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High School:1955 vs. 2010

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posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:40 PM
Geez, most of those modern scenarios are really over the top- with the former being far too stereotypically nostalgic.
Romanticism sucks. BTW, the 'good-ol' days' of 1955' belongs to the era when the Negro population couldn't vote. Just my thoughts.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:42 PM
People, when living in limit times, tend to develop a silly nostalgia. Sorry, but IMO it's a foolish cry about past times, making non-sense and selfish comparisons about problems characteristic of each era, and not take account of human progress achieved so far. People guess the '50s a paradise age??? For who exactly??? I assume only to caucasians, once to other ethnic groups was a hell. WTF?? How was the level of life of afro-descendants, asians, native-americans and latins, in the Western white society in the '50s???
Lets take this to another parameter: The technological one. What were the chances of a heart patient having a life with relative quality, in the '50s? And a mutilated, a blind? Nowadays we have almost perfect organ transplants, drugs that ensure a post-surgical comfy survival, we have prostheses developed with space engineering and even face transplants. How could be the life of a person attacked by an wild animal and disfigured in the face, in the '50s?
The issues reported here, teenage violence, early sexual activity, bad education, suicides, etc, are like that, due to decrease of familiar structure's quality, during the Hippie era. The abuse of promiscuous sex, drugs and irresponsible behavior became a lifestyle to '60s-'70s generation. There was a vacuum, a social void, during the '80s. That generation had to face AIDS and had to face a wild competitiveness in the workplace, due to the demands of technological and social responsibilities. But they were unable to educate their children on the basis of high human values, 'cos they were educated by the hippie generation. The '90s-'00s generation grew up in a ultra-competitive world and quite materialistic, on the edge of social collapse. The current violence and promiscuity, are more results of the loss of mutual human respect, but if we look at history. Ancient societies had deep human decay, without necessarily having achieved any technological advancement, as the Babylonians and Romans, for instance.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ucalien]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by kissy princess

BTW, the 'good-ol' days' of 1955' belongs to the era when the Negro population couldn't vote.

In the '50s the Negro population couldn't live, actually, since they could be lynched, hanged, burned or shot, just by being on the "wrong side" of the sidewalk or entering the "wrong restaurant" to eat ... Vote was just a minor detail...

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:51 PM

ok, its clear you have been indocrinated by the Beck diseased mindset....just telling you how it is.
As far as your girlfriend being called trash by a unattended 8 year bul3s$#@ detector going off there.

Your making my gaydar detector go off so i guess we are even

As far as talk back in general to authority...I feel sorry for those kids that felt fighting for whats right is trumphed by how old a person is.

Whats the fight your talking about? As long as your elders are right you should respect them. Im sure you wouldnt hold the door open for a 90 year old with a kane. Thats your mind set.

As far as political correctness...PC is another term for respect and are either for it or against it..make up your mind already

As far as are you saying we need stronger gun control laws? what exactly are you suggesting with the nonstop guns...tell you what buddy, you can take my gun from my cold, dead hand (if I ever decide to own one that is)

You should be able to respect someone without feeling like your walking on glass around them. You cant respect anyone who gets so easily offended by the least of gestures.

No bring up a child telling them that pulling a trigger doesnt make you a man. You get bullied? Lift weights, get in shape, take some MMA classes make a example of the bully and noone else bothers you. Dont go get a gun and shoot up the school because some kids called you fatty.

But of course everyone always wants the fast easy way right?

You can literally crusify yourself on your my guest, but the second you put your christmas decor on land my tax dollars is paying for, I will put the biggest satanic symbol right beside it....and encourage jews and muslims to put whatever they want up also...oh, and pagans, druids, etc etc etc. keep your mythos off my tax dollar supported sidewalk.

Fine you do that, im not a christian none of that offends me. But im not soft skinned like some people are. Oh I hate the color yellow it offends me noone should be able to wear yellow clothing out in public!! Cause I dont like it! :|

and finally, lets me say this on record. If your child is lets say...10 years old and your still spanking him/ as a parent have do not know how to be a parent, you have not taught them critical thinking and , you lead only in fear and violence and your creating yet more sewage for society that will abuse their children just the same. I suggest you simply shoot the child verses teach them violence solves all disagreements verses discussion and cause/effect.

keep dreaming gramps (pfft, I am probably older than you anyhow)

Ask the Columbine parents did they spank. I bet they say no. Ask them did they fail as parents. I bet you they say yes. So how should i teach them consequences ground them from their PS3 for a month but give in to them only 3 days later like most parents do? Thats really teaching them.

Their was a lot wrong in the 50's. Their is a lot wrong today. Their has been a lot wrong since modern man. But my only point is i think kids where bought up with more morals, respect, and responsibilities back then. I also think a majority of the programs on radio and tv were more wholesome back then. A ton less sexual endos and crap on tv. And if you ask me kids now need more of that but you can disagree all you want.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ker2010]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

I don't know if anybody already said it, but we should remember that the new policies that made these changes were made (or allowed) by those that were in High School in 1955.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
reply to post by On the Edge

I don't know if anybody already said it, but we should remember that the new policies that made these changes were made (or allowed) by those that were in High School in 1955.

