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I have Questions for 9/11 Truthers.

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by DCDAVECLARKE

So I am set in my ways because I won't believe a group of people who believe something that:
1. They have no proof to support.
2. They have no motive for the government to commit this atrocity.

My questions for you are:
1. What did the government stand to gain by doing this that they couldn't get an easier way?
2. Do you have proof that nano-thermite even exists beyond the imaginations of some 911 truthers?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by trueforger

I wasn't trying to be offensive. I just chose a word that means the exact same thing as butt.

Also, I don't need to be sneaky. I just come out and say what I mean. I am not some 12 year old.

Also, give me some proof that this was done by the government. Show me one scientific document where nano-thermite exists beyond being an idea for someone to try to develop. I could, with the same amount of provability say that the towers were brought down by steel eating nano-TERMITES.

Give me a motive.

Give me something beyond the same tired old speculation and attributing natural things to some big conspiracy.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Mr Sunchine]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
if a true independent investigation is run

There is your quantifier. I don't think that you can have an investigation that will satisfy this requirement. If there is a finding that the Truthers disagree with, they will just claim that somebody got to the investigators.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by JIMC5499

Originally posted by ugie1028
if a true independent investigation is run

There is your quantifier. I don't think that you can have an investigation that will satisfy this requirement. If there is a finding that the Truthers disagree with, they will just claim that somebody got to the investigators.

You are not a simple man sir.

You know in your heart why there will never be a investigation.

1. At the very least . Bush knew of the attacks, and let it happen.

2. At the most . Bush knew, and Helped it to happen.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by JIMC5499

This OP was directed at us TRUTHERS.
Your contribution is as necessary as,,,well,,,I can't find a way to say it.
Really,how could you say anything else?At least I would have a REASON for any flaw I saw.Like,the one about the Firemen at the 78th floor 2 min's to go untill collapse initiation.They would never have gotten there if the fires were hot enough to cause the collapse,duh.AND the people looking out the gashes.TraitorTrusters weren't invited to answer for us TRUTHERS

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Originally posted by JIMC5499

Originally posted by ugie1028
if a true independent investigation is run

There is your quantifier. I don't think that you can have an investigation that will satisfy this requirement. If there is a finding that the Truthers disagree with, they will just claim that somebody got to the investigators.

You are not a simple man sir.

You know in your heart why there will never be a investigation.

1. At the very least . Bush knew of the attacks, and let it happen.

2. At the most . Bush knew, and Helped it to happen.

So did Roosevelt before Pearl Harbor!

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by oppaperclip
A new investigation would be pointless, they've gotten away with it.

Yes they have! Still as the old song say's 'it's not the kill, but the thrill of the chase'.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Mr Sunchine

That's SO OLD,I can tell you're not youthfull at all,which OF COURSE sees no yearly bounds.Sneaky?In Half cap's?Hmmm
Not old is the Very current tape of the firemen on floor 78,2 min's to go.A real fire would be consuming all the air there.

But prove they didn't have air packs",you might say.To which I counter,the films of them in the lobby show none of those as they went up.They were running up to look see,they were not lugging extra weight.

Then you say,"Prove it."

Then I say,"I came here for an argument."

"No you didn't" Etc

All very entertaining,I'm sure.Do you have a guess why the tape "ends"right before the putative explosive sequence would have initiated if it was a MIHOP(That's MADE IT HAPPEN for you newbies and pretenders)

And finally,this thread is directed to us TRUTHERS you're out of (OLD)school.And I'm never going back to my old school.(I'd post a "DAN" but not computo-savvy yet)

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by trueforger

Sorry but I am having a hard time reading your stuff. Maybe if you slow down and take a breath and just calm down it would make more sense.

As to the air packs and the 78th floor. You probably wouldn't need them since the fire is above you. Heat rises so it is going to pull fresh air up through the building. The fireman were still below the main fire and so should have been able to breath in the air being drawn upward through the building.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Mr Sunchine

The fires were dull smoky orange,air starved.Would have choked all living plants and animals,above below,not hot enough to be a uni-directional airflow,it would just have pulled air from all directions.Until it started extinguishing from lack of fuel."Couple pockets"of fire,remember?TraitorTruster,I like the sound of that,what do ya think?

[edit on 7-3-2010 by trueforger]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by trueforger

I think you are wrong. Impact happened on the 91st floor. That is 13 strories or roughly 250 ft above the 78th floor. Heat (fire) is naturally going to pull air up from the rise effect. So even oxygen starved a fire will pull air up just by convection.

How about you could call me OSS... Official Story Satan. Since I don't believe what you believe and that makes me an evil traitor who wants to support the government in killing other americans.. in your mind. However, if you want to call Traitor, Truster, Testepuller, whatever I don't really care, because it is just your opinion.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Mr Sunchine]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Mr Sunchine

No Cheney was the one in charge that day.There's only one Satan.
TraitorTruster it is,then.I'll look into the which floor thing and ''get back to ya'' .I thought it was much lower.Been wrong plenty of times,and good thing for this,as I havn't yet today,so it's about time...

