there is no way a few pieces of plastic and some pain killers cost 8 grand.

To simplify things. Its greed....pure unadulterated greed. The doctors want their part the government wants their part and the insurance companies want theirs too. Leaving us hard working Americans in so much debt that we are enslaved to the system forever.

Imagine this...... The 700,000,000,000 dollar bank bail out is evenly distributed amongst every American. What would you do with that money? I tell you this most would pay there debts, others that were already up would spend. The banks would get there money for the toxic mortgages they produced, and the government would get their money back in taxes. The stock market would explode from the massive amounts of spending, and instead of a depression it would be the dawn of a new age of commerce.

You have to see that this is intentional, right? We are in debt no matter what we do. How else would they control us? We are indentured laborers! if you don't know what it means look it up. We fought the revolution because of taxation. We decided that we could never be taxed on labor but instead only on Profit!!! Your labor is not profit it is survival now if you buy a product and sell it for more thats profit.

Let the USA be what it was met to be! Something unlike the rest of the world. A place where we are FREE to do as we please as long as it does not hurt another person or his land. A place where we let other countries do as they please as long as they don't mess with us. We are not the world police! Bring our troops home to do what they are meant to do. Protect our freedom and our way of life. Not force it upon the rest of the world!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

i agree with you ! , and I hope im wrong , but i see a civil war comming soon, like i said i hope i am wrong!!!

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