posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:52 PM
I do not hate Jews, I dont see the point. I cant tell the difference between a Jew and another white guy. In anyway hate is such a negative emotion
which only sours the heart of the hater. Do yourself a favour and let go of the hatred.
There are a couple of things I do hate.
1.Being termed a racist or anti-semite simply because I criticise someone.
2.Using religion as a justification for occupation.
4.The killing of civillians
7.Denying others the right to live.
Now, I come from South Africa, I am what you term a boer (white farmer), I see alot of parralels between South Africa and Israel. What I dont see is
the International community responding the way they did when South Africa implemented seperate development (Apartheid). We had sanctions against us
and huge international pressure and all we asked was for the right to live seperate from the black people. We didnt Build a huge ass wall to deny them
access to water and arible land. And just so you know in South Africa the ratio of white to black is about 1 to 6. So it wasnt a majority supressing a
minority. Im not justifying apartheid. Im just questioning why the different response? Is it International Guilt for the holocaust?
While studying for my law degree i took a course on International Humanitarean Law, and it is from here that I take my opinions on Israel. Israel is
the biggest violater of International Law ever, they dont give a fk about what anybody else says. Anybody saying anything against Israel is labelled
anti-semitic, even Judge Goldstone, himself a Jew, is labelled anti-semitic because he dares criticize the use of unreasonable and indiscriminant
force by the IDF.
Secondly the blockade Israel is enforcing is responsible for the starvation and killing of many innocent civillians. The wall is against International
Law but just dont criticise Israel for they are Gods chosen people. Whose God, their own God, One of the Gods of all the other religions? Then also
expelling people from their land and claiming all the natural resources and slowly starving them. Blocking the roads so that even ambulances arent
even allowed to transport patients to the only working hospitals.
They complain about terrorists but deny the people a legitimate means of warfare. If you cant get guns what are u supposed to do throw rocks?
Unfortunately for the palestinians they dont have the backing of the United States to provide them with billions of dollars worth of weapons. In my
opinion the US is just as responsible as any of the parties involved for the mess in the middle east.
If the Israelis are really Gods chosen people then God must be a murderous fiend,for no righteous person can honestly say that they are acting in any
way befitting of that title.
Also using one of the greatest tragedy`s ever to occur on earth to justify your heinous ways is just as bad as the act itself. Using the holocaust as
a justification for invasion and annexation is scandalous and evil.
In south Africa the English placed thousands of boer woman and children in concentration camps and burnt all the farms, allowing thousands of woman
and children to perish from starvation and disease in their concentration camps and their scorched earth policy. All because the mighty British empire
couldnt steal the Gold from what they thought were a bunch of backwards farmers, but when the fighting became too tough they chose to burn our farms
and murder our women and children. But we dont bitch and moan about it and use it as a justification for war. No we bite our lips as we are
discriminated against on a daily basis, while discrimination against whites is written into our constitition.
So I know what Im talking about when it comes to apartheid. Israelis are systematically wiping out the palestinians and taking their land all through
religious justification and the International commuity sits back and support them. How about some equal treatment here ffs!