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You all seem to have theories on HOW it was done, but what about WHO and WHY???

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posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 02:56 AM
So let me start by saying that I do believe the events of September 11, 2001 were indeed the result of a conspiracy. An Islamic Terrorist Organization known as Al Qaeda conspired to get 19 hijackers on board 4 airliners armed with box cutters with the intent of crashing said airliners into the two towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and an additional unknown building in Washington, D.C. With the exception of Flight 93, this conspiracy was very successful. Now I will add that it is quite possible, if not indeed probable, that the boys at Langley, and the Whitehouse itself knew about the attacks beforehand, and did nothing to stop them. OK, but enough about me...

Now we have seen on this very forum almost everything that could possibly be dreamt up on the HOW, from thermite charges placed around the buildings in question to the planes being CGI and/or Holograms (my personal favorite)... But what about the questions of WHO would have done such a thing as to conspire to make the whole thing up, and more importantly WHY?

First let's look at WHO. Since a conspiracy such as this would require some of the smartest people around, the Government is out. Anyone with any kind of talent whatsoever works in the private sector, not as a civil servant. Civil servants tend to be those who fall into the middle, aka C students, so no brilliant masterminds there. The Military is out as well, since an action such as this would be against everything that those in Uniform stand for. That leaves the Private Sector, be it NWO, TPBT, the Bildebergers, the Masons, the Illuminati, etc. While they might have the resources ($$$), it would be sooooo much easier for them to outsource it to say, some foreign terrorist group...

Second let's look at WHY. Now I don't mean why they would wish to do such an act. I'm sure that the answer would be the obvious of Power, Control, and Greed. I mean WHY would they do it in such a manner like those proposed by the 'Truther' movement? You know, with the thermite and the CGI and the Holograms and the fake Airline manifests and such... It would be soooo much easier, whether it be the 'Gubermint', the NWO, TPTB, the Bildebergers, the Masons, the Illuminati, etc., to just give some organization like say... Al Qaeda the idea and then just clear a path and let them run with it!!! EASY PEASY!!! No muss, no fuss, no need to create some elaborate smoke screen, plenty of 'plausible deniability'...

Maybe, just maybe, those of you in the Truther Movement need to take a look at WHY you feel so passionately that the OS is BS... maybe the reason is within, not external... Because I have to tell you that the whole 'inside job' scenario just isn't logical... Not when there were, and are those who would be more than happy to commit such acts without having to hoist the dreaded 'false flag'...

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 03:19 AM
I never know what to think about 9 11, but if it was in inside job I always imagined it the way you are describing. That some radicals were allowed to do this. The thing that has always bugged me is building 7. I don't know if the 2 towers could withstand an airplane strike. maybe they can. maybe they cant. But wtf happened with building 7? What was in there? No one in their right mind can deny that it fell just like a controlled demo.

I'm not concerned with the who, why, or how. I just wanna know what was so important about building 7, because that was a demolition, and bombs could not have been planted in it that day.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Honestly Jax, the who and the why have both been answered by the "truthers" on several occasions. The answers seem to vary a little bit but they are out there.

I think that both sides are wrong. I don't think that Cheney was sitting in his evil headquarters pulling the strings making it all happen and silencing all parties. I also don't think that the biggest string of coincidences in history all managed to occur at the perfect time allowing 9/11 to unfold like the OS would have us believe.

A few select parties made vast fortunes off of the events of 9/11. Al Qaeda hasn't gained nearly as much. They have seen hundreds of thousands of the people that they care about die, nations toppled etc.

You are welcome to believe the OS if you want. To me it just seems like a much bigger fairy tale than believing the false flag side of it.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 04:40 AM
It was done by TPTB. That's for sure.

Why? Well that gold pass to start wars in any country with "terrorists" in it must have been very appealing to those with a thirst for blood and power...

