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CNN: Conspiracy Theorists Are Potential "Suicide Warriors" & Are Mentally Disturbed

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posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:20 PM
CNN is not only mentally disturbed, it is a mental disturbance by itself, as it is. And so is Fox.

We are here to discredit some crazy conspiracy theories.
Number one, the popular conspiracy theory put forward by a mentally unstable person called GW Bush - who for a long time held the fixed idea that he had been elected president. (No matter that more people voted for the other guy...)

His conspiracy theory is that 19 foreign terrorists acted alone to destroy the World Trade Center, directed from some distant cave in Afghanistan.

He was notably phobic on almost one-third of mankind, anyone who has anything to do with an Islamic culture or country - in fact it can be proven by his own words that he thought there was a worldwide Islamic conspiracy against people like himself.

He also believed God told him to invade Iraq and that he had to defend the Holy Land against pagans. Only, he believed his God was different from those of his antagonists (which is a theological nonsense).

Some odd folks with weird conspiracy theories, isn't that right?

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by djvexd

Well, I was also thinking in the opposite direction.

What if they put the rest of us on mood stabilizers?

I would be posting on here about the birds and the rainbows instead of my rants on the control freaks.

Hey look at these pretty pictures djvexd.

Where?.........those pictures?

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:19 PM
It's amazing how misinformed morons like the guy being interviewed can make money selling books and get exposure on news networks like CNN. Can't wait to see what Jesse Ventura has to say on Larry King tonight!

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:32 PM
LOL I may be crazy but I wouldn't waste myself as a 'Suicide warrior' It's those guys painting us as homegrown terrorizers who are the real paranoid delusional ones in all this.

It's just stupid.
Americans want all the freedom and happiness or were gonna be a gun toting mob. That's what I gather from the wild west films anyway.
Greedy corporatist elite want to win the game by owning the most of everything and making as many losers as possible to make their own win more glorious until they lord over a graveyard.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by ATruthHunter
reply to post by TheCoffinman

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Who said this? Woodrowe Wilson?

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:03 PM
Cooper and Avalon two more mindless shills."Suicide Warriors." just one more catch phrase for the MSM to use as a scare tactic for anyone who has the gall to disagree with the government and media.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:38 PM
I hate to say it but i think there is a huge element of truth . Ther are to many fringe types that are persuaded supported and nudged towards the edge of snapping and bein that guy that shoots up the school yard.
Its ashame that discussions have to take on such a paranoid atmoshere its important to ask questions about the truth but to encourage there insanity is just irresponsible to say the least.
Be Well and keep it on the road folks we look cooky enough as is

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:24 PM
I like how he mentions this about conspiracy theorists, are we not allowed to have a different opinion now? Sure there are some nutjobs like that guy but I think this is just a poor attempt to turn the hard of thinking viewers against the truth.
In a way its a good thing because were getting some recognition so obviously what some people bring up on here and elsewhere must bring an element of truth if they are so worries to put it on CNN. lol

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:56 PM
This question is for everybody in here:

I am not for MSM as I know the deceipt it is capable of first hand but despite that since we are all on the same page there it seems, what kind of news sources are not insane and in your (all) opinions considered credible? I am always looking to broaden my horizens without the garbage

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
I think attacks like these will rise.

Recent examples are the "Obama obsessed" College professor shooting her fellow teachers, the capitalist hating guy that flew his plane into a FBI building, and now a 9/11 truther attacking the Pentagon.

Remember the rise of psychiatric care when John Kerry lost to Bush in 2004? Now think about how hard people fell for Obama in 2008? Now think about how liberals tend to be filled with hate in the first place. Combine the two and I don't see this trend stopping anytime soon.

???? So, I guess you're buying this nonsense. Nevermind.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 09:40 PM
Sounds like just another corporation that is out to starve us poor by making money off death and confusion they are sowing to make us vulnerable. I found they were just using some sayings on the newsvine. Eck, like I said, remember...if the corporations and the politicians start starving us we can eat THEM! Better start looking at them everytimes as though they have a browning color and some curly turkey foot dressings dripping it won't be long before it changes some of them!! lol.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 11:19 PM
this is disgusting and a hate crime in my opinion!

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by niikkii

I like how he mentions this about conspiracy theorists, are we not allowed to have a different opinion now?

Of course you're allowed to have a different opinion, and to express it, too. Everybody is. That doesn't stop some opinions from being irrational.

Look at the opinions expressed on this thread. Is anyone censoring them? No. Yet some of them--the majority of them, in fact, though this is not so surprising for this GC forum on ATS--are pretty unhinged. Never mind the opinions, the terms and language in which they are expressed are demented.

I notice that not a single person has tried to answer or rebut the actual points I made in my first post on the thread (it's on page 4, if anyone's still interested). If you're all so sure of your position, it should be easy enough to make me look stupid. Who wants to have a go?

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

Maybe, because your comment was one big rant.

You say the fault of the current condition has to do with not enough control. Yeah, that is kind of funny. As soon as level headed people read your rant on how the government is going to have to step in, we all said, oh noes, another control freak.

That may be why no one even wanted to respond to your points, not because we have no retort, we just don't care what your points are.

Ever think of that?

