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The whole world is in a daze

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posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:51 PM
Yes the world is dazed.

"As we get close to the time of arrival the Purifier there will be those who walk as ghosts through the cities, through canyons they will have constructed in their man made mountains. Those that walk through these places will be very heavy in their walk, it will appear almost painful as they take each step for they will be disconnected from their spirit and the Earth.

HOPI Prophecy

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:08 PM
I find that I have cycles switching from anxiety over our predicament, and sluggishness that makes me want to just sleep. It's overwhelming what is happening, and what is still ahead. The desire to be blissfully unaware is probably a defence mechanism for the psyche but it does no good for the physical "reality".

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:13 PM
i just find it strange that nobody talks about this. this should be the first and only talking point at dinner tables and water fountains. what the hell is going on with the world?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:47 PM
I completely agree on this topic. I too have been feeling off. Starting around March of 2009 my lucid dreaming has gone to crap. No more astral vibration as well used to have them every night, was a great feeling. When I fall asleep, it’s like I’m medicated or something, I’m out like a light and I wake up like I’m in battle mode not tired just straight awake like I didn’t even sleep. I hate it, maybe it’s because I’m getting older. Who knows, but I know for me it’s not normal. I used to have fantastic dreams. As of late they have been like crap. It does seem people are either with it, or completely out of it! I see it all the time and I think, what is going on? Why are people so clueless as to what can and cannot happen, not to mention the fact that a lot people also seem to have become just real cold hearted and hatful toward people or any ideas that don’t fit or agree with their own, what happened to keeping an open mind and listening to all sides? What’s going on, what has change as of late to make people become so imbedded into themselves, that they can’t seem to see the big picture of how the poop is hitting the fan or care for that matter….I’ve been coming to ATS for a very longtime, years; but only recently did I join as a member and start to post but even as I have done this It seems a lot of people always have to say or add negative comments about the subject matter or topics of the post. I don’t understand if they do not like what they are reading or believe in. then why read the subjects or topics to begin with it? I mean a great debate is great, but a lot of post isn’t debates, they spiral into BS. It’s like some people just can’t see no matter what. I’m glad am not the only one who can see, you guys see it too. Peace S&F

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
i just find it strange that nobody talks about this. this should be the first and only talking point at dinner tables and water fountains. what the hell is going on with the world?

Maybe this world today is too boring?
Sorry to say.
It would probably take a "2012 film scenario" or "alien disclosure" to make the world "exciting" again.

[edit on 18-3-2010 by sphinx551]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
i just find it strange that nobody talks about this. this should be the first and only talking point at dinner tables and water fountains. what the hell is going on with the world?

Maybe this world today is too boring?
Sorry to say.
It would probably take a "2012 film scenario" or "alien disclosure" to make the world "exciting" again.

Actually the world is very exciting, just the most powerful and excitable things are kept under secret. you have to see under the veil that a lot of things are being covered with,

and sometimes have to go places very hard to find.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Humanity, as a whole, is lost. People are oblivious to the truth.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:19 AM
Drink distilled water
No artifical sweetners
Stop all pharmacutical and non natural drugs
Institute a holistic supplement program
Buy hormone free food as little processing as possible, fresh vegies etc
Don't watch tv, ignore mass media sleeze rags etc
Get news from alternative sources
Read and study as much as possible on relevent topics
Quit corporate slave labor
Find a few like minded people to build mental stamina
Start doing what you love not act out of fear

These are the steps I have taken, some took longer than others to accomplish. I agree with the OP most people are oblivious, but that no longer makes me miserable. I'm actually happier than I can ever remember as I have been discharging my agreement to there apparatus of control slowly but surely. Most of the population in the US is on serious mind altering drugs. Most of the population seems like zombies or robots to me anymore but I am no longer vested in there saving or survival we are past that point. A time of great change is nearly upon us and great preparations must be made. People have had long enough to make there choices and those who act from a place of fear and scarcity will find themselves in a hell of their own creation. SAVIORSELF before its too late.

