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The Ultimate act of Evil.

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posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:33 PM
Wow ! The Ultimate Act of Evil?
I've heard some real horror stories that came out of Croatia not long ago,
I have family there.
The one that Still disturbs me the most:

on an individual level person to person,

A couple of (fill in the blank) soliders?, took this family, husband , pregnant wife, tied him up, raped her, cut her baby out while she was alive, kicked it around, then shot it, then shot the woman in the head, the entire time the husband was watching this, then they cut his head off.
THAT to me is the ultimate evil, that state of mind required to accomplish that.

On a global level I'd say it would be killing ALL LIFE . Everything!

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 05:07 PM
A few answered that 'murder' was the ultimate act of evil.
It this is true, thousands of Souls a day bear witness.
The people, over 6.8 Billion strong?, have no voice?

Well, 'subjects' don't get respect, by design.
If one is a subject or Not, it is their choice.
Not to act when your conscience speaks is.....Not to Act.

On the other hand, when and if One finds themselves in a situation like 'this', Knock, knock, hello? would one rather be armed or Not? I believe there is only one logical answer here. Your 'relatives' knew how to defend themselves; otherwise you would not be 'here'. It's an inherent and natural Right to defend one's self and property. If one were to trek to the jungle, the evidence is 'all' around for the Seeing. Nature doesn't lie, the the 'tube' or tele is The prompter though the 'free' internet is the 'natural' way. Access to truth, always Is, a natural 'inclination, no? Your Rights Are inalienable, if You say so or rather, Do so.

They Are As subjects and are treated as such.
Only both parties are not content.
I should suppose? that this is by design as well.
It would seem Reasonable that there are human natural laws as there are 'other' natural laws in the universe; Gravity, fission, fusion, fathom

The definition of 'insanity' could be best summed up as: "It is insanity to do the same thing, the same way, over and over and expect a different result. ~Albert Einstein~ Not 'perfect' though had a knack for logic and an "I" for nature.

Truth Is self evident when 'heard'.
'Boiled frog' concept comes to mind.
Maybe that's just me.....?

[edit on 14-2-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 05:33 PM
Which considers more evil? Hitler committing these evil acts against man, or the British Intelligence and the Power Elite helping to fund him which put him into the power he had? We all know that Hitler had outside help. Whomever helped Hitler get into power, they are just as much to blame for creating a monster.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 05:41 PM
As a product of our incapability of truly experiencing greatness and sadness, we uphold anything that tries to further rationalize our lifestyle, as if that was the answer to our problems. We welcome the world of credit cards, fast food and sperm banks, because we're no longer interested in what life has to offer. Life has become a means of paying bills and voting, not contributing to things that might inspire us to overcome our selfishness and reach out to other people, to the magic in life. We're operating mechanically, desperately crying over poverty in Africa and "intolerance" in the Middle East. But underneath, we pity ourselves, because we're the ones that are poor, living soulless lives, protecting our lifestyle out of pure fear of what might discover the truth. And, worst of all, we cannot understand our own reason of being, because we deny ourselves the right to create one. As a result, we'll never die, since we have never truly lived. This is "evil".

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by brokedown

Interesting, by that account Judas Iscariot blasphemed against the Holy Spirit by taking 30 pieces of silver and betraying the son of God.
And he knew better too, he witnessed all the many miracles first hand, he knew it to be God's son. Historically there is no greater betrayal by a human and by extension evil. To commit evil acts without ignorance or insanity but with full knowledge that you know exactly what you are doing, but especially an act of betrayal.

Betrayal against those that love and trust you with their lives, is a great evil.
Maybe that's why infidelity, hurts the innocent spouse so much.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 05:52 PM
I think the Murrah Building Bombing has to be somewhere on the list. When your government for it's own entertainment can bomb a day care center and try to use it for an excuse to go after people who want to limit government with a Constitution, that has got to be on the list.Our government has become a haven for waco's, pun intended, who watched too many Rambo movies as children and want to turn the world into their gigantic gory playground, I think King George III ( of England not the Bushes) was a way better ruler then what passes for government by the people here. The Boston Massacre only killed a few people, but they had printing presses. We have computers and copy machines, web sites and talk shows, but no free press.
I think our government crossed the line long before 911, they crossed it in 1963. With that act they have thrown law away and rule by force, paying lip service to law less and less and less.
But I think the conditioning of our military to be gung ho Rambo style murderers, maybe their mentors learned it in Vietnam and maybe their trainers were Gestapo, has bleed over into our government and ends up with operations like Waco and Murrah and Dallas

[edit on 14-2-2010 by m khan]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 05:55 PM
Evil or good are completely subjective to the moment and relative to the same.

I see a group of 1 million chinese soldiers massing for an attack on my position.

I launch a tactical nuke and they are no more than a bad memory.

Should I have guilt? I'm alive, they're dead, and I will live to fight another day. No guilt or remorse. The die was cast and they came up short.

Is this evil?

Now, if I were Leader of the World (hmmm.)

I have a group of people that will not abide by the laws of my Planet.

I dont like the way they dress lets say. Nose rings, tongue piercings, thimble earrings, and saggy pants.

I poison their food in a way the only they die and everyone else is fine.

1 million, poof! gone.

Is this the same as the above? 1 million are still dead.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:01 PM
I find the abuse of children. Much less when the rapists are protected by the people who should by defenition be protecting the children. I just came across this story and am physically sick from the details of it all. See for yourselves ...

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Ghost in the Machine

Originally posted by Ghost in the Machine
What would you consider the ultimate act of evil?