This is pretty spot on. However, the majority of the people making the rules these days were likely well meaning pacifistic revolutionary 60's kids. They are in charge and they have become the demons they hated in their youth. Our local high school and middle school are less than 8 years old. We just opened a new elementary school. Except for the decorative school colors, they all look the same. They all look like prisons.

If you treat kids as if they are modern prison inmates, they will begin to act like criminals. It is not rocket science. I emplore anyone with kids to either home school them or send them to private school. If you cannot, please look for a decent public school system because, in fairness, there are some out there.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 07:41 PM

That wasn't my question, quit dodging it. When does hitting a child cross the line from correction to abuse?

If you saw a parent hitting a child with a belt, when would you step in?

The purpose of spanking is training, not punishment, and never to vent anger.
For a child to learn discipline, the parents must discipline themselves. This means not spanking out of anger or frustration. Out-of-control parents will never have controlled children.

That's why God made bottoms...a very cushioned part of the body that's still quite sensitive. Striking with an open hand until you see tears, is usually all that's needed.

If a parent is disciplined and methodical, spanking is not abuse or violence.
In fact, spanking can eliminate child abuses, like screaming in their faces or calling them names, or worse...ignoring them and letting them run wild.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ker2010]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by ker2010

Please stop dodging my question: when does a parent cross the line from "teaching a lesson" to abuse? If you saw a parent hitting a crying child, would it be abuse? When would you step in or notify someone?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

It all depends how hard they were hitting them how big and strong they are and what they were using etc etc many factors.

HOW would you estimate a child is being grounded to long?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by ker2010

So, you agree then that there is no clear definition of "teaching a lesson" or abuse my hitting the child?

If you saw someone hitting a child, you don't think you could accurately judge whether the child is being "taught respect" or abused?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
reply to post by ker2010

So, you agree then that there is no clear definition of "teaching a lesson" or abuse my hitting the child?

If you saw someone hitting a child, you don't think you could accurately judge whether the child is being "taught respect" or abused?

Oh yes im sure i could.

I know kids who were spanked they turned out great, know some who were grounded and spanked they turned out good too and some that were just grounded they turned out fine as well. As long as the parent it showing the kid they are boss and you shouldnt disrespect your parents.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ker2010]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by ker2010


Well, let's say you see a man that's about 200 lbs hitting an average-sized 8-year old girl. She's crying as he's hitting her, but it's over her pants so you can't see if there is bruising or blood. You also don't know what she did to deserve the hitting, how frequently he hits her, the strength of the other spankings, or if he uses implements and what those implements are.

Now, with all those questions in mind, you're sure you could see an adult hitting a child and know for certain if the hitting is just a punishment, or if it's indicative of an abusive relationship?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:13 PM
Yes i could probably tell. I took MMA for a year or so and also bounced part time for two years in my mid 20's and have gotten in my fair share of altercations. Im pretty sure i can look at someone and tell if they are doing physical damage to someone or not.

but thats just me.

In the same aspect some people who go to jail can not be proven 100% guilty. The jury may have pronounced then quilty even without physical evidence.

So you are in the same effect saying we should do away with the judicial system cause it has flaws. People have been in prison years and let go after being found innocent years later.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ker2010]

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ker2010]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by ker2010

Nice strawman argument.

What I was trying to point out, between all your deflecting and dodging, is that there is no clear concensus, even from you, on what is "abuse" and what is "teaching" when it comes to hitting. I've yet to see any studies showing that grounding causes permanent damage, but I've seen plenty showing psychological damage from abuse in the name of "teaching".

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:20 PM
Your argument is flawed. A parent could ground there child for so many months and whose to say it doesnt depress the child and cause them to run away or commit suicide. Kids have killed themselfs over lesser things.

Anyone with common sense can tell the difference of abuse or a all out beating of someone from a moderate spanking.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ker2010]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by ker2010
Your argument is flawed. A parent could ground there child for so many months and whose to say it doesnt depress the child and cause them to run away or commit suicide. Kids have killed themselfs over lesser things.

Source? I have plenty of sources that demonstrate the damages of physical abuse. Also, the number of parents who ground to that extent are dwarfed by the number of parents who are physically abusive.

Anyone with common sense can tell the difference

of abuse or a all out beating of someone from a moderate spanking.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ker2010]

And anyone with common sense would realize that if you have to hit a child routinely for the same offenses, it clearly isn't working as a deterrent.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Noone said to only use spanking. But some kids do not respond to grounding and respond better to spanking. So if grounding doest work spank, if spanking doesnt work whats left? Military school...

So your saying every child who got spanked reguardless of how well they turned out as adults came from abusive parents no matter how well their intentions.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ker2010]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by ker2010

Or you could stop being a negligent parent and try to figure out WHY your child is a hellion. God forbid you do that. Let's instead just reach for a belt or switch.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by ker2010
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

So your saying every child who got spanked reguardless of how well they turned out as adults came from abusive parents no matter how well their intentions.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ker2010]

Please show me where I said this. You seem to love making up arguments for other people.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

You just said spanking is bad therefore if a parent does it they = bad

just simple logic you need not say a word.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by ker2010]

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