[edit on 19-3-2010 by ISHAMAGI]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:24 AM
iu take permanent medication and i'm still aware of the world i'm living in, so i don't think it's an excuse...
the society is dumbed down, completely. but it has been this way all the modern times, it just has became cheaper. When I was a child, our country was under a military dictatorship, and we had the greatest shows on tv to distract the cattle. Oh GOD, those full productions were insanely expensive! We watched luxury on tv, from Dallas and Dynasty to our local prime time shows with the most reluctant stars on them. We watched Miss Universe like it was the best show EVER!... when drinking a cup of tea made with the same teabag as my granma's and my aunts... and cousins. We didn't care about not having any of the things we saw on TV, but it was entertaining for sure. However, I developed a strange (here) fascination for documentals, Jacques Costeau and National Geographic in sunday mornings FTW.

Now, everything looks wasted and not reluctant. Our TV lost all it's shine and now looks like cardboard in front of a diamond. Nothing. Even our local celebrities are crap!.... soccer players and "models" (not even models, they do runways in discos wearing almost anything in the parties. They're an ode to silicone and not even pretty)... we don't have a music enterprise or good actors too.

However, looking it again... it's the same. The same thing. Cheaper, but the same. Less inocent, but the same. Maybe a little worst with the massification of media.

Common people is dumb. The society we live on is dumb. The ones that aren't normal are the ones like we, that can see that there's something beneath that cardboard screen the media tries to use to dumb us down (more).
I can't lie, i like to watch the entertainment and showbusiness shows... because i laugh at them and to the people that lives from them. A couple of guys that were my classmates when i was studying journalism now makes their living talking gossip on TV, and i laugh. They're nothing but puppets of TPTB, nothing else.

again, sorry for the crappy grammar... 3 AM here...

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 03:19 AM
I think that each country is facing it's own problems. You know in Canada, the Prime Minister suspended Parliament for the entire Winter Olympics. Unbelievable. I feel like "David after Dentist" when I hear things like this. Is this real life!?

I have spoken to my family, my friends, and my therapist about what is going on in the world. What they tell me in reply is to stop watching the news. Sure. Close my eyes, put my fingers in my ears and start singing and everything's going to be hunky-dory. Paranoia doesn't seem so irrational these days.

Originally posted by sphinx551
Let's all quantum jump:

Al, why haven't I leaped yet!?

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
yeah i have been using non fluoride toothpaste for years and only drink filtered water when i can. unfortunately 99% of the food we eat is contaminated with either heavy metals, artificial additives, preservatives, toxins, chemicals of all sorts including petroleum based hydro chemicals. no wonder the whole world is sick. Oh thats right the pharmaceutical industry makes roughly a 600 billion a year in profit. im sure they have no vested interest in people being sick.

Where do you get non-flouride toothpaste and how is that working out for you (or your teeth rather)? For ten years I had been popping 4 to 8 pills a day. Nearly every anti-depressant, sleeping and social disorder medication has been through my body. Just this past month I quit them all for two herbal supplements. Now I feel better than I can ever remember feeling, I have so much more energy, I am healthier and getting in the greatest shape of my life. Absolutely no exaggerations.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by MrAndy

i get the tooth paste from safeway and my teeth are fine as far as i know. maybe i should go see a dentists one of these days. lol

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by 1984hasarrived

I really believe there's more to the new digital tv than meets the eye.

My husband bought a big one and our dog and I can't stand to be in the same room as "it".

It's always "hot" and when I go to dust it, inches away, even when the thing is off, you can feel something, like invisible I don't know something you can't see but feel with your hand.

Our brains are a complex organic computer and yes I believe that the digital signals emanating from this thing are spacing people out, "conditioning the masses and dumbing them down, almost like cattle control.

Are cell towers just for cell phones?

Seems there's a lot of them where I live?

I notice when I do watch tv my brain goes on autopilot.

Most people don't want to take the red pill, they would rather stay asleep and serve the Matrix.

My question now is who is running the Matrix?

[edit on 19-3-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 09:28 AM
Check some of my threads.
Been saying it for ages now.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by MrAndy

Where do you get non-flouride toothpaste and how is that working out for you (or your teeth rather)? For ten years I had been popping 4 to 8 pills a day. Nearly every anti-depressant, sleeping and social disorder medication has been through my body. Just this past month I quit them all for two herbal supplements. Now I feel better than I can ever remember feeling, I have so much more energy, I am healthier and getting in the greatest shape of my life. Absolutely no exaggerations.

