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Coca-Cola Agrees The Winners Can't Be White.

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

well when a black guy and a white guy can work together and not even notice they are a color because they get along with each other as people, instead of melatonin levels, the country has increased in its ability to create an united front. and this happens every day, on a regular basis. but we don't hear about that cause it doesn't sell papers. it's like the whole country is addicted to negativity and negative viewpoints. i think the marxists are scared outta their wits if the christian blacks and christian whites all started voting along the same lines, there'd be trouble in marxist heaven. probably freaks out a few atheists too. i know the idea of having a fascist government doesn't appeal to me anymore than having a marxist government. there's gotta be a happy balance in there.

i apologize for assuming that was what you were suggesting about lucifer=white people. i had the idea you were a supporter of the black hebrew israelite belief. guess i was wrong. i think it was when you kept telling people they were liars and the truth wasn't in them, which is a verse used to describe evil people.

[edit on 28-2-2010 by undo]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
reply to post by cenpuppie

Oh, its wrong?

So its okay to have a black history month, but for a white guy to celebrate their past, its racist?

Its' okay to have a black only "this" or a black only "that" but turning it around is racist?

Personally, im glad we did away with white only restaurants and white only water fountains.

Its just too bad that society had to go too far in the OTHER direction and keep the streak alive.

And google? What are you even talking you even know?

Its racist to have a "black only" "white only" "yellow only" anything.

Google it for yourself

[edit on 28-2-2010 by Snarf]

I just thought you might like some of the slogans that were printed for t-shirts at my high school...

"The blacker the college the sweeter the knowledge."

"The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice."

"Black by popular demand."

"BLACK: the new white."

I have no problem with people being proud of who they are but some of these are downright exclusionary and all of them would be racist if they were pro-white instead.

Double standards sure are fun, aren't they?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by undo

well when a black guy and a white guy can work together and not even notice they are a color because they get along with each other as people, instead of melatonin levels, the country has increased in its ability to create an united front. and this happens every day, on a regular basis. but we don't hear about that cause it doesn't sell papers. it's like the whole country is addicted to negativity and negative viewpoints. i think the marxists are scared outta their wits if the christian blacks and christian whites all started voting along the same lines, there'd be trouble in marxist heaven. probably freaks out a few atheists too. i know the idea of having a fascist government doesn't appeal to me anymore than having a marxist government. there's gotta be a happy balance in there.

LOL@VOTING! Listen, it’s quite noble to hold the belief that one day blacks and whites in America will hold hands and everything will be ok. On the flipside, reality and history shows it will never happen, therefore, it is also foolishness to hold such a belief.

i apologize for assuming that was what you were suggesting about lucifer=white people. i had the idea you were a supporter of the black hebrew israelite belief. guess i was wrong.

Other members in this thread have yet to apologize for their blatant lies, but at least yours can be chalked to confusion. While I do accept your apology, in the future, I suggest you read the interactions before you respond, as failing to do so will only muddy the waters, and people will be forced to defend against things they never said or implied.

i think it was when you keep telling people they were liars and the truth wasn't in them, which is a verse used to describe evil people in the last days.

I kept telling people they are liars because they are. Follow me here, if someone accuses you of saying “X” and you tell them, “You’re either confused, misinterpreted or lying” and you ask them to quote your words and post for all to see, ask them three times to so, but each time they ignore you, even though you know they are reading your words, what would you end up believing? Answer honestly, what would you think?

If another person popped up out of nowhere, accused you of saying something you didn’t, and encourages the person who previously accused you, what would you say? If you provided four examples that completely vindicate you and your statements, and the second person ignores it and goes on to say something completely irrelevant, what conclusion would you come to? Again, answer with honesty.

[edit on 28-2-2010 by EMPIRE]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

agent provocateurs, perhaps? i dunno. perhaps someone who doesn't like the idea you're defending something they see as completely untenable. not because it doesn't happen from time to time but because we've worked so hard as a nation to get this all straightened out, only to find it has gone right past the solution, which was WORKING until recently. and now go about, eyes firmly covered with both hands yelling "I DON'T SEE ANYTHING GOOD, JUST BAD!"

it's exasperating.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:02 AM
What if a black person won a competition usually dominated by white people on sheer skill. And then was denied his victory.

e.g. A presidential election.

I mean, assuming the US are originally a white country, (which, historicaly, they aren't) having leadership over this country would make it somewhat 'white cultural herritage'.

I am glad Coke didn't have a say in the outcome of the past election cause by their logic the white man should've won... (No offense to McCain, just to unfairness)

Can't we just look at ourselves as human instead of labeling ourselves white/black/yellow etc.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by Snarf

Well you need to be careful what you write. I am probably more educated than you are (have 2 degrees from more reputable colleges ) I probably work harder than you because I worklonger hours and have two jobs.

