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The Video The US Army Doesn't Want You To See*Warning*

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by thebox

So your dog could be a doctor? Would you let him operate on you?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by The time lord
I know those soldiers are doing is wrong in that video none of it is right, but if the Prophet Muhammad was alive today would he not be doing the same things these American's are doing? At least these Americans are proving they are doing it in their barbaric human nature rather than a command that is worshipped as a religion and they blow up innocent people for their God. The Americans are there to stop these type of religious fanatics not become them, it might prove that there is a spirit of wickedness that influences the minds of people in these regions into behaving this way like a cloud of evil. The Bible says that Babylon is home of every kind of evil spirit, Babylon = Iraq.

But don't feel like Americans or the West are the only warmongers because there are so many wars you never known about in Africa in last 20 years under the command of Muhammad's own style of submission and executions, Saddam was no different, anyone who questioned him was killed, school children were told to spy on their parents if they ever said anything bad about him, the NWO nightmare was already made in that region and hopefully the Americans have stopped the spread of this evil but it could be infectious spiritually and mentally and maybe some soldiers are becoming evil and barbaric in that same nature, but that nature is not of their religious code but of ignorance. This is not government policy to behave like this, these people go to court when they are found out, but in the mean time don't let these stories stir up more problems because the majority wants to bring peace not more war. Maybe after this is over it can be exposed but in a way I agree maybe don't let these individual cases ruin the overall plan.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by The time lord]

Excellent post. But nobody on this thread wants to hear it.

La, la, la.... They're not listening!!! La, la, la....

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by jinx880101
reply to post by ashnomadonte

watched the movie and am not moved one inch by it. it smacked of anti us and military propaganda. sure there are bad things that happen to good people however it's not like we are out in iraq just rapeing and killing people like this video made us out to look like.

What?! You are actually defending this? Yes, there are good people in the military....but this war is a bogus war!

This is not "propaganda"...what you saw there, was what REALLY happened! Not made up....

Stop defending this, stop defending their actions. You, are being a part of the problem. WE NEED TO END THIS WAR. And to do that, we need to face the truth. If we don't face it, there is no hope..

You're basing your judgment on the basis of one propaganda video? Two atrocities? A horrible rape and puppy killing? Are you saying this is standard US military behavior?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:30 AM
Rainfall..I'm going to link a thread I did couple years back about the war and the effects of depleted uranium.
I applaud you for this thread.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by rick1
reply to post by TheCoffinman

You people need to seriously wake up and smell the propaganda. Can any of you here tell me how much time you spent researching this video or did you just automatically believe it? I do videos for a living and there was a separate video out on that puppy. There was much arguing on another site about this video. I took this video slowed it way and blew it up. Now I don't know about you but I have never seen a puppy that doesn't move. It is quite easy to tell it's a stuffed animal.
These propagandists are the ones who should be making you sick. Does America have have problems sure I'm not blind to that,but these assholes have been pulling this crap since Vietnam and ruining the lives of good people. IMO John Kerry is the most evil and disgusting character in American history. He told more lies,which was proven he lied,and ruined more lives than any man this country ever produced. He spoke and lied before a senate committee because he knew he wouldn't be asked questions but when asked to meet with GI's to debate for the last 40 years he has declined.
These bastard democrats on this video could have stopped this war any time since 2006 because they had the majority in Congress and they have the same power now but they still don't do it because they don't want it stopped either. All they have to do is cut off the funding. They did it in Vietnam and the war was over in a matter of months. Think about it. You're being played.

I don't think this is propaganda put out by Democrats. The tone is very radical Muslim and anti-West in general. And it's now Obama's war. But you're absolutely right about the people on this thread being played. None seem to understand the bigger picture.

Hitler and Communists were experts at putting out similar propaganda. They were appealing to the goodness within people's hearts. Unfortunately, some people were too naive to see that until it was too late.

Do we hear about the people who believed the Nazi and Communist propaganda? No. They just silently disappeared into the cracks while others had to clean up the mess. The gullible are not really noble people. They're just stupid people.

People!! Learn from history. It continues to repeat itself.

Evil only knows one tactic: To lie!

[edit on 5/3/2010 by Matrix1111]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:40 AM
STOP THE PRESS NEWS JUST IN......You put power in the hands of people with authority to kill and you will always have a few that cross the line.

