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ATS website mentioned to me by FBI agent today...ON A TRAFFIC STOP![UPDATE]

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posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:12 PM
You can't blame them for wanting to read the site. Even many of them are given false information to pass on to the public or other wise.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by dragonseeker

Dragonseeker, you have confused me with the OP in your thread.
He does have similar energy to my own in the way he writes about writing whatever the hell he wants to write about. But if you go back and look you will see the differences in what he has said and what I have said.
It's not about me, they were arresting a pedophile or a hacker; neither of which am I.
Though if they, the FBI ,wanted me to help them track down criminals I would do that I would do it in a heart beat

If they wanted me to tranlate Spanish for them I would do it in a heart beat

Fortunately I am only a singer songwriter guitar playing performing and recording artist.
Like the poster above said, maybe some posters attract more attention than others
My love is for music and conspiracies.
They don't care about me

If they do they are observing the evolution of my craft. But their doing it through spying lol
Those guys should at least give me a record deal if their going to spy on my house while I'm performing

My show is not open to the public yet guys
When I'm singing about reptiles I'm being artistic!
For god's sake leave Georgia alone

Sarcasm should be noted of course

But no, I'm not the cop, the OP, who started this thread. There is just the juxtaposition of our points on a grid. The locale of the state of Georgia.
And this was not near Athens, GA.
Though I still don't know why the military choppers were over Athens.
Maybe the FBI guy knows

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:15 PM
Nefarious Sarcastic Humour Statement in regards to all the paranoia, both real and believed to be real, in this thread........ (disclaimer) Nothing in this post is real, only the fictional imagination of the writer....

" I too was concerned when reading this thread, and immediately consulted the PTB, who explained all was well, and even sent me a free coupon to be used if anything went wrong. I was told to go down to the nearest wal-mart, and purchase a game called Monopoly, after returning home, i was to open this game, and according to the PTB there would be enclosed " A Card " on which was printed " Get Out Of Jail Free " this was to be used in the unlikely event of any LEO activity in response to my being an ATS member. I was relieved, and slept well that night. I also was told that in the year's to come, the money enclosed in the game, would be as useful as the current currency being printed, on a side note. Thank you PTB for all your help, in this matter. Now I feel comfortable enough to post on this thread once again".......

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

It didn't appear to me that's what you were saying.

No I don't think it's "suspicious" that they monitor the site. I monitor it. I'm guessing you do, too. You seem to be taking particular offense at it, and admonishing everyone else for not thinking it's a "big deal".

People interacting in public forums have no reasonable assumption of privacy. I think your concern and associated outrage is at best, misplaced. According to the traffic stats posted here, there are about 1.5 MILLION unique visitors a month here. Rational people participate because they want someone else to see what they post.

I believe your expectations are unrealistic and naive.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by MrDesolate
reply to post by Frankidealist35

It didn't appear to me that's what you were saying.

No I don't think it's "suspicious" that they monitor the site. I monitor it. I'm guessing you do, too. You seem to be taking particular offense at it, and admonishing everyone else for not thinking it's a "big deal".

That's the whole thing that's been happening to people's mindset post 9-11. People think it's okay for the government agents to be monitoring the internet. If they have nothing to hide, then, it doesn't matter right? WRONG. Why would they look here first of all? I for one believe that public law enforcement shouldn't be wasting their time on a conspiracy website unless they had some real reason to do it. It's not a matter about looking at public posts. It's a matter of what their intent for doing it is.

People interacting in public forums have no reasonable assumption of privacy. I think your concern and associated outrage is at best, misplaced. According to the traffic stats posted here, there are about 1.5 MILLION unique visitors a month here. Rational people participate because they want someone else to see what they post.

I don't think it's misplaced at all. I've been outraged over the continual loss of our civil liberties since 9-11. Unless they have reason to monitor websites like this one, like, real reasons then why would they be even here at all if not to psychologically infiltrate ATS?

I believe your expectations are unrealistic and naive.

I strongly disagree. I think it's completely reasonable to expect to use the website and to not need to worry about the government watching what you're doing unless the website you're on has caused a lot of commotion. I don't see any reason for this website to be continually monitored by the government, as, there is no real reason except for maybe the occasional informative topics, but even then the FBI has better intelligent sources than this one. I just don't see a reason for them to be wasting their times on websites like this unless they were told to do it by an order from above or something like that.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Frankidealist35]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:39 PM
Well at least he was insightful and you were both on the same level. Sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders as well. I (for one), have never thought we were being stalked/followed. And lmao on the black-suited ninja's.