The neglect, abuse or murder of a child.

I can think of no greater evil.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:17 PM
I would say the behavior and apparent goals of the NWO/Illuminati would be the ultimate evil. The complete subjugation and enslavement of people turning them into more or less mindless zombies without free will is the the worst evil. To restrict a human so that it can not pursue it's spiritual well being (faith) is the ultimate evil. Fortunately, higher powers will never allow such a plan to reach fruition, those the perpetrators are given some free will to express and exhaust such perverse karmic conditions.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
reply to post by brokedown

by that account Judas Iscariot blasphemed against the Holy Spirit by taking 30 pieces of silver and betraying the son of God.
And he knew better too, he witnessed all the many miracles first hand, he knew it to be God's son. Historically there is no greater betrayal by a human and by extension evil. .

That is interesting, I listened once to a two hour sermon about how Judas probably didn't think that Jesus would let himself be taken and crucified and was just looking for a way to make some extra money.But the rest I agree with you on.

Betrayal against those that love and trust you with their lives, is a great evil.
Maybe that's why infidelity, hurts the innocent spouse so much.
I think you can apply this same kind of reaction to betrayal of trust to our government's black ops. We have trusted our government and they have betrayed us and keep betraying us and we keep ignoring their previous betrayals until it is getting rediculous. In Revelation it talks about the Beast at the end times, but I thing our democratically elected government IS the Beast.

[edit on 14-2-2010 by m khan]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by ReelView
I would say the behavior and apparent goals of the NWO/Illuminati would be the ultimate evil. The complete subjugation and enslavement of people turning them into more or less mindless zombies without free will is the the worst evil. To restrict a human so that it can not pursue it's spiritual well being (faith) is the ultimate evil. Fortunately, higher powers will never allow such a plan to reach fruition, those the perpetrators are given some free will to express and exhaust such perverse karmic conditions.

100% agreement here. We are all slaves, without knowing it, and responsible for our own food and shelter. Our human spiirt has been suppressed. We are controlled, brainwashed and suppressed.

Try waking up in such a good mood that you want to dance in the street naked rather than going to work. Do your neighbours join in and celebrate life, or do you get fired, thrown in jail and kciked out of your house?

Fortunately, the humkan spirit is strong enough to get through this. People power will win. But its a long road. people need to wake up and start thinking for themselves and questioning anything that does not seem right. dont take it any more.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:30 PM
You're collegue would feel different, I assure you, if everyone remotely like him were rounded up and threatened with genetic extinction. Even better if his mother or father or wife and children had been rounded up under these terms. I would bet he or she could answer their own question then, emphatically. Although it wasn't a legal crime until 1948 under the terms of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide as General Assembly Resolution 260, I think the majority of the world can agree that morally and ethically you are indeed a monster if you perpetrate this kind of act on any tentacle of mankinds genealogy. If you support or agree with this type of behavior, you are likewise, categorized as a monster because the only difference between you and the monster who did that you don't have the pecuniary means to do it yourself. Furthermore, when many saw the horrors of what hitler did some killed themselves (as Germans) and some of the Germans and Allies who saw these horrors, vomited profusely. I think this qualifies for more testimony than a "gut feeling". Genocide is man trying to play GOD when he has been trusted as the "head of state" (such as Hitler was) It never gives anyone a right to try to extinguish a race simply because YOU don't like someting about them.......I assure that they have many dislikes about the oppressor as well. Should all monsters that kill enmasse be rounded up themselves and exterminated? I suppose then THEY would want a fair trial. It's wrong and there has never been a more pointless discussion.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by loam
reply to post by Ghost in the Machine

Originally posted by Ghost in the Machine
What would you consider the ultimate act of evil?

The neglect, abuse or murder of a child.

I can think of no greater evil.

How about someone who knows about this neglect and does nothing to report it because .."it's none of their business", that's pretty bad too.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

Yes. At best, it places them in the evil henchmen category.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by treetraveler

'to have the ability to recognize evil and do nothing to stop it...'

You hit it, mister. Right on the head. A million stars for you.

Here is what happens in said person's mind next: they try to figure out how to capitalize on their compromise, and lose the discernment, and justify it with popularity and dollar signs. Next, ridicule follows, against anyone bold enough to call it out, helping to entrench their gains, as others follow.

THAT statement is the best reason I can think of for preferring solitude.

It also helps justify why 'Hitler' belongs nowhere near the 'ultimate evil' category.

[edit on 14-2-2010 by davidmann]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:54 PM
Jesus said "Greater love hath no man than this,that a man lay down his life for his friends."

Conversely, the greatest evil must be murder. Our government is murdering people right and left on our behalf. Call it collateral damage, call it whatever, how guilty are we?

[edit on 14-2-2010 by m khan]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by m khan

Anyone can lay their life down for their friends, not just Jesus. To forgive people who are evil is just beyond the scope of man, esp. if it's the goody goody type of evil that just sits there lurking in the rafters taking potshots at people whose ass is on the line every time they point out the evil. Cell phones and their thought-interactive bandwith are going to win all mental real estate unless we pull them down. Not likely to happen, eh?

The more minutes you use, the more likely you are evil.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 07:24 PM
The ultimate act of evil is to do nothing when you could have done something to stop the wrong.

Well that teaches me to respond without reading all replies.

But yeah, doing nothing is it.

[edit on 14-2-2010 by Ahabstar]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Ahabstar

So you are saying that all the people who know that 9/11 was an inside job and are not proactively telling their friends and spreading the word are evil?

I almost agree. People power will prevail, but we must keep speading the word.

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