posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:54 PM
In light of denying ignorance, I thought I would interview a friend of mine in Egypt named Maha El Masry. She's a 24 year old traditionalist Muslim
who chooses to wear a full burqa, also known as niqab. She even covers her eyes with a thin cloth, so nothing can be seen. In this interview I will
ask her about women's rights in Islam, what she thinks about western women.
Me: do u want to explain for people why you wear you burqa? Is it forced upon you?
pure heart: since i was a child
pure heart: i used to look up to women who wear it
pure heart: whenevr i saw one of them
pure heart: i used to feel very happy
pure heart: and respect towards them
pure heart: no body told me at all to wear
pure heart: on the contrast
pure heart: many people try always to make youngwoman scared from wearing it
pure heart: but i felt inside me its the right and best thing for me
pure heart: so when i joined the university
pure heart: i felt its time to wear it
pure heart: and when i told my family about my decission
pure heart: they ALL opposed me
pure heart: they told me no body will propose to u
pure heart: u will not find a job
pure heart: and u will be mistreated cause they think whoever wear it is an extremist
pure heart: but was strong in my decission
pure heart: and tried so hard to convince them
pure heart: and finally was able to wear it
pure heart: i wanted to show them all
Me: And has it effected your ability to find jobs?
pure heart: that wearing niqab will not hinder me from education or work
pure heart: yes
pure heart: the governmental jobs
pure heart: but i worked for myself
pure heart: i gave private lessons
pure heart: and earned more than those who for for the government earn
pure heart: and after university
pure heart: i continued my study
pure heart: although many other girls who dont wear niqab dont study after university
pure heart: iam very happy with my decission
pure heart: i feel peace and secure
Me: What about this quote from ATS?: "Just look at all islamic countries, you dont see independent women, with careers, enjoying freedom like nowhere
else. They are free to study (islam) and free to make babies (along with other wives who are owned by a "husband"). They are sold like cattle, and
killed like wild game. They can't show their faces, nor talk to people on the streets, nor, in most cases, even walk in the street."
pure heart: of course this not true
pure heart: i went to university
pure heart: and was asked to show my face to people
pure heart: but ITS ME who insisted on wearing niqab
pure heart: and the woman here when she gets married
pure heart: islam and the law gurantees all her rights from her husband
pure heart: she has also the right to get divorce if he is not a good husband
pure heart: she not is not only a mother and a wife
pure heart: but she is also a doctor. engineer, teacher, and any job u can imagine
pure heart: she can never be sold, cause islam appreciate women so much that the husband should gurantee a good life for her when he proposes
pure heart: a woman in islam is like the very precious diamond
pure heart: if any body has a diamond
pure heart: he wont just leave it eveywhere and with every body
pure heart: but he will put it in a safe place
Me: most Arab women go to university though?
pure heart: yes
pure heart: and most of them are educated
pure heart: and most of them get good jobs
pure heart: even better than men
Me: but what happens when they get married?
pure heart: what do u mean?
Me: do they stop working>?
pure heart: it depends on what they agreed to do
pure heart: some husbands prefer to make her stop working
pure heart: and she agrees with him
pure heart: like me if iam to get married
pure heart: i will like to stay at home
pure heart: but others prefer to let her work
pure heart: giving the woman the right to work outside her home is not a good thing at all
pure heart: if this is the democracy and the freedom they talk about
pure heart: then we as muslim women dont want it
Me: you just want to be with ur children right?
pure heart: we dont care about what they think
pure heart: yes
pure heart: its my first mession on this earth
pure heart: Allah didnt creat me to work at fields or in factories
pure heart: Allah created me for a much importand and vital role
pure heart: to raise generations
pure heart: let money and jobs go to hell
pure heart: i just want to be a good wife and mother
pure heart: its my first mession on earth
pure heart: if iam able to do it and work at the same time its ok
pure heart: but my family is first
Me: what do u think about western world... which makes women work in order to survive as a family? is that freedom?
pure heart: they are simply destroying the family and the whole community
pure heart: i feel sympathy for those poor western women
pure heart: i dont like to be in their postion at all
pure heart: iam like a queen in my home
pure heart: dont have to go and deal with bad people ouside home to get money
pure heart: cause simply iam not created for such mession
pure heart: my father, my brother, my uncle....can do that better than me
pure heart: and at the same time
pure heart: they can never play my role at home
pure heart: they have their role
pure heart: and i have mine
pure heart: everybody knows what exactly should be done
pure heart: this is how Allah wanted us to be
pure heart: from the creation of adam SAAW
pure heart: since*
pure heart: since women went to work
pure heart: the children started to be so bad
pure heart: drugs and sex started to be everywhere
pure heart: they do everything arong cause their mother is busy at her work
Me: and also less jobs available for men, right?
pure heart: yes
pure heart: thats why alot of men now cant afford a family
pure heart: while a woman whose husband gives her money and who is not need for money has a job
pure heart: this is injust
Me: what do u mean?
pure heart: for example
pure heart: if a married woman is working
pure heart: and ofcourse her husband is working too
pure heart: then...they have two salaries
pure heart: while another youngman
pure heart: who wants to start his life
pure heart: doesnt have any salary at all
Me: and he can't get the job because the woman has it.. but they dont need the extra money?
pure heart: cause simply women are working in the postions youngmen should have
pure heart: yes
Me: so do u think women's rights were taken away by Islam? or given by Islam?
pure heart: women had no rights at all before islam
pure heart: she was buried alive
pure heart: simply because she was a woman
pure heart: she was not allowed to live her life after her husband dies
Me: or receive inheritance?
pure heart: she was not allowed to own money at all
pure heart: yes
pure heart: but after islam
pure heart: she restored all her rights
pure heart: Allah talked about buring her alive in quran
pure heart: and said that she didnt do anything to be buried
pure heart: and the prophet SAAW said
pure heart: whoever raises three daughters in a good way
pure heart: and treats them well
pure heart: and spends money on them
pure heart: till they get married
pure heart: he will go to heaven
pure heart: the prophet SAAW also said
pure heart: that men and woman are equal in rights and duties
pure heart: but that doesnt mean
pure heart: that she has to do exactly the same as the man does
pure heart: she just has a role to play
pure heart: and he has his
pure heart: but when it comes to laws
pure heart: they are both equal
Me: what are some other rights given to women? what about them being provided for even after divorce? or child birth?
pure heart: islam gurantees a good life for the woman even after she is divorced
pure heart: when the husband divorces her
pure heart: he still has to keep her in a house
pure heart: and spends on his children even after she leaves.
pure heart: its called in islam, nafaqah
pure heart: and she has the right to keep children until they are old enough to decide.