I am curious as to what kind of info they'd be interested in on here/find interesting. Maybe they look into such things that are deemed of interest to their org. and they find helpful in some aspect. Wonder if they're really hiring though *ponders*.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:46 PM
Possible reason said agent brought up ATS:

Was he under age 30?

If so, he was likely playing on his iPhone rather than doing his job. You probably caught him in the act of browsing though ATS.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:46 PM
Keep the country clean! =)

Great post, Star and flag for you my friend!

It's always encouraging to hear about those in support of the PTB that have heart and who know that people - even though they're angry - have a site like this to vent on. Americans are still a great species of human - when ya get to know them

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Is everyone in the government evil? Is the FBI out to get innocent citizens? Do we pay the police departments and FBI to investigate and prevent, where possible, acts of subterfuge and terror?

Are there bad people out there who would cap you in a heartbeat without the thin blue line of brave men and women willing to put themselves in harm's way so you can sleep safely?

Where should they look for intel? If you want to catch a big catfish, you fish in big catfish waters at big catfish times with big catfish bait. If you lose your wallet in the bushes, you don't look for it under a streetlight because the light's better over there. Now this may not be the most efficient place to rake through to find people with malicious intent, but when Google search will bring up ATS when searching for any number of things which may be interesting to the government, they'd be derelict in their duty to not have at least a passing familiarity with it.

The idea that any individual can be tracked off this site without the participation and cooperation of the site admins and your ISP is ludicrous.

Now if you think the FBI are the bad guys, and ATS is in cahoots with them and your ISP to come after you, then I don't know what to tell you other than, move out of the country and live in a cave in Borneo. Or the Pakistani border. Apparently the government has some issues finding people there, too.

Chill out. Your personal liberty isn't being infringed by having people, whoever they are, read what you submit.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:49 PM

I can understand how you feel, and where you're coming from. Being the Human I am, I see both sides before making any rash judgement (if any at all) on any given situation. Unless it is something I am strongly passionate about on some level.

Like I had posted a little moment ago, I am curious as to what content on ATS they'd be interested in, and why. Simply because I am an American who needs and wants to know. It is my Duty as an American to question authority, as well as yours and any other actual American! So, having that right, I do wish to excercise it. however, most of the time (sadly) a lot of Americans tend to do so in the wrong way, which defeats the purpose for all altogether (i.e. protestors, etc. for whatever cause). There is a way to go about utilizing what rights as Americans we have, without going overboard. The anger behind such actions is what gets the best of those, in the most negative way.

So to question them with why's and what's is best done using a calm and rash approach. Rather than anger and lashing out, as most people tend to do.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:49 PM
A video for all the people that are worried....

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:58 PM
[sorry i'm new here this post was accidental, trying to delete this one]

[edit on 25-2-2010 by orion7stars]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

I am new here. I met a police-officer who appeared to have a lot of "coincidental" conversation topics, one of them included ATS and many things which I have been interested in sporadically over the years. The second time I met him he introduced me to a lot of Nazi paraphernalia. The moral of my little boring story is that a lot of people have that saying "there is no such thing as coincidence." There's no caution in that statement except this: I am hoping you asked him whether it'd be okay to mention the conversation. On a side note, and it's pure speculation, but probably he knew who you were when you walked over (maybe your cruiser was visible, etc.) I've also noticed a penchant for being "chatty" with people about weird topics. For instance, I sometimes go to a club, which advertises as a Gothic hangout. I got pulled over by the police (parking lights, i was moving a short distance) and he inquired very oddly "So, my buddy listens to industrial music. Can you tell me the difference between Gothic and Industrial music and Heavy-Metal???" I stared at him a moment and proceeded to give him the business. In any case, someone told me that Bruce Ivins used ATS.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by orion7stars]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by orion7stars
reply to post by rcwj1975

