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An appeal from a cop...

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by mryanbrown
reply to post by Damian-007

I've called them baby killers. Another discussion.
But he's right.

If you don't like it. Don't support an organization that kills babies.

Oh, I agree he's right. He is absolutely right. I'm sorry he has to do his "Job". I just haven't seen anyone carrying on cvalling them "Baby Killers". I don't support the cause he's doing either.

If you have called him a "Baby Killer" and others in the same job " Baby Killers" then, I'm afraid you an extremely inconsiderate person who acuses people of doing things that are outrageous and attention seeking.

Do you have proof of these individuals killing any babies? Or are you just generalising that because someone, somewhere had allegedly killled a baby? I mean, is their any proof, any proof at all that Soldiers or anyone employed in the Armed Services, have deliderately killed any Babies or Children?

I'm not denying that it may of happened in fact I am sure, myself that Children and "Babies" have been killed in the line of fire. What I want to know is why do you call a single person, a Baby Killer? Do you know something I don't?

I'm trying to understand it, I really am but, I think calling a single person a "Baby Killer", Stupid.

Anyhow, that's the end of it for me. This discussion is not on topic..

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by tank1976
This time was to do a "courtesy check" of my window tint. Wha??? This time I could clearly see the cop visually searching my vehicle inside/out and my only guess was he was praying for some type of "reasonable cause" to pull me out of the vehicle to search or detain me. Again...I was let go. Radar speed traps on residential streets handing out tickets for 6-9mph over violations? WTF??? Finding the smallest of reasons to pull people over? Following you for miles just waiting for one of your tires to touch a white line to pull you over for "failure to maintain"???

Come on now coppers what's the deal??? How is it that cops in a gang/crack neighborhood could be reasonably cool, and understanding to the non-criminal citizens, wave, say hello, but now years later in low crime areas they are harrassing and scrutinizing the crap out of everyone??? Its not just my neighborhood but all over Georgia when I repeat these stories to my other friends and co-workers getting harrassed for similar things.

Welcome to the suburbs dude. If you read the entire thread, you'll see I had the exact same experience regarding the window tint. The cop was making small talk as he was scanning inside the vehicle, probably hoping to see a pipe or something so he could make a real bust. I think the difference between the hood, and the suburbs, is that people in the suburbs have money. In the hood, their lives are in alot more danger when making routine stops, so they probably avoid them as much as possible. In the suburbs, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. It's pretty much just the government going to neighborhoods where people have money, and pirating them for the most minor of offenses because most people in the suburbs would rather pay the ticket than drag the cop into court because they can't afford to pay. As always, it's not about safety AT ALL. It's about the $$$.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by richierich

The only people voting to keep Arpaio in office, are the people in Sun City. That says it all. They ALL vote religiously, since they have nothing else to do. They all live in their gated communities, scared to death of the Mexican hordes coming to jack their golf carts. If the rest of us would actually get out and vote, perhaps his crooked @ss would be kicked to the curb, as he should be.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:39 AM
What I would really like to know, is how many people are sitting in jail that shouldn't be there. That were put there by or with the help of crooked cops or crooked federal law enforcement.

My feelings towards law enforcement has seriously dipped over the past year, as a friend of mine was wrongly charged and convicted by a federal agent that lied and took liberties in his report and severely broke several of his constitutional rights.

On top of that, in a town adjacent from mine, the police chief, a captain and 2 sergeants were charged, convicted and sentenced to prison for falsifying and illegally destroying documents, sexual coercion, accepting sex in lew of writing a ticket, rape, and covering up a hit and run by an officer who hit and killed a pregnant woman while he was high on coc aine and driving his SUV.

The cops that I have had contact with (speeding tickets) seemed pretty cool, I treated them politely and didn't try to screw with them. But I have had friends and family members that when pulled over, literally feared for their lives, and a cop actually planted drugs on my brother. He had just come back from a party (he was not stoned, but had that smell) and was pulled over for speeding. The officer patted my brother down once and found nothing. Patted him down twice, and SOMEHOW, a small bag of weed fell out of a pocket in his sweat pants... just for the record, his sweat pants didn't have any pockets. Needless to say the charges were dropped, but we don't know what happened to the cop.

You decide... I used to think that good law enforcement officers were in the majority, NOW, I think the good ones are in the vast minority.

With that said, my heart goes out to all the good ones that have to put up with the pure # of humanity on a daily basis.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:35 AM
Think we should probably start going tit for tat with the police. Law enforcement can go without reasonable cause to inspect our vehicles or detain civilians - just need mere suspicion.

Then, assuredly we do not need evidence or reasonable cause to consider any given police officer is a crooked, corrupt and most likely on steroids (and crack).

Just merely suspicious they could be.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by USXpat]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by 27jd

It's also about community intelligence and the creeping criminalisation of the general population for data mining. Which I suspect is also part of the motivation for the OP posting this thread.