No One has given me anything but I have seen discrimination against all groups that I have mentioned. If you have never seen racism or homophobia or some Xtian idiot denouncing sopmeone because they are left handed then that is your version of reality...

Go back and read my posts on the Steps post. The right team won. You have just raised a number of racist myths with your straff man arguement.

THere are highly educated and high achieving black people on this site. Get over it.


PS Why are your arguements so incoherent?

[edit on 1-3-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:28 AM
#ING hell , i cant believe people are still drawing seperations , sure step is traditionally an african derived dance of clapping and stomping the ground !

But its humans that are doing it not some other species !

So its traditionally a human thing to do , not a black human or white human thing to do ! A human thing , a human tradition .

like michael jackson said , it doesnt matter if your black or white !

everyone is entitled to dance to music any way they wish !

i really cant believe how racist some people are .

even those in this thread who are saying they arent racist yet they still say , white dude , black dude. instead of aww just some dude

drop the descriptive colour words they arent necessary !

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Tiger5

Well you need to be careful what you write. I am probably more educated than you are (have 2 degrees from more reputable colleges ) I probably work harder than you because I worklonger hours and have two jobs.

Confucius say he who brags....

All the degree's in the world don't mean much these days. And 'reputable colleges' ceased to exist a long time ago.

And i see that you are fortunate enough to have two jobs...i don't see where the oppression comes into play?
Shouldn't you, by your own decree, be giving away one of those jobs to someone who doesn't have any?

If you have never seen racism or homophobia or some Xtian idiot denouncing sopmeone because they are left handed then that is your version of reality... call my arguments incoherent....right after you write that?

Christians denouncing lefties? Are all Christians right handed?

And "Xtian Idiots"?? Talk about hypocritical discrimination.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by Snarf]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Tiger5

or some Xtian idiot

? why would you say this after just referring to how discrimination is bad?

[edit on 1-3-2010 by undo]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Snarf

What are you talking about man? WASP culture and it's roots are shown everyday the problem is is that folks with your mindset don't see it because it's considered the norm..everything else is deviant (not in a bad way) or...other.

If you want a good example of what i'm talking about, Google "racism in Last Airbender" and see what both camps have to say about the issue, and also see what group says what.

Hell the history channel did a historic look at Hillbillies!

[edit on 1-3-2010 by cenpuppie]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by EMPIRE

The bystander effect is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases where individuals do not offer help in an emergency situation when other people are present. The probability of help has in the past been thought to be inversely proportional to the number of bystanders; in other words, the greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help.

So yeah it is basicly the same thing I just said. People don't help because they believe somebody else will or has. Like I said it is taught in introductory Sociology classes every semester.

All that clip shows is that people don't get involved. The same thing happened when they did a bit about a white guy slipping something in his (white girl) date's drink. Only a handfull of people helped at the most. The whole point of "What Would You Do" was to show that people don't help each other as much as they would like to believe.

The show put on display a phenomenon that holds true across racial lines. That one clip taken out of context of the whole series proves nothing. I may not be a genius but I do understand critical thinking and logic. I also understand the very simple concept most people miss, context.

con·text - -
the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.

Put that clip in the context of the series and the producers goals. Then you realize that it does not validate your point of view.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by MikeNice81]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:46 AM
Over this past weekend, I accidentally ran across a few sites like this one:

I just don't know what to think but IMHO this is another case of reverse racism. If you try using Google with search phrase "find black doctor", you'll find the above link and a thousand others. If you try to Google "find white doctor", you won't find anything on the subject. If I open a web site (not that I would) where I promise to refer patients only to pure-blooded white physicians, I'd be crucified in a millisecond. However, the reverse (referral to black doctors only) is somehow accepted by the society.

The dance competition in the OP is just another evidence of that sad condition we find ourselves in.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by undo

"well when a black guy and a white guy can work together and not even notice they are a color because they get along with each other as people, instead of melatonin levels, the country has increased in its ability to create an united front. and this happens every day, on a regular basis. but we don't hear about that cause it doesn't sell papers. it's like the whole country is addicted to negativity and negative viewpoints."

Well I agree with you. I am however left of centre. The entire crisis that we face require people to just pull together. We can argue doctrinal differences afterwards.

Coca Cola is a mega corporation that has certainly goofed up.


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:30 PM
Wouldn't it just be so much easier if the whole world was blind? I suppose then we'd go by our ears and dialects that we hear and produce a disliking for certain inflections in language? IDK...shouldn't we all just be colorblind and give reward on their merits, not what they look like?

