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AFA: Stone to Death Killer Whale Who Killed Trainer

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:30 AM
To wild animals like this Orca (whale killing dolphin) we humans are just meat of the hoof. Any individual who interacts willingly with wild animals knows that they may be eaten or killed. The Orca got a quick bite to eat and the trainer a quick death in the loving jaws of the predator they adored. Bliss.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:34 AM
My favorite part is the ridiculous hypocrisy.

If you're gonna use someone's tragic death to sell your religion, at least don't be a hypocrite.

I say, Christians should be out on the street demanding that the owners of Sea World be publicly stoned.

Along with adulterers.

In fact, I think America should pretty much stone ANYONE that the bible suggests stoning.

That'd be a quick way to get rid of a LOT of Christians.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:37 AM
I love how everyone got all up in arms over a "killer" whale 'killing' someone. That's not even irony, that is survival of the fittest right that.

But stoned to death? A whale's skin is pretty damn thick and stoning the thing to death would simply be arduous torture for the animal. Am I the only one that doesn't think the animal should be killed at all? Of course humans have the superiority complex that we are above nature so we need to judge it ourselves.

Just send the damn thing to a zoo and let it swim around. Whale's aren't meant to be play things to do tricks and what not. Why should we punish the animal for the idiocy of human beings?

And where is PETA on this? I suppose that since the whale killed a person, this is out of PETA's boundaries, yet they show their idiocy and demand over the least worthwhile situations around.

Just let the damn animal go.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:52 AM
I laughed at the poll. People were actually suggesting it should be released into the wild.

Besides the fact that the AFA should be labeled a domestic terrorist organization and persecuted as such for it's hateful, un-american and unchristian activities, the fact that people are all voting for the release to the wild of an animal that has been held captive all it's life is an immense display of ignorance!.

congrats huffpost readers, you are morons!

good bye. lol

what the heck is wrong with america? why do lunatics and idiots get so muych voice? I mean I know you have free speech and all, but is there any that is intelligent and worth listening to?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:06 AM
I'd pay to watch stupid religious bigots throwing stones at the water in the pool. Not calling all religious people stupid....just the idiots that dreamed up the idea of stoning animals. They come from a long line of Darwin Award Dodgers. In the past trees and animals have been tried for blasphemy and hanged. No BS!

No wonder many of them disbelieve natural selection....if it was really efficient, ignorant malice and stupidity would become extinct.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by djusdjus

Yes, that is what I clicked on to. Release him, and if he needs training to be released, so be it. They make a fortune off his captivity and he doesnt like it, not to mention has subjected him to M'Kultra mind control programs and this incident is a NWO event to manipulate peoples views.

Release him, train him for his natural habitat. And stop abusing nature.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

This shows how detached from reality the American Family Association really is. I think we should let them try the tank and underwater, of course.
Only the pinheads at the top of this association should be allowed to punish this animal and since it is a "family" association, all their offspring should be in there with them, stoning away. If a hungry, annoyed Killer Whale does anything to improve the gene pool, it will be the will of God.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Benji1999

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
Instead of being cryptic, would you care to ellaborate?

My apologies to Dr Love if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he's correctly referring to the ''divide and conquer'' tactics of the governments and the MSM.
Print a divisive story about any group of people, with the result of people having petty squabbles about non-issues such as this, when we the people should be putting on a united front.
In this case they've succeeded with us, and I'll await another 15-page anger and hatefest with both sides expending time and energy arguing points that don't need to be argued, and in reality absolutely nothing will have changed since before the thread started.

I agree with you there, which is why I specifically have not mentioned the any religious affiliations in this thread.

I figured, since Dr. Love said it had nothing to do with conservatives or libs, christians or atheists or whatever, taht there was something else to his comment.

My bad

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by cjcord
Annnnd this proves the thread regarding religious having lower IQ's...

Obviously trying to rationalize with these people would be a waste of time, but anyone wanna let the AFA know a whale isn't an ox? That might confuse them for a few days at least.

What kind of ignorant person are you? I have a certificate in Theology and I am currently working on a B Tho. How does being religious negate my 136 IQ?

BTW I believe that killing the whale would be foolish and that he should be set free instead.

Where are the moderators when these people show up?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by palg1

Ignorant I may be, but at least I maintain the ability to sense sarcasm when it's there. Strangely, I am able to prove I'm not quite that ignorant, as I am smart enough to not be insulted by someone who is not "bright" enough to make the connections between ~ologies.

Good luck with your degree!

P.S. try glancing at some other threads here, it might help you "get" the inside jokes

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:34 PM
I don't believe they mean "stoning" in a literal sense but in using modern terminology, they mean, to put the animal down.

But it does exemplify the misinterpretation of the law to serve one's agenda.

Coming to the whale's defense. This biblical law applied to the OXEN , a group of HOOFED animals that the Bible claimed to be provided by GOD, to man, for food and labor.

In modern day terms, these are categorically called DOMESTICATED animals.
And are Domesticated for that very reason.