I am new here. I met a police-officer who appeared to have a lot of "coincidental" conversation topics, one of them included ATS and many things which I have been interested in sporadically over the years. The second time I met him he introduced me to a lot of Nazi paraphernalia. The moral of my little boring story is that a lot of people have that saying "there is no such thing as coincidence." There's no caution in that statement except this: I am hoping you asked him whether it'd be okay to mention the conversation. On a side note, and it's pure speculation, but probably he knew who you were when you walked over (maybe your cruiser was visible, etc.) I've also noticed a penchant for being "chatty" with people about weird topics. For instance, I sometimes go to a club, which advertises as a Gothic hangout. I got pulled over by the police (parking lights, i was moving a short distance) and he inquired very oddly "So, my buddy listens to industrial music. Can you tell me the difference between Gothic and Industrial music and Heavy-Metal???" I stared at him a moment and proceeded to give him the business. In any case, someone told me that Bruce Ivins used ATS.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by orion7stars]

Hmmm. That is interesting to ponder. Makes sense. I am one that does not really believe in coincidence. I believe anything is possible, and most everything happens for a reason. From the smallest to the most profound! At the same time, it is wise to say here, that most should be careful what they say, how they say it, and do not throw caution to the wind in such instances. We do not know what underlying reasons we come across such people, let alone if there is some other motive. If I am wrong, let me know. Thank you for sharing, orion.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Persephone1]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by freetree64

Funny you should mention...I always use any topic as a reason to go next door and check out their new toys. I kinda do favors for them like fix/replace their kids broken or cracked retainers. They do me favors like letting me see their new gadgets and electronics. But yea I would steer anyone clear of local level law enforcement. Your best bet is criminal investigation technologies. The field on information technology gathering in the D.C. area because of this being the government and contractor hub is booming right now.
In fact they are having a 3 day expo on remote terra information gathering this month. The guys down the hall have some niffy neat little gadgets to take to that expo in the way of a RFID /GPS device that would be issued with your automobile when you purchase your tags. This is not a new idea but rather a spin on an already existing model. This one how ever is built to transmit data streams of point by point gps location. The other models use a RFID type technology that was designed to only interact with police cruisers when the car sent a signal out to recieve information rather than have the officer type the tag number. This model is designed to interact with new sensors and cameras being placed around D.C. it's sole purpose is designed to eleminate the roll for human information gathering by law enforcement officers.
The company Ratheon I think is footing the bill for this project. Im telling you human law enforcement is being replaced with computers periode. Some very cool but scary stuff. They always laugh because they say law enforceemnt head hanco's come in and are in shock at the tech coming and get all excited and they don't even understand that this tech is design to replace them and their unions which cost millions each year to operate.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by tsloan

Cool, excellent info, tried the local LEO stuff, wasn't my cup of tea. But, the Raytheon angle sounded good, think I'll look into that. Amazing the amount of tech that's coming out these day's. Waiting for the word that we don't even need to leave the house anymore to have a normal life... i.e. telecommuting and the like. Thanks for the input....

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:57 PM
I've dealt with the FBI on several occasions, although not in the investigation aspect... I do marketing for a software company in Washington, DC, a company that supplies computer upgrades and training to many agencies and departments around Washington.

One thing that always amazes me about these supposed MIB outfits is how backwards they are technically. I mean, some of these agencies are still using computers left over from the 1970s with antiquated legacy systems that can only just barely interface with the Web... like, on a command-line level.

And all of the FBI folks I deal with are just your basic paper-pushers who hate pushing paper and who spend a lot of time on FarmVille.

Just kidding about FarmVille, but I wouldn't doubt it.

Anyway, the only time I ever met a dyed-in-the-wool FBI AGENT — like one of the characters you think of when you think "FBI agent" — was way back in the 1980s. I was sort of in the same line of work back then (corporate marketing), and one night a client asked me to meet her and her boyfriend at Bennigan's to talk a little business.

Which usually meant talk a little business while she soaked up a few Bloody Marys, okay? Hey, in marketing, you appease the client. Always. If she wants to meet on the beach at midnight for cocktails and "talking business," I'm there.

So, I arrived at Bennigan's at the appointed hour, spotted my client and joined her — and her boyfriend — at their cozy little corner booth. And, I swear to God, this sonofabitch was making me nervous at a distance.

Guy was dressed in a black suit, thin lapels, white button-down shirt, thin black tie, short dark hair that — I am not kidding — looked like it contained a quart of 30-weight. He had an oil slick on his forehead. And he was wearing big, dark sunglasses.

Dark sunglasses. In a dimly-lit corner of Bennigan's. At night. HIT IT!!

