posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 03:13 AM
I personally have a hard time believing all of these deaths are connected to 9/11.
One thing, without question, is for sure though and that's that our governments that we have here in the states and through out the entire world are
out there doing some majorly secretive, unbelievable, black op type of things right now all in the name of 9/11(War on terror).
Case in point: This whole entire Dubai hit job...which let us be absolutelty clear, that we would have never heard anything about had it not happened
in Dubai. Almost(if not every single one) any other westernized type of countries would have never put the pieces together and if by pure chance it
was put together it would have quickly been buried by the government.
Back to my point, so supposedly 26 people enter the country with highly exotic fake/stolen passports. Mostly Caucasian looking, female and male,
disguises and all... And all there to kill one person without getting caught. They all make it out of the country before the body is even
discovered(in a ultra luxury hotel no less). They all remain free and clear at this point and it seems very doubtful that they will be found much less
So what do you think they are doing to other people that stand in their way? People with no profile at all(unlike the high profile of the murdered man
in Dubai) people who can easily be made to "look" like they killed themselves, or were in a accident or just a victim of a unsolvable homicide.
Teams like the above mentioned could do these type of hits with ease.
You think this was the first time they did something like this? Or the last? This stuff is happening all the time.