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:22 AM
Analyzing this spectacle through the eyes of a truster,or a sortatruster as your intro indicated you were,as best as I am able,I come up with the following
tightens tinfoil hat a LOT)If the 19 were sorta allowed to do their deeds,for the motivations stated as religious in nature,there would be only one clear answer.This is ,ALLAH is GOD and HE made a Muslim Miracle happen because ALLAH is merciful,or somesuch attribute.And Bless the Prophet.Etc.(little tighter...)Wasn't even LIHOP,they pulled it off with Divine help,no doubt.Allah sent those interceptors out to sea.Allah placed allah those put options(another great pun)Allah made the steel disappear,allah made all the buildings owned by Silversteen fall,'cause we all(ah) know HE hates Jews,eh?But gave him a settlement$$$$I could go on,but having this point of view hurts,mostly due to tight hat-n-foil restriction.

On the other hand,wait let me waay loosen my tinfoil,phew,now as to Who and Why it REALLY happened,I'd start by re-reading the PNAC and who was there.See who got away with the contra resupply op,you know the one involving all the coc aine?They'd be the grunts as they were already on Cheney's"dark side" crew,eh?Skull and Boners(sorry,couldn't resist)seem to give it up for the 'team',remember S&B#2 giving it up for #1?Shrub was to keep out of the way,a-flying around while (vise)Prez Cheney sat in the bunker,"Of course the orders still stand!Have you heard anything to the contrary!?!"

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:38 AM
Oil, Money and powerplay is what is all about, follow the ones who made a sh!tload of money out of this event and you will see Who is behind. Maybe go through all the Bush family´s investment in oil and gun companies and the same goes for all the other War criminals in this farce.

For my country i can say that the invasion which our government supported with military aid from day one, the price was a NATO Secretary General job for our on that time Prime minister Anders Fogh.

Best regards


posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:46 AM

This scenario is the answer as to Who and Why we were attacked on September 11, 2001, Bloody Black Tuesday.

***Caution: Do not open if you find the discussion of 9/11 to be too emotionally stressful.***
The Black Pope and His Global Domination Plans Exposed

This page might better explain to you "why" 9/11 may have occurred. It is by no means evidence, but it is an interesting perspective that ties up many of the loose ends as to why the events on that day occurred and who was behind it. There are certain points I do not agree with (e.g.: References to Religion), but overall it does tie some of those unexplained inconsistencies together.

[edit on 17/2/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:53 AM
I've seen a lot of theories out there. But given recent history the one that seems most likely to me involves neo conservatives and bankers planning a false flag attack to take America into war for the PNAC.

But at the same time I think the real major target of the attack was WTC 7 because it contained the SEC.

What happened in the days before 9/11?

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:58 AM
Oh what a tangled web we weave.
I think that the who’s and why’s are going to be ultimately impossible to solve. If 9/11 was a conspiracy. Then the brains behind it have made it so complicated and so diverse that no one theory or idea can actually hold water.

You could almost come up with an “Information Overload” Psychological technique whereby there is simply too much information, too many possibilities t process. In fact, Bertram Ross wrote a book about information overload in a commercial sense, which backed up by researching whether it not having too much choice impedes decision making.

I think that yes there is a rat here with 9/11 and 7/11, but we will never know who or why.

As a clever tactic by someone there is simply too much information and too many possibilities that it impossible to determine which ones are truths, half truths and so one. Clever and simple really when you think about it.

And actual Hard Evidence does not exist. There is only peoples anecdotal evidence. There are only ideas. Which again complicates this further. So the only people who know what really happened, will never ever come forward. It would be impossible to track down any evidence to pin point it on one person or another. And, if someone high up did end up pointed a finger at someone 50 years from now, you can be rest assured that the accusation itself will be a lie to cover a lie to cover a lie.

I doubt very much anyone will ever know the full story...ever. And again if anything does come out in a few years., to this I can only say one thing.

“History is a set of lies agreed upon” – Napoleon Bonaparte

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:21 AM
To justify the invasion of Afghanistan and later Iraq

so there wouldnt be much opposition by you the people

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

I'll try to answer your questions about WHO and WHY.

