posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by thehumbleone
How then, you tell us how it happens, of you are so sure they occur buddy???
Your all full of crap, i cannot believe this thread is still going it should have been sent to the skunkworks forum, it stinks of skunk.
What a waste of webspace, after all this discussion none of can discuss why it may occur or try to investigate. You cant admit that you may have a had
a lame education. 70% of Americans would be able to find america on a map due to the horrible public school system, and yet you wonder why you cant
find australia or think NZ is the wrong place.
It is a joke and ATS should have scrapped this thread long ago. If a timeline shift happened it would have happened worldwide or at a singular level
not to a select group of delirous attention seekers. Get a life and focus on more reliable subjects and dont waste ATS member time and ATS webapce you
clowns.... arrh how fustrating, no wonder people here get a bad name, it's you pople that give the rest of us a bad name.
Yes for christ sakes Nelson Mandella is alive, the only reason you noticed is because of that new movie. There are thousands of influential figures
that are alive or dead that most of you ignorant Americans havent even heard of because you are all too self centered and dont have aclue what is
happening outside your own country.
All the statements on this thread just show your stupidity and rather than admit ignorance you claim something supernatural is happening.
I can tell you this, if a timeline shift had happened, you wouldnt have clue as it would happen to a past version of yourself and that timeline is
Conciousness is seperate but you wouldnt know the difference. Lame thread and unbelievable that it has managed to obtain to many flags,stars and
pages.....what a joke and a low point for ATS!!