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The Boys From Brazil: Nazis in South America

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posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:48 AM
I tried to post similar info a while ago but nobody ever listens to me LOL...

Great job, I am so happy this thread is getting attention.

Here are some posts I have left as well regarding the subject if anyone is interested....

Horrifying Roots of Nazi Eugenics

Reflections in the Night - Nazi US Abuse survivor.
I realize she may seem a little bit off but it is interesting.

Also if those of you have not read the Rise of the Fourth Reich or SS Brotherhood of the Bell I really suggest it.

If you want to see some really good interviews check out
Jim Marrs and Joseph Farrell on youtube with Project Camelot. really good stuff....

with all the talk with the Nazi's down that way I couldn't help but wonder...

South Africa UFO... Nazi's lol ??
Part 2

[edit on 3/2/2010 by onepissedoffsaint]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 03:24 AM

This was well researched and thought out. It is very interesting indeed.
I learned a lot from this...

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 03:52 AM
I really wish I wasnt behind schedule right now, have to cut shorter but Ill make it up in my own thread some time...

ODESSA's specifically for the SS because they're the diehard individuals loyal to the SS plans and their top men are only few who know of the real plans, so any ones speculations are based on opinion and facts we can only put pieces together we dont have the whole puzzle. But the average German wasnt even thought about 'saving' in this plan.

Once was said to me that the whole Nazi plan was NOT WWII but actually WWIII and that the fall of Germany was even planned because they started to realise the world could not be conquered by force but had to be taken slowly and from the inside out. WWII was just the 'catalyst' to bring it about and remove doubt they were a threat any more.

There are 3 well known points to keep the fourth reich which were S America, Norway and Antarctica. S America is something that went through and there are reportedly Nazis living there today, Antarctica is well hard to prove but facts seem to point that there is *something* still there from Neuschwabenland. And Norway was said to be a last stand place and believed from here that they escaped to either Argentina or Antarctica via submarine/plane/flying saucer (lol).

Now, as you see the Nazis had expeditions to all over the world before WWII and its usually said just to 'track down their race history' and stuff but theres far more intriguing reasons why. For one (I was told) they were believers in the idea of well simply the Mayan calendar and recurring devastation, remember that they were obsessive with Norse mythology and with that the idea of Ragnarok. And they thought S America was one of the few places where one could 'survive' it just like it says in that Fulcanelli video which was brought up on ATS again recently, except that instead of only one place in the world being safe there were several I actually forget, though I do remember one was in Norway and one was in Canada (eastern coast somewhere, I think it was Newfoundland). If Im not mistaken they got this idea (of safe places) from a Buddhist monk.

As for Mengele: the nazis wanted to make the 'pure race' kind of like how dogs are bred to a desired way and Hitler wanted to see it happen in his lifetime, notoriously gave Mengele a blank cheque for it, I cant remember precisely but it was Mengele had no rules when he was growing up and so had a mentality that there were no limitations on what he could do that was 'moral'. So he was a perfect candidate and decided things were okay and 'all in the name of science' so he experimented on concentration camp children and especially on twins. They were interested in the idea that twins could be the same, and thus possible others could be the same, and maybe double or triple 'output' of the 'master race', so to speak... and in cloning was the future instead of birth which could not be predicted only influenced. If cloning is done they can make infinite perfect men.
---*for a side note, I dont know if anyone is interested in cartoons but when I was little I watched a tv show called Dragon Ball which was originally a comic book. Supposedly the artist (Toriyama) got his ideas for the 'Saiyan race' off of the nazis. In it they lived on a planet kind of like vikings taking over other planets, killing and enslaving the inhabitants and selling the planet to people who would pay. They needed warriors for this, so they started cloning strongest warriors instead of making babies (or in addition to) and thus theres like 100:1 male to female ratio there, as the males were stronger. Also of interest when they 'power up' they turn into 'nordic'(I hate this word) types with blonde hair green eyes and become obscenely stronger, based off the Norse idea of berserkergang. I doubt he would ever admit this is where he got his idea from though.*

And back to the story: Mengele had been trying to find the ways of genetics and what genome led to what phenome, and was working on the ways to prolific blonde and eradicate others, etc, trying to make what would amount to a Brave New World scenario where whatever was needed could be born that way instead of taking countless years of 'breeding'. God knows what they would do when they get bored having their 'utopia' of all white blonde people in highly structured fascist world doing exactly as told and acting more like cells in a body than human beings.

As for weapons Germany did spend countless resources on them as they new innovation was the key to WWI and would be for subsequent, as you know they invented the assault rifle (STG-44) which was so successful became the basic design for EVERY country today, as they're like combining the close range ability of sub-machine guns (high rate of fire) with range close to bolt action rifles, and a power in between, meaning without modification they can go from CQB to long range. Other things of interest are their designs for the flame thrower, MG42, Panzer, stahlhelmet, panzerfaust, etc and look how their weapons industry never died: HK makes THE best firearms in the world, and check out their MP7, my favourite weapon ever. Countless countries buy Germanys Leopard tanks, considered one of the best in the world(good comparison), and, now, Germanys head of the EU, so is once again in that familiar position...

