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Looking for people who have been to the grey room

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posted on May, 14 2010 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
It's funny..... most people in this thread I almost read as one person, or the same energy signature, if that makes any sense.....while in other threads I feel each person differently.....

It's TRUTH. Most people on this thread are speaking the TRUTH they found it whatever language they can find to describe it.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 09:15 PM
I now know:

1. The others in the grey room went on ahead without me.

2. It is good that I was sent back.

3. The grey room was most likely in a spaceship orbiting near Earth, perhaps near the moon.

4. Other people who have not necessarily been in the grey room have also been told they have "jobs" to do.

5. There will be difficulties ahead but I am not worried.

6. The ships will come and take people off planet who are positive/kind of heart.

7. Some of us who will be able to leave know all this now but will choose to stay behind and survive on Earth.

8. There is a telepathic war being waged.

9. Other people are experiencing the "river." I think more people will experience it as the time grows closer.

10. There are people who know much more about what happened to me, but are not saying.

Although none of you (except NotThat) have been to the grey room, I was amazed to discover that there is definitely something going on and that other people are experiencing similar things. Somehow, some of us all over the world are being prepared for the to what that future will be, we'll all have to see.

I no longer have the need to continue this thread. One4all confirmed and expanded my own knowings, some things I hadn't even posted. That is what I was looking for all along, answers. Thank you for providing them!

Thank you to everyone else who posted or followed this thread. You helped me clarify my own experiences. I am extremely grateful to you. Some of you are going through similar experiences. I appreciate all of your contributions. They helped me see the larger picture and piece things together.

Now that I have the answers I was searching for, I won't be following this thread anymore. If you need to contact me, feel free to U2U me.

We all have our own jobs to do. Good luck in your searches. Be safe. Most of all, trust your instincts!

Gratefully yours,

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 12:26 PM
I just joined so that i could post in this thread.

I have to say I've never been to the grey room, or had any experience similar to it. However, the "river" described here was something i have experienced before. It was about 13 years ago. For me, it was a kind of meditative experience. I actually called it the "river of knowledge", because to me, when i entered it, it felt as though i was connected to every person on earth and i was overwhelmed with suddenly knowing the answers to everything. I remember the feeling that it all made sense now, and that it was so easy! The reason i called it the river of knowledge was because it felt to me like an out of body experience, like my consciousness stretched up, above my body and entered this invisible flowing stream of information that contained the thoughts, knowledge and memories of everyone on earth, and that being in this stream made everything so clear.

When i came out of it i fumbled around looking for a notebook to try and write down all this "knowing" or "understanding" that i was exposed to. But it all left me so quickly, and it was completely devastating that I couldn't hang onto it, that i couldn't remember. All i could remember, was that for a short time, i understood everything: god, the universe, history, future, everything....and it was so easy and made so much sense to me while i was there.

I think it's interesting that so many different people here seem to recognize this "river" and have experienced it. I would love to see a thread started on just this subject. ( As a new member, i can't start one yet.) I think that if we started a discussion on this topic, maybe we can discover how to go back at will. I would give anything to go back. I believe all the answers are there.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:21 PM
Daaaaaay dreeeeammmmeerrrrrr

Once I was meditating and had a daydream (or rather, night-dream because it was late) that a big tall alien knocked on my window.... I even creeped myself out with it... and then I was sitting on my bed! Imagine that... and then I was day dreaming again and low and behold, I was in a spaceship sitting on some kind of table! An alien look at me real, real close, got in my face.... and then I was on my bed again.

I attribute day dreams to too much television.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by SmokeJaguar67
I have never (to my knowledge) visited the grey room but I have read about it over the years and I have no idea what to make of it other than to hypothesis that it may be a room within an extraterrestrial space craft, a government facility or a drug induced fugue.

I know this is an obvious question but do you know what it is that you are waiting for?

What if the same drug administered to different people could take their mind to the same they could have been elsewhere and all be in this space in a great conscience mind....

or hidden area of our plane of existence or in between..

The only part of Indiana Jones I liked ( the newest one) was the end where he asked where they came from....and the answer....?

