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*video* Mysterious Deaths of 911 Witnesses (MUST SEE)

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posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by without_prejudice

Yes, it did get removed, saying it was a "violation" on YT's site. I found a DIFFERENT Link for it, and a mod was kind enough to replace the original dead link with the alternative one. I have no idea why YT yanked the first one, as there is nothing on there that was out of their T & C that I could gather. At least this other link has been allowed to stay for a couple of days.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 11:54 PM
Does anybody recall anyone who profited from 9/11 dying mysteriously? Funny how these people are immune to suicides and freak accidents.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective
This is mind-numbing! I hope somebody can prove that this isn't true! I do believe where there's smoke there tends to be fire - but I pray this is not true! Just the thought is turning my stomach. What's worse is that I deeply believe our govt. is fully able and willing to commit such acts and have done so time and again. I'm going to have to take some more time digging into this. My friends and family just look and me and shake their heads. They say - "Come on girl - wake up! There is no more good in the world and you have to accept that". Maybe they're right.................

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Sorry,'ve been spoofed by the makers of that video, especially in regards to the Beverly Eckert death "conspiracy".

Because the makers of that video included her death, I find their veracity questionable. (Also, they said she's among a 'group' of other family members 'questioning'----are they dead too?) They also allude to many "mysterious" deaths, but give no details in many cases...allegations only. BTW, do you know, have you looked into the provenance of the UTube poster, IE, does he/she have anything to sell, perhaps on a website somewhere??

Back to Mrs. Eckert---the circumstances of the Colgan Airlines 3407 KEWR-KBUF crash (operating under contract as a "Continental Connection" flight for Continental Airlines) are well-documented, and the final NTSB report released.

As an airline pilot myself it is perfectly evident, to me, how the two pilots were at fault. (Maybe the 'claim' is that they were "in" on it??? Willing to suicide for the 'cause'?)

Somehow, I seriously doubt that scenario.

In a nutshell, the pilots were distracted, and making mistakes. A 'chain' of minor mistakes, if not caught, can lead to a major accident, which is why most airline training departments use Human Resources Management techniques included in initial training, and re-current training curriculums today.

They were using the autopilot that evening, in known icing conditions, even though the airplane's Operations Manual specifically prohibited it.

At one point the First Officer selected an airspeed slower than it should have been, and the A/P dutifully complied. The Captain did not double-check her inputs, missed the mistake.

As far as I know, that type of airplane doesn't have what we call 'Alpha-floor' protection (I can look into it) which you find in some airplanes (mostly Airbus models) which would automatically over-ride the pilots airspeed selection.

Finally, when the speed bled off below what was needed to fly, a stall began to develop, and the Captain incorrectly handled the situation, causing the disaster. This was made, much, much worse because the First Officer retracted the flaps, in the middle of the impending stall condition!!!! Uncommanded!!! Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!

(Maybe SHE was the culprit, and was paid to "do it"???) Yeah, ATS 'conspiracy'.

Here, you may read more in-depth for yourselves:


Here's the animation:

I'll be happy to explain anything else that you may not understand, from the CVR transcript

Wished to add one more thing, as you watch the animation---pay attention to the EADI display, on the left. The vertical 'tape' display left side of instrument is airspeed, the red hashed bar is computer-calculated as obviously, below safe flying speed, you can see how it changes as flaps are extended (that lowers stall speed). Vertical 'tape' right side is the altitude.

[edit on 3 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 01:14 PM
I have long realized that Bush sr is the anti-christ. He is possessed by
Satan-Lucifer or whatever you want to call it. Its an alien race called
reptilians or dracos or whatever, but this planet is ruled with an iron fist
by total evil. How many people witnesses got killed after JFK assassination
and Bush Sr was involved there too.
This world is not fit to live in at this time and we have to clean it up. Their
nr 1 weapon is 'ridicule'. Time to use it against them. Bush sr is also re-
sponsible for worldwide financial terrorist Nr.1. All in this vile plan of world
domination. We are ruled by a bunch of mass murderers. It should make
it clear to anyone, that we are on top of the food chain list. Satan makes
the ones in power his tools to kill off as many as possible, war, famine,
isolation, lies, accidents, assassinations, prisons, mental institutions etc.
I knew 9/11 was an inside job the minute i saw it on TV. In fact i run around in my neighborhood & screamed ut loud: Bush did it, his father
made him do it. And all the neighbors agreed with me. I also knew, that
it was more like 30,000 victims, not 3,000. Which turned of course into
Millions of Iraqis & Afghanistanis & our own soldiers.
Sofar, Obama has followed the same orders & script to send humanity in-
to abyss. It is humanly impossible to overcome such evil & such longterm
planned, deep rooted plans of destruction. But i can see him wake up more every day & shaking off this possession. He still has lots of chances
to turn it around, especially now, that the overlords of evil are off this planet now. But we don't know, if he is really still alive as a human, we
might be fooled by a hybrid clone, programmed still to destroy us humans.
The reason why there never could be a disclosure of aliens, because we
were their food. Go ahead & ridicule me, you were mind controlled to do
this, good luck on your own to find the truth, for it is stranger than fiction.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by without_prejudice

