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Cutting All 47 Columns Wasn't Necessary

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

That is a great shot BoneZ. It came from one of the recent NYPD photos released by NIST.

NIST NYPD gjs-wtc030.jpg

Here is a closer crop showing the smoke coming from the end of the heavy structural steel columns from WTC1. Are those thermite cuts on those ends? Why would they be smoking if the tower was just a gravity collapse?


posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 06:27 PM

ahh yes of course! It was smoldering thermite coming off those beams!

Couldnt have been the tons of drywall and rockboard that were placed around the core beams for the elevator shafts, could it? Then getting crushed to powder once collapse started? All that extra dust perhaps left over on the beams? Geeze, where is that "face in palm" smiley?

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Those columns cut on an angle were done DURING clean up. Also seen here:

Plus, if they were actually cut that far down low, why didnt the collapse start there?

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 06:40 PM


I never really subscribed to the angled cut steel beams theory anyway, as it appears it is likely they were cut by the crews, especially seeing as the cuts were near the ground. I stated the controversy about them in the OP. But that is not what this thread is about.

WATCH the Ross videos, and you will understand why I titled this thread the way I did.

[edit on Wed Mar 10th 2010 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 06:44 PM
Great video and extremely informative. Gordon Ross is the man.

Here are the images he was using:

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
Couldnt have been the tons of drywall and rockboard that were placed around the core beams for the elevator shafts, could it?

Had the thick, white smoke been coming from the middle of the columns, I would tend to possibly agree with you, however it's coming from the very ends where they would have been cut with explosives. Nice try, not buying it.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Smoke? Are you sure it cannot be debris? And just a stab in the dark here, if it was thermite, I'd assume it would look like lava and not white dust.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
Had the thick, white smoke been coming from the middle of the columns, I would tend to possibly agree with you,

It is dust, not smoke.... care to show us proof it is smoke?

There is zero evidence any explosives were used, but you still claim that they were!

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Yes, I watched these long ago and his presentation is very good. But I was already convinced by other evidence. There is no doubt that the cores were sheared, which is why the exterior wall sections were hurled for 600 feet in every direction from both towers.


It appears not all members of the FBI are on the 9-11 perp side.

Munyak and his fellow AE911 supporters recently received acknowledgement from the FBI's counterterrorism division, which concluded that the organization's core evidence deserves—and will get—FBI scrutiny. In a letter, Deputy Director Michael J. Heimbach assessed AE911's presentation as "backed by thorough research and analysis."

This would be classified as domestic terrorists, I assume.


[edit on 3/10/10 by SPreston]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:39 PM
Have to agree all of that stuff coming directly off of the columns is not thermite.

I have an idea what is causing that to happen but I'm not going to say it here, it would blow too many adolescent high-schooler minds. You know, the same people who have enough trouble comprehending that WTC7 fell straight down into its own footprint. And no, I wasn't going to say space beams.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Smoke? Are you sure it cannot be debris? And just a stab in the dark here, if it was thermite, I'd assume it would look like lava and not white dust.

NIST NYPD gjs-wtc030.jpg

How far have those heavy steel pieces already fallen when captured in this photo? Many stories? Why would there still be debris or dust coming off of them? And why just on the ends?

Hot metal at near a molten stage, smokes when it contacts the oxygen in the air. The ends of those pieces are very hot and smoking.


posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi
Smoke? Are you sure it cannot be debris? And just a stab in the dark here, if it was thermite, I'd assume it would look like lava and not white dust.

Nowhere did I say anything about thermite. Look at the high-res version that SPreston posted. It's smoke, on the ends, from being cut with explosives.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Look at the photos I posted above, especially this one:

That's a relatively small piece of debris to be spewing so much "dust" or "smoke"... don't you think?

If I loaded an object down with pounds of dust and threw it off a building, the majority of that dust would come off in one quick gust and the rest would rapidly come off afterward, a very inverse relationship of amount of dust left per distance traveled.

In this image though, the dust is still POURING off of this small piece of debris after it has already fallen a considerable distance, illustrated by the conical shape of the stuff, and shows no signs of diminishing. Does it not?

Another note about the conical shape of the "dust"/"smoke"/whatever coming off of that debris. Notice it starts as narrow as the debris itself and then rapidly expands outward in all directions behind the debris. That is also evidence that this stuff is hotter than the surrounding air. In fact the whole dust cloud was, which is why it expanded to the monstrous dimensions that it did, and why it set cars on fire, was reported by warm or even hot by the witnesses on the ground, etc.

[edit on 10-3-2010 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by dereks
It is dust, not smoke.... care to show us proof it is smoke?
There is zero evidence any explosives were used, but you still claim that they were!

