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Timeshift survery

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posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:01 PM
Hey guys. The timeshift thing is really starting to boggle my mind. I wanted to make a thread asking a few questions that people experiencing timeshifts can answer. Hopefully we can get a pool of data and figure out why some people are experiencing these shifts and others are not.
Before you post, make sure you have read the topic of this thread:

I have questions for both people who are seeing different changes happening on the map and people who are not. Please, refrain from the "your geography sucks you are retarded" comments. Myself, and hopefully everyone else, will ignore you.

Ok, the questions:

#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience. *edit: i really want to emphasize "recurring". If it happened once i dont find it as valuable. However, if you are having multiple dreams that are very similar and just very weird i would really like to hear it.*

That is all for now. Hopefully we can get a pool of data and get to the bottom of all this. I am not going to simply rule out 45 pages of "bad geography", so i think its important that we take this issue seriously and look at it from all facets.

[edit on 13-3-2010 by demonseed]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:17 PM
Ah, I love logging into ATS on the weekends, because there are always so many good new threads!

But yes, I have experienced all of those things that you mentioned. The main one being waking up, and it feels like you are in a different reality. Like last night, I had incredibly vivid dreams of past locations in my life, and I was dreaming I was still living those lives, in an alternate reality. When I woke up this morning, I was surprised I was where I am now. This is not a bad thing since I like where I live, it was just crazy how I was dreaming about the past extremely vividly.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:22 PM
#1) Yes, but I chalk this up to a bad memory.

#2) Yes.
2a. It just happened to me. Summer of 2008.

#3) No.

#4) Yes, but I think we all are at one point.

#5) Occasionally. Usually after the rum is gone.

#6) Yes, I have lucid dreams (projections) about shifting through dimensions, and buzzing over my house/city/area often.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by demonseed
take this issue seriously

I'm going to stop you there.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:56 PM

#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?


#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

Not that I am aware of.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

I here static radio noises/tv noises when there is no tv on. I can almost make out voices... but it's either to muffled to hear, or to distant sounding. I haven't tested this during a power outage or not though, when there is no power through out my city. It's springtime, it may happen soon. (It's tornado weather where I live)

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?


#5) When you wake up do you feel awkward? Like something is out of place?


#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience.

I have a lot of weird dreams. I have flying dreams but to fly, I run and jump to get off the ground. It's more like a really long jump (jumping for miles), but I guess you can call it flying. I have a dream of one stretch of road that I go down and I turn to the right or left, depending on which way the car is being driven, and I see an alien spacecraft fighting other things like more spacecrafts, or the military. It's one of my worst nightmares, because it feels like the aliens can see me.

I've never seen odd things on maps though. I hope this helps.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by demonseed

#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience.

1. Yes: Australia and New Zealand definitely, as well as the shape of most African countries
2. Yes: kinda both
3. Yes: noise in my left ear mostly at night for the past 2 months intensely
4. Sure
5. Definitely
6. I had a dream once that i was on a space ship looking down on earth talking to some beings, it was very vivid, still remember it

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 03:00 PM
1. Not particularly

2. I did have a out of body experience when I was in Elementry school, by accident. On some nights I do feel that my body does sometimes float, when my body is paralyzed in bed. But when I snap out of it I feel quite a shock to my body.

3.Not so much voices but I did hear a word in gibberish. Although I do feel that some spirit entities want to keep in touch with me. I'm not gonna lie but I personally saw a ghost that was a young boy 9 or 10 years old, native, short hair, curled up into a ball on the corner of my bed. I rubbed my eyes to see if I was seeing things right, he was still there, then I got out of bed then went in the bathroom to wash my face. Then went back in my room and he was still there in the corner of my bed! Then I got back in to bed without disturbing him, and I slept sideways for a minute or 2 looked back then it was gone. We live about a kilometer away from a cemetary as well.

I do see hallucinations when half awake and half asleep. The best hallucination that I've seen was 3 floating brass coathangers.

4. I do feel like making contact with aliens at anytime, I just want to see a UFO fly by to say hi.

5. I did feel out of place after a dreadful headache that lasted for a couple of weeks. I felt that I did not feel the same as before after that headache. Almost felt that life was gonna get heavier on my shoulders, more confused as to what to do with my life when I move out. Just worrying more about whatever is going on in the world (mad, sad, angry, depressed, happy, mixed emotions..)