While the biblical LAW specifically didn't mention other non domesticated animals such as Lions, Tigers, Grizzly Bears or Killer Whales in that LAW because they were not provided to man to live amongst and serve.

As far as the trainer, she wasn't forced to do this job and was well aware of the inherent risks involved with working with potentially dangerous animals. That is a risk she obviously was willing to take.
I am almost certain that SEAWORLD corporation, isn't liable.

So we enslave a wild animal, whether it was born in captivity or not.
These whales are VERY intelligent.
They are scientifically proven thinking and intellectual creatures.
Who possess a language and audibly communicate as we simians do.
It is being held against it's will, in servitude as property. Categorically a slave, As it is property of a for profit corporation called SEAWORLD. A publicly traded company.

It has been forced to live a life according to its owners, in solitude, without freedom. Only For the financial gain of it's OWNERS.
Which psychologically speaking most likely contributed to this behavior in the first place.

I say FREE the whale as well, for this ancient biblical law isn't in technical terms, applicable, and let nature take it's course.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:35 PM
The Bible scripture, I think, is referring to farm animals - not animals/mammals that have been captured by man, and are being used by man, to make money for man.

In the case of Sea World, they should not be using animals period, to make money.

There are thousands, if not more, so called "animal sanctuaries" that folks are starting that are not "sanctuaries" at all. They are people that have bred/purchased/poached exotic or otherwise, animals to cage up so they can charge people to come in and "learn" about.

They get to claim non profit status if they have anything "educational" in their program - "Here's Fred - Fred's gonna show you how to hold a snake".

Wah lah - they are now a "snake educator" and can get non profit status for being an "educational service to the public.

Lots and lots of, what used to be just "roadside zoos" or "petting zoos" have now implemented "Fred" into venue's activities, so that the public believes they are all about educating the public and school kids. These places will load up a few monkeys, one or two goats, maybe a rabbit, and drive over to a school and set up their "educational" display - all for a few hundred bucks.

Sea World needs to stop using animals to make profit - period. And anyone that frequents these types of venues needs to understand that they are only helping to keep that animal as a money maker for whatever venue they pay money and attend - be it zoo, circus, rodeo, pet store, puppy mill, horse racing, greyhound/dog racing, etc.

Sea World should have left the whales in the wild - because now, they can't be released back out there - they wouldn't last a day or more - because thanks to Sea World, none of them have the capabilities to survive in the wild.

And if the Sea World whales anger you, I bet this story will really have you seeing red - a Conoco gas station in Louisiana has a tiger, for years, in a steel cage, at the gas station - to attract customers. A live tiger yes - breathing in all the gas fumes, living on concrete and surrounded by steel bars. That is his life.

See HERE for links - you can pick and choose which to read.

The man has been cited, and been to court and, last I read, the tiger has to stay, per the gas station owner. The tiger gets things thrown at him, has no way of escaping the chaos, noise, gas fumes, or people with their cameras...... freakin' sad.

You can see photos Here

People like this really irk me - this is NO way to house a live animal of ANY kind - and all for what? The almighty dollar.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:50 PM
Also, I read that the trainer's wet suit that day was black and white - the thought comes to mind that the whale's mating, or other instincts, may have kicked in seeing the black and white suit - and associating it with another whale.
And too, her long pony tail - which was what the whale grabbed to pull her in - long hair/pony tails should be prohibited re anyone dealing with animals, period.

Quite of few of the witness statements claim that they observed the whale's tail thrashing about wildly - which would indicate anger or excitement of some sort. The whale could have took the b/w wet suit as a threat and took action, in the only way he knew how, to attack and dispose of it.

"Suddenly I saw [the whale] grabbing the trainer ... and pulling her down in the water," she said. "It was scary. He was very wild, with the trainer still in the whale's mouth, the whale's tail was very wild in the water."

You can view/read all of the witness statements HERE

Same notion with sharks and surfers who are wading on their boards - and from below, all the shark can see is a long oval object with, what appears to the shark as fins or animal legs flapping - experts have said that the shark thinks they are either seals or turtles, and that is why they attack.

The trainer's family, I read, said that Dawn, the trainer, wouldn't have wanted the whale to be put down.

They need to turn the whale over to a true sanctuary - the kind that devotes their time to taking in such animals - and taking over responsibility of an animal when mankind has screwed things up royally, as usual.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 01:41 PM

It seems the christians are still stuck in the stone ages. Im glad we live in a more civilized world.

That's a rather harsh generalization wouldn't you say?

I guess it's ok that I generalize everything else then.

All blacks are criminals.
All Muslims are terrorists.
All Jews are greedy.

See how that goes? Ignorant people like you put ATS to shame.

As to AFA and Tilly, how about we lock up AFA at sea world and set Tilly free? Or better yet, stone AFA?


posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by LaMadameDuval
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

re: Topsy
This is the first time I heard about's disgusting beyond belief. Everything I am learning about Edison seems to paint him in loathsome colors...especially his treatment of Tesla. But poor's heartbreaking

I had no idea what you were talking about, so I googled, and found the horrifying explanation here.