Yes such folk are worst than animals, yes they are filth, yes they are calous inhumane morons with little compasion, but statistically they are in the minority.

That being said why are they not accountable for their actions? Truth is those in command probably chalk it up as 'acceptable errors of judgement' or 'they're just having some fun' and turn the other way.

Yes it's wrong, we know that. Yes the US government urgently needs a shake down, we know that. Yes the federal reserve, the banks and the oil companies are keeping us in bondage we know that.

In truth YOU too are responsible, for through inaction such acts of atrocity and control will ALWAYS happen if those in power are not acting in the interests of the people. I repeat the governments and cooporations of this world are not acting in the best interests of the people and your inaction is indirectly leading to such attrocities.

So what can you do about it? Well thats the million dollar question isn't it !

- You can protest hoping you might get heard
- You can shake your head and do nothing
- You can stand in the middle of time square and burn dollar afer dollar
- You can wave a white flag outside your local governent office
- You can arrest your president (don't hold out much hope for you there)
- You can talk about it with others
- You can think outside of the box

Remember the people are ready, we are just waiting for the catalyst to start the process of change. It could be you with the power to effect that change. Remember this is a war, think like a general and rally the troups! Alternatively act and others will follow.

If I were an American I would stop at nothing to save my country and people.

Good luck

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:41 AM
Some doctors wind up molesting kids. We don't end up hating the medical community.

Some teachers sleep with their students and get them to try to kill their spouses. We don't hate the education system.

Some soldiers turn bad, you shouldn't hate the entire military.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:46 AM
Why do these videos always have to be ruined by way too pathetic and too loud music. Music doesn't make this video more powerful, quite the opposite.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by rick1
reply to post by TheCoffinman

You people need to seriously wake up and smell the propaganda. Can any of you here tell me how much time you spent researching this video or did you just automatically believe it? I do videos for a living and there was a separate video out on that puppy. There was much arguing on another site about this video. I took this video slowed it way and blew it up. Now I don't know about you but I have never seen a puppy that doesn't move. It is quite easy to tell it's a stuffed animal.

What are you talking about? please! this is not any false propaganda, it was a not a stuffed animal, it was a real living breathing puppy!

I wonder who's spreading the "propaganda"

The guy, Lance Cpl. David Motari confessed to this during the Marines investigation after his INSANE ACT - that he had thrown the living puppy from that cliff.

David Motari was later seperated from the Marine Corps and received his dishonorable discharge from the Military.

Marine Corps Base Hawaii says in a news release that Lance Cpl. David Motari received unspecified “non-judicial punishment” and “is being processed for separation” from the Marine Corps.

The second Marine, Sgt. Crismarvin Banez Encarnacion also received unspecified “non-judicial” punishment.

Generation Kill - A Lost Generation?

One of the biggest problem in the Iraq war?

A lot of indoctrinated and trigger-happy "22 year old's" with their souls morally corrupted by years of glorified junk war culture, easy killing concepts in videogames and brainwashed with endless streams of warmongering phony "war on terror" propaganda from the establishment and political wing of the American society.

This part of the American society and corrupted political leaders raised and indoctrinated these children & young men with the dehumanisation of the people of Iraq and with war propaganda & lies through MSM, and made what these young & confused men are today.

Plenty of them sadly now have battered or destroyed souls and the suicide rate is sky high among them.

Thankfully there's also good people in the US military who are now serving the Imperialistic ProjectNewAmericanCentury agenda (PNAC) which started these 2 wars.

And these people have sadly also been lied to as well, through the corrupted MSM propaganda and their corrupted leaders.

Unforunately there's little honour serving in a military who are using depleted uranium which affected innocent people & children with terrible cancers & horrific birth defects and is a horror for all the future un-born generations in Iraq and elsewhere - destroying and poisoning a part of this Earth and by doing so, breaking all International charters & treaties and International Laws.

A crime against humanity?

You should really check out this guy's rant out, because it's damn true what he says about all these screwed up & "blow stuff up" "22 year old's" who helped to destroy the good name of America in the eyes of many in foreign countries around the world.

It's just soo damn sad to see what this world is becoming now because of all this stupidity & greed and endless killings!

It's time to make this world a better place!

