posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 03:47 AM
Originally posted by deenuu
Im an aussie surfer and every summer we get to surf with dolphins when they migrate down the coast. If you duck your head under when they are close
you can hear them sing, they get so close that i have brushed one with my foot. Its a very special and spiritual time for me when this happens as they
really do surf with you by jumping through the waves and flipping around. By the way those waves arnt big, definetly no fear of god, and no-where near
25 ft. But pix made me smile at work. cheerz
Same dude. Have had a couple of times where they have come to within less than a metre of me, just cruising on past. Actually had a pod of about 40 of
em come past me one night just before I came in. The worst thing about it was it was about 8:15 at night, and only saw 1 fin come up. Where I was
surfing (Shark Island) was about 150 metres from land, and I wasn't close enough to get up on the Island, so I just thought "Oh well, my time has
come. Strangest feeling of calm I had ever had. Then it hit me why, when another 35-40 fins popped up and I realised they were Dolphins! Sneaky
And you're right, those waves were struggling to push 4 foot. If that. But still fun to ride nonetheless.
And people, one of the coolest things you can have happen is to be surfing in crystal clear water, and see a penguin (YES, A PENGIUN!!!!) scooting
round and actually riding the waves with you. Have had that happen a couple of times. Years ago there was a random little penguin that used to live
round the beaches round my area, the southern parts of Sydney. Was the coolest little guy to have round when out surfing. Was cool just to see him
cruising round whilst out surfing.
Damn, now I wanna start surfing again............damn work!