6. I do have dreams that did consist of being able to fly, or run super fast, or my common ability that I have put in every bad dream to protect myself is a shield. A lot of weird dreams, indeed, usually always in a building, school, or hotel wondering around aimlessly thinking of knowing where to go but yet haven't found anything that I'm looking for. A lot of dreams outside are stormy dreams low low dark purple clouds. Lots of silent green lightning. Forest fires burning up trees and houses. Multiple tornados.

I did have a few dreams of seeing UFO's that do pass by extremely fast.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by demonseed

Sorry but I cant take you seriously with the title being spelled without the letter S for shift. It's simple spell check or proof reading which people have seemed to forget about on these forums....
Sorry this stuff drives me nuts...nothing personal

As far as the timeshifts people have mentioned on here I personally think the whole Australia/NZ thing is insane. I have looked at all the "anomalies" people talk about and none of them seem out of place to me. There are no celebrities that are dead that shouldnt be and there arent any living that shouldnt be. People seem to forget that many of the celebs mentioned in that thread were part of various email hoaxes. Maybe I live in a different time than those who are experiencing these so called time shifts but that is a subject I am still on the fence about. I personally just dont see any of it. It is none the less an interesting topic.

For your questions I answer yes to all but the first one. The astral projection wasnt on purpose, it tends to happen when I am falling asleep. As far as dreaming of dimensions and stuff well I think that might have something to do with watching too much "Sliders" and reading ATS til I fall asleep. I have always wanted contact with aliens and I have woken up many times feeling like something wasnt right, but then again to me it can be explained. I do hear things at night esp whispers. It's hard to explain but one time I was in my house and I swear I could hear a sports game like football going on. It wasnt football season and there wasnt a game on in my house, but I could hear everything. This has happened with other things. I do have re-occurring dreams and one deeply disturbs me esp since a structure in my dream exists where I live and I only noticed it recently and before this dream I was never in the area I am now, so it was very freaky to see this object.

S&F because I am curious as to what others think.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 03:18 PM
1. no
2. no
3. I have, but I live in an apt. and any number of things could be making that noise. doesnt bother me at all
4. I've no interest in PERSONALLY making contact with alien beings. I'd react with violence out of instinct I believe. As for humanity, that would be interesting and I'm all for that
5. nope
6. everyone dreams about floating and or flying. its one of the most common dreams if I'm not mistaken.

I think my answers are pretty much "joe plumber/everyman"...sorry no weirdness to report

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 04:26 PM
#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?
not celebrities or maps but normal dead people coming back to life whom noone else (apart from a few of us) remembers being dead. and we could not have mistaken these people, as they were our employees and we even attended the funeral.

#2) Do you astral project?

2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?
forcefully, I have only been able to do it a few times now, not much control, still learning.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?
Yes even like someone walking and sometimes talking, my father often hears music.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?
Yes and I am still interested.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience.
Yes my recurring dream is where I am in school which is weird in and of itself, but my dreams just keep getting weirder from there. A lot of precog type dreams, nothing news worthy or something that can be proven to anyone who doesn't personally know me, as it is often to do with my personal life or my business. I also had a lot of end of world dreams the moon breaking up, asteriods pelting the earth as in 2012 movie earth covered with spiderweb like lightening or something. Before someone says let me state that this was all before I got into this conspiracy theory and end of world stuff, and also far (years) before the movie 2012 was released. In fact these dreams led me to this conspiracy stuff.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 04:51 PM
#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?
ummm...not that i can think of. though i don't believe it is out of the realm of possibilities.

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?
yes. i've had both happen, though now i constantly do in my dreams. i wonder if everyone does and doesn't realize it. *shrugs*

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?
YES! sometimes it is music...with no discernible or logical source. i hear rumbling a the evening. but its music or what sounds like voices just low enough not to understand what is being said....hmm..schizo? lol

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?
who isn't?! of course i am but i do not actively try to make this happen.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience.
believe it or not i remember flying through the upper atmosphere and out into space with my boyfriend. though i also have flown in dreams, other places, that is the most memorable as it was space. often times i just "appear" where i want to be.
and recurring?? this past week i have gone to the same place every night...with some of the same people, much like a day. you see the same people with a few different ones thrown in here or there. this is the most i've been there in such a short time. but almost every place i go anymore i have been before. its like i'm living simultaneous lives. its so much fun, to be honest.

fun thread!