[edit on 11/3/2010 by teapot]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Damian-007

Theres plenty of evidence of the military 'accidentally' killing babies.
All throughout history.

Army of One ammaright? One for all, all for one. One's guilty. All's guilty who participate in any degree.

It is a machine of war. When the machine faults. I blame the machine, not the individual part. I blame the entire thing.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by JWH44
reply to post by whaaa

I agree; the us/them mentality is hard to break. But try to look at it from a sociological perspective. It is, by nature, very difficult to fully become a part of a community or group that you have to police. Consider it as a type of management/employee scenario. As managers of a community, we have to maintain a level of distance, on a personal level, from that community in order to effectively manage it. Just as managers in an office have to avoid the pitfalls of becoming too friendly with their employees, so must police be very cautious of becoming too close to those that they might one day have to arrest.

it is an unfortunate, yet natural sociological occurance. In a way, it is very unnatural from how we as social creatures are programmed to act.

Up to this point I really had no issue with the general idea of thread but when did the LEO's become the managers of the communities? I think about the word "manager" and it means your lot is trying to manage the populace? What happened to keeping the peace and serve and protect?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:08 AM
To the OP-

Without taking a stance either way -

Have you considered where you are? Coming here, to a CONSPIRACY website and expecting a warm reception to "cop's rights" plea? Did you consider our membership's experiences, why we're here on ATS? Could you possibly find a higher concentration of system-haters anywhere else on the net?

I would have better luck selling contraceptives and home abortion kits outside a Catholic church.

Good luck with that, dude.


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 07:51 AM
The problem with law enforcement is they quickly get the, US AGAINST THEM syndrome. anybody that knows some personally sees the change.Now I would likely get a bullet proof attitude also. But no so overboard that every body becomes a criminal.And remember absolute power corrupts absolutely

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:43 AM
MANAGERS of the community? OUTRAGEOUS!!! This is the problem; cops, those bullying, uneducated cowards that make sure that they face no danger while exposing the public to their infamy, are NOT our managers!! The day a cop is allowed to manage more than his personal finances is the day i go postal. What NERVE!!

For a COP to call himself a ' Manager ' of the public is sickening. Who are they? Just brazen, loudmouthed wannabe's that imagine themselves to be our saviors and bosses. MOST ALL cops have a complex: They see themselves as heroes and ABOVE the civilians...they think that every word that falls from their lips is above suspicion and should be taken as gospel, despite the cops' horrible track record...they abuse rights all day long....they manhandle and beat people without cause, and they LIE as if they had never heard the word ' truth' before.

MANAGER, indeed!! Cops NEED MANAGING, they are in NO WAY able to manage anything beyond the most simple...they screw up anything that gets too complicated...just look how many raids end up at the WRONG STREET ADDRESS...if a dozen cops cannot read an address, then what CAN they do properly? They lie on the stand pretty well, and bully people pretty well, and they slurp coffee and donuts pretty well...but the rest is dumb luck.


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by richierich
The day a cop is allowed to manage more than his personal finances is the day i go postal.

My brother is a collector for a bank. He says that cops are some of the worst people about paying their bills. He is sent a lot to collect from them.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 10:00 AM
Just look to Hollywood for the answer to how many good cops there are.

There's mainly two types of cop movies (not including comedies):

1) Movies about dirty cops. These are the majority of films.

2) Movies about good cops who turn in dirty cops. These are few, signaling how rare it is to find a good cop.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:38 AM
I know this is a dying thread and maybe this is a bit off topic, but in the vein of the OP's original plea & the tone of the replies that followed:

For any LEOs, peace officers, federal officers, soldiers, etc out there, I believe the time will soon be at hand that (if you have not done so already) you are going to have to choose whether you stand with the people or with the corrupt powers who direct you. Are you going to stand by your oath or are you going to follow orders, fore they WILL be in conflict.

The government & it's enforcers at all levels have seemingly gone out of their way to display just how little they care for the people of this country & the principles that founded it. WHO in Seattle, Hurricane Katrina, G20 Pittsburgh, and countless articles, videos & other sources & events have shown just that.

You will be met with extreme prejudice.

If you are one of the few good guys, you'd damn well better make it known NOW through actions & deeds. Otherwise you will find no ally, you will be given no comfort and you will not be welcomed, as you will be remembered as the thug you were when you had the ability to impose your will *on* the people instead of being one *of* the people.

Sorry, had to get that off my chest as notice & fair warning of the zeitgeist i see developing.

[edit on 2010/3/14 by mal1970]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:53 AM
Every cop I have met has had a sense of entitlement, which isn’t appealing no matter what form it comes in. I feel like a lot of cops feel like since they enforce the law, they should not be equally subjected to the law.