Yes, Edison was a loathsome piece of work.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by SuperSlovak

It seems the christians are still stuck in the stone ages. Im glad we live in a more civilized world.

Your hate is showing. This is about the AFA, not the Christians. Labeling an entire group that makes up 80+% or the population as crazy because of the actions of a few individuals is so wrong, on so many levels, there is no way for you to pretend it is anything but hate. I'd bet not all of the AFA are thrilled either.

Why can't you tell the truth and criticize those who are involved instead of attacking most of the population of the entire country.

This is exactly what SO was talking about last week. This kind of hate speech is what keeps us all at odds. These lies are the problem and not the solution. In fact you are a participant in a conspiracy of lies.

I'd be willing to bet those protecting that Whale are mostly Christians.

It is sad they keep such wonderful animals in those tiny enclosures. Truly sad. Academicians and Scientists have no heart. Their research is meaningless in this case and they are really just circus performers. You can't study a Whale outside of it's natural environment.

Killer Whales are pure carnivores. You should see them hunt sometime for real, in their own environment. They are brutal. They single out a Beluga Whale from a Pod and attack it in teams, tearing it to bits in mere seconds. That is a real Killer Whale. They are not cute little domestic puppy dogs.

On the other side of this story. If you were out camping and a Brown Bear killed one of your children, would you want it Euthanized? That is what these same Scientists would do if it happened in a park. Hypocrites. That decision was about money, not the animals welfare. If they gave a damn, they would return that animal to the wild.

They have gotten any data they need by now. They are lying about why they keep them. It is all about money to redo the same research over and over again, to keep the money flowing.

[edit on 3/4/2010 by Blaine91555]

[edit on 3/4/2010 by Blaine91555]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

We capture an animal who is used to travel 50 miles a day, and put it in that small swimming pool. Also - a social animal, that has it;s group and family.
News :Flipper killed himself. He was bored :

When one of the five Flippers, a female Bottlenose Dolphin named Kathy died, O'Barry could no longer deny what he saw as the severity and potentially fatal consequences of the captivity industry he had helped to establish. O'Barry maintains that Kathy died from a form of suicide. He supports this claim with the widely acknowledged fact that all cetaceans are voluntary air-breathers and all dolphins are of the order Cetacea. Unlike humans, and many other land-dwelling mammals, dolphins have the ability to choose when they take a breath, or consequently when they do not. According to O'Barry, after weeks of showing signs of depression Kathy swam into his arms, opened her blowhole to take a breath and then never took another.

Not only animals - react like that when caged. Humans do too. And this civilization is just one big cage. We act crazy - because of it.

"We act as though human nature were something to be afraid of; to constrain, modify or fight; to subdue and overcome. Somehow we have gotten away from believing that we evolved in a way that works. We believe that our nature has to be modified, opposed and controlled from the very beginning.

Our nature, like that of every other animal, works fine the way it is. But we do not trust human nature. We distrust it in infants, in children, and in ourselves."

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by SuperSlovak

It seems the christians are still stuck in the stone ages. Im glad we live in a more civilized world.

Your hate is showing. This is about the AFA, not the Christians.
[edit on 3/4/2010 by Blaine91555]

[edit on 3/4/2010 by Blaine91555]

Actually, you're wrong. I started this thread to show the manipulation tactics of the MSM....obviously nobody has gotten the point of this thread yet, and it's on what? Page 3 or 4?

MODS: Please close this thread, as it is just going to continue to be a debate of bashing Christians, which was not the point when I started it. Thank you.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:54 PM
I guess showing this killer whale the 1977 movie " Orca" for his birthday doesn't seem like such a good idea now .....

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:05 PM
I saw and have read on the tragedy that happened with the killer whale and the trainer. Now in my experience, (I used to work at a zoo, and for animal control) most people tend to forget the one important thing when they visit, those are wild animals. Now many people would say oh well leave them alone, but in the defense of the different zoos and aquariums, and especially the reputable ones, they try to keep up with the welfare of the animals, learning as much as they can, also working on a breeding program to where they can increase the endangered species for releasal in the wild. Part of that program is also to ensure genetic viablility in the species, and to prevent inbreeding, so the animals are carefully monitored for everything to include diet. Many of those zoos and aquariums are called on to help wild animals that are often found injured and it is their expertise that are used to help in cases such as that. Yes it is a tragedy that happened, but to stone something the size of a bus that lives under the water, well that is kind of ridicolus. I am surprised that Peta did not jump on AFA for animal cruelty. The other thing that is a real shame is that AFA is like so many other christian organizations, where they look at only a few of the rules in the bible and not all of them, kind of sounds like hipocracy to me. I do agree that in this case the animal needs to be removed from the site, taken out and rehabilitated to go back into the wild, to live as nature put it out.

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