reply to post by ElectricUniverse
ElectricUniverse, you are the one that needs to wake up and start separating fact from fiction.
Every time I look out into orbit I see the Moon when it's on my side of the Earth when it's not cloudy. Our moon travels through our solar system
with our planet Earth. If CMEs affected the Earth and caused Earthquakes then the Moon should suddenly be having Moon Quakes caused by CMEs also and
that is not the case.
As for the Abstract, it only had one author and his Abstract is weak, weak, weak; or to put it bluntly wrong, wrong, wrong.
We only have to look at his first sentence to see that his Abstract is full of BS.
"Earthquake prediction is possible by looking into the location of active sunspots before it harbours energy towards earth."
How and why does knowing the location of an active sunspot on the Sun 8 million miles away make it possible to predict any earthquake on Earth?"
His sentence is a complete lie or he would tell us how and why.
You only have to go to "astrotometry" on YouTube and watch what a failure people can really be using this foolish idea. That poor guy is 100% wrong
every day when he tries to tell where a larger earthquake is going to strike in California by using the Sun Spots and CME's as his guide to telling
where earthquakes are going to strike.
Then the next few sentences of the Abstract really don't say anything important, because it is all old news.
"Earth is a restless planet the restlessness turns deadly occasionally. Of all natural hazards, earthquakes are the most feared. For centuries
scientists working in seismically active regions have noted premonitory signals. Changes in thermosphere, Ionosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere are
noted before the changes in geosphere. The historical records talk of changes of the water level in wells, of strange weather, of ground-hugging fog,
of unusual behaviour of animals (due to change in magnetic field of the earth) that seem to feel the approach of a major earthquake. With the advent
of modern science and technology the understanding of these pre-earthquake signals has become stronger enough to develop a methodology of earthquake
Then we read the following sentence in the Abstract, and anyone going to YouTube and watching the daily report by "astrotometry" can see that the
following sentence is a complete lie just by looking back at all of the past reports on that site.
"A correlation of earth directed coronal mass ejection (CME) from the active sunspots has been possible to develop as a precursor of the
Then we read the following sentence in the Abstract and can see that the "main correct wording or word" is the very first word and it is
"Occassional"; occassional does not mean that its related, it means that sometimes it occurs accidentally at the same time.
"Occasional local magnetic field and planetary indices (Kp values) changes in the lower atmosphere that is accompanied by the formation of haze and a
reduction of moisture in the air."
The next sentence is worthless because its a proven fact that land surface temperatures change rapidly all the time at different areas of the globe
without earthquakes being caused by surface temperatures changing.
"Large patches, often tens to hundreds of thousands of square kilometres in size, seen in night-time infrared satellite images where the land surface
temperature seems to fluctuate rapidly."
The next sentence is worthless because these same perturbations happen all the time; he just forgot to put in his favorite word "occassional".
"Perturbations in the ionosphere at 90 - 120 km altitude have been observed before the occurrence of earthquakes."
The next sentence is a well known fact.
"These changes affect the transmission of radio waves and a radio black out has been observed due to CME."
The next sentence is a fact, but it relates to "all earthquakes"; therefore the CME relationship is worthless.
"Another heliophysical parameter Electron flux (Eflux) has been monitored before the occurrence of the earthquakes."
The next sentence is worthless because he forgot to put in his favorite word "occassional". If it would happen everytime, then there might be a
correlation, but since it happens on an extremely low percentile it is worthless. Simply look up how many earthquakes strike the Earth everyday and
you will see how worthless the following statement really is.
"More than hundreds of case studies show that before the occurrence of the earthquakes the atmospheric temperature increases and suddenly drops
before the occurrence of the earthquakes."
The next sentence doesn't matter.
"These changes are being monitored by using Sun Observatory Heliospheric observatory (SOHO) satellite data."
The next sentence is a lie. Where is the aurora borealis or spark of light that everyone is supposed to see before each earthquake if they are
positively correlated to CMEs? Yes, there is a change in the magnetic field, but the rest of the sentence is a lie.
"Whatever the manifestations in the environment of the atmosphere or geosphere may be, there is a positive correlation of CMEs with change in
magnetic field followed by aurora borealis or sudden spark of light from the sky before an earthquake."
The next sentence is full of BS. All you have to do is go to "astrotometry" on YouTube and he has been preaching the following sentence for months
or possibly a year or more and his daily prediction is zero percent correct when using what is stated in the following sentence.
"Any change in geomorphology in the pixel level, changes in groundwater level, geochemical anomalies of soils surrounding active faults and
vegetation anomalies should be monitored in the mirror image position of sunspots on the earth facing side in reference to CME from the sun."
Get real folks.
If you want to know about Earthquakes, then study the signals that come from the Earth and they will tell you everything you need to know about
upcoming earthquakes. Something that occassionally happens to correlate to something else does not mean that it is corrrect. Science means that it
happens 100% of the time, not occassionally here and there over hundreds of years.
If you want to predict earthquakes, then follow what I state in my YouTube videos.
What I state in the videos is 100% accurate. All magnitudes of earthquakes are detectable before they strike, but not all earthquakes can be detected
before they strike simply because weaker earthquakes can be cloaked by more powerful earthquakes. But, it's the more powerful earthquakes that kill
people, not the weaker ones.
All naturally occurring earthquakes follow the earthquake cycles that I mention in the videos, and these can be detected for days and weeks before the
earthquakes strike. Not only that I tell you about the Chain Reaction of earthquakes. The chain reaction of earthquakes can be followed as they
start from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and spread outwards. They can be tracked moving across the continents and then flowing around the Pacific Plate or
Ring of Fire where they are ususally of greater magnitude and occur far more often.
Using CME's to predict earthquakes is quack stuff. Just look at "astrotometry" on YouTube and you will see how foolish an idea using CMEs is to
predict earthquakes on the Earth.