posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 09:22 PM
Wow.. I am having a very interesting conversation with my mother.
She has the location of NZ correct, but when I asked, she swore that we dropped 3 bombs on Japan, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Koyoto, and that Mandela
died in the 70's and when she found out that he was alive she was surprised, because she KNEW that Mandela was dead.
I asked her if she could have been confusing Biko with Mandela, and she did concede it is possible.
And when I asked her if Billy Graham was alive or dead, she said emphatically, he's dead. He finally gave up the ghost.
My reply to her was Mom, Billy Graham is alive, and she exclaimed WHAT? Yes, mom, Graham is alive... Here is the interesting part... She then tells
me, I thought he died and his DAUGHTER took over running the ministries.
I told her, sorry Mom, you've time slipped...
Here is my problem... She and I both remember "Tank Man" of the Tienanmen Square protests being killed. I am adamant to that. I am happy to admit
that I could remember maps wrong, OR that I remember maps correctly, but they were actually wrong, but I stand firm on remember "Tank Man" getting
killed, crushed by the tanks.
When I read an above post saying that wasn't so, for me, that was a shock, much like my mother's WHAT??!! There could be no way. I remember that
that he was crushed by the tanks.