posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:16 AM
I know this is an old thread, but Ive only just found it and have something to add. Hopefully others are still lurking around for discussion.
I've been an avid reader of ATS for several years now, though have never posted. This thread struck me in such an oddly familiar and personal way
that it moved me to register and post a reply of my own.
I have experienced almost all of what you previous posters have posted. It has been occurring as long as I can remember, although I have always just
put it down to "my mind playing tricks on me." I have never mentioned it to anyone. I am relieved now to learn that others experience these
This is my story.
Time acceleration / Compression
I experience this almost daily. Normal activities are just taking abnormal quantities of time, in both directions. I either experience getting a
large amount of things done in a ridiculously short period of time, or getting nothing done over several hours. It's not a matter of being motivated
one occasion and lazy the next. Rather, it's going into each with about the same expectation. The hardest to understand are the times when I feel
I've lost time. It's as if I re-awake from a trance. These are most often when I am alone, on the computer. I know what you're thinking. I'm
just jumping from link to link, getting involved, but that's not quite it. It is more like I stall on one page and can't finish reading it. When I
look up at the clock, an hour has passed. I still can't focus or remember what I've read.
Dead Celebrities
I would say that dozens of times when hearing or reading a news report of a celebrity death that I think "Didn't they die ______ years ago?" Jack
Palance was certainly one of them. Walter Cronkite was another.
I was shocked to hear during the World Cup that Nelson Mandela was going to miss the game due to his grand-daughter's death. In my memory he had
died several years ago. It was not in prison, like some of you have reported. I remember him being released from prison and later being elected
president of South Africa with the end of Apartheid. He died several years after that.
Another death and probably the most striking to me in it's clarity, was the death of Brad Delp, the lead singer of the 70's band Boston. Growing up
in the 70's, I was a big fan of Boston, as were all the other kids I knew. Their songs were on the radio every few minutes. So when I read that he
died of an apparent suicide, I read the story from start to finish, and probably back again. I was sitting in my kitchen, it was late at night and I
was reading the news online, like I always do. By the next morning, the story had faded from my thoughts, so I didn't discuss it with anyone. A
while later, I thought about it again, and thinking it odd that nothing further had been reported, I googled. I found nothing further. It didn't
strike me as odd. Instead I felt. "Poor Brad, a few years out of the public eye and you're forgotten." Anyway, nine months or a year later when
he actually died, I was absolutely shocked. Up until now, I thought perhaps I had a pre-cognitive episode, but now I think it may be related to
Misplacing things
I do this several times a day, so it is perhaps easily explained in most cases. I lose something that was literally just in my hand. Sometimes I
find it in a spot that I afterward remember having put it in. Other times, I find it somewhere that is inexplicable. There is no possible way that
it should have been there, in time or distance. I don't have specifics because it happens that often. Some other times I find it in a place that
was thoroughly searched, or even back in MY HAND! These instances make me believe I am losing my mind.
News Stories
Just like the story about Brad Delp, there have been multiple other news events I have read online only to have re-reported days later. In the
beginning I would protest to those around me that the event had happened three days ago. The awkwardness of explaining my comments has kept me silent
since. A few years ago, it was happening to me on a regular basis. It wasn't only major news stories, sometimes just an interest story. The
frequency of these occurrences has decreased to almost none right now, however.
Land Masses
I too have noticed the differences in the continents of the world, but put it down to the improvement in maps and still believe that. I remember
clearly the maps that i day-dreamed on in grade school. They showed the earth in a projection that distorted those masses in the extreme north and
south latitudes. There was even a small disclaimer somewhere on the legend that said something like "Some land masses are not shown to scale". The
United States and Western Europe were depicted rather close to accurate, so it satisfied the greater part of the curriculum focus in geography and
social studies. American Isolationism, I guess. I've never traveled between these places personally to develop any kind of marker in my mind to
determine accurate distance. One or other of the maps could be inaccurate and I would have no way of verification.
The Feeling of awakening
There are times, very seldom and subtle, that give me the feeling that I am entering back into my body, not that I had any recollection of where I had
been, but rather like I was re-surfacing from a dream or a trance. It's as if I shake the fog away from me and see things much more clearly or
vividly. Like I said, this is a rare occurrence.
The feeling of hot or cold on my face
I know this sounds fringe, but I sometimes experience an unexplained change in temperature that i feel most profoundly on my face. It's as if I
walked out into the sun or the chill of the night, yet was in neither place. In some cases there may be plausible explanations, draft, etc., but in
others it is highly unusual.
That's all for now. I think I should probably end here, in fear that my first post be edited for length.
Thanks for listening.