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The whole world is in a daze

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posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 01:47 PM
Reminds me of geese that I saw eating a pile of bread crumbs, that left as other ducks approached for around 2 minutes, and then they came back looking for the same pile of bread. They looked backwards and forwards in the same area with their beaks, looking dazed and confused for about half an hour and they're probably still there now looking for the same pile of bread. Is this how aliens see us human beings, as dazed and confused, and they only pity us, laugh and walk away, as we would after seeing a couple of confused geese

[edit on 19-3-2010 by john124]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

So how the hell did celebrity gossip turn into the 6 o clock news where its the first story?????

I understand exactly how you feel, I switch off the news or don't bother anymore. It annoys me too much to watch it.

Has everybody lost their mind???

Perhaps we are all losing it gradually, and some just a little bit quicker.

[edit on 19-3-2010 by john124]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:18 PM
It's a pathetic state the world is in. It seems that all I can do is be kind to others and try to understand my fellow man. I would like to lead an army of avenging angels and force justice on all of the evil doers (politicians) in the world but that's not happening and revenge has never been my forte anyway.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 05:58 PM
I thought I was the only one noticing this. The air and atmosphere just seem different somehow. Makes me wonder if we're really going through some kinds of "shift in consciousness."

At this point, only an all-out disclosure event would bring the jolts back to this planet, I'd reckon.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 07:52 PM
Finally a thread with common sense. Finally a thread where everyone isn't ignorant to the world. I am so sick and tired of trying to wake people up that I have given up on humanity. I live in canada. I tell people that the world is falling apart, and they say "if it happens it happens." They all same the same damn thing. It's really annoying. Nobody is willing to look at the problems and try to prepare for them. Nobody is willing to take a serious look at it. Just today I talked to someone who said they don't really care about the economy because they don't want to live in fear. I understand they, but.... he's certainly going to be living in fear when it does go down and he made no preparations what so ever. Are people really that thick? Everyone thinks im paranoid and obsessed with doom and gloom. Maybe I am, but with good cause! I don't think anyone is going to wake up and realize they need to act, until its smacking them in the face. By then it will be too late. We all got too used to having entertainment to keep us busy rather than real problems. Now when real problems happpen, we'll just leave it to the government. Then carry on watching our tv shows, movies, and video games. We are so out of touch with nature its pathetic. No matter what I do to try and wake people up, they think I'm crazy. I don't know what else to do. Maybe I should just ignore it to, and live for today instead of worrying about tomorrow.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 10:27 PM
I've actually been seeing a few good signs lately. Its funny that the the two age groups with the most people that are awake are college age kids and seniors. I've been talking to some people in their 60's about the global warming lie and just massive deception/corruption/control and they seem to know what is going on. Someone just said to me "people are just so gullible nowadays they'll believe whatever you tell them". This was not some young conspiracy theorist, this was a nice retired couple. While most people are asleep, there is now a strong undercurrent of people slowly waking up. Just keep showing people you know proof or concrete evidence of the truth, and it will spread.

On another note: Is anyone else in Florida seeing lots of helicopters flying around in the middle of the night?

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
reply to post by sockmonkeywrench

i think its a combination of a lot of things, but mostly i think its because most people are weak emotionally. they cant look at the ugly truth face to face stare at it knowing that this is the future this is the reality. its too much for them to bear the implications are too damaging to their psyche. so they defend their reality viciously. religious wars are all based on this same principle. its just people fighting over an agreed reality. one group says this is the real reality and the other is saying no this is. its insanity of the highest order.

Like in 1984 (the book)!

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Whatever you focus on, you feel. I promise there are plenty of other things to look at and feel happy about.

I know people (myself) who don't even bother keeping up with the news. It's depressing, and there's usually nothing worth listening to.

I personally have been feeling much better since the warmer weather has arrived. I keep track of my own life and notice what's going on with a few people or whatever is posted to facebook, and that's my life.

Whatever you feel, it is due to what you choose to look at...not what is "actually there." You can only absorb so much, and you choose to watch all the negativity or read about it on ATS...that's your sick sad life.

I know ATS can be a bunch of sensationalist speculation that isn't even worth reading the titles of the posts. The amount of nonsense I see on this site is just incredible.

Get offline! Especially drop ATS for a week or two. Go to your park. Watch some birds or squirrels. Go see everyday normal people walking or running. Call them "sheeple" if you want, but at least they don't have this "condition" you swear the entire world is under.

I feel fine! I know plenty of bad things happen, but I choose not to let that saturate my mind. You can't worry about everything that is out of your control, so just let it go.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by togetherwestand
people are just waiting for something to happen, they just think they can sit back and enjoy it.

