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U.S. Marine 'I Killed Innocent Civilians'

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posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 06:10 PM
I wonder how many remorseful muslim videos I could find? That would make a great counter thread to this anti war propaganda thread. Oh, wait I don't think there is such a video to be found.

Bali Bombers no remorse killing nonmuslims

At least our guys do have a conscious and know right from wrong.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by jerico65

your right, it does sound like that, but I am not meaning to attack the soldiers, I am meaning to attack the SOCIETY that REQUIRES soldiers.

I am just so depressed with the entire world situation latley. I am not thinking clearly or communicating clearly.

I am sick of society. I KNOW there are probly a heck of a lot more with the best of intentions, and as I mentioned in my fist post, DEFENCE IS important and HONERABLE, but NOT attacking innocents or having a mentality to go with a crowd like that......those are the kind I was generalizing about.....there are two different groups I am addressing.

I should have mentioned both to shpw the contrast....

the men who are MEN, and want to protect their woman, children and country, are obviously NOT in the same category I was talking about.

If you are in the service, or ANY job, you can tell the difference between who's heart is in it, and who's got their hand out bogging everyone else down.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by SideWynder

I agree with you...I was just plain wrong in my answer, please see above answer. I hope it makes it clearer.

I am alittle ashamed of my hasty answer now that i see how UN neutral it appeared..... sorry..

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by itsawild1

And I suppose YOU are a REAL Christian? What a joke

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by mellisamouse

Yes, and thank you for your response.. and clarification. It is a "big person" that can admit when they have done or said something inappropriate.,
Not that you were wrong, it was just the way you expressed yourself. So I thank you for clarifying what you were trying to say. I do respect your opinion, and your thoughts and feelings. thank you for your input. And please also forgive me if I was a bit harsh..
I understand how you feel, but as I have posted earlier, just because we hear about all the bad stuff, does not mean that is all that happens all the time..
you may want to try to find a few "good jewels" that the msm and others gloss over.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by SideWynder]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by SideWynder

it is ok, it really IS such a touchy subject. I need to choose my words so carefully. I actualy cried once I realized how unclear and wrong my answer was totally not my intention.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by mellisamouse

I hate to "generalise" but, A soldiers greatest wish (especially a combat vet.) is to see the day when he will no longer be needed..(psychopaths excluded)

Out of any post that I have made, or will make. The above statement is the one that I would like you and all others to take to heart. Because from experiance, I honestly believe that "sums it all up"...

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Faiol

lol, you guys are fighting a country that doesnt even have an army and you call it a war?

There's no enemy there? First I've heard of that. Who the hell is it that's shooting at us and setting off those suicide bombs, then?

You sure have a funny idea of what constitutes "friends" and what constitutes "enemies".

its not fair, this is not WWII, this is not a war, as I said, this is a massacre

So unless a conflict is on the scale of WWII, we can't refer to it as a "war". I see. Do you entertain OTHER delusions as well?

I am not saying that the fault is on the soldiers, they are doing what they can to get out of there alive,

Why, pray tell, would they have a problem "getting out of there alive" if they are the only ones doing the killing ( I believe you referred to it as a "massacre") and there is no enemy to hurt them?

the problem is that, most of the population is dumb and really dont know what is going on in iraq and other countries, they think the US are fighting a real war ...

I guess I have to agree about the "dumb" population, probably for other reasons than you, but I really MUST take exception to it not being a "real" war. I've been involved in a couple of conflicts on a much smaller scale than this, but they were sure enough "real" wars. People died to prove that fact.

the whole problem is the knowledge of the americans that support the war ... if nobody supported the war, it wouldnt have happened ...

An apparent variation of the age old "what if they threw a war and no one came" peacenik joke.

but people still believe that they are trying to find bin laden HAHAHHA, what a joke

I think you watched too much Jericho

Hmmm. A joke. You have a strange sense of humor. I've watched men die as the butts of your jokes. It's not like your X-box. You don't get extra lives or do-overs in war. Death is real, and permanent. I guess you have a hard time grasping that.

