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Cutting All 47 Columns Wasn't Necessary

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
Those are smoking core columns, not exterior wall sections in the photo and crop.

I posted images of exterior sections doing the exact same thing above though.

I don't think it's smoke from explosions, I don't think it's thermite, and I don't think it's just concrete dust that settled on them either, because it is pouring off of the steel as if it's coming from the steel itself. Look at the photo above with the debris in the red circle, and the other debris around it doing the same thing. There is a RIDICULOUS amount of "dust" coming off that small piece of debris, and it doesn't come off all at once, it just keeps rolling.

Ah, photos are no longer "above." Here are two of them again:

Judy Wood calls this stuff "alka seltzer" but I don't believe the space beam crap either. But nonetheless I do not believe there is a mundane explanation for this. It doesn't fit the bill of ANY explanations given here so far.

[edit on 10-3-2010 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:05 PM
NIST NYPD gjs-wtc030.jpg

Furthermore, in the NYPD photo, you can see what is left of the core still standing on the right. The exterior walls did not have single columns which could stand alone for multiple floors.



posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

whatever the actual reason for this, it is still containing amounts of dust, smoke and heat.

and no I don't believe it is due to just settled dust, or smoking explosive/thermite on the column either.

the after-effects is to be seen.
and the source from fire, plane and damage caused to building.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by redgy]

[edit on 11-3-2010 by redgy]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:23 AM
Dude...I`m actually giving some thought to the idea that the WTC was created with the intention to bring them down. Imagine if,without the builder, or maybe subcontractors knowing (if you know how cunstruction works, theirs a main boss of the project, who I`m sayin may or may not have known, and then the sub-contractors are like, the painter, the concrete guys, the electrician, the iron workers, they definitely didnt know), imagine if they were supplied peices of steel or iron WITH THE THERMITE ALREADY IN IT! It was probably nanothermite. They could send in "activator" or "ignitor" nanobots to well`, ignite it! And they could do this from miles away. It was sunny that day right? They can b e flying solar powered nanobots. They could go in through the vents and make contact with predetermined beams and be programmed to go off at a certain time. Or perhaps, so many minutes after detecting or "smelling" jet feul. The ones that smelled it could send a .essage to the rest of them throughout the building. That way they would always have a good sized building to bring down for some good ol` false flag action. Yeah and take out those pesky auditors in the pentagon while we are at it. anyway someone should find out where the steel was made and question the workers to see if there was any suspicion surrounding the steel provided for the WTC.

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:26 AM
PLUS THERE WAS THAT other guy (sorry caps accidental) who posted here recently and said he saw a video (dont kno where he posted no link either) where part of the facade was standing up in the rubble and feell forward and collapsed into "dust". like it became dust. he said he was scared. didnt even want to know what caused 911. sounds like nanotech to me... turning stuff into dust? id like to see that vid.

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 07:12 AM
Great videos.

To address the incorrect assertion that the angled cut beams were clean up severances cut with air lances,torch or plasma cutter,one merely has to examine the flow pattern of the slag.A cut will push the slag resulting as the cut progresses away from the source.In these beams the slag,instead of running along the line of cut,would be inside the box beam,exactly at a 90 degree angle to what is plainly observed here in the photo.

There really is no question or ambiguity to anyone who actually does it.No false appeal to authority,just plain good 'ole common sense.

Remember the Firemen who rushed in where everyone else fled for their lives.Reward them by never giving up on seeking justice.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by trueforger

just wondering if you have ever used a lance, plasma or oxy for cutting or ever seen what a column actually looks like after being sliced by thermite.

just curious.

here's a better pic of it.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by redgy]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 07:54 AM
Kevin Ryan, from part 1:

Conclusions and next steps

If we look at the companies that occupied the impact zones of the WTC towers, and other floors that might have played a useful role in the demolition of the towers, we see connections to organizations that had access to explosive materials, and to the expertise required to use explosives. Mining companies like Washington, Morrison-Knudsen, Komatsu and Aoki Construction (and John Lehman's Special Devices Inc.) have access to many types of explosive materials. Oil and gas companies, like those associated with Exco, use explosives for exploration. Some of the explosive technologies available to these companies, for example Komatsu and Washington, involve thermite, a chemical mixture that has been identified in the WTC dust and in the environmental data at Ground Zero.

It seems that, if certain management representatives of the tenant companies listed above wanted to help bring the WTC towers down, they would have been well suited to do so. The companies mentioned were located at well-spaced intervals in the buildings, and some, for example Marsh and the Primark subsidiaries, had a reputation of being secretive. In fact, a number of the executives from these firms were either on the board of intelligence firms (e.g. In-Q-Tel, TASC), or were closely related to others who were. Others were connected to the CIA itself, and to some of the largest defense contractors in the world, like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Halliburton, and SAIC.

