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DNA evidence of ET? part 2

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:37 AM
What I understand, you can't see them at all unless they take their shielding off, therefore they show those who they wish, and until disclosure comes either via announcements, and a changed policy of no longer attacking the ets, or by them disclosing in huge numbers with a cordinated effort, this can't change. There are too many risks and too much at stake.

Also, they use plasma lights to shield what you see most of the time, not always, but frequently. This is not being spoon fed to people, they need to seek. Thus far there are enormous protocols.

I believe if you point the telescope to the right direction, and its sufficient to do the job, they 1) know it, they monitor every thought and 2) allow it if they wish, only.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by K J Gunderson
I have to ask why you refer to them as "Andromedons." or however you spell it. This kind of seems like an achille's heel for you so I would really like a nice simple answer to this nice simple question. Thanks!

It is not an Achille' s heel. It is the name of our species; "Andromd".

I only point this out so that we can be differentiated fromAlex Collier's "Andromedans". Mr. Collier is wrong in calling those he mat be in contact with "Andromedans" since they are not from the Andromeda Galaxy, as we are.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Thats fair enough, I'll be looking forward to his response then.

And he isnt 'my doctor fellow'. He, along with another scientist seem to be the one's in charge of this project.
There's absolutely nothing preventing you from asking questions yourself. And as Im not your mother, I suggest you do ask him yourself if you've got any queries. In fact, this is the contact form. Let us know what he says!

Well to be honest Im quite happy to put all my eggs in one basket with this one and say that I know that this 99% figure is incorrect.
Im much more inclined to believe a professional in the field who has no reason to deny that sort of claim, and would even benefit if it were true.. than an unnamed 'friend' of yours who apparantly used 'exotic maths'.
Actually, here's some info on the guy so people can see he's not just some randomer who doesnt know what their on about.

But yea anyway, there shouldnt be any problem with interpretation if you can provide us with some sort of mathmatic formula.

Now was this really necessary? All your mocking and display of attitude toward me do is demonstrate your level of intelligence, education and maturity. I think you can do much better than a 14 year old.

Well what am I supposed to do.. asking relevant questions & making valid points gets you nowhere.. I absolutely knew you'd reply if the post had an sort of insulting tone to it. Should have put some money on it!
Im guessing though that your levels of intelligence, education and maturity must fall behind me somewhat then (12.. maybe 13 years old at a push), because otherwise you would have been able to see that there was an actual point to that post.
You cant possibly have meant your DNA tests as being evidence used in courts because when they are used its in a completely different context.. and your other form of evidence is your bible code malarky.
Bible codes arent used in courts as evidence. See what I was getting at now?

[edit on 4/3/10 by Bluebelle]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Beamish

If you’re the emissary for your “species”, then you should know every single query raised by your posts is important and should be addressed fully. That includes name calling, even if it is just to stand your ground. For your existence here to be completely open, and therefore acceptable, all queries have to be dealt with. That you are still cherry-picking denotes a reluctance to fully engage your target audience, unless, it seems, they just want to ask you questions about your “home world”.

Yeas, I am aware. It does however get difficult when the you know the people asking, or calling are only doing it to harass. At some point I feel that "security" needs to step in and remove the 'hecklers".

Then there are posts like ours, a bleedin' book. No offence, but you do tend to write quite alot. Though most of it is very useful, it is still difficult to respond to in only a few characters. This venu allows about 6000 characters in a single post.

So with the "hecklers", I tend to ignore at some point, and with you I tend to respond to what I feel is important. However, in both cases I do take note of what was said, and try to respond appropriately.

Isn’t it also possible that your assumption as to people feeling “threatened” by your claims is purely an individual – i.e. your – assessment?

Yes, of course it is. Just as their assesment of me is their own.

However, what ever One's assesment of me is, it does not give them license, nor right, nor does it become necessary for them to abuse the alien. I am perfectly content to answer any question, respond to any statement, as long as it is civil and thought out.

I mean, since I am a representative of a supposed "superior" race, should you Humans at least try to make us thing you are intelligent and civilized? The door swings both ways.

And as to he help/harm issue; as an “emissary”, how do you feel you are fairing? You’ve certainly attracted attention but, more importantly, also become the focus of immense negativity. You feel you were underprepared for this “mission”, or could it be that you’ve just jumped in feet first with nothing to support you but a deeply held belief that you are something other than Human?

How am I fairing? good and mildly interesting question. I'd say maybe "fair", certainly not as well as I would have hoped, but not all that badly either. There are some that have learned and to some extent enjoyed the experience, others who seem almost violently opposed, and other who mock. But, what could I expect from a group of people as varied as y'all. Some of you would welcome any one with a story that is simular to what they want to hear, others, will feel threatened, others will think I funny or crazy. And, still others will keep an open mind and ask real questions. All I can do is what I feel is best.