The spaces between spaces.....

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Taiji_lou
I was in a spaceship sitting on some kind of table! An alien look at me real, real close, got in my face.... and then I was on my bed again.

I had similar dream lately. I felt afraid of something, almost panicing, but then an alien face with very big black eyes looked at me very close and it calmed me down both mentally and physically. Interestingly I woke up suddenly and still felt my body relaxing. I don´t know was it just a dream or some sort of encounter with a real being, but it was nice

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 12:43 PM
Just letting you know I've been having recurring dreams of being in a large gray/white room - which I believe is a ship - waiting for assignment in some kind of work exchange program.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by VioletDawn
I actually called it the "river of knowledge", because to me, when i entered it, it felt as though i was connected to every person on earth and i was overwhelmed with suddenly knowing the answers to everything. I remember the feeling that it all made sense now, and that it was so easy! The reason i called it the river of knowledge was because it felt to me like an out of body experience, like my consciousness stretched up, above my body and entered this invisible flowing stream of information that contained the thoughts, knowledge and memories of everyone on earth, and that being in this stream made everything so clear.

Yep - that's it.

I don't think anyone could describe it the way you have - unless they've been there and experienced it - as I have also.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Waiting2

Check out the link of PC's David Wilcock video. At 12:53 He talks about Zero Time Reference where you are not quite in space time or time space but in between both and it appears gray.

Maybe this link will hopefully answer your question.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 07:27 PM
I had a need to reply again in this thread after reading a few more pages of it. I haven't been to a grey room (as far as I know), but I believe the people who speak of it and their visitations to it. I know it is real and it is a means to interact and communicate swiftly across minds on a higher level. It could serve to clearing and clarifying ones mind after you settle in. It very well could be some kind of holographic room in a ship, as suggested, because there are ET ships across and around Earth standing by and helping out. But I can't say this theory is entirely valid.

I have seen the movie Knowing as well and I want to tell you that the end part where the extraterrestrials take away the boy to survive is very emotional and real. I have seen the movie long ago, before I came across this thread. And though generally the atmospehere of the movie is what I could relate to as "creepy", when the beings showed their true form it felt just about right - true. To admit... I was crying while watching that scene. Can't really explain why, but I cry when I think about the ships around Earth too. And it's not tears of fear that I have, but tears of excitement and joy, eventhough it is much different from these emotions you would normally experience on Earth. One other mainstream film where I cried recently, was "The day the Earth stood still". The part where they discuss the fate of the planet and how people must change has truth to it. I would have cried, but being in the cinema with friends kept me off. As much as I like them, they didn't enjoy the movie and wouldn't get it.

As for the ships... After I started seeing some ships at night since 2009 and reading some things about it online, I see it as a possibility. I think there are multiple timelines of the future, thus multiple scenarios and outcomes. I don't believe future is entirely given.

If a doomsday event does occur, the plan of evacuation will come into play. Some people will be allowed to choose wheter they want to go or stay. The tricky part here is that both options are fine. There is no universal right or wrong. It depends on the individual. If it comes to leaving, there will be relationships and friendships devided, bonds unbound, but it will occur only in terms of our physical terms of understanding. All roads are different, but eventually they cross and come to the same end later on. That said, one will experience what they need to experience. If you should stay behind for whatever reason, be it. Listen to the voice inside of you. That is your true god.

As for me in particular - I know I will have the option to choose as well, and I would love to go, but deep down I know I will be staying, because I have strong bounds to support humanity, as much as they are sometimes a complicated race to work with. My place this lifetime is here on Earth and though I will experience ET presence, I fear my goal is not to leave permanently. I have a purpose. A purpose to do something until the year 2048 when I (my body) pass away.

If I leave when the starships show up, I will regret leaving loved ones behind. If I stay, I will regret not going and experiencing wonders beyond Earth. It will be hard, I know, for all of us. But as I said earlier, remember, whatever path you choose, it is the way it is meant to be. Whatever happens from now on, you stand firm and face your destiny without fear, but with courage. Noone is going to give you a map, you got to walk your own path. Believe in yourself and create your own destiny. Don't fear failure.