There are also strong connections to those who benefited from the 9/11 attacks, most notably the Bush family and their corporate network, including Dresser Industries (now Halliburton) and UBS, and to Deutsche Bank and it subsidiaries, reported to have brokered the insider trading deals. There are links between these tenant companies and the terrorist-related fraudulent bank BCCI.

In Part II of this series of essays, we'll look at the security companies and other contractors that had access to the WTC buildings. We'll then see more connections to the Bush family, through the companies that restructured the security systems in the late 1990s, like Securacom, where Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker were directors. Also involved in these security upgrades was Ensec, where future Democrat National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe was added as a director in 1996 and later worked for Harken Energy's Alan Quasha. The second essay will also look at E.J. Electric, owned by J. Robert Mann of the Yale Glee Club, and examine particulars about the PANYNJ management staff, and the Giuliani and Silverstein teams that were involved.

Part III will review the clean up of Ground Zero, and some of the people involved in the cover-up investigations. For example, we'll look more closely at Donald Evans, a close friend to George W. Bush since 1968 and his largest fund-raiser, and who also happened to be secretary of the Department of Commerce during the NIST WTC investigation. This is interesting because NIST reports to the Secretary of Commerce.

In the end, we might see that conspiracies are not just limited to the powerless people who happen to live on the most strategically important lands in the world. The conspiracies that matter might involve the powerful people who seek access to those lands, and who have spent their lives seeking more power.

From part 2:


Several facts are clear from this review of the companies and people responsible for revamping the security systems for the WTC buildings, and securing New York City, on 9/11. One is that many of the people involved were deceptive and/or corrupt, and appeared to have benefited from the attacks. Another is that many of them were connected to each other and to the investigations into previous acts of terrorism and the terrorist financing bank BCCI. Yet another striking similarity among these organizations is that they all did major work for the Saudi Arabian government, or the royal family of Kuwait. Finally, the history of some of those involved, like Terry McAuliffe, shows a level of greed and corruption that overshadowed all preconceptions about US politics.

The PANYNJ occupied a good deal of space in the towers, and contributed to the false WTC report from NIST. Some of its commissioners were linked to BCCI, and its WTC Director appeared to be intentionally deceptive after the attacks. Others like Silverstein Properties' security manager John O'Neill, and FBI Director Louis Freeh, were the leading experts on Al Qaeda.

The management of Kroll created the WTC security plan, created authoritative reports that promoted a fear of terrorism, had expert knowledge of BCCI, and were intimately linked to the impact zone tenant Marsh & McLennan. AIG was one of the owners of Kroll as of 1993 and, along with Marsh, Lockheed Martin and L-3 Communications (the defense contractor successor to Loral Corp), was a company whose stock was flagged by the SEC after 9/11, in relation to insider trading. [139] Less than a month after the attacks, AIG's chairman Greenberg said -- "The opportunities for us are enormous," and "It's not just in the United States, but rates are rising throughout the world. So our business looks quite good going forward.'' [140]

It's clear that some management representatives at the primary WTC security companies also benefited from the War on Terror. Examples include James Abrahamson, Terry McAuliffe and Marvin Bush. Larry Silverstein, whose company had just taken over the security of the complex, reaped a huge windfall in insurance benefits from the destruction of the three buildings.

All four of the primary contractors that were involved in rebuilding the security systems for the WTC had done significant business with the Saudis. Electronic Systems Associates' parent, S&H, designed King Saud University, and E.J. Electric worked for Saudi Arabian Airlines. Ensec was owned by a former arms dealer to the Saudis and Securacom, owned by a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, was in partnership with Ahmad N. AlBinali & Sons Co., the large Saudi Arabian construction company. Of course, fifteen of the nineteen alleged hijackers were from Saudi Arabia as well. [141]

The leaders of NY City and NY County, who also were the primary players on 9/11 and in the ensuing investigations, were the investigators of BCCI and the 1993 WTC bombing, in the late 1980s an early 1990s. All of them seemed to benefit from the 9/11 attacks. Freeh started a homeland security business and began representing the Saudis. Cherkasky went on to become CEO of Marsh, after it bought Kroll, and helped it avoid prosecution for fraud. Others, like Giuliani, became national heroes for their "response" to 9/11.

Could those involved in the BCCI investigation in New York, many of whom played a large role in the events leading up to, during, and after the attacks at the WTC, somehow have used the information they learned about BCCI to facilitate the attacks and then benefit from them? If so, they might have had to eliminate certain individuals who knew too much. Could the security firms and certain tenant companies have conspired to prepare the Twin Towers for demolition, well in advance of the attacks?

