posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:21 AM
To: U.S. West Coast, Alaska, and British Columbia coastal regions
From: NOAA/NWS/West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
Subject: Tsunami Information Statement #2 issued 02/26/2010 at 11:52PM PST
A strong earthquake has occurred, but a tsunami IS NOT expected along the California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, or Alaska coast. NO
tsunami warning, watch or advisory is in effect for these areas.
A tsunami has been generated that could potentially impact the U.S. west coast, British Columbia, and Alaska. The West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning
Center is investigating the event to determine the level of danger. More information will be issued as it becomes available.
A tsunami has been observed at the following sites:
Location Lat. Lon. Time Amplitude
------------------------ ----- ------ ------- -----------
83min Talcahuano C 36.7S 73.1W 0716UTC 1.15M/3.8FT
45min Valparaiso C 33.0S 71.4W 0706UTC 1.29M/4.2FT
Juan Ferdandez C 33.617S 78.83W 0.19M/0.6FT
Time - Time of measurement.
Amp. - Tsunami amplitudes are measured relative to normal sea level. It is NOT crest-to-trough wave height. Values are given in both meters (M) and
feet (FT).
At 10:34 PM Pacific Standard Time on February 26, an earthquake with preliminary magnitude 8.6 (REVISED FROM 8.5) occurred near the coast of central
Chile . (Refer to the United States Geological Survey for official earthquake parameters.)