Yes, there has been some negativity here, from those who feel threatened, and those who mock. These people have no desire to advance themselves or learn of new things. Again, I suppose it is to be expected.

"under prepared for this mission"? Absolutely, did I jump in feet first? Not exactly. What I did do is inform those who asked me to do this that I wasn't qualified. But, since I said I would do my best; I am. They are aware that I'm a software engineer, not a diplomat, and right now the only issue I have with them is one of support. They keep siteing "interstellar protocol", damn tired of hearing that too.

Fortunately, I do have more than a "deeply held belief" that I'm ET, remember, I was told by the federation that I'm ET, and also by mother. And, I do get the occasional short trip off-world.

And besides, why go down the road of trying to utilize current technology to confirm your “alien-ness” if it is incapable of doing so, when you have two good means of research at hand that would have told you that in the first place; the internet, and your “mother”.

I go down this road because it is the only one available to me at the moment. And, while I do use the Internet when I can, Mother has agreed with the federaation to not give me technological support (those issues are convoluted at best).

A significant display of sophisticated tech would turn heads for all the right reasons, even if at first it was not comprehended. Coming here and waving bits of redundant paper at us won’t. And that you are doing just that concerns me most of all.

Here we have an issue with interstellar protocols again. The people I'm in league with are rather "hung-up" on protocol. So, unless there is a government disclosure, the tech isn't available.

but it’s the whole ramshackle approach and anemic evidence that just doesn’t work because it’s a completely illogical tactic for us to accept it.

Now, ya see, this I just don't understand ... it's your technology, why is it illogical to accept it? If the LHC discovers the Higgs Boson will you accept that? Or will you beleive that such a particle doesn't exist even tough there is evidence that it does? To me, not accepting the evidence, as evidence, is illogical.

Much as I enjoy the speculation as to just how advanced our own technology is, can I just ask one thing; show me links other than the likes of John Lear that verify these marvels. I’m not discounting everything you said, but would like to know how you can say those things with such certainty.

No John Lear in those links! They are quite interesting ... enjoy.

You aren’t trying to infer that you are an alien, are you? You’re trying to prove it. And as to probabilities; I’m probably a guy sat on a sofa wearing jeans and a tee shirt in a house in Dublin, or I’m a guy sitting on what passes for the deck of an algorithm calculus-finite difference ship wearing a semi-sentient, hybrid support skin suit. Which is more likely?

Probabilities can be calculated, on a computer or with a calculator, or with pencil and paper. The areas of statistical probabilities are rather sophisticated, and can be relied upon to provide good answers.

(33 chars left)

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by K J Gunderson
I have to ask why you refer to them as "Andromedons." or however you spell it. This kind of seems like an achille's heel for you so I would really like a nice simple answer to this nice simple question. Thanks!

It is not an Achille' s heel. It is the name of our species; "Andromd".

I only point this out so that we can be differentiated fromAlex Collier's "Andromedans". Mr. Collier is wrong in calling those he mat be in contact with "Andromedans" since they are not from the Andromeda Galaxy, as we are.

So your mom, your people introduced themselves to you as Andromds from the Andromeda Galaxy? Is this what you are trying to say?

You may want to do a littler more research on Meiers and why he called his contacts "Pleadians" before you answer. It might at least help you to be more creative with your explanation.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by K J Gunderson]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
However, what ever One's assesment of me is, it does not give them license, nor right, nor does it become necessary for them to abuse the alien. I am perfectly content to answer any question, respond to any statement, as long as it is civil and thought out.

Maybe you should read this thread. Perhaps you should take a gander at the Open Minds Forum. You do not answer questions, you avoid them. What you do offer as answers is usually contradictory to the last set of answers you provided. You present half truths and lies with nothing to back you up. You came to a public forum where people tend to be critical of outragious claims and you are whining that people are abusing you because they do not believe you? Just prove yourself and people will stop. If you feel you are being abused, stop posting crap on internet forums. There is nothing your species or ours will gain from you posting on ATS so if it is only resulting in what you deem as abuse, then you only have you to blame.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
How is it "not proof" if it is you that fail? Did you really think that you could see and object of that size at that great a distance with a Walmart telescope? Try a better one, and do the math! Space is a big place, so you need to be looking at the correct coordinates.

So you are going to assume what kind of telescope I used? How do you know what kind of telescope I used? Please enlighten me as to how you could possible be able to judge what telescope I used.

This is another one of your contradictions and as usual, you neglected to address the part I was actually pointing out. Read carefully this time.

You claimed that the ships being there is what you are offering as proof.

You also claimed that we may or may not be able to see them because they might be cloaked.

and I make no promise that they are going to be visible.