Toms of Maine has a non fluoride toothpaste. They are not allowed to put it in large letters so you have to read the box. Also non aluminum deodorant but you have to read it carefully The aluminum ones are protected from competition. I have a friend who uses raw garlic for toothpaste. I will try it when I get up the courage. Before that he tried salt and then tried baking soda. Garlic is amazing. It cures so many things, but needs to be fresh and uncooked and about five to ten minutes after being chopped or grated. But garlic is hot in the mouth. I've got to do it soon because my teeth are crumbling from the fluoride. My front teeth are about to go. You get fluoride from a lot of sources, besides water. Tea has a lot. Most processed foods have a lot.

Another source for our mental facilities getting foggier could be the mercury in our fillings being released as our teeth crumble from the fluoride. Just a thought.

It seems like everything is crumbling. Our children are dumbed down. Our politicians don't even apologise for being bought out. Like in the Louisiana Purchase. Look at Kucinich. He didn't get bought out. He was too good a person. But he caved under pressure. Everybody seems to be caving. Our local police have lost sight of constitutional government and stop people joggers to demand id.
The government is preparing for "emergency" The people should be preparing. We should be having conferences about what we should do if the government shuts off our water, electricity, and food supplies. Or what we should do if those goons being trained in Juarez and Haiti get let lose on our families. Or what we should do if the banks cut off our money or social security and pensions shut down. We need real emergency preparedness. Everybody is going around in a daze because they know things are up in the air. You've got to stop and look around before knowing which way to jump.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:00 PM
I think the best question to ask is what we can do as individuals. Unfortunately there is NO fixing this problem. I am not a cynic, and I also don't fool myself. What took years, decades and perhaps even centuries of conditioning this mentality, our current evolution, and everything that is, will not be changed through forcing enlightenment.

This process requires an overhaul. One of such a magnitude that the population of this planet will be reduced to those who can and are willing, and devoid of those who can't and won't. It is not about convincing anyone of wrong doing or of the tragic direction we've been led in. It's about a world full of people so naive and unwilling to understand anything beyond their 5 senses.

It is not a few of us, it's all of us! Why do I say all of us? Because, every last one of us who 'thinks' we've woken up, is a liar! To be awake and truly living our words is to not take part in this system. Yet here we are, paying for cable, paying for internet, surfing the web and digesting gossip. We are not better than each other simply because we believe our perception to be more relevant.

We can only be better through necessity. The way I see it, necessity will provide us with the means of change, not the other way around. We are supposed to be here, just like this. We are supposed to be a shallow, robotic organism. Because if this hadn't happened, if it wasn't our reality, we would never see the importance of change, the importance of growth and a return to wholeness.

The energy that has been expended to create our world is strong and sure. As more and more people forget what it is they are here for, so shall their children and their children's children. Within the last 200 years or so, we fought for rights and equality, truth and patriotism. Today, perhaps 4 short generations later, can anyone tell me what it is we fight for? Can anyone tell me why we've taken for granted and made light of the blood spilled for long forgotten progress?

Here we are, simple. Here we are proud of our things and our status. Here we are afraid of social interaction because life in all it's glory is being over simplified; and we let it... we love it!

The time for action has long come and gone. A revolution of the people is hopeless for the simple fact that you will not be fighting the tyranny of a government, but rather apposing the luxury of simplicity and automation that the blind have come to worship. You will be fighting the people. If you think fighting amongst ourselves is the answer, you are wrong in my eyes.
The change will come, and it is ok to just sit back and wait for it. There is nothing wrong with maintaining your moral and ethical integrity while taking part in this out-of-control journey.

What is important however, is that when things do change, you are ready. Whatever it is, it will be bigger than you, your words, your actions, your anything. This cannot go on forever. It will not go on forever. Maintain an untarnished roll in the proceedings of our race, and let those of us with eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to touch and mouths to speak move forward willingly. It is not our job to direct, dictate or alter the course life so obviously takes on its own.