[edit on 1-3-2010 by ldyserenity]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Snarf

Well whatwever assumptions you have chosen to make about me are entirely wrong. I stand before as the kind of black person that you maybe never met because you are merely a passive connoseur of sterotypes. Strangely enough you have a lot in common Al sharpton (a black nationalist) who insists on labelling people of a different skin colour as Evil. My reference about left-handedness came from Xtian bigots left = evil. Which is wrong

Grow up and smell the crisis.


[edit on 1-3-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Tiger5

Grow up and smell the crisis.

Ahhh - the age old cop out signature that says "im running out of ideas"

Im not saying all black people are anything. I'm saying the ones that blame others for their problems ARE the problem.

White people do it too. Living in a trailer park with no money, no job, tons of drugs, alcohol, and broken down cars though...its the "police" or "their boss" or "their mom" or someone elses fault. Its never THEIR OWN fault for anything.

Stereotypes don't fit EVERYONE, but a stereotype exists for a reason, and it's "un-grown-up" to not look at stereotypes as the starting point for a problem.

Stereotype : Whiney black people are blaming white people for their problems

Reality: Whiney black people are blaming white people for their problems

Bill Cosby comes forth and says the same thing. He is called an Uncle Tom

Barack Obama comes forward and says the same thing. His words are met with deaf ears.

It is you, and those like you, who don't want to listen to the truth.

The truth is that you make your life out to be what you want it to be.

You, with two jobs, have made a great life for yourself. You went to college, got a degree, and work two jobs. I'm sure you have a nice car, house, etc....ya know, the American Dream to so speak.

But some how, "Whitey" is still evil, and is some how persecuting you. I am left speechless as to how.

Is it because you don't own your own private jet? Maybe it's because you don't own Virgin Airlines? You're not the CEO of a major billion dollar corporation?

I mean, what is it?

And how in the hell is it the "White mans" fault that you're seemingly upset with your life?

REAL oppression is saying "You can't do this because you're white"


"You can't do that because you're yellow"

Just like in the OP

A group of "Whitey"s won a competition that is STEREOTYPICALLY dominated by black people, but when "Whitey" says something about it - then its WHITEY being the racist.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by Snarf]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Did you actually take a look at the black doctor website? All that I saw was a website targeted at black people there was a history of black hair there.

On a scale of 0 th 10 this is a 0.5. I think you may find America has bigger problems than a website.

BTW most sick people are remarkably anti racist sicknesss is sickness so they just want a competent medic!

Some of us just hate the racism as much as anyone else! which is why the entire coke affair is odious. The best team won.


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Snarf

"The truth is that you make your life out to be what you want it to be. "

I agree. All that I have disagreed with you about is identifying a minority. Most of US are just ordinary working people. I deliberately put I bit in about the bible only to point out that a religion of peace and love has been corrupted by black bigots and whiter.

Are we that different now we have explained each other?



PS between you and me yes how do I tell the next generation to go to college when the world is in such a mess

PPS a Ghananian Brit has just beaten serval white guys in the olympic skiing. Good for him but he is crazy. Snow is cold!! LOL

Well I mean snow is cold for everyone (black and white) and I hate it

[edit on 1-3-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Tiger5
reply to post by buddhasystem

Did you actually take a look at the black doctor website?

Quite. Here's what's in the main panel on top: offers new innovative approaches to black health, including free referrals to Black doctors. We give you effective strategies for managing your health, nutrition, weight loss, exercise tips, free advice from Black doctors and much more!

... what's wrong with getting advice from Korean or native pacific islander doctors?

Here's how they advertise themselves on a different site: understands the uniqueness of Black culture, our heritage and traditions and how these all play a role in our health.

If this is not segregation, I don't know what it. I was a patient of two black doctors in the past and it never occurred to me that the service was unique because it was across racial lines. I thought it was normal. Now, apparently, we need segregated doctors with segregated patient groups.

BTW most sick people are remarkably anti racist sicknesss is sickness so they just want a competent medic!

If these were true, the multitude of "black doctor" sites wouldn't exist.

Here's another one:

The purpose of this site is to “connect black men and women who are ready to make changes in their lives with brothers and sisters who are trained to help them.”


[edit on 1-3-2010 by buddhasystem]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Actually on a scale of 0 to 10 is the black doctor's website your biggest racial problem? Beleive me the response to the Coke issue is a lot bigger. Many Black people and white have a long way to go. I believe that some people are more inclined to progressive ideas than others. There are backwards elements in all communities. I believe that there are certain predispositions that black people face as a group. There is the issue of hair, diabetes etc.

There are many sites geared at specific ethnic groups like Polish doctors etc. I have no problem with them. Belive me some of the diabetic sites for black people are terrible.

You want to take black doctor's or black medical websites to be a major problem as a form of creeping segregation fine. I will support your right to do so. We can argue about this when we take on the Elites.


[edit on 1-3-2010 by Tiger5]

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