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Chevalerous]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:00 AM
Wow this is a moving video. It makes me angry to see these things even though i have seen some of this footage before. I'm so tired of people taking advantage of others and helpless people. Something needs to happen either we need to get out of these helpless countrys and monitor their growth without soldiers or these corrup soldiers need to be brought to light and prosecuted for their wrong doings

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

You have to look at it this way, they didn't see the rest of the video so they didn't know how much worse it got. I'm sure people don't value the puppy over a human life but they didn't show them raping and burning the girl alive. Don't get me wrong, just hearing it gave me the chills and made me sick to my stomach. With that said, they actually showed them throwing the puppy which is a lot harder to watch then to hear about it. The whole video makes me sick and want to cry but I had to cover my eyes when it came to the puppy. If I were you I wouldn't be offended. You should give people more credit than that.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:02 PM
I find this thread hilarious.

And you know why? Because none of you have the balls to actually take responsibility for your part in this whole scenario (respect for the exceptions).

I've reading the thread from the first post and I find it hilarious, honestly.

First of all, to those who never seen me here in ATS, I'm a Spec Ops soldier, sniper/recon unit. I'm not american, I'm with NATO forces, which actually gives me a pretty good place to understand it all, since I'm not American, but I do work (and would give my life for) with americans.

Now, regarding the part of none of you having balls, let me explain:

Where are the people that elected Bush(twice)? Spare me the conspiracy theory of grabbing votes, they may have done that, but there was a pretty good piece of the population voting for him.

Where are the people that cried for justice and revenge after the 9/11, when crucial decisions were made?

Where are the people that elected Obama, in almost a hollywoodish way, even knowing he always said he was going to reinforce troops in Afghanistan?

Can you actually tell me with a straight face that the people responsible (AMERICAN CITIZENS, LIKE ANY OF YOU AND MOST OF YOU) for supporting this wars, ASKING for them to happen, SUPPORTING the people who made it happen....simply vanish?

Now, everyone is a genius, a political, economical and social expert, that figured it out back then, and everyone knew that this war was bogus back then? Are you kidding?

Most of you, who now are hypocrites, putting this soldiers between the sword and the wall, cried, yelled for revenge. Some of you even yelled "let's kill those terrorist #ers!"...

And now, that bad things happen, now that you see the consequences of your demands and fears, you leave them alone? They are your BROTHERS, your SISTERS, FATHER and MOTHER. They DIE on a daily basis, and please, let's forget about the media propaganda of the KIA's.. .There are people who loose arms, legs, and are ruined for the rest of their life! A salute to those who actually overcome the sadness of that situation and get on with their lifes!

The same flag that you promote so cowardly anonymously in a internet forum, is the exact same flag that they cover young BOYS coffins after they die over your responsibility as a citizen!

I lost count to the number of soldiers that were drinking coffe with me in Afghanistan and said "I didn't join for this, I joined to protect my country".

Are you really that blind by your comfortable view of the world that you can't even realize that the soldiers in the field are the FIRST to know and feel how wrong or right a war is?

If any of you travel to Iraq or Afghanistan and say "hey, this war is wrong"...Do you know what is the response of almost every soldier in there? "No # Sherlock".

You are at HOME, in your laptop, in your office PC at work, saying this stupid things without realizing what really goes on in there!

I'm not american, and I've a bullet scar on my leg because I was dragging a injuried soldier to cover and I got shot. That soldier was shot on the back because he grabbed a young kid that was in the line of fire, and covered him with his body. How many of you know how that feels?

Again, I'm not American, and I'm #ing proud of any american soldier, because I saw them risk and loose their lifes over people that belong to another culture and don't even want them there. I'm proud of american soldiers that would give their lifes for me just because I was there to help them. I'm proud of saying that I would put myself in front of a bullet to protect any american soldier.

None of you will understand this, because none of you have the slightest idea of what goes on in that hell hole. You try to protect the same thing that wants to attack you, and you do that, knowing exactly how you feel about it, and how your BROTHERS at home feel about it.

The only thing that you have to build an opinion are pathetic emotional videos about ONE side of the story.

What if I would post here a video about soldiers being shot protecting children in Iraq? What if I would post a video with a nice music on the back, showing american/NATO soldiers playing soccer with kids from around the base?

