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The whole world is in a daze

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posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 07:55 PM
Doesnt it feel like there are entire countries of people just walking around in a sleepy dazed hypnagogic state??

i mean every now and then you get a sense of of how Screwed we really are getting. loss of rights, more corruption in political circles, massive amounts of money stolen from everyday taxpayers. i mean we are talking in the multitude of trillions. all that money went somewhere. artificial or not all those ones and zeroes held artificial values that people still believe in. and this is just a tip of the iceberg. these are the scams they are telling us about on the evening news when they can fit in how many women tiger woods screwed (because little johnny needs to know this).

the 6 o clock news used to be about current affairs and a current affairs used to be about insignificant semi news. with a lot of celebrity garbage thrown in to appease that part of women that care what over paid drama queens do when there not working.

So how the hell did celebrity gossip turn into the 6 o clock news where its the first story????? Has everybody lost their mind???how did we allow and even put up with this obscene slap in the face?? There not even trying anymore.. its like beating us down is so easy they dont even have to try to dumb us down. in fact we have become so addicted to stupidity that we will fight to maintain it. So to all those dreamers out there wake the hell up. and if you know one try to wake them up. they wont be happy but things are not going to get better if we do nothing.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:22 PM
I see it to, except i'm actually also in a daze. I know what i have to do yet i have a hard time doing the things necessary. geez its pathetic.

people are just waiting for something to happen, they just think they can sit back and enjoy it.

[edit on 18-3-2010 by togetherwestand]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:27 PM
Dazed and confused.

I hear ya.

I was just thinking almost the same thing for about a week now. It's as if the planet went into a slow motion type of action. We have wars about to erupt in the ME. Haiti and Chili just got nailed by earthquakes. The EU seems to be in a pickle over Greece.

All the while people tend to their business as if nothings wrong.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:27 PM
My family certainly understands what you are saying ! We are drinking distilled water, and I honestly will say we do feel different. Just enough to notice the memory is sharper and the draggy feeling is gone.
On the other hand, we are not sleeping well. The knowledge that we are screwed really bugs us ! We do not have much appetite, either, same reason.
I have said for over a year now we must stick together and support each other. I have a lot of friends the world over on YT but unfortunately quite a few seem to be dropping out, or just not inspired to try. Glad you are still sparked up and with us, Sending you love and peace and blessings. Hang In !!

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

My point precisely.. why arnt more people talking about this? are we few the only ones who see where this is leading? People always say yeah yeah TPTB this TPTB that. but look at the evidence there not educating people there dumbing them down. so the only logical conclusion is then that they want the people stupid to the point where they can be easily controlled? So why arnt people pi$$ed off about this?? what the hell is going on here?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by CestLaVie

yeah i have been using non fluoride toothpaste for years and only drink filtered water when i can. unfortunately 99% of the food we eat is contaminated with either heavy metals, artificial additives, preservatives, toxins, chemicals of all sorts including petroleum based hydro chemicals. no wonder the whole world is sick. Oh thats right the pharmaceutical industry makes roughly a 600 billion a year in profit. im sure they have no vested interest in people being sick.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:14 PM
Yes, yes, and yes! I've been feeling this for a couple of years, but these past few weeks I feel intensely out of joint with most everyone around me. It seems so strange that the general public appears to barely pay attention to world events, the impending economic collapse, war breaking out rapidly, etc. To them, I appear paranoid and obsessed with doom.

Ok.. perhaps I am paranoid and obsessed with doom, but there is certainly much to be worried about. Thankfully I have you folks, my partner, and a couple of good friends who are also aware just how tenuous life as we knew it has become.

Is it because of all the toxins, or is it just a willful ignorance-is-bliss sort of attitude? I really don't know, but we certainly do seem to be half asleep, at best, most of the time.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:19 PM
Let's all quantum jump:

What On Earth Is Quantum Jumping?

Quantum Jumping is the process of “jumping” into parallel dimensions, and gaining skills, knowledge, wisdom and inspiration from alternate versions of yourself.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by sockmonkeywrench

i think its a combination of a lot of things, but mostly i think its because most people are weak emotionally. they cant look at the ugly truth face to face stare at it knowing that this is the future this is the reality. its too much for them to bear the implications are too damaging to their psyche. so they defend their reality viciously. religious wars are all based on this same principle. its just people fighting over an agreed reality. one group says this is the real reality and the other is saying no this is. its insanity of the highest order.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551
Let's all quantum jump:

What On Earth Is Quantum Jumping?