The WHO:

If you look at the individuals who played a key part in the events leading up to,during the attack and after the attack(coverup), you'll see that a shocking percentage of them (over 50%) are jewish and may very well have divided loyalties resulting from dual American/Israeli citizenship. This list includes (but is certainly not limited to), the individuals who wrote the PNAC document that requires a 'new pearl harbor' to galvanize public and political support for the neocon agenda, Henry Silverstein who made over $ 2 billion profit from the insurance on the disaster of the collapsed towers, who leased the towers from the New York agency that was headed by another jew, with the litigated courst case over the insurance claim decided by a jewish judge. Another jewish judge then accepted the recommendation of Michael Chertoff(jewish with dual citizenship) who at that time was a Dept. of Justice official and later on became head of Homeland Security, to release the 100+ Israelis(at least some of whom were clearly working for Mossad) who had been arrested on suspicion of spying on the US. This included the five 'dancing' Israelis who were caught celebrating as the towers were falling. Their van was found to contain traces of explosives and they were later quoted on Israeli tv as saying that they were there to 'document the event' which means they had advanced knowledge of it.

The motto of Mossad is this. "By deception, shall thou make war". According to Webster Tarpley in his excellent book. 9/11: Synthetic terror, the reason why Bush flew west to Offut Air Base (headquarters of US Strategic Comand) instead of Washington on 9/11 was because the Secret Service had received an encrypted threat against Air Force One over their own secured communications channels and because of the implications that whomever was responsible for that threat, had access to secure communications and possibly even nuclear access codes, Bush decided to fly to Strategic Command HQ so that he could personnally countermand any bogus nuclear attack order that might appear to have come from him. Key elements of US military command and control software were developed by Israeli companies. How likely is it that Bin Laden in a cave somewhere was able to send that coded threat? Isn't it more likely that it had to have come from a sophisticated intelligence service like Mossad, using backdoors that Israeli software companies had built into their software? Was Al qaeda involved at all? Possibly although there is a lot of evidence, some of which has actually made it to the mainstream media, that Mohamed Atta and his buddies were patsies who were trained and controlled by US intelligence. Even if Al Qaeda were in fact involved, Mossad had become expert in infiltrating arab terrorist organizations and at the very least knew what was coming and decided to take advantage of it ie. making a financial killing from demolition of the towers. I'll also mention that an Israeli company, broke it's lease in the twin towers a week or two before the attack and an Israeli moving company operating in New York emailed it's employees that morning to stay away from the WTC.

Now for the WHY.

The zionists controlling the government of Israel and Mossad want a 'clash of civilizations' ie. war between the Christian west and Islam. Engineering an attack on the west and making it look like radical Islamists did it, would allow Israel to sit back and let the US do it's dirty work for it. At the same time, the attack gave the zionist the opportunity to demonstrate their complete control over the US military command and control system for future operations.

BTW, I'm not anti-semitic. I do not hate jews. I'm anti-zionist, as are more and more jews particularly a growing group of rabbis.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 06:46 PM
OK, for the record, I TRUST no one! I'm what you call a natural born skeptic... I think that EVERYONE is lying and EVERYONE has some agenda... Even the 'Truthers'... Some lie and full well know it... Some lie and think it's the truth...

With that said, to the poster who insinuated that the Military had some part in the events, BS!!! You have apparently NEVER worn the Uniform, thus you do not understand that those who do would never do such a thing, much less keep quiet about it for over eight years...

To those who still seem to think that the 'gubermint' is behind it, you GREATLY overestimate the ability and intelligence of your government.

Back to the why, I have yet to see anyone give a good logical argument that shows that it would have been easier for any entity to pull off the elaborate scam that 'Truthers' cling to than to just point Al Qaeda and the 19 scumbags resposible in the right direction and let them get all jihady and martyry on us...

What I really think is going on here is the influence of deeply held schema, the deeply held belief that the only way such a thing could have happened is if some secret, evil organization purposefully conspired to pull of some elaborate ruse on the rest of the world. The belief that the answer could not possibly be so simple and direct as the fact that an Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist Organization, with a track record of terrorist attacks against the US, could and would attempt and pull of such a detailed attack on such a grand scale... Considering how vehemently those here in this forum cling to this conspiracy, and demonize anyone who does not swallow it based on what is at best flimsy evidence, and at worst pure unfiltered horse hockey only tends to lend credence to this hypothesis...