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 05:17 PM
#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?
The Australia New Zealand thing definitely surprised me.

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?
I have felt that I have done this in dreams. I actually realized after a while that I wasn't breathing and had to force myself to start breathing which brought me out of it.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?
I can't sleep without the TV on but I constantly hear strange knocking in my house, especially in the back room of the basement.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?
I would be more than willing to make contact with alien beings.

#5) When you wake up do you feel awkward? Like something is out of place?
I always wake up in a daze and don't really know what I'm doing for about an hour or so.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience.
My dreams are very vivid and seem real to me at the time. Sometimes when I wake up I have to sit and debate if what I just experienced really happened. I have a theory that dreams are another form of existence and when we die we travel to that world and still exist. Sometimes it can bleed over into our world which is one of my theories on the existence of ghosts.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Yes to all and like someone else said for number #5; Usually feel awkward after drinking cheap Bourbon the night before etc.
I think you might be on to something with this "Timehifting"
I do believe that Project Camelot had something on this with Dan Burisch and Project Looking Glass which had variant timeline outcomes that may or may not eventuate depending on varying factors etc. And each timeline being better or worse in some global aspects in both macro and micro scenarios.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:31 PM
#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?
A1, yes, but only just recently.
#2) Do you astral project?

2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?
The first time was by accident, i then did some research in to it, and am now able to do it from time to time on my own, but not always when i want to.
#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?
most defiantly yes all of them

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?
I have had shall we say experiences since i was six, an since then i have always wanted such contact, and to some extent believe i have had.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

yes but i do take medication so thought thats what it was.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience.
i fly thought clouds, but more often i see rapidly changing images flashing in my mind, if i could describe it, i would say its like a hundred images a minuet, varying from weapons of war, to explosions, to babies being born, and children playing. to country side with woods and trees, and wild animals though not afraid of me. its a strange one, and not sure what it all

there just my bit hope you dont think me to mad
I am intrigued though how or why you would ask such fitting questions, i mean its almost like you have seen from inside my head, and that cant be a good thing.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Epsillion70
Yes to all and like someone else said for number #5; Usually feel awkward after drinking cheap Bourbon the night before etc.
I think you might be on to something with this "Timehifting"
I do believe that Project Camelot had something on this with Dan Burisch and Project Looking Glass which had variant timeline outcomes that may or may not eventuate depending on varying factors etc. And each timeline being better or worse in some global aspects in both macro and micro scenarios.

ya i would agree that people should watch that. Ive seen it myself and found it pretty interesting. At first the guy seems a bit shady but the more you listen the more you start to think that he seems like he knows what hes talking about.

Im going to fix that timeshifting error right now lol.

Thanks for all the data guys. After enough data im going to throw some theories out there, but its too early and i dont want to speculate.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:50 PM
When I was a kid, up until my early 20's, I used to have a recurring dream that someone about a block away was screaming out my name, as if they desperately needed my help. It only sounded out once, and I immediately felt a sense of overwhelming terror which was quickly followed by a nagging suspicion that someone was sneaking around outside my window. To this day, I have no idea what it all meant.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 07:14 PM
#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

-yup, i have commented on those threads too.

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

-first few times accidental, now at-will.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

-yes, low music/voices when i lay my head down to sleep but not when i sit up in bed. also a light tapping at various times of the day with no explanation.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

-i am pretty sure i have been visited.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

-this is very interesting. sometimes i wake up knowing i am not in the right dimension, go back to sleep for what seems like 5 minutes but it's been 4-5 hours - when i wake up, things feel "right". sometimes i feel the shift happening while i am awake, and am able to shift to another dimension if i do not like the one i am in (but no control over where i land), with people around me noticing a change in the air. maybe the next shift will be the shift home.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience.

-flying, jumping high, no heartbeat, able to breathe underwater, unable to die or be killed but if i am "killed" i am still aware of what is happening in my dream, dead relatives that know they are dead and act nonchalant about it, precognitive dreams, meet people in dreams that i later meet and they seem to know me from "somewhere".

