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You all seem to have theories on HOW it was done, but what about WHO and WHY???

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posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 07:36 PM
hi Gouryella, - You say "As you may know, there are explosives that do not simply detonate in the event of a jet fuel fire or a violent impact." I have to confess my ignorance & say I was unaware of that.

You also say "Delayed and controlled detonation is perfectly plausible even more so if the hijacked planes were also remotely controlled". Maybe so, but to put it mildly that's a pretty big "if" as regards the planes being remote controlled. If your theory of controlled demolition depends on the inclusion of remote controlled aircraft, we all end up running around in circles, - I know for sure that you're more well read in these matters than myself, but where is the evidence for remote controlled planes? A company was developing them? Surely you can't take the leap from that point A towards point B, namely, - because they were being developed they must have been used in the 9/11 attacks.

And regarding the demolition of 7, since I presume you believe it was brought down, I would genuinely like to know your view on the following point, which I may have made in a previous post, - why used controlled demolition, when it's so obvious? If these conspirators are so technologically advanced that they're employing remote controlled planes, it's surely incomprehensible that after no doubt years & years of planning the best they could come up with is, - Let's bring it down in a controlled demolition.

Why not have some of these cold-blooded assassins & operatives set fires throughout the whole of building 7? This is perfectly consistent given what has just happened to the Twin Towers. Let the fires burn all day. The building may collapse on its own. If it doesn't, so what? It will be so wrecked & gutted it can be brought down "officially". Any kind of official secrets/incriminating material it contains will be destroyed, and crucially, millions of people won't be wondering for generations to come - what the hell happened with building 7?

I really would like to understand the necessity for collapsing this building. It seems so absurd, and unnecessary. Obviously the conspirators would have covered every single minute aspect of the whole plot, and although you may disagree with me, I find it very difficult to comprehend how individuals with the intelligence to carry out attacks of such complexity, - remote controlled planes, voice morphing, electronic demolitions of a couple of the tallest buildings in the world - when it came to 7, simply said, - let's just collapse the thing.

If you were one of the conspirators, would you be happy with this? To my mind, it's actually the weakest element in any 9/11 conspiracy theory. I simply cannot understand why they would have included an element this bizarre in a plot that some believe was 10/15 years in the making. Every possible scenario re Building 7 would have been discussed for hour after hour after hour. They could have spent months, maybe a year, or more, simply discussing & experimenting on the best, and surely most realistic & less likely to be exposed, method of collapsing 7.

Experiments could have been done in some secret hangar on a building similar to 7, especially constructed for the purpose (though probably smaller, one would imagine!). They know everything there is to know about 7. They know how it will fall, they know how long the collapse will take, they know it will look like it's been deliberately brought down, - yet they still go ahead.

Why do this? In my view there is something deeply incongruous about a cabal of mass murdering highly intelligent conspirators who devote years & years to a fantastic & ghastly plot that on the one hand uses technology we might not even be aware exists, yet on the other is stumped when it comes to something as basic as bringing a building down without people knowing that it actually has been brought down.

And if this isn't puzzling, or rather infuriating, enough, there's no need to bring the building down at all!!!

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by GenRadek

What exactly did A&E4T do to counter? Just have a bunch of wild accusations based purely on speculation and assumptions, with nothing to back it up?

I just posted hard-core facts with "credible sources" and not from “some conspiracy website” either.
So making up outrages stories is what you have resorted to, to counter my statement in fact you didn’t even post a source to back up your crazy comments.

At lease I did back up my allegations with proven facts that’s more than you are willing to do!

Just have a bunch of wild accusations based purely on speculation and assumptions, with nothing to back it up?

Like your OS?

Where are their calculations? Where are their computer models? Where are their thousands of man hours doing research? Their "research" consisted of the same nonsense LC did. By staring at videos and then coming with some real beauties of nonsense.

You did not even read a single sources that I presented to you, that does answer all your questions.

Furthermore, A&E has shown the failed pseudo sciences that NIST has used and that is something that everyone can agree on.

