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Coca-Cola Agrees The Winners Can't Be White.

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by MikeNice81

So yeah it is basicly the same thing I just said.

No, it isn’t quite what you said. You didn’t even know the term yet you’re going on about intro this and intro that.

People don't help because they believe somebody else will or has. Like I said it is taught in introductory Sociology classes every semester.

See above, and it has more to do with what you’re simply suggesting and is more often seen in cases of emergencies. In addition, in some of the instance they showed their were few people around when the “incidents” occurred. Read that again and come back later after you’ve done your intro work.

All that clip shows is that people don't get involved.

No, it shows more than that. When a person says to one person, “I bet she was playing the race card” yet later on say “I felt sorry for her” what should we call it?

The same thing happened when they did a bit about a white guy slipping something in his (white girl) date's drink. Only a handfull of people helped at the most.

Someone slipping something into another persons drink is an emergency and is illegal. Someone having a verbal confrontation/altercation in a store with a clerk is not an emergency (unless there are threats of violence or violence happens to take place.)

The whole point of "What Would You Do" was to show that people don't help each other as much as they would like to believe.

Actually, they made it quite clear what the point was with this particular incident, but I guess your volume was down or you didn’t read the fine print.

Here is a pdf for you since you obviously don’t comprehend what is being conveyed when it comes to racial profiling:

The show put on display a phenomenon that holds true across racial lines.

Which is why they chose to do it on racial profiling of black shoppers? Click the above link.

That one clip taken out of context of the whole series proves nothing. I may not be a genius but I do understand critical thinking and logic.

You aren’t a genius, we both agree on that one. The problem is we disagree with you understanding critical thinking and logic. Critical thinking and logic would have you examine, and critically read, what was previously stated, yet it is clear you didn’t do this.

I also understand the very simple concept most people miss, context.

Refer to all previous comments/statements.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by undo

So in other words you’re saying they could be trolls inciting me to give a certain response?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

not necessarily. agent provocateurs are people who are hired to surreptitiously manipulate public opinion, specifically where it applies to the inciting of riots or revolutions. in their case, i don't think that's the problem. i think people just get shorter fuses on ATS, due to the negativity of it all. you're bombarded 24hours a day with why you suck if you are ________ (fill in the blank). and it's the end of the world. the sky is falling. the money has run out. we're all gonna starve to death yesterday. etc. that can get under your skin after awhile.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by undo]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Tiger5

As angering as the video of the crowd booing the winning team was, it's nice to read that you found it offensive and racist as well. It gives me hope that we may one day be able to put past differences aside and progress together as the human race.

I agree the black doctor site is not a big deal, I'm white and my primary care doc is black, he was even featured in a news piece about successful black doctors. I like him alot and he's a great doctor, I don't care what color his skin is. Coincidentally, he also teaches kung fu, nobody tells him that only asians should do that.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

When I spoke to context I was speaking about the whole series. Which was evident in my previous post.

Also, I am not arguing with you over the sociological phenomenon. What I described is what you were talking about. Did I remember the exact term seven years after I took the course? No, I did not. People don't get involved because they believe someone else has or will. They also avoid interfering for fear of retribution of the crowd. It is all part of the same phenomenon/syndrome.

No, it shows more than that. When a person says to one person, “I bet she was playing the race card” yet later on say “I felt sorry for her” what should we call it?

That you can prove there is one idiot in a crowd and they chose to show that one because of the reaction it would garner.

Which is why they chose to do it on racial profiling of black shoppers?

Does profiling happen at times? Yes it does. Why did the producers chose to do a clip about the racial profiling of black shoppers? Because it creates controversy and leads to people discussing it. They could have done it on Hispanics/Latinos. Yet they didn't because it wouldn't garner the same controversy. They could have done it on youth that dress with a working class or "urban" fashion style. Yet they didn't because it wouldn't garner the same controversy.

People would have reacted the same way had the roles been reversed. They would have acted the same if the mistreated individual was young, Hispanic, female, Asian, or looked to poor for the shop.

I have a friend with dual masters degrees from Duke University. He choses to wear bib overalls and Doc Martins every where he goes. You should have seen how they treated him at the Mercedees dealership.

As a teenager I dressed like an extra from a rap video. You should have seen how I was treated in stores. Nobody stood up for me. Nobody said "hey you shouldn't talk to him that way." Nobody told security to stop following me around the mall. It went beyond stores.

The police department did nothing when I got handcuffed and punched repeatedly by a cop. They said there wasn't sufficient proof that the incident occured. Nobody wanted to testify for me because they were afraid it would happen to them.

Nobody stopped the police from pulling me over because I owned a Cadillac at 23. No one would do anything about the police officers that pulled me over and invariably asked "how can you afford to own a Cadillac." I was pulled over thirteen times in three counties in 24 months and did not recieve one ticket. The Highway Patrol refused to investigate their troopers. The Sheriff in one county refused to investigate despite the fact that one deputy pulled me three times in four weeks without issuing a citation.

So does profiling happen? Yes it does. It happens more to blacks and hispanics than others. It happens to a lot of people for reasons beyond skin color as well. It wasn't covered by ABC because it doesn't create controversy.

From your link

Such is the history
of racial profiling in America. Never has there been any such practice
employed against the ruling class or majority group members; only the working class and African American and other ethnic minority groups have been subject to such scrutiny by law enforcement

This is not true. Try being a white guy driving a cadillac through a black neighbor hood on a regular basis. It didn't matter that I drove through the neighbor hood to get to college. Like I said one deputy pulled me three times in four weeks."You don't look like you belong around here. You looking for some kind of trouble?" That is what he said every time he pulled me over. Because I was a white guy in a nice car in a black neighbor hood I was profiled.