I think you play too much X-box, too.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm
reply to post by SLAYER69

Look at Slayer what a big man.

Your son is in the military? Oh my god that's like so cool. I wish I had the balls to sit through bootcamp, get brainwashed, and go fight for Gold Oil Drugs, I mean that is what G.O.D stands for right? Too bad I was busy making money off the stock market crash by playing against the market.

You should receive a million dollars!

You should be happy your son is fighting for a non existent entity that was made up by war mongers called Democracy when this nation is a Constitutional Republic.

As per your previous post, yeah, I'm broke, and will die broke. So what? I didn't do what I've done for mere money.

That previous post, taken together with THIS post, amuse me to no end.

People like you look down their noses at people like me, and have the temerity to call us "mercenaries" as if that were a bad thing.

Passed any mirrors lately?

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by itsawild1
Read the bible, it says not to kill. The soldier should have read that 1 line before joining the military , for its a choice, do what jesus would do or do what evil would do. I guess he chose evil and now regrets his choice. Remember there is not 1 cristian in the military. all are false worshipers. Its a choise like becoming a prostitute or a drug dealer or a theif --all sin, all must be held accountable. The hero worship of the soldier is another anti-christ. More deep thought should go into a decission that is anti-god or regrets will come later.

You write policy for God now? Where can I get a gig like that? Is it ok with you if I don't subscribe to your false and overly-pacifistic view of Christianity?

I dunno which Bible you're reading, but the one most christians read says not to "do murder". There's plenty of examples of killin' in it that aren't murder. You may have difficulty separating those concepts, which is understandable given the propensities of a public education these days.

There is "not 1 christian in the military"? Does your Bible also say "judge not, lest thou shalt also be judged", or did they skip that page at the printers?

Hero worship? Most of the heroes I've ever known are dead now. Eminently mortal, and not to be worshipped.

A decision that is "anti-God"? You mean like the decision David made to go to war? That sort of decision, made by a man alleged to have been "a man after God's own heart"?

Are you SURE you read a bible, as some of us heathen do?

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 08:53 PM
OP: the lines of war have become obscured as the enemy hides behind the skirts and playpens of their families. Like cowards, they will not come out and fight.

The next time you are criticizing our forces for killing "innocent civilians," please walk to Ground Zero at the World Trade Center and tell yourself what ***tards WE are.

Walk down the street in Baghdad after a suicide bomber kills twenty or thirty innocent civilians, then come to me and tell me how we are so unfair and mean and kill innocents.

Then look around and tell me how bad we are after you visit the schools in Afghanistan where women and girls are finally getting treated like real people, or how Afghanis are learning how to grow something other than heroin poppies for a living.

Yeah, we're unfair. Not on your life.

Our soldiers can hold their heads high.

In World War II, we bombed Tokyo with firebombs and killed over 100,000 innocent civilians. Did you see that number? In Germany we firebombed Hamburg and killed thousands of innocent civilians. Did you see that number, too?

When you consider the millions of innocent civilians that were burned in the gas ovens of German concentration camps, our numbers pale by comparison.

You can call it collateral damage, if you like. I hate that term, myself. I prefer to think of it as necessary loss of innocent lives in order to eradicate the enemy. We are careful, whenever possible, to avoid innocent casualties in close combat. Otherwise, it is, my friend, a war. War is dirty, bloody, confusing, and often lacks direction and control. It is personal survival. You go in with a plan, then you try to survive.

Please, for the sake of our veterans, let up on this civilian death thing. They have an ugly job to do, and they are doing it more for the people of those nations than they are for themselves.

And that part about the Bible saying not to kill? You have to be kidding. You need to read the Bible. It's full of killing. That commandment is about MURDER, my friend. The problem with translating Hebrew into English is that the casual reader doesn't get it.

[edit on 1/23/2010 by Jim Scott]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

Please, for the sake of our veterans, let up on this civilian death thing. They have an ugly job to do, and they are doing it more for the people of those nations than they are for themselves.