[edit on 13-3-2010 by I.C. Weiner]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by I.C. Weiner
#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

-yup, i have commented on those threads too.

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

-first few times accidental, now at-will.

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

-yes, low music/voices when i lay my head down to sleep but not when i sit up in bed. also a light tapping at various times of the day with no explanation.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

-i am pretty sure i have been visited.

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

-this is very interesting. sometimes i wake up knowing i am not in the right dimension, go back to sleep for what seems like 5 minutes but it's been 4-5 hours - when i wake up, things feel "right". sometimes i feel the shift happening while i am awake, and am able to shift to another dimension if i do not like the one i am in (but no control over where i land), with people around me noticing a change in the air. maybe the next shift will be the shift home.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience.

-flying, jumping high, no heartbeat, able to breathe underwater, unable to die or be killed but if i am "killed" i am still aware of what is happening in my dream, dead relatives that know they are dead and act nonchalant about it, precognitive dreams, meet people in dreams that i later meet and they seem to know me from "somewhere".

[edit on 13-3-2010 by I.C. Weiner]

very interesting. I experience alot of the things you are mentioning. Very surreal.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 08:24 PM
#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

No, nothing out of place – I never studied Geography in school, but nothing seems out of place. (I went to private school – biblical maps I could do!)

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

No, or at least don’t remember if I did/do. I guess see #5

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

Yes,(day-time too) like a radio not quite tuned to a station, and get bleed overs – I often say the “silence” is TOO loud.

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

No, like Totalstranger, I would probably react violently… if the heart attack didn’t kill me first 

#5) When you wake up do you feel awkward? Like something is out of place?

Yep, often, because I will “finish my tasks” in my dreams and wake up mad because everything is messed up again. Or I will dream I was somewhere else and wake up and realize I wasn’t there.

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience. *edit: i really want to emphasize "recurring". If it happened once i dont find it as valuable. However, if you are having multiple dreams that are very similar and just very weird i would really like to hear it.*

I have very vivid dreams – I mean Disney on acid type. But the most recurring ones are two, one is a tidal wave, sometimes I make it, most times I wake up before I know if I made it or not. The other dream is flying, I have many of those and it’s weird because there is a very specific feeling in my dreams that I have to have in order to fly, not a bad feeling - just intense, almost like a headache, but no pain. And I don’t like waking up to those because I will wake up with my body hitting the bed and adrenaline going 90 to nothing. No chance of going back to sleep after that!


posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by demonseed

#1) Do you feel that some parts of maps, dead celebrities who are alive and various other odd occurrences are different than what you remember?

#2) Do you astral project?
2a. If yes, did you do it forcefully? (as in try and learn how/meditate etc.) Or did it "just happen" to you?

#3) Do you hear strange noises at night? Particularly industrial/whirling/radio chatter like noises?

#4) Where you at any time interested in making contact with any alien beings?

#5) When you wake up do you feel akward? Like something is out of place?

#6) Do you ever dream about dimensions, flying or any other weird recurring experiences? If yes, please state what you experience. *edit: i really want to emphasize "recurring". If it happened once i dont find it as valuable. However, if you are having multiple dreams that are very similar and just very weird i would really like to hear it.*
[edit on 13-3-2010 by demonseed]

1) Yes - Australia and NZ being the most obvious and upsetting. Also Billy Graham, amongst others.

2) Yes - I've been astrally projecting multiple times a week since I was a child, no training. It just happens.

3) No.

4) Yes.

5) This has been the story of my life, pretty much.

6) I lucid dream every single night. It was during these dreams that I taught myself to face many fears, and also to fly. It took quite a while and a lot of effort as in the beginning I would take a running leap into the air flapping my arms only to do a loop de loop before nosediving. Now I can fly, albeit awkwardly. I have travelled to other dimensions in dreams/meditations. I consistently experience deja vu (always for seemingly innocuous events 2-6 months after I originally dream them). I also have enjoyed frequent contact with a Tengu spirit from a past life.

The lucid dreaming and deja vu have been happening since childhood, the flying in the last 15 years, and the dimensions and Tengu contact in the last 9 years.

Edited to add: I don't know if it's applicable, but I often see strange creatures and entities, and can sense them almost constantly. This has been happening since puberty.

[edit on 3/13/2010 by Kennit]

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