what is it then? seems several groups have their own version of it, which typically characterizes people they disagree with for whatever reason, as
the chaff, or people who are a different race than them, as the chaff. that verse is being bandied about like a sledge hammer, and from my vantage
point almost seems like an opportunity for genocide or mass murder on an unbelievable scale, just waiting to happen
yeah lets all hate America and troops because of this clip, why not all whites and or all males as well?
All this anti-American and anti-troop rhetoric reminds me of something..
oh yeah that anti-Islam anti-Arab rhetoric...
Those idiots in the clip aren't much different then the idiots on here who serve their own judgment, some who want to dish their own 'justice', and
all by generalizing from impressions made of a short clip.
Half the criminals in this clip probably believe some ridiculous generalization against women, or Arabs, or Muslims or whatever because they don't
think. When you're doing the same thing against Americans or troops your just advertising yourself as another non thinking sheeple, just on the other
side of the 'fence'.
They are called 'jarheads' for a reason, it's a chain of command in the war machine. The real question is, who fills that jar and can the human
soldier handle it. I think what we see in the video is a severe reaction to war, stress, trauma and of course a few that shouldn't have been allowed
to enter the army in the first place. Faulty screening or useful psychopaths ?
Jarhead by definition is a member of the Marine Corps, not Army.
The term "jarhead" comes from the shape of the Old Corps covers (hats) that were worn by Marines. The poster is assuming that it is derrogatory, but
in fact Marines call each other jarhead as a matter of course.
To the few in this thread who have not spent all their time bashing the army as a whole:
It is so easy to post threads and comments off the actions of individuals and post those videos or comments or actions as a collective representation
of the whole. Are there sadistic individuals in the military? Yes. But that is not indicative of the entire military. This is just as sick as the
posters on ATS that commended and applauded the man who flew his plane into the IRS building in Austin a few weeks ago. I read comments, much to my
disgust, of how those people deserved to die and were evil because "they worked for an evil entity."
Why don't we see more videos like this? Watch the whole thing, the title is purposely misleading and talks about some of misconceptions many of you
in this thread seem to have.
The US military does more good as a collective whole in a year than most people will do in their lifetime.
To all of you that jump the gun and bash the entire military as a whole for the actions of a few, shame on you!. It's easy to be big and
mighty with the power of anonymity over the internet but imagine a world without these people who live their lives to make sure you can enjoy posting
your 'free speech' on the internet mocking them. And the real soldiers in the United States could care less the hate you spit at them because they
love what they do and would continue fighting their cause.
Before I am completely chastised in this thread, no I am not in the army or any other armed force, no I am not a "dis-info agent" (although I am
sure that I am now for saying that I wasn't, because logically, only a dis-info agent would say such), read over my old posts and you'll see that I
used to be someone that believed every word at the first glimmer of it like many of you do with videos like the OP posted.
There was once a time on ATS when we were skeptic of everything that was posted on this website. We would try to disprove the awful and the
unexplainable before we jumped board and put on our tin foil hats. We have all digressed so far from what our purpose was, what the vision of ATS was,
and now jump the gun at the first thing we see or hear. I myself became one of the worst.
For those that took the time to read my entire post, thank you. If you would like to debate me on my beliefs feel free to send me a U2U and you can
debate me as professionally or as unprofessionally as you want. I will gladly respond to you but I will not spend another minute in a thread such as
this where the air is so thick with anti-American soldier sentiment a knife would not cut through it.
It's important to question. It's also important to not belief the story at first glance. That *should* include alternative postings, like those on
ATS. Please guys, before you jump on this hate band-wagon look at the other side.
I watched the video and I agree that there are some #ed up things going on over there. But look online for some of the things they do, these people
in middle east are no better than us either. War always has two sides and it is ignorant to think that all of the American Soldiers over there are
fighting for money and what not. I would be so #ing pissed off if I came back from risking my life overseas to be bad mouthed by a bunch of people
who really have no #ing clue what is going on and all they can do is speculate.
Originally posted by burlysoft
As an American, it's hard not to feel responsible.
How many of these young men, who lack or have lost their moral compass, come home and go into law inforcement?
I am SICK to death of being forced my entire life to supposedly feel sorry and responsible for everyone from the Native Americans to the Black slavery
acts long before I ever came to this planet! I am not guilty, and they are not guilty, but we are all made guilty by the politicians and the priests!
When we see these types of videos no wonder whats his name said that the soldiers are nothing but cannon fodder for the securement of policy.
Can someone please tell me that every american soldier that did these rediculously cruel acts on camera, have been charged with at least something. I
mean hopefully PETA sued the # out of that guy who threw that puppy, he's just lucky I'm no soldier because he'd have been shot, the people who
gang-raped that girl are also lucky I wasn't armed and in Iraq. What is the world coming to or a better question why do I give humanity so much
respect?... When clearly on the main stage they deserve none as I realize other nations armies commit the same acts of violence.
Originally posted by burlysoft
As an American, it's hard not to feel responsible.
How many of these young men, who lack or have lost their moral compass, come home and go into law inforcement?
there is a good side to your question,for the moment these feral animals are at least for the moment off your streets and not drinking down your local
Why is it that every time someone on ATS posts a video of US troops doing something terrible it means that every US troop is the scum of the Earth?
Have you all have no sense of comprehension and rationality?
It's the same as saying, "That black man over there stole something, God damn ****ers." You realize that right? It's EXACTLY the same.
I agree that what those troops did was terrible, grossly barbaric. They need to be disciplined accordingly in the court of law, and those bastards
will never get a job again (assuming they make it out of prison at some point) after being dishonorably discharged from their branch of service.
The people in the video have no sense of morals and are garbage. But the people in the video do NOT represent the majority of troops over there.
I hate these "hate on American forces" threads, they are completely worthless and only are here to provoke arguments and be used as anti-American
If you want to make a point on not being in the middle east then make a valuable thread about the political reasons and militaristic reasons we should
not be there.
This thread is the equivalent of making a thread about how you dislike immigration and then in the thread putting a video up that shows a Hispanic man
jacking a car or getting into a fight, and then worst of all you use that as your main point on why we shouldn't have immigration.