By the way, I have read the "refutations" of NIST in those "journal of 9/11 studies". I have not seen so many holes in their claims, as I have here.

Why don’t you post all these holes in A&E report and do please, show all of us with “credible sources” with the "proper proven scientific findings" that prove A&E are all wrong?

I know you cant!

These are nothing more than rehashes of the original Loose Change boys' talking points. And to hang your hat on "research" done by two frat boys in their mom's basement, looking at grainy footage, and backed up by other armchair basement investigators, well, more power to you.

You certainly are entitled to your own “opinion,” but your” opinion,” are not facts.

Your ignorance precedes you again.

If there was not any truth into what I have presented then why have you not shown any credible sources to prove me wrong?

If everything I have presented to you “are nothing more than rehashes of the original Loose Change boys' talking points. And to hang your hat on "research" done by two frat boys in their mom's basement, looking at grainy footage, and backed up by other armchair basement investigators.”
Then why do you waste your time on me going back and forth spewing nothing but negative opinions about my information? What is your goal here? Does it make you feel wonderful to be so disrespectful and insulting to posters who try their best to present other alternative theories that have scientific support.

I thought ATS was a discussion forum to “find truth and deny ignorance.”
You have spent two years defending a proven lie the OS lie, only by given your negative opinions. Is this how we get to the truth to anything, by hand waving credible evidences, and insulting the posters that presents them?

How about you provide proof that A&E are wrong, by using ”credible sources” buy using ”credible science” with ”credible scientific findings” that other Architects and Engineers besides NIST can show that A&E are totally wrong?

You go back to ALL my sources in this forum, in this thread and you prove they are all wrong & everyone are lairs.

The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and

Scientists, Scholars, Architects & Engineers respond to NIST

The Missing Jolt:
A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis

Momentum Transfer Analysis of the Collapse of the Upper Storeys of WTC 1

Direct Evidence for Explosions: Flying Projectiles and
Widespread Impact Damage

Propping Up the War on Terror
Lies about the WTC by NIST and Underwriters Laboratories

[edit on 20-2-2010 by impressme]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:22 PM
the answer to your questions, is right here...

need anyone say anything more.... well yes, Lets Get'em and Getter'Done

[edit on 23-2-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:16 PM
I believe their were different entities involved for many different reasons. Working together in concert.

The oil companies needed a US military in the middle east to help business go safely and smoothly. We could easily relplace all foreign oil with alcohol - methanol but big oil controls every politician so that won't be allowed to happen.

The military industrial complex needed a false flag attack Pearl Harbor type crises to allow them to get a presence in the middle east. They may partially believe they are doing it for the good of the USA but we all know that many tax dollars disappear during these Wars.

The towers required some $200 million in renovations and improvements, most of which related to removal and replacement of building materials declared to be health hazards in the years since the towers were built. Other New York developers had been driven into bankruptcy by the costly mandated renovations, and $200 million represented an entire year's worth of revenues from the World Trade Towers. Due to liability the Port Authority had attempted to get permits to implode the towers, but were turned down due to the asbestos used in their construction. Disassembling the towers floor by floor would have been much too costly estimated in the billions. Six months before the 9/11 attacks the World Trade Center was "privatized" by being leased to a private sector developer. The lease was purchased by the Silverstein Group for $3.2 billion. . The finding in U.S. District Court in Manhattan means leaseholder Larry Silverstein may collect up to $4.6 billion, according to reports. [ 12/06/04]

The result of court ruling: Silverstein makes a huge profit off of the 9/11 attacks.

Radical Islam are only to eager to strike out at the Great Satan. Used as tools to cover up who is really pulling the strings. Some of those Hijackers probably existed and could have possibly run those jets into the buildings. If so, they were probably mostly brought into the country and trained by the CIA and FBI. Example below. This is just the tip of the iceberg that they can't keep secret. All public records.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Doctor Smith]

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Doctor Smith]

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Doctor Smith]

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