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The biggest conspiracy the world has ever known

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:03 PM
If you ask me, the secret of the power has been handed down from generation to generation, with the help and support of some powerful industries, and hands of government and religion, to fruition into the perception we have today. TPTB of that time, had the old testament, new testament, torah, and quaran written, the book of enoch, all of which were written by the victors of the dynastic times. What happened to the predynastic people to have them start the agricultural industies is the question. And who was the earliest banker and where did their ideas come from?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:10 PM


posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by Springer

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Apocolypto



This post was not offensive to anyone. why was this removed?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by Apocolypto

Go to page 6. Go to the bottom of the page and read what Springer had to say. And then, go back and read the whole OP.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:15 AM
Against our own Species or Against LIFE?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:39 AM
Yes OP I agree 100%! It's sad how divided we are

By the way I only read to page 3 it's hilarious some of the reactions your getting

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Wallachian

reply to post by blupblup

Why do I even bother being a decent person and apologizing? I didn't read one or two lines I read the whole OP and it seemed serious to me so I was pissed and left my comment. I didn't want to read what others had to say especially if the thread was what I thought it was about.

Don't tell me about not reading threads and just comments, oh and that I must need pictures to keep my interest... Get a life.

I apologize and yet you sit there and say # like that. Real mature
I'll make sure to stay the hell away from your threads. You pompous jackasses.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:21 AM
Excellent points Muckster. Perhaps paradoxically I find that people who belong to the "leave me the hell alone to live my life as I see fit" group are most trustworthy. Than again they'd never gotten around to actually forming a group, which ultimately works out nicely.

Kind regards, M.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by Muckster

You're not racist but you only drink Caucasians


No seriously, good point lost on many folk. People will take 1% truth and 99% lies and convince you to focus on the 1%. There are good and bad of all people. But they try to focus your hate so you are blind to everything peripheral.

Divide and conquer, compartmentalisation, very simple psychological warfare.

(removed unnec. vulgar comment)

[edit on Wed Jan 27 2010 by Jbird]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by highlyoriginal

My post was not directed at you, please don't take it personal. There were many people in the first pages that completely missed the point of the thread. There are still some people that do it in the last pages.

I tend to take things personally too, but understand that I didn't think of your post when writing mine. No need for name calling, eh?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by thewind
interesting as you said about the orthodox Jews in there ceremonial tradition ! they will not mix milk and meat ! but will drink blood and eat meat but will not mix of the 2 or eat a pig and will not eat a bloody cooked rare steak! as in the bible it is said that god condemns man to drain the meat of blood of an animal it has something to do with the wicked Men of old (before the flood ) Cannibalism i would assume or the life is in the blood

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by Muckster

Yep you are right not worried about people here debating who is right..there is so many bad things on the world that we will never be able to overcome so much pain and hated.....sadly the only way to forget our differences is to "DIE" and born again.......will be the only way to understand each other...and lived in peace.
A lot of people don't really understand that there is so much that we carry on the inside as a result of millions of years of "evolution", that we are no less than Animals...we are even worst because he have the ability to's world there is not space to be reasonable and tolerant...
Please do not make a great debate of what I'm going to say...this is just an example to support my idea....I'm an immigrant and since I came here I being asked so many times whether or not I'm legal...I work at a customer service, just for my accent people always show a negative position, treating you like crap...this just shows how much hatred people carry on the inside, ...God blessed this country long time ago...but I bet that we are in our own now after all the things that we have done to this beautiful country...and what we have become...
great post S&F have a great day..

[edit on 27-1-2010 by johnygius]

[edit on 27-1-2010 by johnygius]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by Muckster

Muckster, firstly i want to say yes brother we are all the same and for gods sake the sooner we realise this the better! Black, white, oriental, asian, men, women, gay, straight, transvestite, well you get the point here we're all the same in the end. Human beings.

the problem of course is that some of us can have our beliefs and not affect others and some of us can have our beliefs and destroy the lives of others. Think the catholic church and banning contraception here. The catholic church is resonsible for millions of deaths because of this simple act and because of this there will always be hate and conflict.

This is only a small example.

Peace man, seriously i wish you peace.

ImaginaryReality1984, first I would like to apologise for not responding sooner... i don’t know how but I completely missed your post earlier.

