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China Foreign Minister threatened retaliation

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by oozyism

'The bigger they are...the harder they fall'.

Compared to 40 or 50 years ago, China has much further to fall, and will do much harder.

Unless this posturing and fist waving is all orchestrated and planned out in advance as part of some diversionary tactic, or to foster an 'new cold war' (VERY profitable situation for MIC), i still can't see China, having worked hard to get to economic footing it now enjoys, to essentially throwing it all away, because they're a little upset with it main customer base!


posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 07:23 AM
OK, here we go, there is so much passion and patriotism from Americans, thining they are the most powerful force on earth. But the US forgets one thing, count up all the countries that G H Bush, Clinton, G W Bush and now Obama have ticked off, bombed or invaded, now join those up with Russia and China, thats what the US has to deal with, a war on multiple fronts, and with very few allies willing to help,Israel and maybe Britain and parts of her commonwealth, Australia and Canada.

Russia controls the energy, so thats Germany and France in Russian pockets, China brings with it, India, North Korea and Iran. Include Syria, Lebennon and Venezeula.

All this hinges on one thing, when is Israel going to attack Iran, thats the flame to this immense fuse, when that attack takes place, because we all know its planned and ready to go, then the Arab League will be forced to support Iran, thats the worlds oil supply in favour of Iran

Its the beggining of WW3, think of it like chess, all the pieces are now falling into place, and when Israel attcks, America and her allies will be responsible for a first strike, putting them on the wrong side of a war that will be as much about public opinion as it will be about military might.

For the record, Russia has over 1 million men in its army, so does North Korea, and China can call up over 9 million, with over a billion of military age, so Obama, still feeling lucky??

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:13 AM
This is just the typical criminal practice of greed and theft by government. What they are doing is creating a fraudulent rational by which they will steal property once they have fabricated a case against someone who doesn't think the way they want them to.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:24 AM
China is probably worried because they saw what happened in Georgia. If you want a war with China it's the perfect flashpoint. All that is needed is the Taiwanese equivalent of Saakashvili elected in a color revolution of some kind and your good to go. I believe one of the only reasons we aren't at war with Russia right now is because China refused to play ball and go to war with them. Now China is the target.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by spikey

It's unlikely China wants war. If your winning the peace you don't want to start a war. However the people in control of the west might want war because they are lossing the peace but are still in a good position to win a war. China will be made to appear to be the aggressor, the MSM will see to that regardless of what happens.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:04 AM
I learned long ago that intelligent discussions on serious topics are not to ever be expected here on ATS. This thread just emphasizes that fact.

First off, if you're going to talk about war, you all need to get out of your heads that every war is going to be world war-like. The historical record shows that the size and scale of wars tend to lean towards the smaller side. The two world wars, the Korean War, and even the Gulf War and Iraq War are the exceptions in warfare.

If one actually takes a look at what would be the "essential elements," so to speak of a U.S.-China confrontation, one is looking at a very limited war. In fact, the trend that we have been seeing since the end of World War II is that wars are limited and more timeless. This translates both in the insurgencies we are fighting and have fought in places like Afghanistan and Iraq as well as with the big nation-states like China.

I find a military confrontation with China unlikely, but if it did happen, there would be no "destroying of factories" or annhilation of their "puny navy." Politics dictate warfare as does warfare dictate politics. If we fight China, it'll be for very limited objectives using limited means. Its not about being politically correct, its about ensuring our short-term and long-term survival.

To illustrate this concept, what is the most likely reason we'll have a military confrontation with China? Taiwan's independence. If we fight China, out objective is to defend Taiwan, nothing more, nothing less. China's goal is to annex Taiwan, nothing more, nothing less. The only way the war can escalate is if either side finds a reason to, but I'm just not seeing any. Some people point to the PRC's cyber attack potential as an origin for escalation, but I think their capabilities are overrated. Even if such capabilities were that potent, there would be no legitimacy nor reason to "destroy their factories."

The worst that can actually happen is the U.S. Seventh Fleet taking on the entire Chinese invasion force. It'll be an air and naval war and even if the PRC does make it to Taiwan's shores, ground combat will be something done by the ROC. It is very unlikely the U.S. will deploy ground troops and even if we did, the likelihood we'd get them on Taiwan and positioned in time is very unlikely.

I will go into more detail if people wish.

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