+12 more
posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 07:15 PM
If you're experiencing such things, do yourselves all a favor and first:
Try and debunk yourself. (Yeah, I am pretty adamant Australia was located in the middle of no where.)
If you cannot debunk yourself, take the following steps to try and find further discrepancies with what you remember as your previous time line,
reality, dimension, whatever.
You can do this by;
Researching historical facts that you remember, such as World War 2, or certain events that took place, famous people that died, when they died, etc,
bombings, etc.
Also, another thing to do. Search through your friends and families facebook, myspace, etc.
Look at photos, comments, and what have you and see if you can notice any differences.
Please, use this thread to describe as many differences you can find with your "time line" phenomena to try and build a corroborating story with all
those who have experienced any type of time line shift....
I myself have found some interesting discrepancies on my friend's and families photos, stuff looking out of place etc. I'd like to see if anyone
else has found anything like this.
Also, all those who know me on this forum understand that I for the most part, am very damn analytical and will try and debunk something before I bite
into it. So before this thread takes a lift off, which I'm hoping it does, please understand I may just have a really, really, really horrible
memory, I'm not ruling that out.