John Lear first in 2004 and afterwards in 2007 has made in USA publicly an impressive “disclosure” about the Moon, a cubical "Soul Capture
Machine" there, and several other interesting information concerning the Alien presence in our close proximity space and their agenda.
First study the following:
Here in this site there is also a letter from an unknown source allegedly destined to John Lear, which writes about a space conflict between U.S.
Govt./alien "Blond" groups(READ: WHITE RACE PELASGIAN ANDROMEDIAN CIVILIZERS) who are at war with the saurian grays-reptilians (READ:
Already from 1985, namely about 22 years before the disclosures of John Lear in 2007, G.H.REES wrote in their documents that Moon is a hybrid heavenly
body, namely an ex-natural body of a planetary system in the constellation of Draco, transformed to a natural-artificial body, namely a hybrid body,
which means transformed to a gigantic spaceship.
G.H.REES wrote that the entry of Moon to our solar system happened around 20.000 B.C. with a first attempt to enter our planet Earth’s orbit, that
The second attempt happened in 11.500 B.C. and succeeded. Moreover there is evidence that the Moon during its approach to enter Earth’s orbit
followed a collision course with our planet, and some pre-existed in our solar system forces, namely Andromedians, prevented this collision with ways
that are still unknown to us today.
After those G.H.REES documents and 22 years later, appears the American Pilot John Lear, obviously instructed by Rabbis, because he as a technician is
impossible to have such knowledge that pertain to fields such as comparative hierography and examination of “John’s Apocalypse” in which this
“CUBE” is referred, this gigantic ship that is referred in it, has also gates with valuable stones and valuable materials etc. So it’s
impossible for Lear to have this knowledge and therefore this knowledge was given to him by Hebrews Rabbis.
The question is why in 2007 Lear made this so called “disclosure” instructed by Hebrews Rabbis. The possible explanation is that after the
debunking of the teachings about Moon (Selene) as allegedly “a chariot of Zeus”, a teaching that was attempted to pass in Greece by the “Epsilon
Group” through the book of General Kalogerakis with title: “The Return of the Gods”, in which is written that allegedly “the moon is commanded
by Zeus” of the Hellenic Dodecatheon, after the debunking and cancellation of the above teachings (by G.H.REES and by others), obviously the Hebrews
Rabbis made a decision that they cannot pass this teaching – fraud – bluff and are forced now to a retreat by admitting the reality through Lear:
namely that the Moon is a Dragonian (reptilian) hyper-ship.
But they add the conscious lie that it is all about an “experiment”. It is not an experiment, and there is no experiment, because this fraud and
bluff about an experiment has numerous times been attempted by Hebrew circles and moreover by Dragonian demons of Metatron who communicate with
Earthlings mediums, to which those demons say that: “the Moon is here from another place in the Universe, in order to commit a galactic
experiment”. There is no experiment. It is a clear military – war mongering – piratical invasion with purpose the stealing of the raw materials
of Earth, and afterwards the departure – transition of the Moon, according to the secret teaching of “Holy Mount Athos of Halkidiki” about
«Ανταναίρεσις» (=Departure for vengeance) of the Moon, in order for the Dragonian fleet with flagship the Moon to transit to another
Solar System in order to repeat the robbery of raw materials that is already committing here in our Solar System. (See also the destruction of the
lost planet “Phaethon” or “Maldek” for same main reasons, namely for the rapid mining of the titanium and rest valuable stones and raw
materials – in today’s asteroid belt).
Therefore, Mr. Lear is transferring conscious lies of the Rabbis, that however have extensions. G.H.REES is “speculating” (which means that is
sure) that Mr.Lear will begin in the close future to make announcements of also things that he does not know but will be revealed to him by Hebrew
Rabbis, namely that: “those who are about to save us from the Moon will be the forthcoming allegedly Govermental Andromedians of Zeus”, but they
will really are mutineers Andromedians of Saturn – Cronus – Savit - Savaoth (Examine: Hesiod’s Theogony) that will appear INSTEAD of the true
Govermental Andomedians of Zeus who are today stationed with more than 300 war planets in attack-battle-ready position in the orbit of planet Saturn
(See all the observed accumulation of new irregular Satellites of Saturn after year 2000 and several unexplained astronomers deaths and
“accidents” following), in order for the Cronians and their ships to appear in the surface of planet Earth with false impersonation of the alleged
Andromedians of Zeus, and to drive the axles US.E.J. (Trilateral USA – EUROPE – JAPAN) and T.I.M. (Tibet – India – Mongolia) against the axis
R.I.C. (RUSSIA – ISLAM – CHINA) into a World War.
Already G.H.REES in their documents has given the criteria of separation of the genuine and bogus Govermental Andromedians of Zeus with the following
general determination, amongst others:
The main mark – proof that the first wave of the forthcoming will be the Andromedians mutineers of Pseudo-Zeus namely of Savit – Savaoth –
Saturn, is that they will ask for the axles US.E.J. and T.I.M. to commit a World War 3 provocative attack against the axis R.I.C.
If they act like this then this will mean that they are not the true Govermental Andromedians of Zeus but this will be a proof that they are in
reality mutineers Andromedians of Savit – Savaoth – Cronus – Saturn who are allies of the Lunar Dragonians.