To understand the 9/11 'Truther' Movement, I think one needs to look at the 'Truther', not the truth...

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 08:33 PM
As the old saying goes: "follow the money."Back in the final days of the Clinton administration we had PNAC issue their study for "Rebuilding America's Defenses."within that and the fact that the worlds oil supplies are dwindling lay the beginnings of the US attempt at Pax Americana.We have been in the empire building business for years now it's just now the government and military are more open about it. Now we have the liberal wing of the Republicratic party in the white house and they have fully embraced the philosophy of Full Spectrum Dominance.The terrorism/industrial complex has benefited greatly from this also look at how the defense contractors have made out the military had as much to gain from this next to W.'s neo-con handlers who are now considered "terrorism experts."and command large paydays on the speaking circuit and on the MSM.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
OK, for the record, I TRUST no one! I'm what you call a natural born skeptic... I think that EVERYONE is lying and EVERYONE has some agenda... Even the 'Truthers'... Some lie and full well know it... Some lie and think it's the truth...

With that said, to the poster who insinuated that the Military had some part in the events, BS!!!

What you just said, that you TRUST no one? Yet, you just demonstrated the military are 100 % honest, you just contradict yourself. You say YOU trust no one that you are a “natural born skeptic... I think that EVERYONE is lying and EVERYONE has some agenda...” I love it, but the military are the only organization in the entire world that has never lied.

You need to change your title on your thread to let’s attack Truthers.
Because, you clearly have demonstrated that you are not interested in hearing other alternatives theories about the OS.
The fact is, most people do not support the OS, only those that are in complete denial are supporting the government OS lies.
Perhaps, you might have an agenda.
To say we never wore a military uniform does not mean the military is innocent. That’s all ego, not my military, no sir, not mine.
The miliatary may be innocent or they may have been involved.

When I say this I am only talking about a handful of experts in demolition and aviation not the entire military, most of the military is in the dark when it come to what happened on 911.

[edit on 17-2-2010 by impressme]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by impressme
Impressme,I think many people can't fathom that the military will do anything to maintain their power and influence just like our elected reps I give our armed forces credit they cultivate the Rambo-GI Joe image so well that a good amount of people believe it and can't imagine that they would willingly stage false flag attacks.Operation:Northwoods was a "freak." occurrence if they have ever heard of it not to mention the gulf of Tonkin and the sinking of the Maine.

[edit on 102828p://4526 by mike dangerously]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by mike dangerously

I agree, some people think that our government and military cannot be corrupt.
Just think, Americans cannot be bribed, blackmailed, greedy, evil, or have their own agendas. Only everyone else in the world is untrustworthy but not our government or military, nope, not them. That is why the OS is so true to these people. Our questions have not been answered, like why were these alleged hijackers where allowed to fly around for an hour without being intercepted. All I have heard and read are some excuses, to why our military did nothing. Our government did nothing. The people in the Bush administration and some military commanders just sat and watched their whole show on television unfolded with such delight, knowing they were going to get their illegal war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Let me state that I am not in the group of people who believe 911 was perpetrated by our government BUT...

I do believe the event was allowed to happen and here is the HOW, WHO and WHY

How: By allowing the terrorists to get into the country and receive the training they needed and by planning the multiple war games regarding hi-jackings that were going on that morning. In this way no active participation was needed by those in power who allowed the event to happen and in this way they can defend the official story without technically lying because 4 planes really did get hi-jacked by the exact people they claim did it.

Who: The terrorists are those most directly responsible BUT an event this Earth shattering does not happen without plenty of fair warning and without the foreknowledge of those in power that we call the Elite. The Global Powers that Be have eyes and ears everywhere because they have money everywhere spread all over the world and countless people in all levels of government and commerce working for them... Do you honestly think something as Earth shatteringly devastating as the "new pearl harbor" would have gotten past them? There was a memo reading "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US" wasn't there? That alone should have been enough and yet... it still happened.