Quantum Jumping is the process of “jumping” into parallel dimensions, and gaining skills, knowledge, wisdom and inspiration from alternate versions of yourself.

Hell yeah! Im ready when you (and everyone else) are.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:24 PM
Seeing as I am one of the people encountering "blips in the timeline," I'll pass on the quantum jumping, thanks!
I don't profess to know what is going on with the apparent time anomaly thing, only that I have experienced it, and find it completely resistant to any logical explanation. It's disorienting, that's for certain.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:36 PM
lol if quantum jumping were possible i would like to see how its done. this would certainly be the time to jump to another possible reality. things here dont seem too rosy.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:56 PM
Most people feel or know somethings ain't right, but give the people food and entertainment and they are happy.

It takes great strenght to face such a messed up world and see how bad it really is.

But i noticed a trend that less and less people want to watch tv, it's not worth it anymore, only trash, propaganda.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:01 PM
No one cares about the important things and when you show them what is going on and how important it is and how will their life be affected, they just shrug it off. There are more important things in these peoples lives like wearing the latest fashions, sports, TV shows, celebrity gossip, you know, the important stuff.
But look at the news, the most important thing is Tiger Woods and Sandra Bullocks getting cheated on, OH and scientist have found that coffee can kill you and the next day they say coffee can help cure diseases. What war?? No one is dying!!
If you are not looking for the important things, you will never find out. If you don't know that the regular news doesn't tell you anything that is going on, why would you search for the truth. For most people this is reality and it is what matters, anything outside of the msm is out there stuff and not normal. I believe most of the people that visit ATS and related websites, know this, the rest of the world thinks its all peachy.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Elieser

exactly i just dont understand how we got scammed so easily?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:10 PM
I think most of us here know this, too. It is terribly difficult to try to reconcile the world we see with the world others seem to see -- or perhaps I should say, the things they choose to ignore. It's easy to lump everything unpleasant into the category "out there" without bothering to do any research... but I really wonder what these people are going to think, and how they will react, when everything comes to a head.

I don't know that my awareness of everything I perceive to be true will help me survive the coming years, but at least I won't be caught totally off guard.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Dazed and confused.

I hear ya.

I was just thinking almost the same thing for about a week now. It's as if the planet went into a slow motion type of action. We have wars about to erupt in the ME. Haiti and Chili just got nailed by earthquakes. The EU seems to be in a pickle over Greece.

All the while people tend to their business as if nothings wrong.

"Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland in the body of many animals. When it is produced in the body it stimulates the heart-rate, dilates blood vessels and air passages, and has a number of more minor effects. Adrenaline is naturally produced in high-stress or physically exhilarating situations."

Humanity as a whole must be feeling on a collective unconscious level the stress bearing down on us at this time. It is not bound by time, therefor is just as much influenced by our future as it is the present and the past. Perhaps we are in fight or flight mode currently.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Tgautier13

im not sure what mode we as a whole are in but its not a good one. fear and apathy seem to be the ruling topics of the decade. people are either in fear of thier lives or dont care whats going on in the world as a whole wholly wrapped up in them selves. totally self indulgent. the kids are out of control. the politicians are out of control. the weather is our of control. everything is spinning out of control. its absolute chaos.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:44 PM
To some degree I think the self indulgence is a way to avoid looking at the world at large... it is too frightening to contemplate for a lot of people, so they stick their heads in the sand and go on with their daily lives. Eventually they become convinced that all the truly shocking things in the world are just "out there" or "conspiracy theory" or what not.

Truly, it is difficult to find a balance between living one's life as if there still might be a future, and seeing the truth. It almost seems to be a one-or-the-other proposition.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:48 PM
As well as the food, there is also the media as the OP mentioned. The dumbing down of the news and the celebritization (is that a word??) of the news, which is becoming more entertainment than fact.

Michael Franti sang of this 20 years ago in Television, Drug of a Nation Video

So much television now is aimed at draining the imagination, hope and creativity from people.

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