Yeah, that's pretty much it right there. We all know we're headed for a train wreck on a planetary scale. But why doesn't anyone care?

Well, it's for the same reason everyone goes to that party which they know they will regret having attended when they wake up hung over the next morning. It's why people smoke knowing they will likely get lung cancer and/or emphysema because of it. It's why people eat at McDonalds knowing they will need a coronary artery bypass surgery one day because of it. It's why we get into our cars every day knowing 115 of us will be kill in this country today because of it. Welcome to hell. Expect things to get worse as we continue to give into the temptations of things far worse yet to come.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus

Will you be one of the 115 killed today on the roads? You won’t, simply because this statistic is only based upon a yearly average. Sometimes months on end no one gets injured. There’s no need to be morbid by fears of statistics.

If death is the ultimate fear, then that would be a needless fear. We fear death because there are longings and desires that are yet unfulfilled in this life.

There are things to see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to inhale which we had not done so, or had done so and wish to prolong such perceptions, for it must that which gives us happiness, pride, and a sense of worth, a belonging on this planet, to ourselves, and to others if we are the caring types.

To die would mean all that we know and have will disappear, for no one has return from the dead to tell us otherwise.

However, there lays the truth – no one could return from the dead, to change or unchanged events.

The next life is something we have no control over. But this life is something you and I have control over, for the gift of life and love comes with free will.

You and I make our choices, right or wrong, and must each be responsible to ourselves and others for the consequences of such choices…

What’s done is done within our lifetime. When the time comes for us to move on to the next dimension either naturally or unnaturally, we can and must face it with courage. There is nothing left to worry about, truly.

Seize the day. To be happy or sad is still your choice. Cheers! :-)

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

all thats well and good but my point is we can enjoy all those things without having our rights stolen from us and our freedom stripped. this world is spinning our of control at such a rate that i fear some of us will fly right off the planet.

i for one have absolutely no idea how this is going to reverse in a positive manner. there is no utopia at the end of the rainbow. there will be a slave population controlled by the media and overseen by the elites that rule the massive corporations. and we will let them because we want need and love the trinkets and gadgets they provide us. people laugh at how easily the native Americans were conned into giving away their land over plastic beads and simple coloured stones. You think 99% of the people in the world are any different??? iPhones, xboxes,playstions,cars,movies,tv,sports. these are the trinkets you have been bought with. i do it too still even knowing what im doing that makes me even dumber than the rest. but at least i have the option to choose some dont even have that. i am considering giving it all up and going on a treck, an adventure if you will. who knows i might find what im looking for.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:29 AM
I know everyone will see this as a dumb things to say, but, this is what I believe. I am not asking you to believe it.

I believe that people are being kept in the dark intentionally. We're full of celebrities, and sports and electronic devices and so on. We party and drink and work to make money, and slave to pay taxes. I believe all of this is a diversion. I believe the reason government are spending so much money right now, and not worrying at all about the future, is because the world is actually going to end in the year 2012. Take a look at any economy, and you'll see that they have no future beyond 2012. It's like the governments picked 2012 to stop caring. Then you look at all the ancient civilizations, including the bible, that have talked about doomsday. They all refer to a time, in which we are living in right now. Animals are going extinct beyond our control, weather is getting more and more bizarre. There is denver aiport and the georgia guidestones which make no sense whatsoever. Unless they're really hinting at a comming global event. Then they would make total sense. The year 2012 is going to be the year of years. Whether the ancients saw something on this year or not, we ourselves are heading for chaos in that year, despite what the ancients said about it. So maybe, just maybe, the ancients weren't stupid?

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Words may be easily spokened or writtened here. However truths are often self evident. The gravy train for the rich will have to come to a halt. It is unsustainable. The financial crises had to happen, so that everyone will realized what had been going on.

And many more are aware of what is going on. Even the NWO/Corporations. They too are not stupid. Their policies and beliefs, grounded by so called 'science and statistics' were utter stupidity when put to the test. Lifeforms are complex and never linear which science had attempted to fit it in.

Now is the picking up of the pieces - one piece at a time. Change will not come overnight, but a long haul process as we humanity, both rich and poor, try to find a common ground to move on, rather than to kill off each other.

And for that to happen, it needs more participation from everyone, not apathetic silence anymore. You, your family, relatives and friends, and mine, have a role to play today, if not for ourselves, it will be for the next generations of innocents as well......