I’ve also met firefighters and many people who are serving in the armed forces and people I know who have done two tours of Iraq were not self-righteous, and did not have the smug attitude the cops I’ve met had.

I don’t know, I’m trying to be blunt and kind at the same time, I’ll try to “say” this the right way:

To get respect you have to give respect, respect is something that is earned by your actions towards another, having a badge and wearing a uniform doesn’t automatically give you respect.

I realize your job of public service is considered to be more “noble” than, say, becoming an accountant, but if a cop is a complete a-hole and my accountant is a generally pleasant dude my accountant is going to receive more respect from me.

If the accountants in our nation were being complete dicks to everyone a majority of the time, and breaking laws while they get away with doing so by covering for each other, you’d find the same anger expressed on this site for people in the accounting business.

It has less to do with you being a cop, and more to do with a certain type of person repeatedly showing up in the same occupation. Therefore, the occupation as a whole is given a bad rep.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by JWH44

I hate guns and I hate war. I wish there were none of either, but I love cops and I love soldiers. Go figure.

I gratefully, and from the bottom of my heart appreciate anyone willing to fight a battle, maybe even die, just to save my liberty or my life.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:37 AM
I understand where you are coming from. I understand that not all cops are bad.

I just don't understand where the priorities are at. My question is, do you know that sometimes your orders from the top are really bad, but you carry them out anyway?

Why are people pulled over to meet quotas? Would you need quotas in the first place if you didn't throw people in jail for minor traffic violations? Why are people who have minor traffic violations spending time in the same jail cells as rapists, and worse?

Why do people sometimes fear cops more than criminals? It can't be all media, or herd mentality. I don't know. No disrespect, I know a lot of you are doing your job, I however feel that there is no need for cops. That, however is a whole nother basket of eggs.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 03:05 PM
The cops' record even gets a mention in China's press

Human Rights Record of the United States in 2009 published by China's Information Office of the State Council

II. On Civil and Political Rights

In the United States, civil and political rights of citizens are severely restricted and violated by the government.

The country's police frequently impose violence on the people. Chicago Defender reported on July 8, 2009 that a total of 315 police officers in New York were subject to internal supervision due to unrestrained use of violence during law enforcement. The figure was only 210 in 2007. Over the past two years, the number of New York police officers under review for garnering too many complaints was up 50 percent ( According to a New York Police Department firearms discharge report released on Nov. 17, 2009, the city' s police fired 588 bullets in 2007, killing 10 people, and 354 bullets in 2008, killing 13 people (, November 17, 2009). On September 3, 2009, a student of the San Jose State University was hit repeatedly by four San Jose police officers with batons and a Taser gun for more than ten times (, October 27, 2009). On September 22, 2009, a Chinese student in Eugene, Oregon was beaten by a local police officer for no reason (The Oregonian, October 23, 2009, According to the Amnesty International, in the first ten months of 2009, police officers in the U.S. killed 45 people due to unrestrained use of Taser guns. The youngest of the victims was only 15. From 2001 to October, 2009, 389 people died of Taser guns used by police officers (

Abuse of power is common among U.S. law enforcers.

Police, as is true with the governing bodies across the country, continue to treat the people with contempt in the belief that we'll continue to take it. When the lid comes off this pressure cooker, there will be plenty of innocent people injured. Anyone who doesn't understand why it happened just wasn't paying attention.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by JWH44

I hate guns and I hate war. I wish there were none of either, but I love cops and I love soldiers. Go figure.

I gratefully, and from the bottom of my heart appreciate anyone willing to fight a battle, maybe even die, just to save my liberty or my life.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by litmuspaper
To get respect you have to give respect, respect is something that is earned by your actions towards another, having a badge and wearing a uniform doesn’t automatically give you respect.

I realize your job of public service is considered to be more “noble” than, say, becoming an accountant, but if a cop is a complete a-hole and my accountant is a generally pleasant dude my accountant is going to receive more respect from me.

If the accountants in our nation were being complete dicks to everyone a majority of the time, and breaking laws while they get away with doing so by covering for each other, you’d find the same anger expressed on this site for people in the accounting business.

It has less to do with you being a cop, and more to do with a certain type of person repeatedly showing up in the same occupation. Therefore, the occupation as a whole is given a bad rep.

You know, that lays it out about as well as possible. To take it a step further - if the board governing CPA's and other accountants routinely covered for bad accountants that committed crimes or gave them a few weeks off as punishment you'd get more anger at the "Accounting system".

Bottom line - you want to be treated a certain way? You want people to think of you and your organization a certain way?

Then act the way you want to be treated and thought of.

This applies to everyone and all groups. I don't see why anyone would be surprised that people think "X" when "X" is what they see most of the time.

Its really pretty simple - and applies to LEO's, regular people, businesses, religions, etc, etc.

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