I couldn't agree with you more. This challenge is very tough. But we can partial blame our selves for the position we have put our selves in.

We are playing on a stage that is created for us to play on. Just look at every thing that is presented. It's very obvious. But most people are not trained to see it. We jump to conclusions way to fast based on what we observe.

We can all see that there is something that doesn't make sense at all with 911. That is the stage they have created for us to play on. The 911 report proves it. It's inconsistent and open to doubt. The 911 stage is obviously created to put the people up against each other.

The 911 presentation,the videos/media is without doubt intended on creating doubt in the public.

Do you know why there is so much disagreement about 911 on ATS and publicly?

-It's because "We" are trying to "prove" to "Each Other" that it was a inside job. Do you see it!!! We are put up against each other to prove this event regardless of the 911 report. Because the 911 report was intentionally created that way. Because the government is trying to hide something.

We are playing on the stage which they set for us to play on. Its a perfect cover up. Because we will never agree with each other, and they know it. We don't even have any authority in the matter the way we play on the stage now. And they know that to.

If we want to figure this out. we have to get of the stage we are playing on right now. We have to stop working against each other the way we do now. Both sides would like to know the truth. That should be every once main focus. At the moment we have two camps, where one camp is trying to prove something to the other camp. The authority is just watching our game from the side lines.

We have to see what we are doing is not helping. We have to be smart and ask the sceptics for support. We have to use them as a part of our team and not as our competitor. What can they help us with that would make this work. That should be our focus an goals. That is the only way we ever will be able to unite to reach our main goal. The truth.

Even the sceptics know that 911 smells fishy. They to are very curious about knowing the truth. So we do have a common interest.

We have to stop trying to convince the skeptics that we are right. We have start attacking the authority about the doubt we have as a team.

I bet if you put truther's and skeptics together you will have one hell of a unity. All we have to agree on is wanting to know the truth.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Since you are given your opinion on this situation, couldn’t it be possible that all these people were killed, because they knew to much?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by impressme

HOW were most of them killed, then? Not mentioned in the video for all of them.

And, surely there are easier (with less collateral damage) ways to have killed Mrs. Eckert???

BECAUSE there is no way that her death was 'planned', not when the details of the event are brought to was fully investigated....unless it's just another 'conspiracy'??

When will the madness stop?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

HOW were most of them killed, then? Not mentioned in the video for all of them.

You still have not answered my question.
Is it possible they could have been killed because they knew too much?
I am not asking you how they were killed, or who killed them, I am just asking you is it possible?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by impressme

HOW were most of them killed, then? Not mentioned in the video for all of them.

And, surely there are easier (with less collateral damage) ways to have killed Mrs. Eckert???

BECAUSE there is no way that her death was 'planned', not when the details of the event are brought to was fully investigated....unless it's just another 'conspiracy'??

When will the madness stop?

Itll end when the People wake up in mass!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:58 PM
No the funnier thing is that these people who are "witnesses" of something are all getting killed. Thats like saying if my entire family were to die tommorow and that wouldnt be mysterious. People with this big of a connection all dieing at one time? Thats extremely fishy. Also I'd like everyone to check out this site:

Ya it's wiki but it shows the amount of suicides per 100,000 people per gender for the last 30 years. Per the 100,000 males 15-20 will die from this cause yearly. Per the 100,000 females only 1-5 will die yearly. So with that information given how likely is it really for all of these people, sharing a common viewpoint, to die so mysteriously? The odds are extremely low considering we're talking only about 33,000 deaths yearly when the total population is about 305 million.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by NoJoker13]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by impressme

Oh, you already know the answer to this! Baiting tactic number 3....