These possibilities seem quite plausible. In fact, a number of these people, including Giuliani, Cherkasky, Freeh, Mueller, Bremer and Hauer have already been charged and indicted by a citizen's grand jury, for the crimes of 9/11. [142] Further investigation, with subpoena power, is well past due.

The third and final essay in this series will examine the organizations and people who were involved in cleaning up Ground Zero. Those involved in the cover-up investigations will also be evaluated with respect to what has already been learned. It's possible that the old saying -- that criminals always return to the scene of the crime -- will help us learn more about what happened.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by redgy

Actually YES I have.The heat pushes the slag directly away no matter if it is a torch or a plasma cutter.Slag is superheated liquid and more than flows,it's EXCITED by heat and expanding gasses.A torch will either cut through or blow back.No operator wants a blow back situation as that means a face full of super hot slag.But for the slag to flow ALONG the line of cut is not what happens with a lance,torch or cutter.But with a shape charge and demo cutter,that is EXACTLY what you will see,especially if the aim is to weaken the beam so it will break right there after the load has shifted in the desired sequence.The demo guys call it 'making the building dance'

EDIT to add,it's thermate,not thermite.The difference is sulphur.Thermite welds,thermate cuts.And leaves a very specific residue.Whisk evidence away much?

[edit on 11-3-2010 by trueforger]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by SPreston
Here is a closer crop showing the smoke coming from the end of the heavy structural steel columns from WTC1. Are those thermite cuts on those ends? Why would they be smoking if the tower was just a gravity collapse?


Has anyone analysed this photo for heat signatures? Can that be done in photoshop?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by trueforger

It's strange then that the title of the video is 9/11 Thermite Charges then.
also I've been a iron worker for the past 30 years and know what cutting steel is like and it is no different to what is seen.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by redgy]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by trueforger
Actually YES I have.The heat pushes the slag directly away no matter if it is a torch or a plasma cutter.Slag is superheated liquid and more than flows,it's EXCITED by heat and expanding gasses.A torch will either cut through or blow back.No operator wants a blow back situation as that means a face full of super hot slag.But for the slag to flow ALONG the line of cut is not what happens with a lance,torch or cutter.But with a shape charge and demo cutter,that is EXACTLY what you will see,especially if the aim is to weaken the beam so it will break right there after the load has shifted in the desired sequence.The demo guys call it 'making the building dance'

Allright then, Batman, riddle me this-

Regardless of what credentials you may or may not have, it's undeniable that the workmen clearing ground zero have more of them, particularly since (as reported by Joel Meyerowitz) many of them were the same ones who built the towers to begin with. Thus, when the workmen clearing away the wreckage come across this beam which had alreadt been cut before any of them even got there...not to mention, the hundreds and hundred sof *other* beams that were cut before they ever even got is it that THEY didn't recognize it for what it was? Is it...

a) Every single one of those workmen (including the cameraman AND the firemen) are all retards and wouldn't know the difference between precut support beams and toasted marshmallows,


b) Every single one of those workmen (including the cameraman AND the firemen) are all active participants in the coverup?

It just never ceases to amaze me how the conspiracy people like to think they're such experts in everything to the point where they think they even know more about what was found at ground zero than the people who were actually there. The sheer arrogance of it is incredible.

EDIT to add,it's thermate,not thermite.The difference is sulphur.Thermite welds,thermate cuts.And leaves a very specific residue.Whisk evidence away much?

Thermate only burns for a short period of time and covers a small area, meaning that to produce that type of damage you'd need to attach entire sandbags of the stuff to the columns, which woudl be blatant to even a novice NYPA engineer or inspector. In short, you attributing characteristics to thermate that thermate couldn't produce.

Cherry pick your evidence much?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Nutter

That is beyond my expertise and I don't use photoshop. That original photo taken by the NYPD and released by NIST was created on ‎Monday, ‎September ‎24, ‎2001, ‏‎4:31:32 PM.

[Mod Edit - unnecessary quote removed]

[edit on 13/3/2010 by Sauron]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by redgy

What are you saying?That you'd cut along that beam?Or through it?

PS I WISH the 'flashing yellow banner' included a reference to an actual policy of booting posters of completely false mis-info.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by trueforger]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:02 PM
We really ought to get to the bottom of this cut beams thing.It's not exactly in the main topic,but as the OP is about cut beams,I'm gonna sally forth for a bit.

There are knowns.The beams' lower,remaining in view in the pix,portions are in the gravitational orientation as when cut.No post cut shift has happened after the cut.This means the slag flowed the way it froze as it cooled,up and down are in the pic as it was when the cuts happened.OK so far?
Next,all cuts so appear the same,it is safe to presume they were all cut at the same time,the same way and even for the same purpose.The last is pure conjecture,but the preceding,any problems here?Same time,same tool?It did happen.We have to agree about something to even discuss.

