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Timeshift survery

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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:40 AM
Ok i think i have enough replies to postulate a theory. This is the theory i had in the beginning but i wanted to see if there was a connection.

Im gonna post it here to see what you guys think.

The theory i have is that the world in which we live in is one. There is still one earth and i dont think the people experiencing the australia out of place syndrome(lol?) are travelers from another dimension.

The theory i have relates to time travel, actually.
If someone where to travel to the past, and change something, what would happen to the future?
Would the world be the same? Different? The people travelling back and forth would notice the changes, but would the people who are still living in the current time notice anything at all? They couldnt... right? it just wouldnt make sense.

What i think happens is that we are implanted with the "correct" memories of our lives. This most likely happens when we go to sleep. You would wake up, and even though something might be different, you wouldnt know it to be different because your mind remembers it being the way it is. So if someone from the future traveled back and screwed something up, you would go to sleep, wake up, and everything that you remembered to be different would simply be the "new" version, and it would seem ok.

I think this has been going on for a while. This is the only way to explain how there could even be time travel in the first place. Some kind of universal force is re-forming our memories to the correct state so that we dont flip out. Kind of like a natural brain process.

Well, what happened was that some of us either shutdown/got it shutdown/ or just disconnected in someway to this memory implanting force(excuse my silly names for the moment lol) and now we are simply seeing all these changes without our memories being re-planted to the "current" memory.

I cant say how or why, but it has something to do with people feeling out of place.

That is the #1 re-curring theme. Everything just feels "out of place". Ive felt that way for a while, and this australia thing has kind of re-solidified that feeling.

Anyway, we should probably start a thread on what this might be. I have a few ideas but i wanna hear more opinions first.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:04 AM
You fancy throwing any sort of scientific evidence into this... or is it just going to be based on that episode of the Simpsons when Homer goes back in time?

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by demonseed

I too see these things, and know that something big is going on here. I am aware of a shifting of the dimensions, as if two separate time lines are crossing each other.
Measuring the Time Between Two Pulses On Separate Lines

Mankind; The Two Separate Creation Events*

I submit that many dimensions exist, and that each one of us human beings exist in each one of these dimensions. In each one things are a bit different, people are in different stations, material objects are different. You can actually see this when you astral travel into these dimensions. You can also go aboard alien craft, but subterfuge is very necessary here. You have to be real careful not to get excited, of they will detect you. As long as you can remain calm, you can do a bit of exploring. These craft travel inter-dimensionally, this is how they can easily disappear so fast. Human beings are getting their DNA upgraded whether TPTB like it or not. We are becoming Spiritual Beings instead of carbon based beings, this is why you are unable to sleep, and are no hungry for long periods, in the higher realms, eating, sleeping, and toilet is not necessary, you can if you wish to, but why?
I know some of you will call this crazy talk, but I know other dimensions exist, I have seen some of them.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by FAQAmerica
You fancy throwing any sort of scientific evidence into this... or is it just going to be based on that episode of the Simpsons when Homer goes back in time?

I cant. i really just cant. Some day you might notice one of these changes and then it will hit you like a brick. Until then, you just have to go by others testimony.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:37 PM
demonseed, your explanation for these events is time travel? i think timelines/dimensions overlapping is more plausible, it seems the veil is growing thin.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by demonseed

#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

Yes...just recently when I saw the posts on here. While reading the posts I thought people were nuts thinking Australia was in a different spot. So opened up a map and was floored to see Australia in the wrong spot.

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

No...never have. Have had some very realistic dreams...but that's it.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

Not really...there was a period of time 2 years ago when I heard and saw strange things...but I was under a lot of stress and my anxiety level was probably as high as it could get.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

Yes...and at the same time no
I've always wanted to communicate with an alien being...but would rather not be abducted

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

Occasionally...but mostly this happens in the middle of the night when I wake up for no reason. I also sometimes wake up in the morning feeling like I didn't sleep at all...and sometimes like I have had the crap beat out of me. No physical signs...just aches and exhaustion. It passes though...I've always just thought it was waking up at the wrong time during the sleep cycle.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience. *edit: i really want to emphasize "recurring". If it happened once i dont find it as valuable. However, if you are having multiple dreams that are very similar and just very weird i would really like to hear it.*

No...not since I was a child. As a child I always had recurring dreams...and the intesified when I was sick. But nothing really that interesting.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 09:08 AM
A little late to this. I am fascinated by this topic, but I don't like coming here and wading through pages of people saying we are crazy, so I haven't been here in a while. I am still wishing this would get moved to a place where we could discuss it without the trolls. Anyway.