This means they are not proof of anything because you admit that there is a good chance that no one will see them. Why do you ignore the actual points everyone is making and just attack each post on some emotional level? Stop feeling and start responding.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by K J Gunderson]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by K J Gunderson
I have to ask why you refer to them as "Andromedons." or however you spell it. This kind of seems like an achille's heel for you so I would really like a nice simple answer to this nice simple question. Thanks!

It is not an Achille' s heel. It is the name of our species; "Andromd".

I only point this out so that we can be differentiated fromAlex Collier's "Andromedans". Mr. Collier is wrong in calling those he mat be in contact with "Andromedans" since they are not from the Andromeda Galaxy, as we are.

Another contradiction, thank you. You also said,

I want this point to be clear, that I and my people are "Galactic Andromedans".

Keep that story straight.

There is also

The current negotiations with the U.N. seem to have four (4) alien groups represented;

Pleiadean Federation
Zeta Empire

Hmmmm... no Andromds in that list. So there are Andromds and Andromedans and while they are not the same, you are both?

Of course, there is also

The presence of Andromedan people (Andromeda Galaxy) near Earth is currently limited to one faction; a group called Andromds

So lets put this all together now. It is wrong to call them Andromedan or there are others that are wrong to call Andromedans so your people are not Andromedans but Andromds which is a part of the Andromedan people?

My first question is really the most important one so when you are deciding what to dodge in my post and still look like you responded, at least hit that one, ok.

Oh and let me add...

Koo Koo Ka Chu

[edit on 4-3-2010 by K J Gunderson]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
How is it "not proof" if it is you that fail? Did you really think that you could see and object of that size at that great a distance with a Walmart telescope? Try a better one, and do the math! Space is a big place, so you need to be looking at the correct coordinates.

It is not proof because you admitted that they may or may not be visible. Unless you could tell me that I will definitely find it in the right place with the right scope, you are not offering proof. You are offering a maybe, maybe not.

You seem fond of talking about what might hold up in court. Please find me one court case where the judge considered evidence that was hidden in a box and only may or may not have been inside. Do you honestly think the judge would just believe the evidence was in there and accept that into consideration? I think he would demand to see the proof inside the box. If the ships are definitely there and visible, then that is proof. You admit they may not be visible so there is no proof.

Do not assume what kind of telescope I have access too or my ability to do math. You obviously know nothing of math from your description of where to find the ship. You have no clue about geometry either. For such an advanced species, you cannot spell, type, use proper grammar, do math, discuss geometry correctly. How much proof do you really feel you need to give us that you are just some bored, lonely kid?

Ramma Lamma Ding Dong

[edit on 4-3-2010 by K J Gunderson]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by K J Gunderson

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
However, what ever One's assesment of me is, it does not give them license, nor right, nor does it become necessary for them to abuse the alien. I am perfectly content to answer any question, respond to any statement, as long as it is civil and thought out.

Maybe you should read this thread. Perhaps you should take a gander at the Open Minds Forum. You do not answer questions, you avoid them. What you do offer as answers is usually contradictory to the last set of answers you provided. You present half truths and lies with nothing to back you up. You came to a public forum where people tend to be critical of outragious claims and you are whining that people are abusing you because they do not believe you? Just prove yourself and people will stop. If you feel you are being abused, stop posting crap on internet forums. There is nothing your species or ours will gain from you posting on ATS so if it is only resulting in what you deem as abuse, then you only have you to blame.

So then, it isn't reasonable to expect Humans to behave in a civilized and marginally responsible manner?

You need to check some things ... most of what I've said has not been contradictory, except in your mind, I have not posted any lies. And yet you continue to accuse me of this.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

So then, it isn't reasonable to expect Humans to behave in a civilized and marginally responsible manner?

Not if you have lived on this planet and especially used our internet for any period of time, no.

You need to check some things ... most of what I've said has not been contradictory, except in your mind, I have not posted any lies. And yet you continue to accuse me of this.

Just because you insist that you have not lied or contradicted yourself does not make it true. Just about every single person posting here has pointed at lest one solid contradiction out to you. You respond with vague distractions and then just insist what they said never existed. This is delusional behavior and does more to take away from your credibility than anything else.

If you really want to keep emotions out of this, try just answering my questions with real answers and we will see how that goes.

Yabba Dabba Doo

[edit on 4-3-2010 by K J Gunderson]

[edit on 4-3-2010 by K J Gunderson]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
And I have offered evidence, though you don't seem to think it is valid. But, I could point out that evidence very much like mine is used in courts all the time.

Evidence in court is only valid when it can be considered proof of something.

if it were not for the fact that I have no "hard proof" that I'm an ET, I would not be permitted to post what I do.

So you are allowed to post evidence but not proof?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
No proof? Firstly, I have never claimed that what I have is proof. I called it evidence, go back and look at the title of the thread.