The last thing I wanted to adress were dreams. I wanted to ask, wheter you remember all of your dreams? The thing with me is this - I have dreams every night, sometimes multiple. They are very vidid and seem like experiences. Now, the thing is, I remember all of my dreams that I have had throughout the years. And they all are saved somewhere - either my brain memory or higher conciousness. Accessing them randomly is easy and instant. Sometimes they pop up randomly. What fascinates me most is that my mind doesn't discard them as dreams, for me they are regular experiences and events, just like in the daily physical world/realm. They feel the same. Remembering I was in school doing an exam feels the same as when I was parkouring around the city or meeting with people I don't know in the 'dreams' - if you get what I mean. Even more bizzare is the fact that these various dreams, or rather 'other realm experiences' sometimes continue. Like - one night you do a certain thing and three days later the experiences continues where it left off earlier. At some points I wake up remembering certain things which I need to look up online what they mean. Like for example yesterday - I woke up with the need to look up 'asparagus'. Never heard f it before, nor used it in English (it's not my default langugae). These things happen.

Last thing I wanted to mention is that throughout my life I have felt a certain burden. Don't know what it is or was, but it needs to go away. Maybe it is 2012, hard to say. The ideal world I would like Earth to become is a society where there is no need for money, politics, cover-ups, lies, advertisements, negativity, evil, dark, work, etc. People are so obsessed with their everyday common problems it is just nuts. Not to mention all the secrets kept inthe dark. I do hope that Earth becomes really a nicer place. Maybe then I will really be happy to stay, instead of scouting the stars. May peace be always with and within you.

P.S. There is much more I probably wanted to mention and forgot, so I apologize for that.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 11:29 PM
The gray space & gray room - - - are not the same thing.

In my opinion - - the gray space happens in an OBE - - and is energy/spirit related.

In my opinion - - the gray room is an actual room - probably on a craft of some sort.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Waiting2

Check out the link of PC's David Wilcock video. At 12:53 He talks about Zero Time Reference where you are not quite in space time or time space but in between both and it appears gray.

David Wilcock is quite interesting. I've never listened to him before. I have no reason not to accept his knowing.

As I've stated before - - I live with my experiences and guidance I kind of absorb like a sponge. I do not study or read in-depth about this stuff. My guides are very cautionary about False Prophets.

I have always described the "gray place" as feeling like a mother's womb. (Some refer to as a river. I don't get any river feeling.)

[edit on 23-5-2010 by Annee]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Cybernet
[...] I have dreams every night, sometimes multiple. They are very vidid and seem like experiences. Now, the thing is, I remember all of my dreams that I have had throughout the years. [...] Accessing them randomly is easy and instant. [...] Even more bizzare is the fact that these various dreams, or rather 'other realm experiences' sometimes continue. [...] At some points I wake up remembering certain things which I need to look up online what they mean. [...]

The classical explication would simply be you are having half-lucid and maybe lucid dreams, and very good memory (possibly a physiological "problem" -of course relative to how you feel about it-, if really clear, named "hyperthymesia"). As long as you do not have significant difficulty effectively differentiating them in your everyday life (minor details is generally not a problem), it is not associated to schizophrenia. Dream continuation is not uncommon, and can be more or less common for some people (and I suppose in you case it could easily be linked to your good memory). The thing about words to look up could be random dream content (and while you may not consciously remember, you may well have just seen this word somewhere, and again, it is quite easy to see a link to your good memory).

As far as I'm concerned, most of my dreams have been half-lucid for 6-7 years, and I have had quite a few lucid dreams during this period. It can easily be very much like "reality", with all our five sensations, and it may sometimes even feel more "real" (warm colors, clarity of the sensations, freshness of the mind, etc.). I seldom remember less than 3-5 dreams per night. However, I very seldom write them, and they are mostly problematic and negative, and already well analyzed, so I generally forget about them rapidly, but I can remember various elements regularly. My dreams are seldom continued between nights, but regularly are during the same night, although it generally derives rapidly toward another story. I have had 5-6 dreams in which I knew I had to search for some word or URL on the Internet (a quite classical thing for my in "reality"), including knowing I had to wake up first. However, I generally have difficulty remembering their precise writing. In one case I remembered an URL fully, but it was inexistent, so likely just random syllables (in lucid dreams, it is common for words, and even letters, to be messed up, notably when you concentrate on them).