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 03:56 AM
And I now have no time so instead of rewriting Ill just post a u2u I sent to a friend of my ideas on nazi UFOs and nuclear weapons, and more importantly, why the SS traveled to the mideast, S america, planned to travel to Iceland, etc:

(I refer to this post in my u2u)

Hmm I just today looked at updates for the Celle thread.

The recent posts reminded me of something. I dont remember if I already told you this or not but has been on my mind for years. The SS were searching all over Tibet, India, Iran, etc and were looking for ancient artifacts/evidence of SOMETHING, and always said they are just looking for the 'Aryan roots'. But my theory was they were looking for ancient technology.

As the poster just said after Nazi scientists were captured *coincidentally* just after the atomic bombs were developed. In Norway it is famous how the heavy water plant was destroyed by the Norwegian elite and single-handedly delayed the Nazi atomic program, and without casualty either. And they left evidence implicating the british in case they wanted to retaliate against local resistance.

Anyway. So its known they were developing atomic weapons. Its known they were travelling mid. east. Its known that Himmler carried with him the ancient indian Vedas because he was fascinated by them. And its know they contain legend of 'vimanas' flying aircraft, and destructive weapons of the gods, that many people speculated were nukes.

So my thought was they were travelling, trying to find the technology of the flying vehicles, and the nuclear weapons.

If you ask me they found what they were looking for, because after well, we see the atom bomb, and hear of nazi flying saucers, we seethe advanced weapons of war they had, like their stealth bomber in development...

On top of that I think ancient peoples made magnetic-propulsion ships and used them to convince regular people they are gods, for control. I assume Hitler would have done/does the same. I mean you hear of 'Nordic aliens' in flying saucers, I think the simpler explanation would be germans in their nazi craft... if the stories are true, that is.


posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 03:59 AM
Excellent work! I've read a lot of Joseph P. Farrell and his ideas about the The Bell and Hans Kammler are very convincing.

Thanks for all the effort, i'm looking forward to reading all of your sources.

Edited to remove Top Secret information (joking

[edit on 2-3-2010 by McGinty]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:00 AM
I believe that the lebensborn project was continued in South American nations such as Brazil, Venezuela, and Argentina. My father new a girl from Caracas in the 70's. She was going to college in the US. When she arrived, she new almost no English, yet she spoke quite well in a week or two. She was Nordic to say the least. Aryan look and the name Ingrid.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:04 AM
Your research...10/10, your presentation 10/10. Thank you for the hours you must have put into this, I appreciate it immensely.

My Grandfather (A great man) used to talk about the Brazilian connection and as he called it " The evil men who play god". If he were alive he would surely have given you a star and flag.

Again thanks.


posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:16 AM
A really intruiging thread , its incredible how far a man can go without a board of directors stopping research becuase of morales!

Mengele did certainly do some incredibly horrible things to humans, and karma must have certainly burned him!

One thing mengele did do however which was a benefit to mankind was his research into the effects of cold temperatures on the human body.

Despite killing innocent people to get the data his research helped our understanding of these effects and how to combat them!

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:18 AM
Great thred, I cant belive all the detale you put into this. It must of took you a ong time to research all of this. I to belive that there are still Nazi camps around the world that we dont know of yet. Star and Flaged. This is one of the best most researched threds i have read in a long time.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:46 AM
Fantastic thread, interesting and well presented!

Really makes me want to read into all your souces too, well done!

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

LiveForever8 -very interesting thread.

There was an excellent film about this subject starring Gregory Peck, James Mason and Laurence Olivier - its rarely shown on telelvision these days but is an absolute classic and deals with Mengler's attempts at cloning Hitler.

The Boys from Brazil



posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Very interesting thread indeed

"Like a lot of the other concentration camp doctors, Mengele was apparently psychologically normal. To me it seems that here was a physician (desperate to find 'the' breakthrough) who realised that he had absolutely no boundaries or restrictions placed upon him and used it to his full advantage."

A coincidence that I just finished reading Leon Uris's QBVII yesterday.
Your above statement reminded me of the polish surgeon in his book,
seems what happened to him , his underlying Jew hatred taking over in the environment of the concentration camp with his cruelty toward them in surgery as opposed to how he acted with polish nationals or other POW's,
and acted generally in post war practice.

The blemish/weakness in man's psyche, we all have one somewhere,environment or circumstance can contrive to test our mettle to see if we are grown enough to overcome the ego,usually a big FAIL,
cept maybe for Gandhi,Mother Teresa or the like.

I wonder how this might relate to GW Bush buying land in Sth America?
weren't the Bush family Nazi collaborators ?
And just an observation ,
I don't think there is a "majority" of blondes in the twins, not going by the pics anyway.