Why: WHY ELSE? Money and Power, the same motivation they have for everything else they do... We're talking about a group of Elites who are so rich they could end world hunger and global ignorance with half of their money and yet tens of thousands of people starve every day. If they are willing to allow thousands of children to die EVERYDAY I think they are willing to allow a few terrorists to blow up some buildings.

[edit on 17-2-2010 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by trueforger
Analyzing this spectacle through the eyes of a truster,or a sortatruster as your intro indicated you were,as best as I am able,I come up with the following
tightens tinfoil hat a LOT)If the 19 were sorta allowed to do their deeds,for the motivations stated as religious in nature,there would be only one clear answer.This is ,ALLAH is GOD and HE made a Muslim Miracle happen because ALLAH is merciful,or somesuch attribute.And Bless the Prophet.Etc.(little tighter...)Wasn't even LIHOP,they pulled it off with Divine help,no doubt.Allah sent those interceptors out to sea.Allah placed allah those put options(another great pun)Allah made the steel disappear,allah made all the buildings owned by Silversteen fall,'cause we all(ah) know HE hates Jews,eh?But gave him a settlement$$$$I could go on,but having this point of view hurts,mostly due to tight hat-n-foil restriction.

On the other hand,wait let me waay loosen my tinfoil,phew,now as to Who and Why it REALLY happened,I'd start by re-reading the PNAC and who was there.See who got away with the contra resupply op,you know the one involving all the coc aine?They'd be the grunts as they were already on Cheney's"dark side" crew,eh?Skull and Boners(sorry,couldn't resist)seem to give it up for the 'team',remember S&B#2 giving it up for #1?Shrub was to keep out of the way,a-flying around while (vise)Prez Cheney sat in the bunker,"Of course the orders still stand!Have you heard anything to the contrary!?!"

And I have to agree lol ..

Ok so all the official stories are LIES (thats obvious) their lies alone tell me something else happened other than what they are selling us or they wouldnt LIE AbOUT IT .........would they ?

And I agree with the poster who says there is information overload which to me was a very clever move to make for enough confusion that the truth is well hidden among it all and may never come to life .

I tend to believe the who is SATAN and all those who listen to him and do his will (The Masons,the Catholics,the Rick Warrens,The Governments,Law officials in high places,Bankers,huge big guys like the Rothchilds,the Jewish,Saudi,Egyptian,American evil men who have lots of money and power etc .The Media,those who are brainwashed by the official stories and dumbed down from too much TV

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by impressme

Gimme a frakkin' break! Awww, poor wittle twuffers gettin' picked on... BOO HOO!!! You guys pull the same line of crap out everytime someone doesn't buy into your paranoid delusion. You SCREAM about being attacked, or you launch into a tirade of ad hominems. Try a new tactic, would ya... And yes, if I gotta trust somebody, it's gonna be the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, thank you very much. At least these people are patriots to the core! They understand the concepts of Duty, Honor and Country and would NEVER turn their backs on those concepts for power. They crave no such thing, and you besmirch the memories of every Uniformed Patriot who ever died so that you could freely spout this tripe of a conspiracy when you accuse them of such behavior! Just because you lack the Testicular Fortitude to wear the Uniform, and you have some insane thermite laden, hologram driven unproven theory, you DO NOT have the right to take a big steaming dump on those who serve voluntarily!!!

Now if you can actually address some of the legitimate points that I raised in the OP or in the post that you cherry picked from (another famous 'Truther' tactic in dealing with skeptics), get back to me. In the meantime, you didn't impressme very much at all!

[edit on 17-2-2010 by JaxonRoberts]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:56 AM
There are many threads about that terrible day in september 2001 and I think that any thought about the who, why and how is welcome.

The only thing that frustrates me is there is little we can do and nothing will happen if there is nobody with the means and authority to investigate those (most interesting) thoughts.

I am starting to belief that the two party system in the US is part of the problem. With that I mean that it is vulnerable for being infiltrated and misused by powerfull forces. And I am convinced that this has happenend and is still happening.

If I was a detective I would start with investigating the people who I think told lies, benefit and have a common interest. It will not be hard to think of a few names right away.

Anyways.....does anybody knows what initiative and what the status is of the most promising action that is taken for a new reliable investigation?

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