How is it "not proof" if it is you that fail?

How is it proof when you said you have no proof?

This is fun.

I truly look forward to you addressing each of the points I have raised.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
No proof? Firstly, I have never claimed that what I have is proof. I called it evidence, go back and look at the title of the thread.

Oh goodness, Anthra. You are a riot. From your deleted facebook page -

Hi, I'm Anthra an extraterrestrial. YES I have proof.

So you do have proof or do not have proof? Which is it? I would like to point out though that stating you never claimed to have proof is a lie because you did in fact claim to have proof. Where did you go, buddy?

Klaatu Barata Niktu

Even this is 100% complete. Need a link to your own facebook page? Google it and hit "cache." You will see that very little shows up but underneath your name is your cute little tagline about having proof. What is missing that you need to address this? What is missing that your friend needs to understand this? Help me help you try and answer for the many many contradictions you have made.

Please do not try your old trick of just denying that there are contradictions because I pointed out several and you just ignored them.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by K J Gunderson]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:04 PM

Oct 28, 2009, 10:22pm, JonCurcio wrote:
Oct 28, 2009, 4:53pm, mystiq wrote:There are even talks that after disclosure some people will be tricked into leaving, taken away to be "used" as resources, in the war effort and for workers.

What's stopping them from taking people now?

Absolutely nothing...and the do.

The difference is that "tricking" people into leaving gets them to go voluntarily, and thus many more will go. Abducting people has to remain "small scale" or too many alarms would be risen.

Etarzi od Oma

OK, so your people are working with the UN to get disclosure going but you just blew the whistle on the fact that they are stealing our people. That makes them hostile aggressors. Even if the governments have some kind of deal, you just told us - the people. That does not bode well for your mommy when she finally lands and opens the door. Believe I will be right in front with your quotes to make sure everyone knows what evil creatures you are. Thank you!

What does mommy think about you telling us that she plans on trying to trick us? I would think that would be a tad antithetical to what she is going for.

Kahli Maa

[edit on 4-3-2010 by K J Gunderson]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:13 PM

The reasons for "bothering" with any governmental body is protocol. The federation and my people are hard core believers in protocol.


There are even talks that after disclosure some people will be tricked into leaving, taken away to be "used" as resources, in the war effort and for workers.

Strong believer in the protocol of revealing your secret plan to trick people, are you? I am really starting to miss you.

Sim Sim Sallabim

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

I think you are trying a bit too hard.

I mean, what is is this, some sort of pathalogical vendeta again the alien? And, y'all think I need to get help.

I won't deny writting any thing you have found, but you have taken all of out of context, and add your own comments to imply a different meaning. I would cry "foul" and say something about it not being "fair" to me, but, you can't harm me. You can, however, harm your own species chances of beneficial contact with others.

It almost seems as if you want to prevent peacful contact with the Federation and my people, and promote contact with the Greys and their company. Unfortunately this will likely result in the enslavement of all 6.6 billion of you. So, keep up the good work, I'm sure your fellow Humans will thank you if a couple of years.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by AnthraAndromda]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:11 AM

OK, so your people are working with the UN to get disclosure going but you just blew the whistle on the fact that they are stealing our people. That makes them hostile aggressors. Even if the governments have some kind of deal, you just told us - the people. That does not bode well for your mommy when she finally lands and opens the door. Believe I will be right in front with your quotes to make sure everyone knows what evil creatures you are. Thank you!

Something you all need to know. The quote above is a rather serious and deliberate lie, I don't really want to guess at its full intent.

If you want to find the truth please visit my website at

Please follow your inner feeling, not the lies of those employed by negative forces.

Now, if we can, I would like to get back to the real issues ... the dataset I presented.

Peace and understanding

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Exactly which thread are you quoting from? How would anyone have a clue what you mean in any sense context without the link.

Because his posts are consistent and these are the positives.

It wasn't from his Andromedan Near Earth Thread, I just checked.

Edit to add: huh, a quote from open mind forums, from page 13 of his thread there. In no way was his answer relating to his own people, it was a generic answer because the possiblity of negatives harvesting had been brought up.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
reply to post by K J Gunderson

I think you are trying a bit too hard.

I mean, what is is this, some sort of pathalogical vendeta again the alien? And, y'all think I need to get help.

So you are not even going to try? You came here asking us to believe you. I am pointing out exactly why I do not believe you. You asked me to show you your inconsistencies. You asked me to point out your lies. I did so. Now that I have, it is trying too hard? Sounds like a cop out to me. I guess you really do not care if anyone believes you or not. Fortunately, anyone that can read can see how you obviously contradict yourself over and over again. Let them sit there as they are. You will not defend your words because you can not defend your words.

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