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by trueforger

Ok TraitorTruster it is.. So just call me traitortruster from now on.. WooooooHoooooooo!

So what did Cheney gain by allegedly destroying the WTC and attacking the Pentagon?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Mr Sunchine

A reason to start an endless war, feed the military industrial complex and profit off of cost-plus contracts via Halliburton.

Debunk that.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by antisocialbutterfly
reply to post by Mr Sunchine

A reason to start an endless war, feed the military industrial complex and profit off of cost-plus contracts via Halliburton.

Debunk that.

An endless war benefits no one.

The military industrial complex always eats quite well regardless of whether we are at war or not. Plus the government could have fed them just by raising their budget items to whatever they wanted them to be.

I really don't think Cheney is crazy enough to start a war just so a company he used to work for can get some new business. If he wanted them to have business he has the clout to get them whatever new contracts they needed to make whatever money they wanted to make.

Debunked. Next!

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Mr Sunchine

No, you still have work to do, but I'm going to make this easy for you. I've done the research, you prove it wrong. Deal?

Cheney told "Meet the Press" in 2003 that he didn't have any financial ties to the firm.

“Since I left Halliburton to become George Bush's vice president, I've severed all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interest," the Vice President said. "I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven't had, now, for over three years.”

Cheney continued to receive a deferred salary from the company. According to financial disclosure forms, he was paid $205,298 in 2001; $262,392 in 2002; $278,437 in 2003; and $294,852 in 2004.

And what of the value increase on his 433,333 Halliburton stock options? All public info- the SEC requires that.

I request that in your reply, you limit conjecture and post facts only, please.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by antisocialbutterfly]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:55 PM
It's very unlikely that there will never be another investigation into 9/11, nor should there be.

Even allowing for the massively improbable & completely unprovable theory that a group of neoconservatives designed a ridiculous plot involving remote control planes & the gratuitous destruction of massive skyscrapers, "they" are as untouchable now as they were in 2001, not that "they" exist in the sense that conspiracy theorists believe they exist.

And it's difficult to imagine what this investigation would be like.

The architects/engineers for 9/11 truth would present their case, then an avalanche of evidence & expertise refuting these theories would be put forward, and the so-called truth movement would be in exactly the same position it is now, it always has been & always will be, ie nowhere.

Why even call it a movement? It never moves. The same old waffle about controlled demolition & nano thermite year after year.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Phlynx
Say you get your investigation that is not led by the government. What if they come to the same conclusion as the original investigation, and you where wrong all along? Would you conclude that there is a conspiracy there too?

Are the Truthers really that open minded, or is it like Atheism compared to Christianity, two ends of the coin, but both have around the same amount as proof as the other?

What action are you going to take if the investigation proves the government did it?

Why do you think your theory is right, and not the original story?

Say your theory is right. What do you do next? Protest? Do you move on like nothing happened?

If your answer is that you just move on, what is the point of even getting the investigation anyway?

Please answer these questions for me.

If we were to investigate and it came back that the 'truth' was really the truth, then it would be case closed. Unless of course you are looking to condemn people to death for not believing the government story.

Now let me ask you this. What if, after the investigation, the 'truth' the government told us really WASN'T the truth, what would YOU then do?

Would we protest?

How many families lost innocent husbands, children, mothers, sisters, brothers ect. I think once the '''''''truth''''''' comes out, and those American families realize that Bush killed their husbands, mothers ect, there will be a lot more Joe Stacks and John Bedells (may they RIP).

[edit on 7-3-2010 by BiGGz]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by antisocialbutterfly

The thing that amazes me most by your post is that you are incapable of seeing the GIANT leap of logic that it takes to get from I have some stock options and get some deferred salary to lets kill 4000 Americans.

A man like Cheney is a power broker. The least of his concerns in life is getting more money. Cheney could make more money just staying in the private sector his whole life. Cheney's friends are some of the richest people in the world. If he woke up tomorrow and wanted something and didn't have the money it would be a phone call away.

He doesn't need to kill people to make more money. He is not desperate. Having said all that I know you cannot phathom why people really do kill. People kill to have the wealth, power, and fame that Cheney already had, has had, and will continue to keep until the day he dies. You don't kill to get what you already have and have possesed most of your life. He was in no way losing it, so you cannot see he did it to hold on to it either.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Mr Sunchine]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by vixen

avalanche of evidence & expertise refuting these theories would be put forward,
dont make me an other honest people laugh! id love to to see this avalanche as you put it into a public court of law! the evidence since 9/11 to the contrary would make you the laughing stock of the court, bring it on were ready for it!

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