In my honest opinion, there are too many of us on this rock. Too many in the sense that the ones unwilling to pay attention are like a poison best left alone. They want to be, so let them. Our energy is much to precious to taint it with the likes of ignorance and self-absorbed-delusion. To be more affective is to store it, save it, and when the world shifts in our favor, spread it amongst those of us willing and able to benefit from it.

We are one, so let us be one.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:01 PM
well yes your right but here is the thing. Most people refuse to think that are "loving" country has done anything wrong but the people we have running it that we all put in there are corrupt. Most are anyway but still when we get a virus on are computer it all gets infected thats what happened to are government. There is hope though we can stop the virus but it would require all of us to stop it buy first realizing whats wrong. Truly i am sadden that people have gotten this lazy that they cant even open there own eyes.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

I agree. I feel stimulated by very little these days. I don't have an ego about it, but most things I do, I do. I am a strong believer that there really is no try, because it boils down to, "did you, or didn't you?"

Right. I mean, if you're in a race, and you don't win, can you say you tried? Sure it makes you feel better, but the answer is no, you lost. You simply didn't win. So you did, or you didn't... wtf is a try?

You're driving your car and the stop light turns red, and you run it. When the cop asks you if you stopped on the red, what do you say? "Well officer... I tried." In this case, trying got you a cool piece of paper with a price tag.

So, back to the point. In a world where everything is about either doing it or not doing it, most the 's' that is out there to do is too easy, unchallenging and boring. If you just 'try', well, you'll be back! Which means you've always got something challenging to do.


The challenge will be finding strength in yourself, and finding purpose when things we thought were a constant, aren't. Sometimes the light is yellow first, and you tried!

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Our planet is being destroyed and it's very appaling that we can't do anything about that. It really seems we're paralyzed, dazed and confused.
I heard in the news this morning that more than 800 square Km of amazonian forest has been destroyed only in the last 6 months - an area larger than Singapore. Keeping this pace, by 2040 there'll be no forest there anymore.
And I feel pathetically impotent because I realised that almost all of our meet come from the grazelands taken from the amazonian forests, most of our fuel come from devastated areas (and they cynnically call it biofuel), as well as most of the food we eat. Almost all our lifetyle has been kept by killing, devastating and destroying. Almost all of our native indians have been decimated in order to obtain arable land.
And the saddest thing is that we're not only doing nothing about that but we're shepishly participating in this insanity.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 01:22 PM
Hi everyone, welcome to the world.

You are more excited by things when you are younger, everything is new, complex, interesting. You grow older, and everything becomes known, predictable. Your life isn't being 'drained' by the things you do, its not being drained by that flouride toothpaste, its not being drained by preservatives, or 'heavy metals' in your food, its being drained by your age.

The population of the world has always been largely complicit with their current situation, today and 1000 years ago. Its always the few that think differently that create change in this world, they are the catalysts. The world is not being subdued into unconsciousness, it just has always been unconscious, complicit.

The answer is to find something new to do with your life. Once you do the same thing day in and day out, you become the sheep. You begin to feel as if you are losing touch with the outside world, and it is because you are! You need to go out and change your perspective on the world if you want to find your continued existence on this planet to be an enjoyable one.

[edit on 19-3-2010 by Takamuri]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 01:39 PM
I think people are over thinking this whole deal. Quit dwelling on how F'ed up everything is and start doing the right things. If you have a good attitude, be positive about things, and start taking care of your own. The world will start to be a better place. If we constantly dwell and dwell on the negative things that are taking place around us, pretty soon all we will see is the bad, ugly, and horrible things in life. I'm not saying bury your heads in the ground. Be informed, but don't let it overtake your mind and heart. What can the common person do about all the crap that is going on at the highest levels? We can only do so much. We can vote. We can become more involved with our community. We can talk to our neighbors. Be the positive influence in your community and help inform people to the truth. If enough of us do that, then things will start to get better. Be the change you want to see in the world. Become a leader. Don't set and watch the television and curse and carry on about how screwed up everything is. Turn off the TV , that's probably one of the best things we can do to start to change things. Get involved with your children, and teach them right from wrong. We all need to do a lot more of this. Peace.

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