I don't understand why a few posters in this thread keep trying to portray this topic as taboo. The truth should never be taboo. If you feel the death of innocent civilians is necessary as you stated here:

I prefer to think of it as necessary loss of innocent lives...

Then you shouldn't feel the need to shy away from debating those that claim it may not be completely necessary. You shouldn't feel the need to ask people not to discuss the truth. This topic should be discussed.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:18 PM
I changed my mind about vets.
Some of them are truly heroic.
This guy has guts.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:35 PM
Whats the big friggin deal. Three or four hundred years ago people went around waving swords stabbing each other to death in order to claim other peoples' lands and possesions. The rules of war as we know them have only been invented in the last hundred or so years. Before then killing civilians was part of war. We havent evolved much even though some people may think otherwise. All we have managed to do is figure easier ways to kill each other and establish a few rules on how to conduct war.

I hate seeing and hearing stories about people dying and suffer, but some people here need to stop acting self righteous. If your against the war sell your car and stop using electricity because your helping contribute to the demand for oil which started the war.

If history has taught me anything it is that WAR IS HUMAN NATURE.

I hate war and the consequences of it, but the reality is, It's what Humans do best.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by shyster55]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:42 AM


posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Jim Scott

OP: the lines of war have become obscured as the enemy hides behind the skirts and playpens of their families. Like cowards, they will not come out and fight.

The next time you are criticizing our forces for killing "innocent civilians," please walk to Ground Zero at the World Trade Center and tell yourself what ***tards WE are.

Are you saying we are over in Iraq because of what happened on 9-11.?..

Because your friend here is saying it's because of the oil.......?....

Originally posted by shyster55

the demand for oil which started the war.

If you are still believing that Iraq had anything to do with the attacks of 9-11 you should seek psychiatric help...immediately..

Then look around and tell me how bad we are after you visit the schools in Afghanistan where women and girls are finally getting treated like real people, or how Afghanis are learning how to grow something other than heroin poppies for a living.

Oh, so now you're say we are over there so little girls can go to school..?....

And you're right about the poppies.....that drug operation has been taken over by the CIA...(Criminals In Action)

Our soldiers can hold their heads high.

Please, for the sake of our veterans, let up on this civilian death thing. They have an ugly job to do, and they are doing it more for the people of those nations than they are for themselves.

They are doing it more for the people of those nations..???..... really..??????

Tell that to the 3 million innocent civilians that have been slaughtered since Papa Bush first went there in '91.......

Your excuse for killing innocent people is quite sickening to me....

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:31 PM
Oops I didnt read rainfalls whole comment before I posted.
I'll make sure to read someone whole post next time before I comment

[edit on 24-1-2010 by shyster55]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:07 PM
Hes a member of IVAW they have been proven to have fake vets get up at there conventions and talk about supposed war crimes. They have a political agenda they want to get troops out of Iraq unfortunately there way of doing it does more harm then good.

please read this and realize you must all ways scrutinize sources of information even if you are inclined to believe it.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by rainfall

Here let me save you time there was not 3 million people killed by us forces my got man thats 20% of there population starting in 1991. Funny thing with all this supposed killing of civilians why has there population jumped so drastically since Saddam was removed?

1991- 18,574,055 start of conflict currently 28,221,180 (2008) want to know why the population is increasing there safer then they were under Saddam. there population has made the largest jump in there history go figure. If we had killed 3 million civilians you would see a population decline since 91 not a huge jump of 10 million!

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by rainfall

Here let me save you time there was not 3 million people killed by us forces my god man thats 20% of there population starting in 1991. Funny thing with all this supposed killing of civilians why has there population jumped so drastically since Saddam was removed?

1991- 18,574,055 start of conflict currently 28,221,180 (2008) want to know why the population is increasing there safer then they were under Saddam. there population has made the largest jump in there history go figure. If we had killed 3 million civilians you would see a population decline since 91 not a huge jump of 10 million!

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