posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:57 PM
This will maybe seem bizarre, but I have my reasons for how this unfolds. You will like what of it you like and see what you will see.
Sure, cause some atheists are, by definition, eaters of themselves. Besides, no essential person fits into any of these categories. They believe, by
choice in light of perspectives on experience which are mutable, in a universe without a singular principle (universe without an integral principle?).
They use the word, I, often, but fail to see the irony (unless they have a good sense of humor, in which case I would laugh with them.) SO,
basically, the only "I" they perceive is reflective of the reptilian cord, the need to partition, divide, and conquer. They say their is no God
because they wish to see their essential characteristics reflected in the world. They want to be the deus ex machina. They don't mind having a
"god," but this god must not encompass anything not perfectly measured, spewing in all of their prideful arrogance that if God must exist it must
exist within their dualism. The only "god" (controlling principle) they acknowledge is the the god of control itself, but their desire to control
necessitates that they call it not a god, as someone else might enter their safe little nest and rip it to shreds.
They say it is chance that created the universe, not admitting that the universe is merely what they perceive to be the universe, and as such being
said universe, strangely believe that they had no will in creating their very own nifty little universe (lots of universes), no choice whatsoever.
Ironically, they, like all those mechanized hollow things seeking an anima, divide the world into us versus them in an essential act of denial in that
they are frightened to perceive that the "world" is not merely a reflection of binary, solid-state computer/like thinking. Well, if that is the
perspective they choose, of course their world will naturally emerge between those lines. Their soul (sole, mine, mind?) perceives a world that is
absent intelligence, but full of cause and effect, which can be perceived, and subsequently exploited and controlled indefinitely, at least until the
meaning of it all is perceived on the inside.
Strangely enough, Christians (at least some modern day appear to sometimes) exist in an oppositely exclusive realm. They see the universe as all
intelligence, yet no chance. Maybe, maybe this whole experience has acts of will reflecting causes and effects which were set into motion by yet
other wills. Yet wills can understand the causes and effects within them and refashion them into yet other wills. Selves can rearrange their very
own digital identities at will, but they must perceive what they are getting into beforehand. The universe can morph into another, interact with
others, and can be transcended as well, although the life spark does fashion another at this time based on previous choices.
Oh yeah, by the way, of course not everyone who claims the label of atheism is truly atheistic. However, the boundaries set by this linguistic virus
of a belief structure will continue to mold the clay of the individual until he and/or she has understood himself and/or herself within the context of
this particular web. Then, the choice is the individual's on how or whether that "I" will divide itself yet again. Or rather it is the sum of its
Oh yeah, maybe if Christianity and atheism were to make sweet love, they might see something divine. Maybe if logic personified itself and realized
that it always runs into a wall. Maybe if intuition (INtelligence) realized that its desire to be the center of it all, when left alone, requires us
to repeat the same drama time after time. Maybe if both these happen, maybe when the line and circle get together, a spiral occurs. Maybe if the
line and circle are making sweet love, so to speak, then the spiral is quite upward. If the line and the circle hate each other, so to speak, they
better imagine a world in which they love each other. That way, when the spiral hits bottom, at least their is a portal to a world that transcends
the degrading interactions of the one prior. Peace through reconciliation. Fun through a dynamic interplay which realizes the whole to the extent
that reactions can exist in a world without the war mentality.
This all goes for all dogma, which somewhat coincidentally spelled backwards is "am god" This even goes for this dogma, strangely enough. Maybe we
should just believe in dogma that works for both individual and collective, and be willing to amend when necessary, and be willing to have an open
perspective that is aware of the necessary time. That way, we are God, instead of "I" am God.
Oh, yeah, a world that transcends this would be wonderful, but I see that we must be wise in our progression.
[edit on 14-3-2010 by orwellianunenlightenment]