Sorry mate... was just having a second read through and found it

Once again you raise an excellent point... I agree with you completely. Although I am a Christian I can also see the harm that elements of organised religion can do. I agree with your example of contraception and the Catholic Church!! Although I will not go into depth here, regarding my thoughts on that particular issue, because it would be somewhat off topic and long winded

However, you will find that there are many religious people who are like me... We have our faith but we do not try to convert everyone around us (trust me when I say I know how annoying that is) instead we just leave people alone unless they ask... We also do not go around judging and condemning those that do not agree with our way... One thing I hate is that "follow my particular brand of religion or face an eternity in hellfire" mentality!!!

I do recognise that there are areas of organised religion that, quite frankly, suck!!!

But... you have good and bad in all organisations that are run by humans... Business’s, political groups, protest groups, religious groups, social groups... you get good and bad in all of them.

No one would ever suggest banning all political groups just because of the few hate filled extreme right wing political bodies out there. Unfortunately though this is often something that happens regarding religion.... i have seen it first hand... Someone once asked me if a was religious and when i said “yes, i am a Christian” they launched into a rant about babies in Africa dying of AIDS because “my” Church wouldn’t let people use condoms and how religion should be banned!!
Without getting into my personal life too much i told the person that was not MY Church and “I bloody use condoms myself”

And that was the point of my thread... To make people think before judging people by their affiliations and preconceived notions of those affiliations... To make people think before judging on skin colour or cultural background... to treat EVERYONE as individuals!

We all do it... i am certainly no saint; this is a message to myself as much as anyone else!

Peace to you to my friend... and thanks once again for a thoughtful and polite response

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by RizeorDie
this is the dumbest thread i ever read... blame everyone for everything and you're so perfect...

Jumping on sound logic, is not equal to jumping into the deep end of the pool.
Actually your statement does justice to the OP by reinforcing the prejudice of shallow thought economically in only a few words.
It always helps to have a poster child. Thanks

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by Muckster

That is fair enough muckster, that post of mine honestly wasn't an attack on all religious people though, i was just using it as one small example. You are quite correct in saying that people shouldn't judge someone simply because of their affiliations, race, sexuality etc. Although i must admit if someone tells me they're a BNP member i would have several judgements pop into my head

It sounds rather hippy like to just talk about accepting people for who and what they are, that we're all human, brothers and sisters but in the end that is the truth. Sadly we live in a world where people are kicked to death for being a goth.

Still a good thread, i liked the way you presented it as well. Cheers.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz
Well I'll tell ya, I am not jumping on the jews drinking blood bandwagon. The reason I say that is because of what the old testament says about eating unclean meats. The info I posted about jews drinking blood comes from supposed history, and who knows, maybe someone had an axe to grind back then?

History is as accurate as the person penning it down at the time it's actually happening. The source for the jews being blood drinkers is said to be the "Talmud". I will buy a copy and read it before I say anything about any jew drinking blood.

The original post I made on the drinking of blood was when Jesus told his diciples at the last supper that for them to consider the "wine" as "his" blood! Then, if memory serves me right, he said that when they eat the bread, that was his body! So, if drinking wine is the same as drinking blood, I guess I'll never eat another piece of corn bread, light bread, or garlic bread then! I don't want to be accused of eating the Messiah on a daily basis!

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:38 AM
All this talk about jews, christians, muslims, etc, and the dividing of the races? I learned one thing years ago, and that is there are no athiests or rascists in a foxhole! Let bullets start flying and you don't care what color the skin is on your buddy next to you!

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:58 AM
This thread is a shining example of the stupidity of the vocal underbelly of ATS.

The OP has made quite an interesting thread, and it is something of an experiment. It appears the OP's stupidity test on a large proportion of you has proven positive for stupidity. I thought as much.

I swear that most of you are still in U.S. high (dim) school, and take the world at face value.

You know what I find most interesting? That a Christian is willing to talk about the hypocrisy paralysing their religion. A rare thing indeed.

Plaudits to the OP.


posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Parallex

I agree. I think the OP made an excellent point. It's a shame that some felt the need to analyze the prose rather than explore the point being made.

Divide and conquer is an excellent tactic. After all, most conflicts are about stuff. You have stuff I want, I will invade your country and take it. Whether that stuff is land, resources, gold, or a position of tactical advantage to go get other people's stuff, it's all about what 'they' have.

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