Originally posted by Thirty_Foot_Smurf
Originally posted by Dock9
reply to post by Thirty_Foot_Smurf
Wow ... you're right. This is going out of control
Those of us not resident of the US are treading on egg-shells over this issue, because the rage is palpable
But no matter how hard you try to stay beyond the rage
seems the rage will find you, if you dare to enter threads about health on ATS at the moment
Maybe those of us from outside the US should avoid this forum for the duration (which probably isn't what the owners of ATS would like to happen,
but hell ... how much abuse for the sake of it are non-americans supposed to absorb)
I mean, I even put at the bottom of my post that I didn't want to get into the political fray about it ... was just seeking a few answers
Good to see you're keeping a sense of humour about it anyway
Well i think people outside the US with a good perspective on government run healthcare need to help out by letting people know exactly what were in
for if we go that route. Its just crazy to me that despite all the evidence overseas that show socialized healthcare is a nightmare people still want
it here at any cost.
[edit on 22-3-2010 by Thirty_Foot_Smurf]
I'm European and I'm quite confused by this statement of yours
Its just crazy to me that despite all the evidence overseas that show socialized healthcare is a nightmare
What evidences?
Look! I have traveled all around this world - and have actually lived in many foreign countries since I was a child, and during my whole life I have
been treated many times at both private and public hospitals and clinics in Europe, South America and in Asia.
So I guess I have some experience from both sides and from many different countries.
In Europe we have healthcare that we pay for by our high taxes but I have also the possibility to add a private solution and pay from my own pocket +
private insurance that will cover the costs for an operation, if I don't want to wait with something that I think is urgent for me to get treated
right away.
And I can have both, my public option which cost me little beside the tax - and I can also have an additional private insurance which I or my employer
pay for, if I (god forbid) need a new hip or get something else that is not a threat to my life, but want those conditions to be treated right away,
If I don't want to pay from my own pocket and get treated the same day and feel that I don't have an emergency, I can go to the public
clinic/hospital whenever I want and get an appointment to see a doctor without going broke and pay for it the rest of my life.
Depending on what illness or emergency I have, will determine my waiting time to get an surgery done by operation.
If my illness is not severe or I have an emergency, the usual waiting time depends on how many other people are there the the same moment as I.
Fom my experience and visits during my whole life in public clinics and hospitals in different countries of Europe, I had to wait between 10 minutes
to 6 hours the most to get treated.
(If I walk into the clinic/hospital on my own legs and don't have any emergency)
I usually just have to wait between 15 minutes to 1 hour until they call my name. All depends on my condition and how many others are there at the
same moment - if the clinics/hospitals are overloaded with people they phone for off duty doctors and nurses who are on emergency duty to come in to
work extra.
Everything gets then treated right away by doctors and cute nurses and/or if it's very serious they rush me on a stretcher to the operating table to
go under the knife.
If it's serious, but not immediately life threatening, they would put me in a hospital room 1-2 days and then I can have my operation done.
If it's only semi serious and not immediately life threatening they can sometimes (but not always!) put me on a waiting list a couple of months to
get the surgery done or to see certain specialists and undergo certain procedures.
Depending on which specialist there could be a maximum 1 month waiting list, or which surgery I need, there can be long waiting times, again! all is
depending on what condition I have and how many people that need the same operation/surgery where you live. (Sometimes they even can send you to
another hospital instead so you don't have to wait at all though!).
And this waiting time for surgery and an operation can be between a couple of days to the maximum 6 months for some extreme cases, a new hip is
unfortunately one such example, but they are nowtrying to change that waiting time.
But that is also different from country to country and dfferent locations.
And this is
the only problem I can see with our health care here in Europe!
So if I don't like to wait the time it would take to get my public option surgery and I don't want to be on a waiting list because my condition
it's not life threatening according to the doctors, and the time they gave me for surgery would interfere with my vacation plans visiting at the The
Côte d'Azur/French Riviera with my buddies - Oh dear! what should I do?
Well as an EU citizen maybe I can check out if I can get my surgery done in Southern France instead, maybe they have a shorter waiting list for just
this condition? - and then could get fully reimbursed for this operation/surgery by my home country which I think is possible in many countries of EU
Or I use my private insurance and pay some extra from my own pocket and get my surgery done right away at some private hospital!
Whatever I chose to do, I know that I will get my surgery done in one way or another.
If I chose to be a cheapskate and save money I can take my public option which is already payed for with taxes, but maybe I have to wait a while to
get my surgery.
Or I chose to pay for an additional private insurance to get my surgery done immediately at a private hospital BUT! this will cost me more out of my
own pocket!
So whatever I chose to do - I have the choice to chose how important it is for me to get treated immediately!
At least I have the peace of mind to know that I will get treated in any case - money or no money in my pocket! because I will always know that I have
my public option there for me when I need it. And the same goes for all citizens of EU - rich or poor! peace of mind for all!
So I can have both my public option + private insurance = to be fully covered for any event that would happen in my life!
And when you guys maybe in a few weeks can post the total costs per capita for you to receive the same, I would be very thankful to know how much this
is going to cost each of you in total? - it would be very interesting to see! maybe we here in Europe will end up paying less for total health
2 years ago I broke my foot in Spain when I fell of a ladder while painting my dad's house and they picked me up in an ambulance and rushed me to a
brand new very modern public hospital where I got treated very professionally by cute & funny nurses and very efficient doctors - in fact! I have
almost never been treated so fast and with such care anywhere before. It was very professional IMO!
And it was absolutely almost the same class as most of those private hospitals I been to in the world during my liftime. Top notch!
I Certainly don't have much to compare to concerning the US - the only time I have visited a private hospital in the US was when I got one hockey
puck right in my face which got me a broken nose & a concussion from my second cousin's über hard slapshot in a "friendly" game of Icehockey, when
I was visiting them in my younger years.
But I have to say that they were really good at the hospital
they made my nose looking even better than before actually!
and thank
God that it was all paid for by my parents insurance.
Of course there are 'some' problems regarding our system, but I am thankful in general that every one in Europe can have access to good healthcare
if they need it, without going broke - even the less fortunate ones with bad economy.
But seriously! please tell me, because I'm interested to know! what is so terrible about our healthcare here in Europe? - beside paying our
'nightmare' taxes!...
... what are these health care nightmares overseas that you speak of?
[edit on 22-3-2010 by Chevalerous]