Originally posted by Cybernet
The ideal world I would like Earth to become is a society where there is no need for money, politics, cover-ups, lies, advertisements, negativity, evil, dark, work, etc. People are so obsessed with their everyday common problems it is just nuts. [...]

There has never really be any need for them. It is simply mostly a basic construction to try to protect oneself from previous problems (starting with tribal conflicts around territory, food, water, reproduction, etc., progressively intellectualized, with "vengeance", weapons, and wars), and more globally from the fear of the void, of the loneliness, and of the existence. This construction being mostly very superficial, limited, and counterproductive, and often plain negative for all. The cause is lack of reflection, reasoning, and analysis, to fully understand the problems, and determine the best solutions. It is of course however quite difficult in practice, to reflect, reason, and analyze, when the problems are now so global, massive, and interdependent. Yet this is the only real complete solution. Even if we got any well-managed external help, it would only be to help us start this process. And this is not a requirement. I do plan for it, including simply because it is a bit reassuring, but the transition can likely go on fully without any external help.

Understanding the past, deconstructing the present, reconstructing the future.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Once I had most of my answers, I decided it is more important to spend time appreciating the present instead of trying to deconstruct the past.

However, I guess you guys don't want to stop this thread.

I didn't expect new people to sign up just to respond to this thread. Okay. I'll continue checking it and responding, but not as often.

[edit on 23-5-2010 by Waiting2]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by VioletDawn
I just joined so that i could post in this thread.

I have to say I've never been to the grey room, or had any experience similar to it. However, the "river" described here was something i have experienced before. It was about 13 years ago. For me, it was a kind of meditative experience. I actually called it the "river of knowledge", because to me, when i entered it, it felt as though i was connected to every person on earth and i was overwhelmed with suddenly knowing the answers to everything. I remember the feeling that it all made sense now, and that it was so easy! The reason i called it the river of knowledge was because it felt to me like an out of body experience, like my consciousness stretched up, above my body and entered this invisible flowing stream of information that contained the thoughts, knowledge and memories of everyone on earth, and that being in this stream made everything so clear.

When i came out of it i fumbled around looking for a notebook to try and write down all this "knowing" or "understanding" that i was exposed to. But it all left me so quickly, and it was completely devastating that I couldn't hang onto it, that i couldn't remember. All i could remember, was that for a short time, i understood everything: god, the universe, history, future, everything....and it was so easy and made so much sense to me while i was there.

I think it's interesting that so many different people here seem to recognize this "river" and have experienced it. I would love to see a thread started on just this subject. ( As a new member, i can't start one yet.) I think that if we started a discussion on this topic, maybe we can discover how to go back at will. I would give anything to go back. I believe all the answers are there.

Yes, I thought of it as the River of Knowledge as well. Like you, I found the knowedge an incredible gift. I felt like all my questions, even ones I didn't know I had, were answered. Like you, everything suddenly made sense. You're right, all answers are there.

However, I don't think you can live both there and here for too long. Part of being human is the search for answers. I don't think we were supposed to hold on to all the answers. There is no purpose if you already know all the answers. Know what I mean?

It was painful to leave because of that feeling of completeness, oneness, absolute understanding. Like I'd finally finished a quest. For a long time all I wanted was to go back there. Now, though, I am not actively searching to go back there again. I know we will when we "die." That is enough for me.

It was a gift to go to and see that place. I believe it really is a physical place. It taught me that we are all part of each other. It made me see the oneness in everyone and love everyone.

Thank you for joining just to post to this thread. When you post at least 20 times (I think) you are able to post your own thread. Perhaps if you start your own, you'll find others who have experienced the same thing.

Look for the commonalities. We all use different terms to describe that place, but you can tell when someone has been there by the struggle to describe it.
I think you know what I mean. Good luck in your own search!