*sigh* Care to show us proof it's dust? See, if you weren't in such denial, you'd notice all the dust is gray and the smoke coming from the beams is white. And there's only zero evidence to you because you keep denying the evidence.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Oh yes, of course!

And I suppose it was just coincidence that the strongest columns, which were accessible close to elevator shafts failed, while the weaker columns, that were not accessible to the elevator shafts, survived the initial stages of the collapse.

Yep. All just conspiracy theory.

This is what happens when you rely on glib answers: I have NO idea what the heck you're talking about here.

The "strongest" columns were the ones in the core, where the elevators were, while the "weaker" columns were out at the perimeter of the building, in the tenant area. In between, the floors were held in air by a horizontal truss, like an upside down suspension bridge. When the building started collapsing, All three of these failed as witnessed by every video in existance.

After they collapsed, all the wreckage was in random lengths becuase they suffered random damage- some were bent in ghastly angles before snapping like a twig, some were ripped like paper, while others broke at the joints. Joel Meyerowitz' book, "Aftermath" shows the type of condition the wreckage at ground zero better than I can describe.

Incorporate this into your conspiracy theory as you see fit.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
The faithers like "dereks" have been asked to show how and where Rodriguez changed his story, but they cannot comply.

And we have another "truther" telling lies, I have shown where he changed his story, but once again "truthers" avoid the facts as they destroy their silly conspiracy theories!

Since the evidence can't be refuted,

And as there is zero evidence for any explosives being used....

"…we hear like a big rumble. Not like an impact, like a rumble, like moving furniture in a massive way. And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into our office, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin. We went crazy, we started screaming, we told him to get out. We took everybody out of the office outside to the loading dock area.[33]"

that was said by Rodriguez on 9/11

"Rodriguez's early accounts repeatedly mentioned a large fireball that shot down the elevator shafts and exploded through the doors, causing serious burn injuries to a man who happened to be standing in front of one of the freight elevator doors. This was consistent with similar reports by numerous other witnesses who saw fireballs erupting and blowing out elevator doors and burning people.[34]"

however, he embellished his story and "By August 17, 2007, after more than two years of telling his story to enthralled audiences, he told C-Span:
“ All of a sudden at 8:46… we hear 'BOOM!' An explosion so powerful and so loud that push us upward in the air coming from below! It was so powerful that all the walls cracked, the false ceiling fell on top of us, the sprinkler system got activated and everybody started screaming in horror: 'HELP! HELP! HELP!'[47]

So as you see he did change his story, despite what the "truthers" claim!

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:31 PM
Alright just to straighten this out, are you guys suggesting it was explosives or thermite on the beam? God this is absurd, anyways, why would thermite / explosives be put on what looks to be the irrelevent exterior as shown in bsbray11's picture to begin with? I could be wrong here, but explosives aren't going to heat the piece of steel to the point where its "smoking" like that. Thermite, if worked as claimed by conspiracy theorists, would have just melted that beam, no? Besides, I thought this "hot metal at near a molten stage" would appear pretty hot, as in showing some visual discoloration and such.

There are things falling off the beams because, believe it or not, they were indeed attached to the building that it just got ripped off of, causing them to break and fall.

Prove it's dust? Really? The building is collapsing, what do you think that cloud is? It would be a reasonable assumption to say it's dust, you however, have to bring evidence of thermite / explosives somehow doing whatever it is your claiming.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:31 PM


[edit on 10-3-2010 by elevatedone]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by Whyhi
Smoke? Are you sure it cannot be debris? And just a stab in the dark here, if it was thermite, I'd assume it would look like lava and not white dust.

Nowhere did I say anything about thermite. Look at the high-res version that SPreston posted. It's smoke, on the ends, from being cut with explosives.

Before you start screaming CONSPIRACY like you obviously are chomping at the bit to do, what say you identify what that "wreckage smoking from explosives" actually is, first? If it's a part of the interior core or horizontal brace, it'd be one thing, but if it's a component from the outside perimeter, I hope you don't mind if I laugh my [censored] off, since I think more than a few people would notice secret agents swinging all over the outside of the building like Spiderman as they planted those invisible explosives.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi

God this is absurd, anyways, why would thermite / explosives be put on what looks to be the irrelevent exterior

Those are smoking core columns, not exterior wall sections in the photo and crop. Obviously the ends have cooled some after being sheared by explosives or thermite, and are no longer red hot at the time of the photo.

NIST NYPD gjs-wtc030.jpg


These are exterior wall sections which look much different. These are what got hurled for 600 feet in all directions by the explosions in the tower cores.


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