So what do you think could be administered by liquid medicine or pills to create this twin anomaly ?,do you think he created a genetic mutation in the parents to bring it about ?
Or do you think it was the blood samples , cloned, and then artificially inseminated?
I am interested in your thoughts on the how's and whys....I am not well versed in the medical field.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:39 AM
For more information about Nazi atomic bomb research that will surprise most people, check out this ATS thread.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Big S&F...

I've read Marrs's book on the The Rise of the 4th Reich

I've also read Nazi International by Joseph P Farrell.

I would highly recommend these two fine books for all ATS'ers intersted in the story of Nazi advancement since the end of WWII. The Nazi influence in our world will continue to affect our lives into the forseeable future, unfortunately. They lost the war but won the world.


posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 08:38 AM
This is why I love A.T.S. and became a member.

When I think about this in the context of the eugenics movement and the Nazi party being funded by many international organizations pushing this movement, it becomes easy to believe that these people would go underground in order to keep this research going.

The fact that Mengele seemed to be the authority on this research leads me to believe that this was the case.

I also believe that some of the S.S. members expertise in training "Death Squads" was used to train insurgents in South America.

It takes some connecting of the dots, but there is enough information to conclude that many of the techniques used by the Nazi's survived under the guise of "The ends justifying the means". This would apply towards ALL aspects of warfare, including training, and this is a hard pill to swallow for many, especially God fearing Americans, hence the secrecy.

Great post.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by ucalien

I had never heard of that researcher, thanks for the heads up

What's interesting about this video is that is shows how Stalin continued to question Hitlers death. Whereas America and UK were quite happy to believe Hitler was indeed dead and were eager to make sure they got what they could (technologically) out of Nazi Germany, Stalin obviously wasn't quite so happy with how things were turning out.

Could Hitler have made a deal with the West? Spare his life and they can have his weapons research and scientists? Maybe.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
A really intruiging thread , its incredible how far a man can go without a board of directors stopping research becuase of morales!

Mengele did certainly do some incredibly horrible things to humans, and karma must have certainly burned him!

One thing mengele did do however which was a benefit to mankind was his research into the effects of cold temperatures on the human body.

Despite killing innocent people to get the data his research helped our understanding of these effects and how to combat them!

I think malaria-drug research also saw breakthroughs from Mengeles 'work'
But that's the price of using human guinea pigs without a 'comfort' and 'safe' method of slow but sure trials.
I'm not sure but some say that Michael Jackson had to use nazi eugenic info as source material for when he was planning to have children. I think both his kids have blue eyes and tan skin. An interesting mix.

I think most of the 'high' technology like night-vision equipment, A2A missiles and post-war subs stems from the Germans plus a few more...

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
reply to post by ucalien

I had never heard of that researcher, thanks for the heads up

What's interesting about this video is that is shows how Stalin continued to question Hitlers death. Whereas America and UK were quite happy to believe Hitler was indeed dead and were eager to make sure they got what they could (technologically) out of Nazi Germany, Stalin obviously wasn't quite so happy with how things were turning out.

Could Hitler have made a deal with the West? Spare his life and they can have his weapons research and scientists? Maybe.

Whenever a leader is defeated there should always be a body or something to show their people 'Look we have defeated them'.

An arab friend of mine from Kuwait told be when Saddam invaded back in 1990 he sent his men a cage to put the leader so as to humiliate and parade him about in Baghdad (Saddam was thwarted as his quarry fled south to Saudi).

So with no body or trace of Hitlers body it's anyones guess as to where he ended up.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

I recently watched a National Geographic special that concluded that the Brazilian Twins story was not the result of Mengele's experiments.

Nazi Twins" a Myth: Mengele Not Behind Brazil Boom?
Did Nazi doctor Josef Mengele carry on his sadistic science decades after World War II?

Recent reports have held up a remote Brazilian town—filled with blonde, blue-eyed twins—as evidence of Mengele's postwar attempts to add to the ranks of an Aryan "master race."

But research announced today says Cândido Godói's "Nazi twins" are nothing more than a myth.


The town's baptismal records date back to 1927, long before Mengele's supposed arrival—and so does the exceptional rate of twinning, the team discovered.

Furthermore, the records show no "surge" in twinning in the 1960s, when Mengele is said to have experimented on the local populace, the study says.

Also, the high rate of twin births continues today, which rules out a role for Mengele, the researchers say.


posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

This is what i believe as a possibility. But, in this scenario, he made the deal AFTER he had fled. I believe that is what the result of the Highjump stalemate could have been. Hitler would have had to have known that there was no way to win a war against the world without a serious regrouping. they had already put the economic mechanisms in place to continue and wait, as the Red House Report shows.

When we show up on their new doorstep with every single ship we could muster, it was almost more than they could handle. They were able to fend the US off. But a coalition attack? Continued and sustained? No way they could survive, especially with the limited resources available to them in their neew home.

The fact that they would have gone to Antarctica would hint that the desire was to continue the work uninterrupted until they were able to move once again.

The death of Hitler was a sham. How ayone could buy into it is beyond me.

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