#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember? YES...TO ME, AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND HAVE MOVED FROM WHERE I REMEMBER THEM BEING FROM AS RECENTLY AS A YEAR AGO.

#2) Do you astral project? NOPE.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises? NOPE.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings? DEFINITELY NOPE.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place? NOT WHEN I WAKE UP, REALLY, BUT IT'S MORE LIKE I ALWAYS FEEL THIS WAY LATELY...LIKE SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? NOPE.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by demonseed

#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?
Yes, not Australia (maybe coz I live there) but several other places don't look right to me.
Same with people I heard were dead.

#2) Do you astral project?
Ýes, accidently. I've only managed to do it on purpose once.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?
Yes. Sometimes radio like noises, other times it's music.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?
Oh yes! I often think I want them to come take me away from this madhouse.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences?
As a child I had this dream often for many years, there was a house in the country, (lots of detail)
with a lane leading up a hill. I wander up the hill and then ... leap off and fly all over the countryside

These days I often wake up feeling that I have been living another life and can become quite annoyed that I was in the middle of something and didn't want to wake up yet.

I am leaning towards the multi-dimensional theory myself, rather than things being changed in the past.
I feel that our soul, for want of a better word, is spread through the dimensions and that somehow our consciousness is swapping between said dimensions.

Good luck with the research, there's got to be something to it for so many people to feel the same.


posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by demonseed

I've had most of them except astral projection,
Does feel like something just aint right and i cant put my head around it

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 02:29 PM
#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?


#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

I think i have, my mind wonders off and i see things i cant explain on a regular basis,

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

I live by a railway track

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

Yes still am

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

Many times,

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience. *edit: i really want to emphasize "recurring". If it happened once i dont find it as valuable. However, if you are having multiple dreams that are very similar and just very weird i would really like to hear it.*

Yes always, Mpy gpt time to explain right now


posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 02:49 PM
#1) Yes, and it's very strange.

#2) Yes,
2a. I've done it so long, I can't exactly remember how it started.

#3) No, but I don't sleep much at night either.

#4) Yes.

#5) No, but often when I wake up I see like fractal & mandela like patterns overlaying everything for a while. It takes about 5-10 minutes to fade. Like oil on water, but forming complex, perfect patterns.

#6) Constantly

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 05:04 PM
Many nights I dream that I changed timeline and some of my friends are different, some of the things in my house changed overnight, in the dream.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 05:13 PM
1. No
2. Yes
3. No
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Yes

Something really strange happened night before last. In retrospect I know it was the 15th of March, but before going to bed I distinctly remember looking at the calendar on the computer and seeing that it was the 19th of March. I went to work the next day thinking it was March 20th only to find out it was the 16th. I can't explain it.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:10 PM

#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

Some celebrities like Nelson Mandela still being alive for one, everything on the maps is pretty much like I remember.

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

I have tried doing it.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

There have been times but my wife has a fan on at night so sometimes it's just that.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

Yes, and I believe I have done just so.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

I definitly had this happen, that strange creepy feeling something is not right.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience. *edit: i really want to emphasize "recurring". If it happened once i dont find it as valuable. However, if you are having multiple dreams that are very similar and just very weird i would really like to hear it.*

My most common dream is that I can fly by just thinking about it, kinda like walking, it's almost like thinking happy thoughts like as in Peter Pan and when you stop thinking such thoughts I come back down.

I have had many dreams of visiting strange dimensions where everything is different.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:52 PM
1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

Yes. Recent events out of sequence that are corroborated by others, as well as old memories not lining up.

#2) Do you astral project?
Not to my knowledge.