So anyway,the beams were clearly cut.And not bent first.If they were bent before cutting,that would be proof against the Truthers.Especially if all bent the same way.If there were a huge bent yet still attached section that needed cutting to access areas underneath,a crane would have been employed to lift the part removed as it was cut,SOP.And it would have been filmed.SOP means CYA for liability too.

So we have un bent beams cut and slag trail to analyze from a few pix.And firemen who would be able to clear this up immediately in pix.Why have they not said anything?

Killed off?No masks.So a fireman(or three) who knows funky air and what it does to lungs is without a mask?!?Anyone knew about the asbestos back then in NYFD?Hmmm.

No masks,as it happened and during the in-shock-dayze immediately after as they were sparing no effort to try to find a survivor?Or a month later,on the pile with no mask after say three week's exposure to said poison air?Coff coff(BS)cough

Lastly the cut and slag trails themselves.In any actual cut,you try to do it as fast as possible using as little gas as possssible.First Rule,though is safety.You want complete control of the situation.NO SURPRISES.That is why the angle of the cut is absurd to suppose was done by an operator standing right there.A cut is not a partial cut as is shown here.A torch would have blown back in a partial cut situation and the slag will have blown clear.The amount of slag shows a hot area but not a lot of forced air blown as is used with lance,torch and plasma cutter.These leave blown slag not rivulets.The slag would all be inside the beams if it were attacked from the outside.E to Add Attacked from the outside of the beams with torch,lance or plasma cutter.A lance is a big torch with a long consumable iron pipe at the tip.used for really deep cuts like ingots in steel industry,always pointed a bit down if not vertical.These partial cuts were not lance made.
We need a real investigation with this piece in exhibit,must have been saved right?Chem analysis would be conclusive.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by trueforger]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by trueforger
reply to post by redgy

What are you saying?That you'd cut along that beam?Or through it?

PS I WISH the 'flashing yellow banner' included a reference to an actual policy of booting posters of completely false mis-info.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by trueforger]

If you think that I've provided some completly false mis-info, then you can stick to that view for as long as you like, something that I really couldn't be bothered about trying to change or would want to.

All I've posted is just my views on this one video and you can take that anyway you want and for the record I'll still be sticking to the more logical explanation of cleanup crews cutting these than some unproven,unrealistic theory of thermite being used.
Have fun.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by redgy

Ya this ain't a GAME pal.
It is up to the reader to decide who is telling it like it is.
So have you answered the simple question or more of the same?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:50 PM
double post.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by redgy]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Judy Wood calls this stuff "alka seltzer" but I don't believe the space beam crap either. But nonetheless I do not believe there is a mundane explanation for this. It doesn't fit the bill of ANY explanations given here so far.
[edit on 10-3-2010 by bsbray11]

Dr. Judy Wood has done many radio interviews and given quite a few public presentations and has maintained a publicly available website for over five years. In NONE of these has she ever discussed "space beams." So those implying that Dr. Wood "promotes space beams" are promoting disinformation, plane and simple. What is there agenda?

Dr. Judy Wood has already filed several legal cases against NIST and many suspected military / defense / weapons organizations in 2007, including Data Quality Analysis (DQA), Request For Correction (RFC), and Qui Tam (whistle-blower) cases. She is actively pursuing 9/11 Truth with her lawyer, despite the lack of support she has received from Dr. Jones and his followers. One of the many reasons I believe that Dr. Jones may be misleading the 9/11 Truth Movement is because Dr. Jones has not filed his nano-thermite findings with NIST or with Congress, when he should have done so long ago if he truly wished to further the 9/11 Truth Movement. The many legal documents Dr. Judy Wood has filed in her pursuit of 9/11 Truth can be observed here:


Hope this helps clarify...


Dr. Judy Wood received her B.S. (Civil Engineering, 1981) (Structural Engineering), M.S. (Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), 1983), and Ph.D. (Materials Engineering Science, 1992) from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Her dissertation involved the development of an experimental method to measure thermal stresses in bi-material joints. She has taught courses including: Experimental Stress Analysis, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials (Strength of Materials), Strength of Materials Testing.

1. Dr. Judy Wood, Ph.D - 'The New Hiroshima' Presentation (Part 1):
2. Dr. Judy Wood, The Hutchinson Effect, & Focused Electromagnetic Energy (Who Will You Tell?):
3. Dr. Judy Wood’s website:

Hope this helps,


[edit on 11-3-2010 by PookztA]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by PookztA
In NONE of these has she ever discussed "space beams." So those implying that Dr. Wood "promotes space beams" are promoting disinformation, plane and simple. What is there agenda?

I'm glad you're here because I've been asking people to clarify the actual science of what Wood is actually claiming physically happened to the towers. Directed energy weapon. What kind of energy, and from where? And what is the mechanism that this energy uses to destroy the actual steel?

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