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

Maybe, because your comment was one big rant.

If that is what you took out of it, you obviously didn't read it very carefully. It was not a rant. That word, I agree, describes about eighty percent of the posts on this thread--but not mine.

You say the fault of the current condition has to do with not enough control.

I said nothing of the kind. I didn't even say anything that could possibly be mistaken for that. Are you sure you haven't mistaken my post for someone else's?

That may be why no one even wanted to respond to your points, not because we have no retort, we just don't care what your points are.

Ever think of that?

Of course I did. But if that's the case, it is no indictment of me; it merely shows how lost to reason the people who think that are.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

I am only going to reply to your first points on the rant you went on earlier.

Here is your first point

First, American society has (not for the first time in history) reached a point where massive intervention by the state is necessary in order to keep the country on the rails--the laissez-faire approach so beloved of Americans is not working.

Wow, I did not know that the government trying to control every aspect of American life was referred to as, laissez-faire

Thus the state has recently obliged to impose significant restrictions on citizens' privacy and freedom of movement to protect them against terrorism (even though the 'war against terrorism' is, itself, something of a overreaction necessary to placate terrified, hysterical voters); it has been obliged to intervene massively in the economy in order to stabilize it; and it will soon be obliged to intervene on an equally huge scale to avert the catastrophic environmental consequences of overconsumption, in particular, climate change.

Wow, just WOW. First off, yeah, we REALLY NEED gov to save us from the big bad wolf. Than you wade right in and deny the gov was not the reason for this whole debacle. Then bring into the conversation GLOBAL WARMING. MY GOD.

These huge interventions have understandably caused great resentment, even among ordinary, well-adjusted people. For mentally unstable political naifs, however, they are evidence of a massive conspiracy by the government, or some shadowy force behind the government, to take away from patriotic Americans their freedoms (and their precious guns). This resentment--which is, at bottom, resentment at being forced to become a bit more like the rest of the world in order to survive when you are no longer the dominant force in it--is the first of the three causes I mentioned earlier.

The rest of the incongruity you spew, I will not even acknowledge with a response and then ask you a REALLY personal question.

What is up with your condescension?

You know if some pompous blowhard ever talked to me with the disdain you show the US citizenry, well I will not partake in telling of such unseemly deed.
Maybe next time you open your commodious aperture and bloviate a response, you could endeavor to at least be accurate rather than obtuse.

Comprende Senorita?

edit to fix tags

and remove insane

[edit on 3/9/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

I so wanted to pick apart your post (which I missed the first read through) but, damn, I really can't argue with much that you said. And this just made me laugh out loud:

Originally posted by Astyanax... The antics of paranoid conspiracists, however, seem to threaten a catastrophic implosion in which the country destroys itself in a paroxysm of self-hating, hysterical violence--America running amok, gashing and maiming itself.

I still maintain, however, that it's mostly average, law-abiding citizens who are questioning the direction and actions of this Government. The Media, possibly because it has failed to do its job by even the minimum standards, then asserts that this questioning is fueling the nutters who would actually take matters into their own hands.

I say no. It's Government's action (or in some cases inaction) that's fueling the nutters. That dude didn't fly a plane into the IRS building because of anything anyone said on the wild, wild web. Same thing with the Pentagon shooter.

If you look closely at why people go on rampages, it usually stems from a sense of powerlessness combined with what they perceive as a direct threat to the stability of their personal situation.

And that is exactly the crossroads at which the USA finds itself...

[edit on 9/3/2010 by kosmicjack]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

You've misunderstood absolutely everything I've said--well, fair enough. I don't suppose I can take you to task for poor reading skills; some has 'em, some don't.

But allow me one question: how is it condescending to express faith in the basic good sense of the American people?


reply to post by kosmicjack

You are a generous and fair-minded person, kosmic, and I greatly appreciate both your post and your other gesture. Many thanks.

[edit on 9/3/10 by Astyanax]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

I replied to your post, but not for your benefit. Your post was passive-aggressive and amounted to an attack.

You've made clear in that post that you are against:

- Conspiracy Theorists (in your own words: "Someone whose connexion with reality is so twisted that he or she has come to see a simple middle-of-the-road position as somehow wicked or wrong.")

- Free society with non-intervention of State

- Individual privacy and freedom not being restricted by the State

- Non-restriction of the Internet and the free exchanging of ideas the Internet can facilitate

You'll not find many here who'll afford you the credibility to be worthy of their time.

But you've found me, because you comment was calculated and weighted with psychological attacks both subtle and forceful.
What sort of person are you? What sort of person do you wish you were?
I don't want to know the answers, those questions are for you to ask yourself. I'm not being overly dramatic, the written word has power. Will you use your words as your sword, or your backstabbing dagger hiding among shadows?

I don't wish to reply to your comment regarding a black president being more than most white Americans can stand, as I find the accusation entirely uncivil.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 01:59 PM
New Thread today (lost link already) about the ruling party of Japan and their questioning of the Official 9/11 story.

Washington Post calling them lunatics and everything. I guess the ruling party of Japan is now considered a "Suicide Warrior" by CNN and the Post?

Dam.....just realized the Japanese are already famous for that method. Whoops!

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