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I have Questions for 9/11 Truthers.

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Mr Sunchine

"Your facts do not suit my argument, more conjecture, blah blah blah."

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Mr Sunshine
reply to post by DCDAVECLARKE

My questions for you are:
1. What did the government stand to gain by doing this that they couldn't get an easier way?
it was an easy way to them that is! big bang frighten the crap out of people, tell them its some cat in a cave that's responsible an that tyrant Saddam is some how involved in it and besides he has chemical weapons we know because Rumsfeld sold him them, ect ect! crap with a bad smell...
PS Yea know the mistake they made? the honest people of the world are far better informed now compared to my father's generation who didnt no how to say NO!

[edit on 7-3-2010 by DCDAVECLARKE]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by DCDAVECLARKE

So your answer is that it was all a ruse to invade Iraq? I just want you to clarify before I reply.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 04:48 PM
I cant believe were 9 yrs down the road still sitting around debating this story when its blatently obvious what happened, same goes with chemtrails, haarp, nwo, illuminati its pretty ridiculous to see how low of a brain function most people have now days with the mass brainwashing from disinfo and lying media being put out.

In my opinion the chemtrails and fluoride are doing their jobs along with the brainwashing and disinfo.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by OpTiMuS_PrImE]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by Mr Sunchine

Pretty good Mr. Sunchine. Don't allow the posters to question the OS. Instead make them come up with their own theory and then blast it apart and turn around and say "see, the OS is correct".

Cute tactics.

Instead, as a "truther", I challenge you to debunk all the various questions that truthers have. In other words, not just the towers but also everything from the Pentagon and flt 93, to the stock market, other intelligence agencies warning the US of the attacks, the comments of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, etc., to the passing of the Patriot Act, the already drawn up plans for the invasion of afgan., etc.

It's YOU as an OS believer who has to answer the questions concerning your ironclad theory. It's YOU who have to provide the dot-to-dot matrix of this theory so that it makes sense to the average person. YOU are the only one who advocates a certain theory. So YOU must provide the proof that your theory is ironclad.

People (truthers) have asked a myriad of questions. It's up to YOU to provide answers.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:09 AM
Theses Debunkers are on the payroll put here to try keeping us arguing while nothing gets done! thats there logic not mine! think about it how else could they keep up beliveing the OS?

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Phlynx

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Phlynx

Originally posted by iamsupermanv2
If an independent investigation shows that what the OS says is true, then I have some serious egg on my face.

If it shows that my beliefs were correct, then I demand legal action.

Is this question necessary?

I just want to know if Truthers will make another conspiracy theory if they get proven wrong.

What would you do if the Truthers were right? Could you accept it?

[edit on 6-3-2010 by whaaa]

I am agnostic in the matter of the OS, or it being a cover up. It could be either way for me. I could accept it yes. I'm for a new investigation, but I'm not a Truther who believes it's a full on conspiracy, nor do I fully believe the OS.

I got news for you... if you believe that there should be a new independent investigation about 9/11, than you sir/madame are a "truther"

You see, people who believe the official fairy tale of 9/11 always ask the same questions. Questions just like the ABC news reporter. Questions like, "How many people would have to be in on such a thing?" Fact is, how would I know that? How would you know that? Unless you have pulled off something of this magnitude previously, you have no way of being able to answer that question. The funny thing about people who buy into the OS is that every time they ask a question, they just prove that the OS is incomplete, and if it is incomplete than it just proves the point that there is a need for a complete, independent investigation.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by trueforger
This OP was directed at us TRUTHERS.
Your contribution is as necessary as,,,well,,,I can't find a way to say it.
Really,how could you say anything else?At least I would have a REASON for any flaw I saw.Like,the one about the Firemen at the 78th floor 2 min's to go untill collapse initiation.They would never have gotten there if the fires were hot enough to cause the collapse,duh.AND the people looking out the gashes.TraitorTrusters weren't invited to answer for us TRUTHERS

Unless a thread is closed, I'll post what I want when I want. You know as well as I do that my comment is dead on. Any investigation that confirms the existing theory, will be labeled as tainted. If there was any evidence that contradicted the current theory, it would have come to light by now.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 06:02 PM
I don't think you "OSers" understand.

A new investigation could very well prove the OS, but it would require unanswered questions to be answered. Real science, real investigation, talk to all the witnesses, don't ignore anything and most of all don't disprove the truther movement without proving the OS because the information out there right now fails to do so.

things like this, need to be explained, if they find an ironclad reason that follows the OS, so be it. As a OSers wouldn't you like the video up above explained? You can most likly tell me why it doesn't fit the truther movement but you can't explain why it fits the OS.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by ohhwataloser]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by JIMC5499
You know as well as I do that my comment is dead on. Any investigation that confirms the existing theory, will be labeled as tainted.

So just to clarify- you KNOW the future just like Ol' Psychic Dave on his 3 "killer truthers" KNEW it thread?

I think James Randi is offering you a 1 Million Dollar challenge for your paranormal ability- you should probably try out for that.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by JIMC5499

Plenty has come to light only there is the issue of chain of custody,the most insidious aspect of the cover up.There could be enough thermate residue to fill a freighter but without the certainty afforded by official handling by professionals and all that leads to a verifiable chain of custody it gets tossed,both by the OFTpropper-uppers here but also in court.

Same with the steel from the towers,it's gone.Those ship-breakers in India getting a dollar a day to cut up the beams in teams with hammer and tong and chisel in the worst working conditions imaginable (to save on gas)know rotten steel when they cut it by experience,how we gonna get an illiterate lower than low caste expendable wretch steel cutter into a courtroom to testify?Chain of custody?Gone.

But like the peasant,when given the not-guilty verdict by the Judge(as explained because of ONE doubt!)then asked the Judge if he had to give back the pig?shows it's still real.

The cover up,the doubt,the insulting level of lying,bloodthirst and reckless disregard,all this possibility and more demands an investigation.

I have a NOVEL idea.Let's keep the NIST report with it's alleged flaws and omissions for now.AND a new investigation picking up where the one left off.Looking into how the two towers fell.Then a chapter on exactly how #7 fell.Then Pentacon,er Pentagon.Lastly #93.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Phlynx
I just want to know if Truthers will make another conspiracy theory if they get proven wrong.

well that all depends on the validity and transparency
of the next 9/11 investigation. If they make another
farce of it like they did the first time, then yes there will
be more theories. If the new investigation answers ALL
the questions truthers have, then NO. No more theories
for the majority of us. You have to understand, we just want
the TRUTH, not fed BS while they tell us it's Filet Mignon.

And if the new investigation proves the OS then I personally
will apologize for doubting. But I have a strange suspicion
I have a better chance of winning the lottery jackpot than
proved totally wrong.

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