posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Hi everyone, Beyond Sense here. I've been a regular here for a few years but never posted before. However, I noticed that it is the intelligent
opinions of many members here who help shape the minds of many, including mine. I only hope that my 2 cents will help achieve the same objective, if
not, at least provoke some intelligent thought.
Now on the topic. Although we can all agree or disagree on 9/11, the most important issue today in my opinion isn't what happened, how it happened or
who ordered it. This has been discussed beyond suffience for the past 9 years. I feel like we're somehow replicating the JFK conspiracy. 50 years
later, debates rage on, while nothing meaningful in terms of proactive activism and bringing those to justice has come about as a result of the
ongoing debates, movies, books, etc.
What to do. Again, we can agree or disagree on who is in control of the govt., if there's a "shadow" govt., if we really vote or just select from
pre-chosen candidates, it seems no matter what we do they're in control. Are they? Even having a legal protest or manifestation seems to be of no
use: 100's of thousands may gather in D.C and the major networks don't even cover this. It's like a tree falling in the woods. If the media
doesn't cover it, it never happened. What to do?
The only thing our government can force us to do is two things: to work and to spend money. Let's do the minimum of both. As soon as we stop putting
money in via more taxes and spending (revenue which they can then use against us), and feeding the elite corporations that help in their goals, things
will rapidly start to change. Let's bankrupt the suckers! When they have no money soon things will change. When companies start making 1 billion a
year instead of 10 billion many minds will start to change. If we look throughout history, every major revolution had one things in common: loss of
money (US Civil War, French Revolution, Russian Communism and fall, etc.). It is money that holds all of these institutions together and money the
common element that makes these corrupt individuals conspire against others.
Let's make a black list of the companies who are not helping us. If they're not with us, they're against us. If McDonald's wants us to buy their
burgers, let them represent us! Congressmen are not the only ones who have power, we all have power. And if we join together today, we'll have more
power than the entire congress and army together! Let's bring it together today, now, right this second! If a multi-billion dollar company doesn't
use its influence to help us achieve our goals, we'll boycott them. We'll start the list and pass it around. Soon the list will include dozens of
companies. We'll make the list public and soon millions out there will join the cause. When the greedy CEO's see their names on the list and their
shares collapse soon they will start fighting each other to save their necks, then it will be them against them, and not against us. This is what will
bring the change. The other option is to maintain the status-quo and hope that a miracle will come along and save us all. Perhaps, we're that
miracle, if we choose to be.
Beyond Sense