What if I would show you that even many people in there, not american, invaded by the US forces, understand the pain and position of soldiers that are there? When you see a soldier being greated by civilians, they are not kissing ass... Some of them really understand whats going on, and some even FORGIVE us for being in their country. Not the US government, but the soldiers that are there.

They ask us for favors, from moving their car that got stuck, to help them putting something on their house...

Aren't you ashamed that people that were invaded by the soldiers that you call demons, understand them better than you?

And you are surprised that soldiers go bezerk?

First of all, the military is a portion of the society from where they come from. So, if this types of crimes happen in your society, they WILL happen in the military. Point taken.

Second, is that much of a surprise that soldiers break down and go crazy, if you consider the psychological pain that is forced upon them? Back home they are called baby killers, in there they are called infidels and invading criminals. They joined to protect their country and they realize that they are protecting profit from US major companies.

How can't you understand this?

Please, don't leave those boys alone. Please, don't put them in a bag where they don't belong, and mostly, please think with your head, rather with some stupid video on youtube.

Oh, and btw, yes, the guys in those videos are cowards.

I have moral standards, and I was court martial twice. Both times I got away with it because I was right, and the orders were illegal and immoral. But not everyone has the place that I have, not everyone can take that chance.

Having that said, a General that NOW is against war, is a coward because he spent his life complying with crimes and got himself to general. And the little boy (Sgt) that talks in the video... Give me a break.

If you want to be a Human being, act when you need to, don't take the shot, don't follow the orders, stand up, like MANY already do, but don't end up in youtube videos(most because they are so in so much pain inside, that they aren't seeking for profit from their books and websites or campaings). People like this, that kill, follow illegal orders, and then come out to talk in safety after doing that kind of crap, are COWARDS.

Don't be a pet while you can suffer consequences for speaking up, and then leave your crimes behind and start attacking the same people that would give their lifes for you.

Talking crap when nobody can hurt you, is not courage nor bravery. It's sad.

The true "anti-war" heroes, are the soldiers that risk their lifes everyday for their country, and still believe in you, even that you post videos like this and call them criminals.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:10 PM
Hey, no big deal.

I didn't see or hear anything that was out of the ordinary. The video was just a sample of routine day to day activities, here on planet earth. Don't be so shocked.

No big whoop. Get used to life as a human living on Earth. It could be worse.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Sliadon

He makes a good point too. Even though every thinking person knows that war sucks, many are also aware of how the media manipulates public perception. They just don't recognize it when the manipulation happens to support something they believe in already.

I will say, however, that if it's true they are helping the shiites kill off the sunnis due to religious differences THAT's a problem .

[edit on 5-3-2010 by undo]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by The time lord

Ummm you do realize that the prophet muhhamed could be most likened to Jesus right??? The ability of the Muslim Radical is to obscure the words of the Quran for their own personal benefit. So in all actually your doing EXACTLY what the muslim radicals are doing, obscuring the words of muhhamed for your own personal gain AKA a lackluster speach comparing american soldiers to a false view of a tyrannical muhhamed. So did I get it? Was that what you were shooting for?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

