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Timeshift survery

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posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by demonseed

1. I know that the entire world map changed. I didn't notice any dead celebrities, I don't keep track of Hollywood much. Odd occurances, Yes, History has changed, I watched the movie Australia to see if the map there had changed and it did, Some history dates changed for me.

2. I have in the past, not controlled, had night terrors, sleep paralysis. i.e. I visited the white city (extremely Vivid) I know I was there.

3) Yes, I hear my cell phone ringing even though its not.

4) I was at one point.

5) I keep waking up at the exact same time everyday at 2:22 am, I wake up feeling what I call Hyper Aware, where you feel like you've gone from Analog to HD 1080i 3D, its extremely weird and scary at the same time.

6) The flying yes, the weird dimensions yes, and yes reaccuring dreams. In fact in 03' I posted this dream that was extremely disturbing and vivid that I had to post it.

Agreed we need to monitor this, I even posted this thread as well

Changes I've noticed to the World Map


posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by PennyQ
I am leaning towards the multi-dimensional theory myself, rather than things being changed in the past.
I feel that our soul, for want of a better word, is spread through the dimensions and that somehow our consciousness is swapping between said dimensions.

This is my exact thought.

I didn't think this at all until recently. I know it's not something we're supposed to talk about so please delete if need be, mods. The last time (1 of only 2 times ever) I had a ... "recreational" smoke, I experienced a bunch of parallel universes all at the same time. Obviously in that state, I was not thinking about history or geography, but I had a slightly different emotion in each one. I flipped through each world like flipping pages quickly for old cartoons, and I was essentially happy in one world, then sad the next, then happy, then sad. etc. So having experienced something like that, I think it is entirely possible, if completely frustrating.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:34 PM
Add another checkpoint - you remember TV shows that no one has ever seen, or documented. Not just movies, but entire series.

Not that it's the case for ME, but I have friends that can recount episodes in vivid detail, but the actors in it are not listed as ever having appeared in such a program.

Oh, and "Have you ever met people that you already know?"

I have met three people in my life that I already knew. In each case, we knew each other, in detail, had been old friends. But when we sat down and tried to puzzle out where and when we'd met, we realized that we had never crossed paths, despite knowing minute details of each others' lives.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:41 PM
I had a couple of inexplicable time-space shifts -- one involved me and my partner ending up in a bus-only lane approaching a bridge. It was an area I knew well, and we re-traced our route to try to figure out a logical explanation for how we got there... we finally gave up trying to figure it out.

I also had one of the aforementioned kind we aren't allowed to discuss here... quite bizarre. My pet birds went wacky that night... acting in a way I had never seen before, and have never seen since.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 09:18 PM
In my view the world map has changed a lot.

1. South America has moved east and are now closer to Africa

2. Cuba, Bahamas.. has moved North West

3. Hudson Bay has grown in size and is now a huge ocean

4. Greenland is closer to Canada

5. Iceland is bigger

6. Denmark moved East and is now closer to sweden

7. England has moved south and is now very close to France

8. Sicilia has grown in size and has moved east and is now only
3 kilometer from the mainland Italy (fascinating)

9. Africa has grown and moved North(Look at the "Strait of Gibraltar"
how narrow it is now)

10. Madagascar has move North

11. Japan has moved North

12. The whole South East Asia has changed in size. It all seems bigger
and all the islands has moved South East

13. Australia has moved a lot North West. Australian had much more vegetation, the desert where much smaller and concentrated in the middle of the country. Australian where also surrounded by a huge ocean on all sides and was not even close to Papua New Guinea.

14. New Zealand has moved South(used to be just North East of
Australia and much closer than now)

15. Tasmania has grown in size(i think, can't ever remember seeing it
there before)

16. The Antartica has grown and seems to be closer to South America.

and this is my memories of the world layout.

[edit on 19-3-2010 by Snowi]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by demonseed

1. Yes, I posted my perceptions about Australia/NZ and yes, I do remember Ernest Borgnine and Nelson Mandella as deceased.

2.Just happened

3. Industrial and low rumbling, like thunder that goes on and on and on.

4. Yes, I have observed craft, have had contact during dreams on several consecutive nights that were identical with my ex-husbands dreams on those same nights, and I have missing time with some recovered memories.

5. Yep.

6. Yes, have had lucid dreams and what I stated on #4.

I believe we are experiencing higher vibrational energies on the planet and we are able to perceive and experience many levels of consciousness that we used to consider as either science fiction or out of an ordinary person's reach.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 01:36 AM
#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

I can't stand looking at New Zealand on a map 1,400 miles out... okaaay thats what it says, and modern maps can't be all that wrong with satellites and all.

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

Yes, I did it "forcefully". Very strange experience. I don't consider it "astral projection" but rather a rare form of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness. I participated in an ATS thread about a book teaching everyone to "astral project" and I was the only one to actually follow through
I didn't expect it to work... it worked.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

No, except when I astrally projected and heard very much electronic sounding static.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

Not that I recall.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

Never. Though I felt unmistakably a feeling travel up my spine and into my head once while waking up.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences?

I did have a dream I'd describe as "dimensional" once, but it was not recurring. As for weird dreams I have them most nights.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Im going to bump this thread because it seems the topic is gaining interest again. I will also pool the data so we can see what's common and uncommon among us.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 01:04 PM
double post

[edit on 21-6-2010 by demonseed]

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