I will read the rest of the PDF and respond later if you would like. Right now I need to get some sleep.

edit to add:

My quote from your link is out of context. I made a mistake due to my fatigue. The response I gave is inappropriate. However, earlier responses regarding my experiences while shopping do apply.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by MikeNice81]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
reply to post by Tiger5

he was even featured in a news piece about successful black doctors. I like him alot and he's a great doctor, I don't care what color his skin is.

Well apparently your news channel cares about what color he is. If they didn't, they would have never done the piece on him in the first place. It's like the msm feels like they have to put any succesful black person on a pedistal. Now, if he was retarded and a doctor, then I would be impressed.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:14 AM
Well i quit drinking the coke anyway the product sucks it is made from chemical by products, co-cola is a gateway food to harder foods.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by TaxpayersUnleashed

I only drink Panda milk...I have found it to have regenerative properties...

What happened to the discussion about the dancers?

OP...I think this is a silly thing that got looked at of the groups that entered won...the rest didn't

them being white, black, portugese or twi'lek is simply a qualifier for an excuse

and the Coca-Cola corporation sucks just as bad as Wal-Mart, Pepsico, Tyson foods, etc.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by ImaNutter

OK......Why they hell does Tiger Woods play golf??

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 08:42 AM
I remember being in a hotel room once and the only movie they had on was a film about Step, it was one of the weirdest things i've seen.

groups of college kids going head to head in a kind of blue man dance to the death. I thought it was just made up for a dodgy movie, but no it turns out this is common practice on American Campus's.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by ImaNutter
How many of you above me who have replied above me have a good understanding of what step is?

I'm a pure bred western European white boy, in a Fraternity, and knowing what I know about step... I agree with coca cola...

This is essentially white people wishing they were tribal Africans.

This is going to ruffle some feathers but oh well.. I don't understand why black sororities and fraternities can't have something that is uniquely theirs, derived from their heritage?

[edit on 26-2-2010 by ImaNutter]

The history of step? Are you kidding me. How about the history of the United States? Blacks used to be slaves. Does that have any bearing on your arguement? Justifying racism is the penacle of racism. Racist!

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by ImaNutter
How many of you above me who have replied above me have a good understanding of what step is?

I'm a pure bred western European white boy, in a Fraternity, and knowing what I know about step... I agree with coca cola...

This is essentially white people wishing they were tribal Africans.

This is going to ruffle some feathers but oh well.. I don't understand why black sororities and fraternities can't have something that is uniquely theirs, derived from their heritage?

[edit on 26-2-2010 by ImaNutter]

Olympic Bobsledding can trace its origins to the Swiss Alps and the practice of sledding and tobogganing by the people who lived there. It's part of the heritage of the European Alpine people... are you saying that the Olympic Jamaican Bobsled team should not participate in the sport because it is a sport that is part of the Alpine heritage?

Here's a "native dance-related" example:
The "Waltz" is a dance started by the people of Austria. It is part of their culture. According to you, non-Austrians (at least non-Europeans) should not be allowed to participate in Ballroom Dance competitions that feature the Waltz.

[edit on 3/2/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 12:51 PM
The point made that this is 'black' heritage and not 'white' heritage is moot. Science has proven via DNA that ALL human beings originated in Africa.

In Solomon's Song of Songs, the King goes after Beloved and asks to see her face. But she turns away from him in shame and says "I can't help that I've been darkened by the sun. I can't help that my skin is tanned."

In biblical times, to have tanned skin was a bad thing, because it meant that you were a person of labor and not of leisure (wealth). It shouldn't matter at all what the color of your skin is in the modern world, for we are all equal human beings. What separates us is not our color of skin, but our greatness of heart and how we choose to view and treat each other.

Those who choose to see the world as "black vs. white" are missing out on all the beautiful colors of the world and how they've all blended together to create a masterpiece. We cannot 'master peace' until we get past the illusion created by "The Man" to keep us segregated.

The ONLY real "them vs. us" segregating humanity is "rich vs. poor" (which is just another illusion). Once we all realize this, the veil of wool will be lifted from our eyes and WE come into power over the 'rich'. But as long as we keep pitting ourselves against each other because of skin color, TPB have us exactly where they want us and stay in control.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by TXRabbit

I actually watched the videos of both and the 1st place team deserved it. I do have to say that both were entertaining.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by ImaNutter

You say that you think African Americans should have something that is just their own then you talk about (whites) owning everything. So which one is it. Are you a serious closet racist or just completely ignorant altogether?

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by ImaNutter

I've actually went through and read a lot more of what you have to say and I will say that I don't believe you are a racist. I do however feel that you are close-minded. Life is so much better when you expand your horizons and try new things. That is why I took cultural anthropology in college. I loved learning about different cultures, and I think it is wonderful when we can adopt different ideas from different cultures and apply them in our own lives.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by ImaNutter

Simply alter your post and change the word black when it appears to white. How would it read? Golf comes from Scotland. Should we keep t. Woods out of the tournament or make him share first prize with a white runner-up when he wins. Should whites be allowed to claim golf as part of their heritage and not allow blacks in to the contests? Get real. You are the racist you whine about

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 10:31 PM
Here's an idea... play both videos one right after the other, but don't actually watch.
Just listen, and especially listen for the reaction of the audience.
Once you've determined which performance was better due to the overwhelming reaction of the audience, look which team has won.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by ImaNutter

It's obvious these ladies are culturaly diverse and just want to share their understanding of the African culture. To treat them this way is just plain rude. They were just trying to show that they have respect for their culture. They want to understand and not outcast them for their culture. They wanted to experience it. And they won. Well, that just means they've done well in understanding their culture.

Oh, and one more thing, it was the Irish who brought on the lord of the dance. Don't insult the Scottish like that.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 06:19 AM
This is just wrong..........

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