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

im not totally sold on the whole 2012 issue. being an internet phenomena and also a big budget holly wood movie i think if TPTB really knew of a coming doom they wouldnt have it roaming the net so freely and have movies made about it. i think its just another red herring to make people think they dont have to do anything because the cosmos will do it for them or aliens or whoever.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Maybe you are right. But georgia guidestones and denver international airport exist. They don't make any sense, if something major isn't coming. There is no point to either of them. No one even wanted that airport built. Mayan calender ends on that day, don't know why. The egyptian narmer plate states that the age of aquarius dawns on dec 21st 2012. Time wave, in relation to the I-ching of the chinese, ends on the same day. The Hopi Indians, have a spoken religion about this same thing. The zodiac, the twelve ages, the precession of the equinoxes, is in every single civilizations known. Despite the hyped up 2012 movie and internet theories, and overblown crap people have added over time, these things I have mentioned are real. And that is what concerns me. This isn't a new y2k, that was only a computer crisis, modern day crisis. 2012 actually has a history throughout time. That's pretty creepy if you ask me.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

i agree with what your saying but regardless its something on such a planetary scale as to be totally out of my control. i can only hope something happens and something changes because this lunacy has to end one way or another.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Maybe you are right. But georgia guidestones and denver international airport exist. They don't make any sense, if something major isn't coming. There is no point to either of them. No one even wanted that airport built. Mayan calender ends on that day, don't know why. The egyptian narmer plate states that the age of aquarius dawns on dec 21st 2012. Time wave, in relation to the I-ching of the chinese, ends on the same day. The Hopi Indians, have a spoken religion about this same thing. The zodiac, the twelve ages, the precession of the equinoxes, is in every single civilizations known. Despite the hyped up 2012 movie and internet theories, and overblown crap people have added over time, these things I have mentioned are real. And that is what concerns me. This isn't a new y2k, that was only a computer crisis, modern day crisis. 2012 actually has a history throughout time. That's pretty creepy if you ask me.

I guess it would be senseless and counter productive to argue with those who are in panic for what what 2012 will bring, lol!

However, humans must always accept the truth or evidences before us.

1. The cryptic messages left behind by our ancestor beings, for those who do not believe there are myths but genuine messages - DID NOT CLAIM MANKIND WILL NOT END, NOR MANKIND WILL END IN 2012.

2. The only closest modern scientific calamity that will befall us is the solar activity of 2012, when the mother of all CME will hit Earth.

What are the solutions? - We must know what we, as a race, is capable of.

a. ) The 2008 financial crisis had to happen, to create a better awareness for mankind on manipulation of greed and social systems. It opened up our 'slave ant eyes' and realized a bigger world out there and who are the masters with their unsustainable directions for mankind.

b. ) We realized by now that we need each other to survive, white or black, to effect COLLECTIVE change. There are powers within us, spiritual or eletromagnatic fields, that if put to good use, it can change the world we live in.

2008 had been the beginning of tests. Either we fail and be wiped out eventually in and after 2012, or it will bring in a higher evolution of our species, the dream that our better ancestors long had faith in humanity....

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 07:45 AM
At times...I do feel like the world is in a daze. At times it feels like the world, myself included, is in a trance and that it's inhabitanats follow the every day routine which I would compare to a factory worker state of mind in the great depression. The truth behind the matter is, whether you believe in 2012 end of time theories, the devil coming back to the Earth and a one world government or even that government on a global scale is corrupt in general, what actions or involvement can you take to stop these things from happening?? I may be wrong, I may be right but that's just my honest opinion.

"Like a thief in the night".

[edit on 20-3-2010 by thehonestone]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by thehonestone
At times...I do feel like the world is in a daze. At times it feels like the world, myself included, is in a trance and that it's inhabitanats follow the every day routine which I would compare to a factory worker state of mind in the great depression. The truth behind the matter is, whether you believe in 2012 end of time theories, the devil coming back to the Earth and a one world government or even that government on a global scale is corrupt in general, what actions or involvement can you take to stop these things from happening?? I may be wrong, I may be right but that's just my honest opinion.

"Like a thief in the night".

[edit on 20-3-2010 by thehonestone]

if the state of the world is a result of evil then the devil never left the earth. in fact i dare say that with lust envy greed gluttony and all the rest of the "so called " seven sins being played out like they are going out of fashion, the devil " it that is what it is. has always been a major player in the affairs of humans. constantly whispering in the ear of man and women alike. some people say humans use the devil as an excuse to do bad things. i dont know what is really going on, all i know is humanity as a whole seems to glorify sadistic behavior. be it that the people controlling the media want things this way or people in general want things this way. its the trend of the decade to be ruthless.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:51 AM
I guess I could see what you are saying. But of course physically the devil isn't on Earth untill a certain point and his influence is definately present, but he isn't.

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