I kind of warily advanced on them and sat at their table (on her side) and introduced myself. She greeted me and introduced her "boyfriend who works for the FBI"... She was already working on her second Bloody Mary, and I think he was drinking Coke. She was all talky and bubbly, and he was stony silent, so we went right into discussing whatever her project was. The MIB didn't say a word.

Suddenly, about ten minutes into this "meeting," the MIB leaned forward and interrupted her to ask me a question:

"So. You're an artist?"

I was a little taken aback. The guy was, like, completely weirding me out. I said, "Well, no, I'm a graphic designer in corporate marketing."

He snapped back: "Same thing, isn't it?"

When people ask me that question, I can either take twenty minutes to educate them on the difference between fine art and commercial graphics, or I can pass them the funny answer. So I gave him the "funny" answer.

"No, it's not the same thing. See, I get paid for what I do."

Well, my client thought that was hilarious (because she was getting a buzz), but the MIB didn't even crack a grin. Instead, he replied in utmost seriousness:

"So, you're saying that artists don't make any money. But you do?"

Man. This went on for about half an hour before I finally excused myself and bade my client adieu.

It wasn't until several years later, in 1996, that I saw a guy in a movie who so reminded me of that client's FBI boyfriend. Anybody remember Jeff Combs in "The Frighteners" when he played FBI Special Agent Milton Dammers?


Dead ringer!

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:57 PM
i've been writing (hi spooks!) on my private emails for years. HAHA!
"They" are watching everything and everyone. don't kid yourself.
it's not paranoia if it's true, eh.
and, it's not paranoia if you're not scared.

let the infowars continue! there are "good" and "bad" people in every walk of life. just because "they" are omnipresent, doesn't mean all of "them" are evil.
just think of any job you've ever had, and the distribution of rotters and saints and all the greys in between.

there is hope in humanity, yet.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by MrDesolate
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Is everyone in the government evil? Is the FBI out to get innocent citizens? Do we pay the police departments and FBI to investigate and prevent, where possible, acts of subterfuge and terror?

No. But I find the amount of surveillance that they do detestable. If they were doing it on their own- fine. But the government should remain out of our private lives.

Are there bad people out there who would cap you in a heartbeat without the thin blue line of brave men and women willing to put themselves in harm's way so you can sleep safely?

That's a red-herring, of course, I'm sure you've realized that though. And totally irrelevant to the subject at hand.

Where should they look for intel? If you want to catch a big catfish, you fish in big catfish waters at big catfish times with big catfish bait. If you lose your wallet in the bushes, you don't look for it under a streetlight because the light's better over there. Now this may not be the most efficient place to rake through to find people with malicious intent, but when Google search will bring up ATS when searching for any number of things which may be interesting to the government, they'd be derelict in their duty to not have at least a passing familiarity with it.

I don't believe ATS is the best source for intel. It's really interesting sure. But you also have to keep in mind there are a ton of charletons on here just looking to make a quick buck on their DVDs. Always question any source. Just saying.

The idea that any individual can be tracked off this site without the participation and cooperation of the site admins and your ISP is ludicrous.

It's not ludicrous at all and you wouldn't consider it ludicrous if you were aware of the capability that governments surveillance technology has.

Now if you think the FBI are the bad guys, and ATS is in cahoots with them and your ISP to come after you, then I don't know what to tell you other than, move out of the country and live in a cave in Borneo. Or the Pakistani border. Apparently the government has some issues finding people there, too.

I don't think that the FBI is going out to get me. What I do know is that the government is actively involved in patrolling websites like this. I think they should be spending their time looking for people committing real crimes rather than every day citizens like you and me.

Chill out. Your personal liberty isn't being infringed by having people, whoever they are, read what you submit.

The very act of government institutions monitoring what you do is an infringement on your privacy. Behaviors on the internet should be conducted by yourself, and, you alone and others should be the policemen of their own behavior. We don't need outside agents to always watch us and if something does become a problem we can inform them, but, there's no need for them to watch us unless they had a real reason to do so. They should be monitoring real criminals, someone who has already lost their rights or done something, not people who have done nothing wrong.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by freetree64

Go geek

D.C. has more than enough jobs in the intelligence field... Every damn radio ad is about some company or college that offers information gathering and the local need for it. the big brother era is upon us. Roll with it or get rolled by it

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