I agree with your post and those people are very much cowards and I'm happy I wasn't armed and in Iraq or Afganistan at the time because these cowards would've been SHOT! I agree that these idiots don't speak for everyone but you have to agree... People and Groups are always judged by the bad never the good.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:58 PM
I agreed with this video up until the end when it became totally convoluted with Obama propaganda. Little to nothing has changed under the Obama administration. The Patriot Act has been renewed and our empire building continues. I guess what I'm trying to say is that while the liberals think they are in the right about this; their leaders are one in the same as the Bush administration. Obama is a bit like Feyd-Rautha in Dune. After years of horrible mismanagement and crimes against the people of Arrakis, Beast Rabban is replaced by Feyd-Rautha who is marketed as a savior to the people to restore faith in the Harkonnens.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:58 PM
My ex was in the British Army. He did and saw attrocities that would make your heart break. He told me that as a UN Peace Keeper he could not interfere. One day his truck was driving along and at the side of the road US soldiers were randomlingly killing civilians just for fun. All of them in the truck wanted to get out and have it out with these renegade soldiers but their commander said no as it would break UN rules of interferring!!!! He saw people being killed for no apparent reason, his interpretator who was 18 and only having a year out from Britain trying to learn more about her interpretating skills. The Serbians as it was in Bosnia he saw all this kiling set up check points and you had to carry goodies to give them like DVD players, televisions, booze, fags etc... to appease them. But this day that was not enough as they were escorting some high up member of the military which meant they should have had better contraband to let them pass through. Ayway, the high up military person got shot them the interpretator was shot. My ex was taken hostage and all kinds of attrocities were suffered by him over two weeks (I can't write it as it is still to painful to remember but you can imagine what happened?). When his platoon learnt about him being held hostage they sent in the SAS who from a few days into his captivity were hiding nearby waiting for a time when their guard was down and they watched it all happening to him as well. How sick would you feel watching a guy being degraded everyday? After he was rescued he was cazzivaced to Germany but went off his head, holding the military police up with his gun. After that he had his gun taken from him and put into the psychiatric hospital in England where it looked like he recovered. But after being given his clean bill of health, where do you think they sent him to, yes, Bosnia. After that he had a killer streak in him. He killed with no conscience as even now he still wants to hunt down the b-------s who did that to him all those years ago. He did not tell me what he did but in my imagination he went after every Serbian he saw and tortured them the way he did to him. I can understand the intricacies of the mind of the military and what they have suffered they inflict it back. But nowadays they recruit anyone, people with psychiatric, social and drink and drug problems. That's what you see in this video. No words can describe what I watched. Rest in peace all those that suffered at the hands of these evil, sadistic p----s....

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by The time lord

Ummm you do realize that the prophet muhhamed could be most likened to Jesus right??? The ability of the Muslim Radical is to obscure the words of the Quran for their own personal benefit. So in all actually your doing EXACTLY what the muslim radicals are doing, obscuring the words of muhhamed for your own personal gain AKA a lackluster speach comparing american soldiers to a false view of a tyrannical muhhamed. So did I get it? Was that what you were shooting for?

Muhammad is no way like Jesus, one says first cast the first stone if you are not a sinner the other says cast the stones and they still do that today, not all radicals blow themselves up but they would stop your freedoms and views and use barbaric ways in Mohammad's image to do so. All these Muslim countries use the same basic Mohammedan laws in their culture so either the majority are wrong or they practice what they preach.
If you kiss your wife in public in some Muslim country I bet you could go to jail for it, this is not being radical but a majority rule and acceptance.

Woman who are covered up in veils do so not because you are told their culture says so and it is not in the Koran, because it is in the Koran to do so, they keep changing the goal posts to cover it up when questioned and they say it is not in their book.

Banning others from taking part in other religions is all part of the parcel and their governments are passive towards new Christian converts who can be killed for changing faith, woman rights and gays are being driven out or hanged or tortured and no one says nothing because it is just normal to be like this in their society, you don't have to kill anyone to be a Mohammedan and he is in no way the mirror image of Christ in the Bible.
The people of Iran are finally waking up; they are fighting back the barbaric ancient rules for thought crimes.

I don't obscure anything the evidence is in what they practice and accept otherwise those who don't read their Korans fully are called moderates in comparison; those who do are more likely to become radical thinkers.

There are ritualistic ways to kill infidels and that includes lots of decapitations and head cutting, it is their culture to do so, I would not say the French did not do so once and probably other cultures too but that was not under a religious command, their commands will never change no matter which century you are in because it is their religion to do so.

There is no false view of Muhammad but a denial of his actions, when confronted on their own TV channels about how he married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her at 9 years old they have trouble explaining this and other actions he committed because as he is painted as a saint, the truth is in their book along with why so many intolerant regulations towards non believers and how they should be treated as second class.

You have an opinion and I am glad to have been debated on my previous post.

Maybe the Americans are doing something right but not in the right way at times, I would not have gone to war with Iraq either but it may have paved some light in a very dark dim country full of persecution and fear.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by The time lord]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by NoJoker13

The real sad thing, and the real pain brought by this generalization, is not in putting labels on people.

I can bare and understand that.

To me, the problem is that everyone is so concerned over the bogus wars, and the major thing, that everyone fails to see, understand and give the importance to the real wars.

The true war on terrorism (not the media excuse, the real terrorism problems in the world). The true humanitarian missions, and peace keeping missions around the world... The pursuit of "lost" nuclear weapons from eastern europe, and so on..

That's the real damage, IMO.

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