[edit on 23-5-2010 by Waiting2]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85

Originally posted by SmokeJaguar67
I have never (to my knowledge) visited the grey room but I have read about it over the years and I have no idea what to make of it other than to hypothesis that it may be a room within an extraterrestrial space craft, a government facility or a drug induced fugue.

I know this is an obvious question but do you know what it is that you are waiting for?

What if the same drug administered to different people could take their mind to the same they could have been elsewhere and all be in this space in a great conscience mind....

or hidden area of our plane of existence or in between..

The only part of Indiana Jones I liked ( the newest one) was the end where he asked where they came from....and the answer....?

The spaces between spaces.....

Anything is possible.

However, I can tell you this: I NEVER took a drug. Your hypothesis does not apply is this case.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Waiting2

Check out the link of PC's David Wilcock video. At 12:53 He talks about Zero Time Reference where you are not quite in space time or time space but in between both and it appears gray.

Maybe this link will hopefully answer your question.

I went to the time and it wasn't there. Perhaps it's a different time other than 12:53?

This was a physical place. I WALKED on the floor. I think it was a room in a spaceship. Or, a room on another planet. I definitely was not on Earth any more.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Cybernet
The last thing I wanted to adress were dreams. I wanted to ask, wheter you remember all of your dreams? The thing with me is this - I have dreams every night, sometimes multiple. They are very vidid and seem like experiences. Now, the thing is, I remember all of my dreams that I have had throughout the years. And they all are saved somewhere - either my brain memory or higher conciousness. Accessing them randomly is easy and instant. Sometimes they pop up randomly. What fascinates me most is that my mind doesn't discard them as dreams, for me they are regular experiences and events, just like in the daily physical world/realm. They feel the same. Remembering I was in school doing an exam feels the same as when I was parkouring around the city or meeting with people I don't know in the 'dreams' - if you get what I mean. Even more bizzare is the fact that these various dreams, or rather 'other realm experiences' sometimes continue. Like - one night you do a certain thing and three days later the experiences continues where it left off earlier. At some points I wake up remembering certain things which I need to look up online what they mean. Like for example yesterday - I woke up with the need to look up 'asparagus'. Never heard f it before, nor used it in English (it's not my default langugae). These things happen.

Last thing I wanted to mention is that throughout my life I have felt a certain burden. Don't know what it is or was, but it needs to go away. Maybe it is 2012, hard to say. The ideal world I would like Earth to become is a society where there is no need for money, politics, cover-ups, lies, advertisements, negativity, evil, dark, work, etc. People are so obsessed with their everyday common problems it is just nuts. Not to mention all the secrets kept inthe dark. I do hope that Earth becomes really a nicer place. Maybe then I will really be happy to stay, instead of scouting the stars. May peace be always with and within you.

I remember many dreams, but not all of them. I have dreamt something one night and then had the dream continue the next night. And yes, my dreams can be quite vivid and detailed.

You may want to keep a log of all of your dreams to see if there is some sort of connection.

As for asparagus, if you plant it, it'll grow for up to 20 years in your garden. Once you plant it, you don't have to worry about it. You just can't eat it the first year. I like asparagus (it's an expensive vegetable). You may want to try it sometime before deciding to plant an entire garden bed full of it.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Waiting2

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Waiting2

Check out the link of PC's David Wilcock video. At 12:53 He talks about Zero Time Reference where you are not quite in space time or time space but in between both and it appears gray.

I went to the time and it wasn't there. Perhaps it's a different time other than 12:53?

It begins talking about this at 12:53 (the large time numbers - not the running time at top). You need to listen for about 10 min.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Waiting2

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Waiting2

Check out the link of PC's David Wilcock video. At 12:53 He talks about Zero Time Reference where you are not quite in space time or time space but in between both and it appears gray.

Maybe this link will hopefully answer your question.

I went to the time and it wasn't there. Perhaps it's a different time other than 12:53?

This was a physical place. I WALKED on the floor. I think it was a room in a spaceship. Or, a room on another planet. I definitely was not on Earth any more.

I found it just before 22:00.

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