2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

Not applicable

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

Yes, I have heard these for years intermittently.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

Maybe as a child, in passing... certainly not any time in the recent past.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

Sometimes. This also sometimes happens to me during the middle of the day.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:41 PM
#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?
Honestly, yes, though these are a little easier to shrug off and dismiss, one recently is I thought Corey Haim died long ago of a drug OD and then I asked if he died this time of an OD and sure enough I was bang on...but you could have heard a pin drop when I asked "was it an OD this time" that's exactly how I stated the question...whhooo hooo whoo hooo stuff man!

#2) Do you astral project?
I have
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?
yes on both

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?
Nope not that I have noticed.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?
Interested yes, unfortunatly I never even remotely came near seeing a single UFO or Alien.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?
This has happened as well.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience. *edit: i really want to emphasize "recurring". If it happened once i dont find it as valuable. However, if you are having multiple dreams that are very similar and just very weird i would really like to hear it.*

I think I dreamt of other lives on other planets, and I have also seen dimensions with time a tad ahead of ours...used to help me ace tests in High School!!! lol. These were all recurring and lately I am linked to another alternate in which I live in the mountains and go skiing often these recur pretty frequently.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by demonseed

#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience. *edit: i really want to emphasize "recurring". If it happened once i dont find it as valuable. However, if you are having multiple dreams that are very similar and just very weird i would really like to hear it.*

1./ Odd occurrances, Yes - Map and celebrities, No.

2./ No

3./ Yes

4./ No

5,/ No

6./ I used to have recurring flying dreams where I'd be flying over familiar places - Once even looking through the kitchen window of an ex girlfriends house - YES, KITCHEN WINDOW!!! LOL! I've not had a flying dream for a long time though.

I also used to have a recurring dream where I was on an airliner that couldn't gain height. It was flying along city streets at the level of the streetlamps with the wingtips just avoiding the buildings either side and power cables in front which the plane just manages to find enough height to clear. I must have had that dream 10 or more times, but I've not had it for about 10 years.

I've mentioned this before in another thread, but when I was 11 I was knocked off my bike by a speeding car - I was badly injured, but fortunately not in a life threatening way. Prior to that I'd dreamed it twice, exactly as it happened - so much so that when it happened for real I recognised all the witnesses standing round me and initially believed that I was dreaming it again.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:07 AM
#1) Yes to some of the celeb ones mentioned, definitely.

#2) No

#3) Yes, at night I hear what sounds like unintelligible TV chatter from another room, but its definitely not.

#4) Yes

#5) Yes, I often wake up in the same place I always do and I briefly don't seem to recall where I am.

#6) I've had a lot of "flying" dreams for the first time this year. They aren't too special but its a wonderful sensation to somehow feel weightless without ever knowing what it's like to feel weightless.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 12:29 PM
questions 2, 4, 5 and 6: yes.

i meditated a few times , i found it very relaxing

i expearince a falling sesation for a sec or two when trying to fall asleep at least once a month. im pretty shure this is common.

the biggest for me is a sudden feeling of not belonging or feeling extremely out of place it comes on strong and very suddenly. one thing i can say that when i feel this way it is always a familiar setting, whichs makes it weirder. like my house or driving in my car, waking in up in the morning or during the night it has happened a few times spread out over a few years total. its not a regular occurance

[edit on 18-3-2010 by twistingtree]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:24 PM

#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

Yes, and the earth's orbit is different now.

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

I did twice accidentally, about 13 years ago. Well, I was half stuck the first time. Second time was scary.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

I can sleep through a 6.8 earthquake and a fire alarm, so no. I get sleep paralysis with the evil voice, in case that is of interest.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

Yes, about 13 years ago.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

At times. I've woken up completely disoriented also. Don't know the day, year, or where I was (and each time this happens, I was at home, a home I've been living in for years).

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience. *edit: i really want to emphasize "recurring".

I've had the same recurring space war dream since I was probably 3y/o. It used to happen once a year, but lately the scene changed a little bit (the window I look out of isn't the same anymore).

Dimension-wise, haven't experienced it in dreams, but have in a way that I don't think we're allowed to talk about on here.

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