Is it possible they could have been killed because they knew too much?

What a ridiculous attempt to "spin"!

You should try to remember the difference between the word "possible" and the word "probable". Throw in the word "likely" as well.

It is just as 'possible' that they were all killed because they 'knew' too much is it is 'likely' that I will be killed for 'knowing' too much!

(...Or winning the MegaMillions Lottery, for that matter. In fact, I betcha the odds of ME winning a lottery are better than those odds, from that video as alleged in the OP).

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

HOW were most of them killed, then? Not mentioned in the video for all of them.

You still have not answered my question.
Is it possible they could have been killed because they knew too much?
I am not asking you how they were killed, or who killed them, I am just asking you is it possible?

You still refuse to answer a “simple question” that a child can answer.

Could it be possible?

This is not a trick question.

What a ridiculous attempt to "spin"!

How is my question spin?

Oh, you already know the answer to this! Baiting tactic number 3....

Baiting tactic number 3.... to what?

Answer the question that I asked you? What are you afraid of?

[color=gold]Is it possible that these people could have been killed for knowing too much?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by impressme

Ladies and gentlemen, exhibit 'A'.

Your question WAS answered, quite obviously, in the post just above, that you butchered to death by quoting out of context.

I said 'spin'

I meant it

It is obvious, too

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Ladies and gentlemen, exhibit 'A'.

Your question WAS answered, quite obviously, in the post just above, that you butchered to death by quoting out of context.

I said 'spin'

I meant it

It is obvious, too

There is no spin here.

The only one that has tried to turn this “simple question” into all the twisted garbage is you.

Answer the question that I asked you? What are you afraid of?

[color=gold]Is it possible that these people could have been killed for knowing too much?

Still waiting?

You can’t admit that there is a possibility.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Edna Figger. Said the world can go to hell. Died on April 17, 2008 from a mysterious disease called Alzheimer's. She was 97.

LOL, kidding. Nice thread.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 06:15 PM
Thanks for posting the video, it was interesting!

Oh man! there was so much incredible stuff happening, and unbelievable coincidences involved with this tragic event of 911 - it just blows my mind!

How anyone can believe 100% in the OS is beyond me!

the most interesting to me, are all these great video testimonies from firefighters and law-enforcement officers which gives a different picture of what happened that morning in this awful & horrific tragedy.

One video that I find very interesting is the testimony from the 911 First Responder - John Schroder, who found a dead body in a closet in WTC.

"We Found A body In The Closet First Floor - Something's Wrong! Something Crazy is going on here!"

I feel sad for this guy and his respiratory illness, but great testimony about the WTC7

[edit on 3-3-2010 by Chevalerous]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:04 AM
Barry Jennings and Schroeder the fireman spoke about finding dead people in strange places. These dead people could have been the passengers aboard the flights, especially Flight 77

More people that probably were killed !

John P. O'neill, the #1 Osama Bin Laden expert died in WTC, he had just been assigned there.

WTC designer also died in WTC

Kenneth Johannemann's testimony (5:48)

[edit on 4-3-2010 by conar]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:42 PM
I wish the video said why they died not that they dies "mysteriously".

If it said they died of natural causes at age 35 then I would admit that is mysterious - but a road accident, a suicide - these people have been through trauma that is off the scale that I can comprehend.

Don't get me worng I believe their content/ they were eyewitnesses

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:09 PM
People "believe" that JFK Jr lost control of his plane, it's claim he had vertigo and lost the horizon. i have flown small craft, Cessna 172, and NO you can not lose your view points and you still have the gauges to rely on. He was going to out who actually killed his father. Do you think TPTB are going to let that happen? Your nuts.

One of the investigators for the Franklin Cover-up too, crashed his plane in a farmers field, it was loaded with evidence, the farmer called it in and said there was pictures and paperwork everywhere. He was flying to meet with a prosecutor who would have released the names of the perps, Namely Bush Sr. and Warren Buffet!!!! The plane and all the evidence was quickly removed and never investigated. WHY NOT?

This has happened so many times. Are not ALL of the people from Dallas dead now who witnessed the Kennedy Assassination? I have heard that even the kids from back then are dead, and they should be in their 40's now. How can that be? 400 people who witnessed one of the darkest days in America, all dead now?

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